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In this study we ask how the planning process that coordinates the interests of various sectors on a municipal level affects the cultural heritage assets in suburban landscapes. Special attention is paid to the role the cultural heritage management sector plays in the overall planning processes that take place in such semi-urban regions.A case study is carried out in two suburban areas in Norway, Madla and Nannestad. The case-study design includes various methods; historical map overlay, visual methods, discourse analysis based on qualitative interviews and document studies. The case studies have been performed on two levels: a superior landscape analysis covering the total municipality, and a second and more detailed level.The results from this study show that the protection and caretaking of green interests in land-use planning is not necessarily a protection of cultural heritage interests. Cultural heritage is more to be seen as a derivate interest. Cultural heritage management seldom functions as a premise provider in municipal planning. The findings are discussed in conjunction with the need for comprehensive planning across administrative and disciplinary borders as cities grow into regions. There is also a need for the cultural heritage interests to play a stronger role in planning in order to obtain better preservation of the cultural monuments and landscapes.  相似文献   

Hedgerow network landscapes may be considered as greenways, as they provide agronomic, ecological, aesthetic and cultural benefits. They are among the most threatened agricultural landscapes of western Europe. Intensification of agriculture with the conversion of permanent grassland into ploughed land and the use of new machinery leads to the enlargement of fields and the removal of hedgerows surrounding them. There is a growing concern among conservationists, rural managers and the public to maintain these greenways as a framework for landscape sustainability.In France, hedgerow removal may be planned within reallotment programmes that take into account all the land of a municipality. In this planning process, criteria for keeping or clearing woody elements are based on agronomic properties of soil, environmental quality of elements and of the network, and property boundaries. Aesthetic aspects are rarely assessed. As rural landscapes are shifting from an almost unique function of agricultural production toward a multifunction of nature conservation, environmental protection, amenity and production, the conservation of hedgerow networks becomes of greater importance. The goal is now the protection of these greenways to provide not only ecological but also recreational and cultural benefits. In a case study in Brittany, we tried to link these different aspects. Our work is based on interviews and a landscape ecological survey. We found contrasting opinions between farmers and non-farmers concerning the density of the network. Nevertheless, the two groups agree on the necessity to keep greenways as part of their cultural landscape. Most of the people were not aware of the ecological role of hedgerow networks, and perceive them only by their visual properties. We proposed various scenarios based on ecological and aesthetic principles, and defined general guidelines for the design of new landscapes during reallotment programmes. The integration of different points of view by landscape planners is the only way to link visual values to productive or ecological processes, and must be effective in the case of the management of greenways such as hedgerows.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to document the changes in the bocage and semi-openfield landscapes of Northern Galicia from the second half of the 20th century and analyse the factors driving landscape changes. In particular, we examined (1) the dynamics of the field systems characteristics in these landscapes and (2) the interrelations with changes in dominant land cover, population and farming systems (in terms of productive structure, land use system and farming practices) dynamics. The picture of the1950s showed mainly semi-openfield field systems and nucleated villages that extended through valleys in the lowland, with banks in rough coastline sectors. In the highlands we found enclosed fields and scattered hamlets interspersed within large extensions of scrubland. In between both systems, a transitional area with mixed characteristics appeared. In 2000, the transitional area expanded from the former semi-openfields and banks areas, while the highlands still retain the enclosed character. The dominant land cover has experienced significant changes throughout the area, following an increase in woodland. A reorientation of the farming system was observed, a shift in which cropland lost importance with regard to grassland, the use of scrubland became marginal and forestry increased. The decrease in the number of farms and livestock shows decline in agricultural activity. This can be closely related to changes in dominant land cover and cropping patterns. Despite recent changes, this area still retains characteristic features of traditional landscapes such as the spatial pattern of field systems and ancestral cultural practices (e.g. extensive grazing of the scrubland).  相似文献   

As in other rural areas in Spain, the Asturian countryside suffers from a profound demographic and economic crisis. Since tourism emerged as one of the main hopes for the reactivation of rural economy, the regional government has made a particular effort in promoting rural tourism. This paper intends to assess the effects that naturalistic and atemporal narratives of Asturian landscapes exert on the rural farming communities, which define the ‘tourism imaginaries’ as they become established as identity referents not only for visitors, but for the inhabitants of the region themselves. Archaeology can enhance the local communities’ agency through the appreciation of cultural values attached to these landscapes. To this end, the diachronic depth of the social and productive processes which shaped the Asturian landscapes is emphasised by relying on Landscape Archaeology. The relevant role played by farmers and herders in these activities merits their involvement in actively designing future policies.  相似文献   

