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We report three cases of intrathyroidal paraganglioma. The patients were adult women without significant personal or family histories that presented with an asymptomatic thyroid nodule. The tumors were single, well-circumscribed solid masses, 2 cm in greatest diameter, located within one thyroid lobe. Microscopically, they were encapsulated and showed the typical nesting (Zellballen) pattern of paraganglioma in other sites. Two of the tumors were composed of small- to medium-sized cells with granular amphophilic cytoplasm, and the third consisted of relatively large cells having a similar staining quality. Immunohistochemically, all tumors showed positivity for neuron-specific enolase, chromogranin A, and synaptophysin. S-100 protein-positive sustentacular cells were demonstrated in each case. Negative staining for epithelial markers, thyroglobulin, carcinoembryonic antigen, calcitonin, calcitonin gene-related peptide, serotonin, vimentin, and Congo red excluded other tumors that were considered in the differential diagnosis, such as medullary carcinoma, hyalinizing trabecular adenoma, atypical follicular adenoma, Hurthle-cell neoplasm, and metastatic carcinoid tumor. The patients were alive and well without evidence of recurrent disease at the time of the last follow-up. The previous literature on these tumors is discussed. We conclude that intrathyroidal paraganglioma exists and that this tumor can be distinguished from other similar-appearing neoplasms in this organ.  相似文献   

Three cases of primary pulmonary rhabdomyosarcoma in adults are presented. The patients were all men between the ages of 57 and 78 yr (mean 67.5). All patients presented with symptoms referable to their tumors, including cough, shortness of breath, pleuritic chest pain, and weight loss. In one patient, a history of tobacco and alcohol abuse was obtained. Anatomically, two tumors were located in the left upper lobe and one in the left lower lobe. Grossly, the tumors ranged in size from 6 to 11.5 cm and were tan-gray, firm masses with areas of necrosis and hemorrhage. Histologically, the tumors were characterized by a spindle cell proliferation admixed with areas showing a pleomorphic cell population with numerous rhabdomyoblasts and areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Immunohistochemically, all three tumors showed strong positivity with desmin and myoglobin antibodies and negative staining with antibodies against keratin, epithelial membrane antigen, and S-100 protein. All patients had a fatal outcome. Two patients died a few days after admission with respiratory distress; the third one died 2 years after diagnosis with widely metastatic disease. Autopsy findings in all cases disclosed disseminated metastases to multiple abdominal and thoracic organs. Primary pulmonary rhabdomyosarcoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis of poorly differentiated pulmonary neoplasms in adults and should be distinguished from other primary and metastatic sarcomas.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Malignant myoepithelioma (MME) of the salivary gland, also known as myoepithelial carcinoma, is rare and its biologic behavior has not been clarified fully. METHODS: Ten cases of MME were analyzed for their clinicopathologic features and immunohistochemical characteristics, focusing on prognostic factors and tumor differentiation. In addition, six cases of benign myoepithelioma (BME) also were examined for comparison. RESULTS: The ten patients with MME (3 men and 7 women) ranged in age from 48-81 years (mean, 61.9 years). Seven cases of MME arose in the parotid salivary gland, two in the submandibular salivary gland, and one in minor salivary glands of the soft palate. In the current series, the incidence of MME was 0.45% among 1945 cases of major salivary gland tumors. Seven cases of MME developed from a benign preexisting tumor (six in pleomorphic adenoma and one in BME). Four of nine patients with MME died of the disease and two patients developed a recurrence. It was shown that MMEs were comprised of one cell type or a combination of two cell populations; these included, in order of incidence, epithelioid, spindle, and plasmacytoid cells. Patients with MME with marked cellular pleomorphism and perineural invasion had a poor prognosis. Immunohistochemically, putative myoepithelial markers such as muscle actins, cytokeratin 14, vimentin, and calponin, and S-100 protein were expressed highly in MME. High and low molecular weight cytokeratins and epithelial membrane antigen also frequently were positive in MME. p53 expression was observed in five MME cases, four of which either recurred or were fatal. Cellular proliferative activity assessed by mitotic count and the Ki-67 labeling index was significantly higher in MME cases than in BME cases. In limited cases, such cellular proliferative activity was shown to have prognostic value. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells displayed certain myoepithelial characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: MME is a rare salivary gland tumor showing clinicopathologic diversity and presenting with various stages of myoepithelial differentiation. Histologic aggressiveness, marked cellular pleomorphism, p53 expression, and high cell proliferative activity were found to be correlated with a poor clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Bioactivity-directed fractionation led to the isolation of 19 compounds, including three oxoaporphines, oxopurpureine (5), oxonuciferine (6), and oxoglaucine (7); three aporphines, (+)-predicentrine (8), (-)-glaucine (9), and thalbaicalidine (10); one aporphine sensu stricto, N-formyl-purpureine (11); one proaporphine, glaziovine; one phenanthrene, thalicpureine (12); two 6a,7-dehydroaporphines, dehydrolirinidine (13) and 7-hydroxy-dehydroglaucine (14); four flavonoids, quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside, kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside, isorhamnetin-3-O-rhamnoside, and tanarixetin-3-O-rhamnoside; one purine, adenine; one lactam amide, squamolone; and two steroids, beta-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol-beta-D-glucoside from the MeOH extract of the leaves of Formosan Annona purpurea. Among them, 11-14 were characterized as new compounds and alkaloids, 5-8, 10, and 12-14 exhibited significant antiplatelet aggregation activity.  相似文献   

