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Following preoperative testing for receptivity, proceptivity, and male mating behavior, 27 female cats received either lesions in the anterior or posterior portion of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) or sham lesions. Neither of the VMH lesion placements reduced proceptivity and receptivity scores. However, the female mating pattern was significantly altered in that although females in both lesion groups initially allowed a stud male to mount, they usually did not allow the male to intromit. As in rodents, the VMH in the cat appears to be an important neural area for the display of normal female sexual behavior. Low levels of male sexual behavior were seen in the 3 groups preoperatively, and no changes were observed in the levels of male behavior following lesion placement. Thus, because lesions that disrupted female behavior did not affect male sexual behavior, it appears that the neural areas controlling homotypical and heterotypical sexual behaviors are not necessarily neurally linked. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Using 23 sexually active male cats, the authors performed bilateral lesions of the medial preoptic/anterior hypothalamic area and olfactory bulbectomies, with the order of operations balanced. In all Ss, male sexual behavior was virtually eliminated by the combined operations. Increased levels of female proceptive behavior were seen after either type of lesion alone, and combined operations resulted in increased levels of receptivity. Results support the concept that there exists, within the brains of male animals, the neural basis for the display of female as well as male sexual responses and that certain brain operations may potentiate the display of female responses. However, it does not appear that the reduction of male behavior is necessarily coupled with an increase in female behavior, since no correlation was seen between the degree of enhancement of female behavior and the decrement in male behavior. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARCN) of female rats at 5, 20, 45 and 90 days of age was examined ultrastructurally. Axodendritic and axosomatic synapses were counted in 18,000 mum2 area of the ARCN in each brain. Axodendritic and axosomatic synapses in the ARCN of day 5 rats were very small in number. Axon terminals contained small spherical vesicles (SSVs, 40-60 nm in diameter). Occasionally large granular vesicles (LGVs, 75-130 nm in diameter) were found to coexist with SSVs in the endings. Pre- and postsynaptic membranes were thin. The ARCN at this age exhibited a large extracellular space which decreased with advancing age. In day 20 rats, axodendritic and axosomatic synapses increased in number up to about one-half of those of day 45 or day 90 animals. Synaptic vesicles increased in number and mitochondria were frequently encountered in the axon terminals. Pre- and postsynaptic membranes became thicker than those of day 5 rats. Further increase in the number of axodendritic and axosomatic synapses in the ARCN of day 45 rats was observed, and there were no significant difference in the morphology and incidence of synapses between day 45 and day 90 rats. Synaptic vesicles were numerous and pre- and postsynaptic membranes were thick. In tissue incubated with 5-hydroxydopamine (5-OH-DA) before fixation, small granular vesicles (SGVs, about 50 nm in diameter) which were labeled with 5-OH-DA were detected in a certain number of endings in all material taken from each age group, but the incidence of synapses containing SGVs was usually low. From these results, it can be proposed that an increase in the number of synapses in the ARCN is correlated wihh functional maturation of the ARC neurons.  相似文献   

This paper is a sequel to a study which showed that the dominant dimension for perceptual discrimination among normal voices was the male-female categorization and which also suggested that discrimination within the male-female categories utilized distinct dimenisons. The present study eliminates the male-female axis by treating the gender groups separately and making the within-category dimensions available for more sensitive analysis. The purpose was to determine the number and nature of perceptual parameters needed to explain judgments of voice similarity depending on talker sex and whether the stimulus sample was a sustained vowel or a short phrase. The similarity judgments were submitted to multidimensional analysis via INDSCAL and the resulting dimenisons were interpreted in terms of available acoustic measures and unidimensional voice-quality ratings of pitch, breathiness, hoarseness, nasality, and effort. The decisions of the listerners appeared to be influenced by both the sex of the speaker and the stimulus sample, although fundamental frequency (fo), was important for all judgments. Aside from the fo dimensions, judgments concerning male voices were related to vocal tract parameters, while similarity judgments of female voices were related to perceived glottal/vocal tranct differences. Formant structure was apparently important in judging the similarity of vowels for both sexes while perceptual glottal/temporal attributes may have been used as cues in the judgments of phrases.  相似文献   