The study of garden history derives from roots planted firmly in art history. As it has matured as a subject it has gradually begun to look more broadly at what constitutes an historic landscape and make links with other disciplines of landscape study. This paper reports on a study of parks and gardens in the metropolitan county of Tyne and Wear. It argues that to understand the garden history of this area, traditionally unfashionable and essentially industrial, a restricted art historical approach is inadequate. An understanding of a complex web of economic and cultural factors is required. Issues which emerged in the research are explored through a series of themes based on site types.  相似文献   

The Sierra de Guadarrama is a valuable natural area, with ecological problems of degradation due to the high number of visitors from nearby Madrid. Visitors' landscape perception of the Sierra de Guadarrama is influenced by the activities they practise and, in the same way, their attitudes and expectations are not independent of the fact of practising one or another activity. Differences and conflicts between users are highlighted, and some recommendations for a better recreational use of the landscape are suggested.  相似文献   

The ethnographic research reported here reveals patterns of authority and learning on an experimental construction site that are significant for the promotion of a safety culture. It seeks to display the methods of understanding used by site personnel to constitute the construction site as a local work site. In making these explicit, an alternative is offered to recent suggestions that critical studies of situated learning demand recourse to historical or macro resources. Findings confirm insights from previous studies, detailing in addition: the role of trial and error; alternative bodies of knowledge underpinning competing authority structures; and complex and subtle patterns of the informal authority of elite manual workers, its ambiguity and its limitations. The experiential knowledge valued by site personnel forms a basis for the recognition of authority on site that can conflict with that of construction professionals. The conflict between forms of authority and knowledge can inhibit the dissemination of good safety practice: initiatives will meet significant resistance if they contradict the experiential knowledge of site operatives; if they do not make use of this experiential knowledge, they may fail to address hazards fully; methods of site learning, particularly in the development of innovative practice, are inherently hazardous.  相似文献   

Agri-environmental schemes are often targeted at heterogenic landscapes to support several ecosystem services besides food production. The question is whether heterogenic landscapes also support recreation values. Previous studies suggest this but statistical analysis of the relation between heterogeneity and recreation is lacking. To assess this, we used a quantitative Landscape Heterogeneity Index (LHI), developed for biodiversity conservation. We asked five different user groups to score 12 photographs of landscapes depicting different LHI. All user groups, especially conservationists and hunters, preferred the heterogeneous landscapes and this difference was statistically significant for all groups except farmers. Accessibility, in terms of roads, had no obvious impact on the recreational value conveyed by the photos. The paper provides evidence that the recreational value amplifies biodiversity-based values of heterogeneous landscapes and argues that such landscapes also provide resilience and insurance value buffering against unexpected risks. Implications for policy are discussed.

Highlights ? Recreational value was positively correlated to landscape heterogeneity.

? This correlation was statistically significant for all user groups except farmers.

? Accessibility, in terms of roads, had no obvious impact on the recreational value.

? The multi-functionality of heterogeneous agricultural landscapes including resilience and the insurance value should be better acknowledged in policy.


The residential vegetation features in urban landscapes play an important role as indicators regarding urban biodiversity potential and cultural changing. They also include ornamental resources in the context to landscape appreciation for human environment. Therefore, this paper provides quantitative information on the distribution of plant species in urban residential landscape areas of Trabzon city (Turkey). In a total of 218 sampled areas, 274 plants species belonging to 70 families were surveyed with respect to residential use types of the city. The study results showed that among the species recorded in five residential type (traditional housing, detached housing, villa, apartment blocks and sites, mass housing for employees), non-native taxa frequency of a total species are much and dominantly represent residential landscape structure. Additionally, the species richness and diversity is positively related to new urban development areas. But, it was clearly determined that the vegetation structure has tended to ornamental purposes different from traditional residential gardens including fruit and other benefiting species. Consequently, it can be evidence that the residential vegetation is ornamental plant resources to urban biodiversity and that the distribution of the species in urban landscapes follows necessities of city and human quality.  相似文献   

An example of an integrated approach to assess air pollution threats to cultural heritage in a semi-confined environment is presented in this work, where the monitoring campaign carried out at the Michelozzo's Courtyard (in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy) is used as a case study. A wide research project was carried out, with the main aim of obtaining the first quantitative data on air quality and microclimate conditions inside the Courtyard, and, if possible, identifying the main causes of degradation and suggesting appropriate conservation strategies. The investigation adopted a holistic approach involving thermographic measurements on the wall paintings, microclimatic analysis, gaseous pollutant monitoring, atmospheric particles characterisation and dry deposition compositional analysis. Attention was focused on the wall painting depicting the city of Hall because of its anomalous and critical conservation conditions, which are visible at a glance, due to the contrast between a wide darker zone around the central subject of the painting and external lighter areas.  相似文献   