Recent reports of Ewing's sarcoma (EW) and extraskeletal Ewing's sarcoma (EEW) support the hypothesis that these tumors are neuroectodermal in origin. Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) of bone (32 cases) and soft tissue (25 cases) including those previously categorized as EW in 27 cases and EEW in 15 cases were carefully studied histologically, immunocytochemically and morphometrically, focusing on tumor cell differentiation. This study attempts to subclassify these tumors on the basis of the size of tumor cells and nuclei, their variations (uniformity or diversity), arrangement of tumor cells (rosette or non-rosette), focal differentiation to larger ganglion-like cells, and staining intensity for neural markers. All tumors were histologically subclassified as small, medium or large cell types, three basic subtypes (rosette type, abortive rosette type, non-rosette type) and four complementary subtypes (fibrillary type, non-fibrillary type, angiomatoid type, ganglion cell type). Classic EW or EEW is consistent with small or medium, non-rosette, non-fibrillary type tumors, previously described large cell EW with large, non-rosette, fibrillary or non-fibrillary type tumors, and classic neuroectodermal tumor with small or medium, rosette, fibrillary type tumors, according to the present subclassification. Clinicopathologic correlations with the different subtypes are discussed. Long-term survival, more than 5 years, was seen in patients with small cell type, and those younger than 14 years of age.  相似文献   

Epithelioid smooth-muscle tumors of the uterus are uncommon neoplasms for which prognostic factors have not been well established. A retrospective follow-up study of 18 uterine epithelioid smooth-muscle tumors was performed. Patients ranged in age from 27 to 83 years (mean, 45 years) and were separated into three groups based on the nuclear grade of the epithelioid tumor cells. Two tumors had grade 1 nuclei; both were examples of intravenous leiomyomatosis. They had highest mitosis counts of 1 and 3 mitotic figures (MF)/10 high-power fields (HPF), no tumor cell necrosis was found, and both patients were alive with no evidence of disease at 64 and 5 months' follow-up. Ten tumors had grade 2 nuclei. All had highest mitosis counts of 0 to 3 MF/10 HPF, except one (5 MF/10 HPF). Tumor cell necrosis was absent in nine and only one had an infiltrative border. Tumor size ranged from 1.5 to 14 cm. Two tumors contained pleomorphic ("symplastic") multinucleated giant cells similar to those seen in bizarre leiomyomas. All nine patients with follow-up were alive with no evidence of disease 5 to 203 months postoperatively (median, 74 months). One patient had also received adjuvant radiation therapy. Six tumors had grade 3 nuclei. Highest mitosis counts of 4 to 9 MF/10 HPF were found in five; one had 1 MF/10 HPF. Maximum tumor size ranged from 4.5 to 13 cm. Two had tumor cell necrosis, and two had an infiltrative border. Two of these patients died of tumor 11 and 132 months postoperatively. The former had widespread metastases at initial surgery (stage IVb); the latter patient (stage I) developed the first of seven tumor recurrences 3 years postoperatively. Both patients had also received adjuvant chemotherapy. Of the remaining four patients, two were alive with no evidence of disease at 48 and 83 months, one was alive (tumor status unknown) at 28 months, and one was lost to follow-up. Based on our findings and those in the literature, we conclude that uterine smooth-muscle tumors with a predominance of epithelioid cells are extremely uncommon and metastasize infrequently. No single histologic feature is predictive of metastatic potential. Clinically malignant tumors (i.e., epithelioid leiomyosarcomas) typically have the combination of significant nuclear atypia (either grade 2 or grade 3 nuclei) and some mitotic activity (usually at least 3 to 4 MF/10 HPF); most also have tumor cell necrosis.  相似文献   

