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Penetration of methicillin through the blood-liquor barrier in neurosurgical patients was studied. When administered in a dose of 2 gm the drug penetrated through the barrier in 1/3 of all observations within 1 to 3 hours. Increased liquor pressure in the patients resulted in prolongation of the antibiotic effect in the cerebrospinal fluid. The methicillin levels in the liquor were no sufficient for the growth inhibition of most methicillin sensitive staphylococci.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the weaver gene (Reeves et al., 1989; Patil et al., 1995) inhibits neurite extension and/or induces death of the granule neurons in homozygous weaver mouse cerebellum are not presently understood. Here we show that BAPTA-AM and ethanol, which either reduce cytosolic levels of free calcium or prevent calcium entry, promote neurite outgrowth of the weaver neurons similar to the L-type calcium channel blocker verapamil (Liesi and Wright, 1996). Importantly, BAPTA-AM, ethanol, and verapamil not only restore neurite outgrowth of the weaver neurons but adjust their depolarized resting membrane potentials to the levels of normal neurons. These results indicate that calcium-dependent mechanisms mediate the action of the weaver gene and that the weaver neurons can be normalized by blocking this calcium effect. We further report that BAPTA-AM and verapamil also have a neuroprotective effect on normal neurons exposed to high concentrations of ethanol. We suggest that verapamil should be evaluated as a drug for treatment of alcohol-induced brain damage and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Florfenicol, a fluorinated analog of thiamphenicol, is of great value in veterinary infectious diseases that formerly responded favorably to chloramphenicol. In view of the treatment of meningitis in calves, we studied its pharmacokinetics in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma of six animals. To this end, a new high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed which, unlike previous ones, uses solid-phase instead of double-phase extraction to isolate the drug. After a single intravenous dose of 20 mg/kg of body weight, a maximum concentration in CSF of 4.67 +/- 1.51 microg/ml (n = 6) was reached, with a mean residence time of 8.7 h. The decline of florfenicol in both CSF and plasma fitted a biexponential model with elimination half-lives of 13.4 and 3.2 h, respectively. Florfenicol penetrated well into CSF, as evidenced from an availability of 46% +/- 3% relative to plasma. The levels remained above the MIC for Haemophilus somnus over a 20-h period. Our results provide evidence indicating the effectiveness of florfenicol in the treatment of bacterial meningitis of calves.  相似文献   

Assuming that the fractional uptake is the same, both after the administration of a diagnostic and a therapeutic activity, 131I uptake too low to be detected with 2-5 mCi may become detectable after the administration of 100 mCi. This should be performed routinely in patients with thyroglobulin levels above approximately 5 ng/mL during L-Thyroxine (LT4) treatment or 10 ng/mL off LT4 treatment for three main reasons: 1) in 80% of these patients, a post-therapy 131i total body scan showed foci of uptake in the neck or at distant sites, whereas in the other patients, metastases emerged clinically some years later; 2) 131I is not the only treatment modality, and, for instance, lymph node metastases may warrant further surgery; and 3) from a dosimetric point of view, the relevant parameter is the concentration of 131I, i.e., the ratio between the uptake and the mass of functioning tissue: a low uptake in a small metastasis may result in a higher 131I concentration than a higher uptake in a much larger metastasis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Transfusing fresh autologous blood during cardiac surgery may improve hemostasis and decrease the need for transfusion. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A prospective randomized study was performed with fresh whole blood (WB) obtained by intraoperative hemodilution (IH) and with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) obtained by perioperative apheresis from adult cardiac surgery patients. RESULTS: Seventy patients were randomly assigned to three arms: 24 to the PRP arm, 18 to the IH arm, and 28 to serve as controls. A mean of 924 +/- 130 mL of WB was collected from the IH group, and a mean of 650 +/- 124 mL of PRP was collected from the PRP group (mean, 1.42 +/- 0.74 x 10(11) platelets); these components were transfused after bypass. Preoperative measures were similar among groups. Intraoperatively, the groups did not differ in bypass time, estimated blood loss, number of transfusions, or proportion receiving transfusion(s). Postoperatively, control patients had more mediastinal drainage (736 mL vs. 476 mL [IH] and 463 mL [PRP]; p = 0.014), but there was no difference in the proportion of patients requiring red cell transfusion (p = 0.87), the hemoglobin at discharge (p = 0.20), or the length of hospitalization (p = 0.57). CONCLUSION: Although a hemostatic benefit manifested as reduced postoperative bleeding was observed, this study does not support the use of fresh blood components obtained by IH or PRP collection during low-risk cardiac surgery. Additional studies are needed to assess whether more aggressive component collection or the use of these techniques in high-risk cases may have a greater impact on clinical outcome variables, including transfusion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of sperm morphology and the number of motile sperm inseminated on the outcome of IUI in hMG-stimulated cycles and to establish lower limits for these variables below which the expectation of pregnancy is limited. DESIGN: Retrospective study of data from 1990 to 1992. SETTING: Tertiary referral Reproductive Medicine Unit. Patients: Couples with bilaterally patent fallopian tubes, and > or = 200,000 motile sperm recovered in a trial preparation before treatment. No other semen criteria were used to exclude couples. Women were stimulated with hMG irrespective of whether they were ovulatory or anovulatory. The study comprised 163 couples who underwent 330 cycles. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Pregnancy rate (PR) per cycle was related to the percentage normal sperm morphology in the fresh semen sample and the number of motile sperm inseminated after sperm preparation by swim-up or Percoll gradients. RESULTS: The overall PR was 16.1% per cycle. The PR was highest in the first cycle of treatment (21.4%) and declined in the second and third cycles. The miscarriage rate was 10.4% and the incidence of multiple pregnancies was 13.9%. Two groups of patients were defined on the basis of sperm morphology: a "poor outcome" group ( < or = 10% normal) and a "good outcome" group ( > 10% normal). The PRs in these two groups were 4.3% and 18.2%, respectively, and the cumulative PRs after three cycles were 8.3% and 40.1%, respectively. The number of motile sperm inseminated did not significantly affect the PR. CONCLUSIONS: The degree of teratozoospermia affected the PR in hMG-stimulated IUI cycles and a normal morphology value of 10% in the fresh semen distinguished couples with good and poor outcomes. In contrast, the number of motile sperm inseminated did not significantly influence IUI outcome.  相似文献   