We have found that the metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptamine increases in the hippocampus and that the metabolism of dopamine decreases in the striatum and thalamus during slow-wave sleep, and we suggest that these changes are related to this stage of sleep. We have also found that the concentration of dopamine increases in the hippocampus during slow-wave sleep, and suggest that this may be related to the subsequent appearance of paradoxical sleep. These data raise new questions on the hippocampal role in the sleep-wakefulness cycle.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out in 10-11-week old gonadectomized male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Dot-blot analysis and 3'-end digoxigenin-labeled 26 meroligonucleotide probe was used in detecting the mRNA level hypothalamic vasopressin (AVP). The basal hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level in the sham-operated intact males was 45% higher than that in the sham-operated intact females (P < 0.05). Plasma osmolality was also higher in the sham-operated intact males than in the sham-operated intact females (P < 0.05). The hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level in ovariectomized rats was 30% higher than that in sham-operated intact females (P < 0.05). Although the hypothalamic AVP mRNA level tended to be lower in castrated males than in sham-operated intact males, the difference was not statistically significant. The difference in plasma osmolality between gonadectomized males and females was statistically insignificant. In castrated males, hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level was decreased following sc injection of estradiol (P < 0.05), but testosterone, progesterone or a combination of estradiol and progesterone were without effect. In ovariectomized rats, sc injection of estradiol or a combination of estradiol and progesterone resulted in a decrease in hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level (P < 0.01), but progesterone or testosterone had no effect. The difference in plasma osmolality between gonadal steriod hormones-treated rats and vehicle-treated rats was not statistically significant. These findings indicate that gonadal steriod hormones can affect hypothalamic AVP-mRNA level in rats, through some central mechanism.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of the association between migraine and epilepsy is reviewed. Migraine-related epilepsy is categorized using defined diagnostic criteria. Migraine-induced epilepsy is only one of several migraine-related epileptic syndromes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the posttreatment changes in patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusions who were treated with either extraction or nonextraction express similar trends in the male and female patients. The material for this investigation was obtained from the records available in the Graduate Orthodontic Clinic at the University of Iowa. Ninety-one patients were treated for their Class II, Division 1 malocclusions, 44 subjects (21 males and 23 females) had four first premolar extractions and 47 subjects (20 males and 27 females) were treated with nonextraction. Matched normal subjects included 20 male and 15 female subjects for whom complete sets of data were available for the period of this study. None of these subjects had undergone orthodontic therapy. Thirty-nine cephalometric anteroposterior and vertical skeletal, dental, and soft tissue linear and angular measurements were derived. Twenty-four dental arch parameters were evaluated and included: overbite, overjet, maxillary and mandibular arch lengths, and arch widths, as well as tooth size-arch length discrepancies. Student t tests were used to compare male and female subjects for the following parameters: (1) absolute dimensions recorded before treatment, after treatment, and at retention; (2) the incremental changes between the various stages; (3) the relative posttreatment changes. The level of significance was predetermined at p < 0.05. From the current findings the following can be concluded: (1) There were significant differences in the size as well as the incremental changes of the various cephalometric dentofacial parameters between normal male and female subjects. (2) There were significant differences in the absolute posttreatment cephalometric changes between male and female subjects, particularly in linear dimensions. Similar, but less frequent, findings were observed in the relative posttreatment changes. (3) Significant differences in the posttreatment dental arch changes between male and female subjects were the least frequent. (4) Male and female subjects expressed similar statistical trends in the direction of posttreatment changes. Therefore clinicians should not expect to observe significant differences in the posttreatment trends on the basis of the gender of the patient. On the other hand, the changes in linear dimensions are larger in male than female subjects. Therefore, for a more accurate interpretation of growth and/or treatment changes, it is advisable to independently analyze data on male and female subjects.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondrial alanine aminotransferase (mALT) is known to be a very unstable enzyme, a property that has hindered efforts to purify it. In this report we examine the possibility of stabilizing mALT with ethanol, trehalose, and protease inhibitors. The presence of ethanol was shown to slow down the inactivation of mALT, increasing its half-life from 1 to 4 h. Trehalose was found to greatly enhance the stability of mALT in a concentration-dependent manner. In the presence of 36.5% trehalose, the half-life of mALT was 85 h. Of the protease inhibitors tested only antipain and chymostatin slowed down the inactivation of mALT but only within the first 24 h following preparation of the crude enzyme. It is concluded that the inclusion of ethanol and trehalose in purification protocols could aid the purification of the enzyme. It is also concluded that the inclusion of protease inhibitors in purification protocols of mALT may not be necessary as its inactivation does not seem to be due to protease activity.  相似文献   