Recently, cell size, cell density, and growth pattern were found to be reliable histologic parameters in separating benign from malignant duodenal stromal tumors. However, there are few data on the histologic features and important prognostic parameters of stromal tumors from other parts of the small bowel. Thus, we studied the clinical and pathologic features of 39 stromal tumors of the jejunum and ileum to determine which parameters would be most useful in distinguishing a benign from a malignant tumor. In all cases, the following histologic parameters were recorded: (a) predominant growth pattern (organoid, fascicular, solid, or mixed), (b) cellularity (low or high), (c) predominant cell type (spindled, epithelioid, or mixed), (d) nuclear pleomorphism (minimal, moderate, or severe), (e) the presence or absence of tumor cell necrosis, (f) the presence or absence of mucosal infiltration, (g) the presence or absence of skeinoid fibers, and (h) the number of mitotic figures per 50 high-power microscopic fields (HPF). Clinical follow-up was obtained in all cases, and the patients were considered to have suffered an adverse outcome if they developed metastatic disease or died as a complication of their tumor. In the absence of these features, patients were not considered to have suffered an adverse outcome. Twenty-five patients suffered an adverse outcome. Twenty-one patients died of disease from 1 month to 9 years (median: 2 years). One patient died at 4 days because of postoperative complications. Three patients were alive with metastatic disease at 6 months, 6 years, and 7 years. Twenty-four of these 25 patients developed metastatic disease, most commonly to the liver. Fourteen patients did not suffer an adverse outcome. Eleven patients were alive without disease from 2 to 11 years (median: 3 years), and three patients died of unrelated causes at 1, 1, and 3 years. Although there was some overlap in features between clinically benign and malignant tumors, features that were significantly associated with an adverse outcome included tumor size > 5 cm, mitotic counts > 5 mitotic figures per 50 HPF, high cellularity, the absence of a predominant organoid growth pattern, the absence of skeinoid fibers, the presence of severe nuclear pleomorphism, and the presence of mucosal infiltration and tumor cell necrosis (p < 0.05 using the chi-square and Fisher's exact tests). Features that were significantly associated with decreased survival included tumor size > 5 cm, mitotic counts > 5 mitotic figures per 50 HPF, high cellularity, the absence of skeinoid fibers, and the presence of tumor cell necrosis (p < 0.05 using the Mantel-Haenszel log-rank test). Given the fact that there is some overlap in these features between clinically benign and malignant tumors, a multiparametric analysis using the above features is the most effective way of predicting clinical behavior.  相似文献   

We observed endothelin (ET)-induced contractile responses on prostatic and epididymal segments, as well as the facilitation of an electrically stimulated tone on prostatic segments of isolated rat vas deferens. In both segments, the selective ET(B)-receptor agonists, IRL 1620 and sarafotoxin S6c, produced only a small contraction or no contraction at a concentration of 1 microM. The rank order of contraction potencies (pD2 value) was ET-1 = ET-2 > ET-3 > sarafotoxin S6c = IRL 1620. The maximum responses of ET-induced contractions in the prostatic segments were larger than those in the epididymal segments. The contractile response to ET-3 was antagonized by pretreatment for 30 min with BQ-123 (10 nM), a selective ET(A) receptor antagonist, and BQ-788 (1 microM), a selective ET(B) receptor antagonist. The contractile responses to ET-1 were antagonized by pretreatment with BQ-123 (10 microM), but not with BQ-788 (1 microM). The ET-3-induced facilitation on the twitch response to electrical stimulation in the prostatic segment of the vas deferens was antagonized by BQ-123 (0.1 microM) and BQ-788 (1 microM). The ET-1-induced facilitation was antagonized by pretreatment with BQ-123 (3 microM), but not with BQ-788 (10 microM). These results suggest that in rat vas deferens the ET(A) receptors are divided into BQ-123-sensitive ET(A1) and BQ-123-insensitive ET(A2) subtypes, and the production of a contractile response of smooth muscle as well as the facilitation of neurotransmission are accomplished through mediation by ET(A1)- and ET(A2)-subtypes.  相似文献   