The Sierra de Guadarrama is a valuable natural area, with ecological problems of degradation due to the high number of visitors from nearby Madrid. Visitors' landscape perception of the Sierra de Guadarrama is influenced by the activities they practise and, in the same way, their attitudes and expectations are not independent of the fact of practising one or another activity. Differences and conflicts between users are highlighted, and some recommendations for a better recreational use of the landscape are suggested.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of farm advisors on farmers’ decisions regarding ‘Multifunctional landscape commons’, a concept covering environmental and landscape values that benefit the public but which depend on farmers’ management practices. The influence of advisors is analysed by combining data about the source of advice with evidence of land use and landscape changes and participation in subsidy schemes. The study compares three agricultural areas in Denmark. Structured interviews were carried out with all farmers possessing more than 2 ha land in 1995–6 and in 2008. Vertical, production and business-oriented advisory services predominate, together with legal and organisational spatial competence networks. A new group of hobby farmers and pensioned farmers tend not to be included in traditional advisory networks, leaving them to carry out landscape changes and multifunctional landscape commons without professional guidance and consultancy. This means the horizontal coordination among farmers, that is, the territorial competences, decrease.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether European, Mediterranean and natural landscapes might trigger identification responses among residents of Mediterranean Europe. The participants (N = 546) were students from three Italian and three Spanish regions who rated their level of place identification by looking at eight pictures of prototypical landscapes, each depicting a unique combination of attributes in a 2×2×2 research design (European/non-European, Mediterranean/non-Mediterranean and natural/built). The results confirmed both European and natural landscapes as stronger carriers of identification than non-European and built landscapes, respectively, whereas no differences emerged between Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean landscapes. The statistical analysis of two-way interactions showed the amplification effect of the combined European–natural landscape, whilst a less clear picture emerged from the other two interactions. These findings suggest that landscape images may be used to foster a more inclusive identity at the supranational level and thus increase the sense of belonging among European citizens.  相似文献   

Since Information Systems Development (ISD) project success is difficult to achieve and the literature has shown the relationship between IS developer skills and system success is mixed, this paper isolates and studies the knowledge shared by users and developers and its interaction with group solving practices that may lead to ISD project success. We evaluate developer’s knowledge of application domains and user knowledge of IS development along with the level of group problem solving among users and developers as related to the ultimate success of the project. A survey of 168 ISD professionals indicates that a combination of both user knowledge of IS development and IS developer knowledge of application domains had significant impact on successful project outcomes. The magnitude of this success is moderated by the level of group problem solving activities held by the project implementation teams. Up to a certain point, the more group problem solving interaction the more successful the project outcome. However, if knowledge redundancy is very high then exchange of knowledge is not so essential.  相似文献   

Culture and creativity: A case study from the West of Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking the dynamics of second tier city of Galway as a case study, this paper sets out to answer two simple and related questions: How important has culture been to the city’s economic and social development, and how integral is culture in maintaining the city’s economic and social sustainability? In order to provide answers, we look at the city’s development in relation to an emerging body of literature concerning creative cities. We focus on production of culture and gauge its assimilation into the economic life of the city by looking at various facets of the city’s economic structure, including the technology sector.The aim of this paper is to look at cultural policy in Ireland under three interrelated domains: Technology; Institutions; and Spatial Culture (encompassing the place of public performance in urban morphology). The case study of a second tier city provides interesting insights for policy and practice as well as cultural/creative activity arising out of place specific circumstances. The paper explores the changing role of culture and concludes by drawing attention to the tensions surrounding the perceptions of ownership of culture and questions to what impact this will have regarding the city’s sustainability into the future.  相似文献   

The correct management of livestock manure represents one of the major challenge for the agricultural sector development, as it may ensure environmental and economic sustainability of livestock farming. In this work, a new treatment process called N-Free®, was monitored on two plants treating digested cattle manure (DCM) and digested swine manure (DSM). The process is characterized by sequential integration of solid/liquid separations, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and cold ammonia stripping. Solid and liquid streams were characterized regarding TS, TKN, N–NH4+, P and K content allowing to draw a complete mass balance. The main results were a substantial reduction of initial digestate volume (38 and 51% in DCM and DSM respectively) as clean water and a high N–NH4+ removal percentage (47 and 71% in DCM and DSM respectively), through cold ammonia stripping, allowing the production of up to 1.8 m3 concentrated ammonium sulfate, every 100 m3 of treated digestate. The concentrated streams, rich in either organic or mineral N, P and K, can be efficiently used for land application. The N-Free® technology demonstrated to be a valuable candidate for the path toward nutrient and water recycle, in a new sustainable agriculture and farming concept.  相似文献   