To assist in the reviewing of prolonged EEGs, we have developed an automatic EEG analysis method that can be used to compress the prolonged EEG into two pages. The proposed approach of Automatic Analysis of Segmented-EEG (AAS-EEG) consists of 4 basic steps: (1) segmentation; (2) feature extraction; (3) classification; and (4) presentation. The idea is to break down the EEG into stationary segments and extract features that can be used to classify the segments into groups of like patterns. The final step involves the presentation of the processed data in a compressed form. This is done by providing the EEGer with a representative sample from each group of EEG patterns and a compressed time profile of the complete EEG. To verify the above approach, 41 6 h EEG records were assessed for normality via the AAS-EEG and conventional EEG approaches. The difference between the overall assessment via compressed and conventional EEG was within one abnormality level 100% of the time, and within one-half level for 73.6% of the records. We demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of automatically segmenting and clustering the EEG, thus allowing the reduction of a 6 h tracing to a few representative segments and their time sequence. This should facilitate review of long recordings during monitoring in the ICU.  相似文献   

Dynamics of arterial pressure and its hemodynamic components were shoen to dramatically differ in corscious and anesthetised animals. The data obtained suggest that corscious male cats, along with a baroreflex mechanism of resistance against involvement of the heart into the pressor response, have another mechanism acting in deficiency of baroreflex effects.  相似文献   

Describes 3 experiments with a total of 74 gonadally-normal male and 29 ovariectomized female Long-Evans rats. Male and female reactions toward odors from novel and original partners were observed prior to the male's attaining his 1st or 2nd ejaculation. The male's reaction depended upon the sexual condition of the female. Only prior to their initial ejaculation did the males prefer their original partner's odors to those of novel females and only if the odors were collected from the females prior to copulation. This finding corresponded with observations of the male's random choice of partner during copulation. Females responded nonpreferentially if they had copulated prior to testing and showed a marked decrease in responsiveness as copulation continued. Prior to copulation females preferred the odors from males which had not copulated to those of males which had. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Lesions of the medial preoptic-anterior hypothalamic continuum (MPOA-AH) disrupt both maternal behavior and male sexual behavior in the rat. To test the hypothesis that the 2 behaviors involve different neural systems in the MPOA-AH, small bilateral lesions were made in different anterior-posterior locations in the MPOA-AH of 41 maternal-sensitized Charles River female rats treated with testosterone propionate (.5 mg/day, sc), and the effects of these lesions on maternal and male sexual behaviors were assessed. Lesions centering in the MPOA disrupted maternal behavior (pup retrieval, nest building, and nursing), with anterior MPOA lesions being more effective (on pup retrieval and nest building) than posterior MPOA lesions. Lesions centering in the AH had little or no effect on maternal behavior. By contrast, male sexual behavior (mounting) was strongly disrupted by lesions in either the MPOA or the AH, with lesions in the rostral AH being most effective. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recorded single-cell and evoked potential (EP) activity in the postcruciate cortex of 45 acutely prepared cats during a classical conditioning procedure. The temporal pattern of response (PSH) of the neuron was separated into 3 components, and the trial development of learning changes for these components was examined individually. Changes over trials in the similarity of the EP waveform and the unit PSH were also examined. The unit response components showed changes in response at different trial periods; these changes could not be accounted for by changes at lower brain levels that projected to the cortex. This suggests that local learning changes were taking place in the cortex. The EP-PSH similarity decreased for neurons showing the largest changes in response during conditioning. Since the EP reflects the response of the whole population of neurons and a majority did not show learning changes, this could account for the observed decrease. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of EEG mapping and CT scan and analyse the correlation between the changes of the function presented by EEG mapping and morphology presented by CT. METHODS: The absolute power of EEG mapping and 9 parameters of CT in 30 normal controls and 31 patients with senile dementia were measured. The correlation was analysed quantitatively with multiple stepwise regression method. RESULTS: The EEG mapping of senile dementia revealed a diffuse increase in delta, theta power and decreased alpha power in most areas. CT scan showed cortical and subcortical atrophy in brain. There were positive correlations between the increase of delta power and lateral fissure, and between the increase of delta power and average cerebral sulcus. There was a negative correlation between the decrease of alpha power and the increase of lateral fissure. CONCLUSION: The EEG mapping and CT in patients with senile dementia are different from those in normal elderly. There is a correlation between the changes of EEG mapping and CT scan.  相似文献   