Clinicopathological features of 28 patients with intraductal papillary tumor (IDPT) and 10 patients with mucinous cystic tumor (MCT) of the pancreas were studied. Both IDPT and MCT showed papillary projections of the epithelium with abundant mucus secretion in the ectatic ducts or cystic spaces. The patients with IDPT comprised 19 men and 9 women with a mean age of 64.9 years. Three fourths of the IDPTs were located in the pancreatic head, and the mean tumor size was 3.5 cm. Local recurrence was observed in one patient, but none died of IDPT. In contrast, all patients with MCT were women, with a mean age of 49.4 years. None of the MCTs arose in the head, and the mean tumor size was 7.1 cm. One patient died of MCT, but all of the others survived without recurrence. Eight IDPTs and three MCTs showed invasion into the surrounding pancreatic tissue. Muconodular infiltration was mainly observed in five IDPTs and one MCTs and tubular infiltration in three IDPTs and two MCTs. A characteristic histological finding associated with the muconodular infiltration in IDPT was subepithelial "mucin droplets" that appeared to represent a change in polarity of mucus secretion. The formation of such subepithelial "mucin droplets" may be the initial step of muconodular infiltration in IDPT. Muconodular infiltration in IDPT appears different morphologically and biologically from the mucinous carcinoma subtype of conventional invasive ductal carcinoma.  相似文献   

The clinical, microscopic, and gross pathologic features of 23 cases of intranasal hemangiopericytoma-like tumors are reviewed and studied. When in the nasal cavity, these lesions often originated in a paranasal sinus and extended into the nasal cavity secondarily. They occurred most commonly in adults in the sixth and seventh decades of life; there was no significant sex predilection. Twenty-two of the 23 patients were Caucasian. These patients most commonly had symptoms of nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Clinically the lesions were generally thought to represent allergic polyps. Although appearing microscopically as non-differentiated spindle-cell neoplasms, these lesions showed little nuclear or cytoplasmic pleomorphism, minimal mitotic activity, and no necrosis or hemorrhage or other evidence of anaplasia found in malignant tumors. Follow-up data showed no evidence to suggest a malignant or biologically unpredictable lesion. Nineteen of 22 cases followed showed no recurrence regardless of the treatment; those that recurred did so locally. No metastasis or other form of aggressive behavior attributed to hemangiopericytomas in other anatomic locations was seen in this series. Another case, diagnosed as a malignant hemangiopericytoma of the nasal cavity, showed dissimilar and anaplastic histologic features. This case metastasized and is discussed, though not included in this study.  相似文献   

REPORT: A retrospective review of major league baseball records was conducted for players' cause of death. Any death attributed to a toxic exposure was analyzed for causal agent, reason for exposure, age at time of death, location, time of year, team, and dominant position played while active. RESULTS: Twenty-eight poisoning deaths were identified between 1889-1995. The most common agent was carbon monoxide (8), followed by methane gas asphyxiation (4), opiate overdose (4), ethanol (3), and phenol (3). Fourteen (50%) were unintentional deaths, 13 (46%) were suicidal in nature, and 1 (4%) homicidal. The majority of deaths (75%) occurred after the players had retired from the game. The leading position was pitcher (13), followed by catcher (5), outfield (4), second base (2), first (1), shortstop (1), third (1), and umpire (1). CONCLUSIONS: With society's increased illicit drug use, better drug detection, escalating salaries, and increased public pressures placed on present-day players, more poisonings may likely occur.  相似文献   