Life cycle management (LCM) can be applied to the whole construction process, thus making it possible to improve sustainability indicators and also minimize the environmental loads of the full building life cycle. To illustrate this, a case study has been carried out based on the application of the LCM approach to a typical Spanish Mediterranean house located in Barcelona with a total area of 160 m2 and a projected 50-year life span, which has been modeled according to the Spanish building technical code (CTE). The aim of this research is to use sustainability indicators in the pre-construction and operation (use and maintenance) phases and also to promote and support the adoption of the LCM within the construction industry. This paper concludes that regarding the significant environmental issue of climate change, there was a total emission of 2.34E03 kg CO2-Eq/m2 per 50 years, of which about 90.5% was during the operation phase (use 88.9% and maintenance 1.7%) and the pre-construction phase account for a total of 9.5%. In terms of this dwelling's environmental loads, the operation phase is the most critical because of the high environmental loads from energy consumption for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, electrical appliances and cooking.  相似文献   

Recognition and understanding of landscape dynamics as a historical legacy of disturbances are necessary for sustainable management of forest ecosystems. This study analyzed forest dynamics and spatial–temporal changes in land use/land cover pattern in a sub-temperate like alluvial forest land with 1778 km2 area along the Eagan Sea coast of Turkey (İnegöl). This area is studied by comparing Landsat images from 1987 to 2001 and evaluated with spatial analyses of forest cover type maps from 1972, 1983, 1993 to 2004 using GIS. The study investigated temporal changes of spatial structure of forest conditions over the period using Fragstats™.The results showed that the forested areas increased both in between 1972 and 1993 years (3.3%) and between 1987 and 2001 years (6.7%). In terms of spatial configuration, İnegöl forests are generally fragmented in the latter periods due to intensive forest utilization, illegal use, expansion of settlements and infrastructural development in the lowlands. Land use pattern significantly changed over time depending on a few factors such as unregulated management actions, social pressure and demographic movements. In conclusion, land use changes have developed in favor of forestry over time between 1972–1993 and 1987–2001. The study revealed that demographic movements have a minor effect on landscape dynamics. Both spatial and temporal changes and the factors affecting these changes should be determined for developing sustainable management of forest resources.  相似文献   

Land use planners in many countries have recognized the importance of the aesthetic values of landscape. Their desire to incorporate these values into decision-making processes has created a need to identify valid ways to quantify the scenic characteristics of landscapes. This has led to an increasing interest in the use of spatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) methodology in assessing visual attributes of the landscape. The objective of the present study is to assess the visual changes in a rapidly developing coastal area of Egypt using remotely sensed data (satellite images and aerial photographs) and raster GIS modeling. The analysis assesses changes between a period characterized by a vernacular, relatively natural landscape (1950s) and the beginning of the exploitation of the region for resorts (1990s). Using land use/land cover classes extracted from the satellite images and aerial photographs, four visual attributes of landscape are identified: land use/land cover diversity, activity (degree of naturalness), proximity to the shoreline, and topographic variety. A composite index is also developed. Although these attributes and the composite index rely mostly on the type of land use/land cover information on the landscape under consideration, the adopted techniques succeed in detecting several changes in the attributes, spatially locating them and mapping the magnitude of their changes. This study demonstrates what can be done to analyze and assess what is usually considered an incommensurable resource, the visual attributes of landscapes. It also reveals the extent of the impact of unplanned or ill-planned activities on one of the fragile resources of arid landscapes.  相似文献   

Coping with climate change includes the role of learning and knowledge. Taking a process perspective, this article analyses how municipal officers in the Oslo region of Norway are acquiring knowledge and building competence for adapting to climate change. The article illustrates the interaction between elements of experiential learning, transformative learning and social learning as bases for adapting to emerging climate changes; each being necessary and none alone being sufficient. Their importance differs according to how profound the changes in knowledge and competence are. Experiential learning and transformative learning are stronger under single-loop learning whereas social learning might emerge as more important under triple-loop learning. Because of the uncertainties of climate change, the central government might be wise not to issue detailed regulations for adaptation by municipalities.  相似文献   

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