Personality, aptitude, achievement, and social-demographic characteristics of graduate students in 4 professional degree programs were investigated in a comparative multivariate analysis of the correlates of professional career choice. 173 male and 175 female 1st-yr graduate students in 2 traditionally male fields (law and management) and 2 traditionally female fields (education and social work) completed an extensive questionnaire. Results confirmed the central hypothesis of the study: Differences across careers for each variable were greater than differences between the sexes within careers. In contrast to previous findings, no significant sex differences were found in assertiveness, locus of control, or Machiavellianism. Sex differences were primarily confined to the variables relating to psychological masculinity–femininity and sex role attitudes. The limitations of the current design are noted, and it is stressed that these findings are correlational in nature. Preexisting dispositions and attitudes may be the best predictors of professional career choice, although it is equally possible that these attitudes and attributes are adopted after people have made their career choices (i.e., during graduate school). (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In previous reports from our laboratory we showed that the hypothalamus and especially the anterior pituitary gland of the Siberian hamster contain very high concentrations of substance P- and neurokinin A-like immunoreactive substances, as compared with other common laboratory rodents. It was thought, therefore, that a study of the developmental changes of these two tachykinins in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary of male Siberian hamsters would be of interest. In addition, as this species is very sensitive to changes in environmental light, these studies were carried out in animals kept under short or long daily photoperiods. The results of this investigation show that in male Siberian hamsters, photoperiod did not markedly influence the hypothalamic concentrations of substance P- and neurokinin A-like immunoreactive substances, which steadily increased from prepuberty up to 40-50 days of age. The influence of photoperiod, however, was much more marked on tachykinin levels in the anterior pituitary gland, because the developmental increase of tachykinins in this gland was significantly more evident in animals kept under short daily photoperiods than in animals under long daily exposure to light. These results are similar to those previously obtained in female Siberian hamsters, in spite of the fact that estradiol and testosterone seem to have opposite effects on anterior pituitary tachykinin concentrations. It seems, therefore, that, in addition to gonadal steroids, other factors may be important mediators of the tachykinin response to photoperiods in the anterior pituitary of the male Siberian hamster.  相似文献   

Twenty-four-hour changes in the in vitro serotonin (5-HT) uptake capacity of hypothalamic homogenates and of "Vibratome" slices of the suprachiasmatic nuclear region (SNR) of the hypothalamus were studied in 60-90-day-old Holtzman (albino) rats. Animals acclimated to artificially illuminated (fluorescent, LD 12:12) and temperature controlled (22 +/- 2 C) rooms were killed 6% each of 8 time points. Synaptosomal fractions from homogenates of whole hypothalamus, and slices of the SNR were incubated for 20 min in Krebs-Henseleit buffer with [3H]5-HT. Males showed a single daily peak in SNR uptake at the start of darkness, and a minimum near the onset of light, while a more complex pattern containing 3 peaks and minima occurred in uptake by hypothalamic homogenates. Proestrous females showed a single high amplitude peak SNR uptake during the critical period, just prior to the plasma LH peak determined in the same animals by radioimmunoassay. It is suggested that this short-term and 4-fold increase in SNR uptake of 5-HT may serve to limit free 5-HT and its inhibitory or other effects on the gonadotropin release hormone system and thereby on LH release and ovulation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Comparison of body composition results by two dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) instruments, namely QDR-2000 from Hologic Inc and from Lunar in subpopulations of lean and obese subjects. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study with 85 female diabetics (BMI 18-43 kg/m2) measured with both DXA instruments. RESULTS: The regression lines for fat tissue mass (FTM), FAT% and total body bone mineral content (TBMC), but not lean tissue mass (LTM), were different from the line of identity (P < 0.01). However, the relationships were high (r2 > 0.95), and the corresponding SEE%'s were low (0.8-4.8%), and were independent of BMI. FTM and FAT% measured by the QDR-2000 were 10% higher, and LTM and TBMC 6% lower, than by DPX (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: There were lack of agreements between total body composition results by DPX Lunar, and QDR-2000 Hologic Inc. Individual results on the two systems cannot be directly compared. Standardization of body composition measurements by DXA is strongly needed.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) E2 production was assessed in freely moving rats using the technique of microdialysis in the prefrontal cortex associated with parallel cortical EEG recordings. PGE2 concentrations were 40% higher during wakefulness than during slow wave sleep. PGE2 values varied during wakefulness with a maximal increase in the middle of the stage and a drop towards lower values before the occurrence of slow wave sleep. These variations were similar to those observed previously in the rostromedial hypothalamus, where PGE2 concentration was 2.6 times lower than that in the cortex. These data document a positive correlation between cortical EEG activation and PGE2 levels. Taken together with pharmacological data on the awakening effect of centrally administered PGE2, these observations are in favor of an involvement of PGE2 in the generation of wakefulness.  相似文献   

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