Uterine tumors composed of a prominent component of smooth muscle (SM) and endometrial stroma (ES) (so-called stromomyomas) have received little attention in the literature. The features of 15 of these tumors, defined as those containing more than 30% of each component, were evaluated. Many of the tumors were referred because of problems in the differential diagnosis. Patient age ranged from 29 to 68 years (mean, 46 years). The tumors ranged from 3 to 27 cm (average 9.6 cm) in diameter, and most were grossly well circumscribed. The sectioned surfaces often had soft, tan-yellow areas admixed with firm, whorled areas. Microscopic evaluation disclosed that nine tumors were well circumscribed, and six had infiltrating tongues typical of endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS). The endometrial stromal component, which predominated in five cases, typically was characterized by a diffuse growth of closely packed, minimally atypical small cells accompanied by numerous arterioles and was desmin-negative in all cases tested, except for rare desmin-positive cells in three tumors. Five tumors showed sex-cord-like differentiation in these areas. The smooth muscle component, which predominated in seven cases, was composed predominantly of spindle cells in disorganized short fascicles, longer fascicles, or nodules with prominent central hyalinization. This component appeared benign, except in one case with moderate cytologic atypia, focal tumor cell necrosis, and 4 mitotic figures/10 high-power fields. The smooth muscle component was strongly desmin-positive in all the tumors tested. Follow-up of more than 1 year was available for seven patients. Six patients were alive and well, but one tumor with infiltrative borders recurred at 48 months as a pure endometrial stromal sarcoma. Mixed endometrial stromal and smooth muscle tumors should be distinguished from highly cellular leiomyomas, pure endometrial stromal tumors, and "uterine tumors resembling ovarian sex cord tumors," at least until knowledge of their clinicopathologic features is more complete. For treatment purposes, these tumors should be reported as endometrial stromal nodules or as endometrial stromal sarcomas with smooth muscle differentiation and any unusual features of either component recorded in a notation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The number of foreign or Chilean physicians with pre or postgraduate studies abroad, seems to be increasing. AIM: To report the experience of CONACEM in the certification of specialties for Chilean or foreign physicians that studied abroad. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The certification process for 90 physicians (38 Chilean and 52 foreign) with studies abroad is reported. Criteria for certification of specialties were the same used for physicians with studies in Chile and results were compared with those obtained by the latter. RESULTS: Physicians with studies abroad required additional evaluations with a greater frequency than local physicians, due to the fact that foreign training programs are not well known by CONACEM members. Eighty five percent of foreign physicians required those further evaluations, compared with 66.6% of all physicians certified by the commission. Fifty five percent of Chilean physicians with studies abroad did not accept this additional assessment. Applications for specialties of physicians with studies abroad, were rejected with a greater frequency than those of Chilean physicians (31% and 13%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Physicians with studies abroad applying for certification of medical specialties required more evaluations and were rejected with a greater frequency than Chilean physicians.  相似文献   

We report 25 sarcomatoid carcinomas of the urinary bladder with a prominent myxoid and/or sclerotic appearance. The average age of the patients was 72 years (range, 50-92 yr); 14 were men, and 11 were women. The cystoscopic appearance varied from a large polypoid mass to an intramural mass with bladder wall thickening, often with necrosis and ulceration. The tumors ranged from 3 to 10 cm and were typically rubbery or gelatinous with a brown, pink, or gray color. Microscopy revealed tapering spindle cells with a variable admixture of cohesive non-spindled cells. Twenty-two cases had an invasive overtly epithelial carcinomatous component, and in situ transitional carcinoma was present in 12 cases. All of the cases had areas with myxoid change, ranging from extensive to focal, separating the spindle cells. Fourteen cases had areas of sclerosis. In all the cases, the spindle cells were atypical, at least focally, with hyperchromatic pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and coarse chromatin. Mitotic activity was prominent in the majority of cases, and abnormal mitotic figures were frequent. In eight cases, the myxoid histologic pattern was very reminiscent of an inflammatory pseudotumor, a diagnosis frequently entertained and erroneously made in one case; many of the spindle cells in three of these cases were mildly atypical, with minimal mitotic activity. The spindle cells were immunoreactive for cytokeratin (12 of 19), vimentin (16 of 17), carcinoembryonic antigen (3 of 15) and muscle-specific actin (4 of 16), and nonreactive for epithelial membrane antigen, desmin, S-100, KP1, CD34, and Leu-M1. The epithelioid carcinomatous areas were highlighted by the cytokeratin immunostain. These features and the conventional light microscopic features indicative of a diagnosis of carcinoma distinguish this tumor from reactive of neoplastic mesenchymal lesions.  相似文献   

The clinical and pathological features of nine cases of pleuro-pulmonary endometriosis and the first case of pulmonary ectopic deciduosis are presented. The patients were all women between the ages of 27 and 74 years (median, 36 years) who presented with symptoms of catamenial pleural pain, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, or radiographically detected lung masses. Clinically, six patients were multiparous, one patient had pelvic endometriosis, and four patients had undergone prior pelvic surgical procedures, including dilatation and curettage. Radiographically, eight patients had pulmonary infiltrates or nodules, and four patients had pneumothorax. Three cases involved the visceral pleura and one case the parietal pleura. The other six cases, including the single case of ectopic deciduosis, involved the lung parenchyma. Histologically, the single or multifocal lesions were well circumscribed or infiltrative, nodular, cystic, or nodulo-cystic, and showed the characteristic features of proliferative or secretory endometrium with numerous mullerian metaplastic changes. Mucin stains were negative in five cases of endometriosis and in the single case of ectopic deciduosis. Immunohistochemical studies were performed in these same six cases using antibodies to epithelial, mesenchymal, vascular, and neuroendocrine markers. The glandular epithelium was decorated with antibodies to pan-cytokeratin, CK7, BER-EP4, ER, and PR, whereas the stromal cells showed positive staining for vimentin, actin, smooth muscle actin, desmin, ER, and PR. Follow-up information obtained in seven patients showed all women without recurrences after 1 to 20 years. The current study highlights the importance of recognizing intrathoracic endometriosis and ectopic deciduosis and properly assessing small biopsy specimens to avoid a misdiagnosis of malignancy.  相似文献   

Lipoblastoma/lipoblastomatosis is an uncommon benign adipose tissue tumor of children. Since 1958, 25 of these tumors from 24 patients have been reviewed in the Department of Pathology at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Tumors were resected from 19 boys (79%) and five girls, and 20 patients (84%) were < or =5 years of age at diagnosis. Twenty-three tumors presented as painless superficial soft-tissue masses; one tumor was retroperitoneal and was discovered because of vomiting; one hand tumor was present at birth. Tumors occurred in an extremity (n = 11 patients), the head and neck (n = 5), groin (n = 2), axilla (n = 2), back (n = 1), chest (n = 1), flank (n = 1), labia (n = 1), and retroperitoneum (n = 1). Thirteen tumors occurred on the left side, and five occurred on the right. Lesions measured 1.0-21.0 cm in greatest dimension; 15 of 25 (60%) measured < or =5.0 cm. The largest (retroperitoneal) tumor weighed 450 g. Eleven tumors were discrete lipoblastoma, and 14 had irregular margins (lipoblastomatosis). Microscopically, the tumors displayed adipocytes in different stages of maturation; lobules bordered by septae that were cellular in 11 cases; prominent blood vessels in 19 cases; and myxoid foci in 13 cases. Chart review of 22 patients showed that one tumor recurred 4 years after resection; one tumor recurred after 7 years as fibrolipoma; and one incompletely resected tumor enlarged and at second resection was lipoma. There were no metastases. Three patients also had hemangioma. Juvenile aponeurotic fibroma occurred in one patient near the site of resection of a lipoblastoma 4 years earlier. We conclude that lipoblastoma/lipoblastomatosis behaves benignly, occurs in both superficial and deep sites, occasionally attains large size, may mature, can recur, and may be associated with other benign soft-tissue lesions. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a clock drawing task (CLOX) designed to elicit executive impairment and discriminate it from non-executive constructional failure. SUBJECTS: 90 elderly subjects were studied (45 elderly and well persons from the independent living apartments of a continuing care retirement community and 45 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease). The clock drawing performance of elderly patients was compared with that of 62 young adult controls. METHODS: Subjects received the CLOX, an executive test (EXIT25), and the mini mental state examination (MMSE). The CLOX is divided into an unprompted task that is sensitive to executive control (CLOX1) and a copied version that is not (CLOX2). Between rater reliability (27 subjects) was high for both subtests. RESULTS: In elderly subjects, CLOX subscores correlated strongly with cognitive severity (CLOX1: r=-0.83 v the EXIT25; CLOX2: r=0.85 v the MMSE). EXIT25 and MMSE scores predicted CLOX1 scores independently of age or education (F(4,82)=50.7, p<0.001; R2=0.71). The EXIT25 accounted for 68% of CLOX1 variance. Only the MMSE significantly contributed to CLOX2 scores (F(4,72)= 57.2, p<0.001; R2=0.74). CLOX subscales discriminated between patients with Alzheimer's disease and elderly controls (83.1% of cases correctly classified; Wilkes' lambda=0.48, p<0.001), and between Alzheimer's disease subgroups with and without constructional impairment (91.9% of cases correctly classified; Wilkes' lambda=0.31, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The CLOX is an internally consistent measure that is easy to administer and displays good inter-rater reliability. It is strongly associated with cognitive test scores. The pattern of CLOX failures may discriminate clinical dementia subgroups.  相似文献   

This study is based on a review of all moles diagnosed at the Kaplan Hospital in Israel from 1968 to 1977. Histologic reevaluation revealed that of a total of 72 moles, 47 (65%) were complete and 25 (35%) partial. In contrast to complete moles, about one third of the partial moles showed fetal parts. An analysis of the patient records showed smaller uteri, less vaginal bleeding, absence of severe vomiting, lower gonadotropin levels, and normal follow-up in patients with partial moles as compared with those who had complete moles. These results indicate that the partial mole is a distinct clinicopathologic entity that can be suspected by the clinician and confirmed by the pathologist on morphologic grounds, even in the absence of cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

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