The possible correlations between unipolar endocardial electrogram amplitudes and voltage threshold stimulation were tested with electrodes having metallic tips of two different areas. The threshold measurements were always studied with the same pulse characteristics. The data were analyzed through five mathematical functions (linear, exponential, potential, hyperbola and translate hyperbola). The results show a significant correlation, mainly by hyperbolic and exponential functions. Consequently, we could deduce a parameter value since we already knew the other one. This was possible not only during the first implantation, but also later on.  相似文献   

We have used a recently described animal model to characterize the ocular pharmacokinetics of sparfloxacin in vitreous humor of uninfected albino rabbits following systemic administration and direct intraocular injection. The relationships of lipophilicity, protein binding, and molecular weight to the penetration and elimination of sparfloxacin were compared to those of ciprofloxacin, fleroxacin, and ofloxacin. To determine whether elimination was active, elimination rates following direct injection with and without probenecid or heat-killed bacteria were compared. Sparfloxacin concentrations were measured in the serum and vitreous humor by a biological assay. Protein binding and lipophilicity were determined, respectively, by ultrafiltration and oil-water partitioning. Pharmacokinetic parameters were characterized with RSTRIP, an iterative, nonlinear, weighted, least-squares-regression program. The relationship between each independent variable and mean quinolone concentration or elimination rate in the vitreous humor was determined by multiple linear regression. The mean concentration of sparfloxacin in the vitreous humor was 59.4% +/- 12.2% of that in serum. Penetration of sparfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, fleroxacin, and ofloxacin into, and elimination from, the vitreous humor correlated with lipophilicity (r2 > 0.999). The linear-regression equation describing this relationship was not improved by including the inverse of the square root of the molecular weight and/or the degree of protein binding. Elimination rates for each quinolone were decreased by the intraocular administration of probenecid. Heat-killed Staphylococcus epidermidis decreased the rate of elimination of fleroxacin. Penetration of sparfloxacin into the noninflamed vitreous humor was greater than that of any quinolone previously examined. There was an excellent correlation between lipophilicity and vitreous entry or elimination for sparfloxacin as well as ciprofloxacin, fleroxacin, and ofloxacin. There are two modes of quinolone translocation into and out of the vitreous humor: diffusion into the eye and both diffusion and carrier-mediated elimination out of the vitreous humor.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report a case of Lyme disease that presented with a single nummular unilateral interstitial keratitis. METHODS: Case report and review of the literature. RESULTS: A 57-year-old black man who had contact with freshly killed deer had a chief complaint of foreign-body sensation in his right eye (OD) that had been diagnosed and treated for herpes simplex stromal keratitis. The patient underwent a systemic workup for interstitial keratitis. All results including RPR and MHA-TP were negative except for Lyme antibody titer (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]) 178 U/ml (normal, <159 U/ml). CONCLUSION: Interstitial keratitis from Lyme disease has been regarded as a bilateral disease in the literature. We present this infrequent ocular manifestation of Lyme disease as a rare single nummular unilateral presentation.  相似文献   

Chronic sinusitis is a recurrent disorder commonly found in atopic individuals, yet few studies have explored the role of inflammatory mediators in sinusitis. Sinus lavage fluid from ten patients with chronic sinusitis obtained during endoscopic surgery was analyzed for total cell counts and then assayed for histamine, immunoreactive leukotriene C4/D4/E4 (LTC4/D4/E4), and prostaglandin D2 (PGD2). All ten patients had been unresponsive to medical treatment, including oral corticosteroids in most cases. High concentrations of histamine, LTC4/D4/E4 and PGD2 were found in sinus fluid and were comparable to levels seen in nasal secretions of allergic rhinitis patients following allergen challenge. In the sinus fluid, inflammatory cells were predominantly neutrophils with only low percentages of mast cells, basophils or eosinophils. On the basis of the histamine and PGD2 concentrations in sinus fluid, we conclude that mast cell/basophil activation does occur in chronic sinusitis and may contribute to the persistent inflammation present in sinusitis.  相似文献   

Lysozyme activity was measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 114 patients with inflammatory (bacterial and serous meningitis, polyradiculitis, encephalitis) and non-inflammatory (multiple sclerosis, CNS tumors, cerebral vascular diseases) CNS diseases. Highly elevated values were found consistently in patients with bacterial meningitis. Elevated values were found also in patients with encephalitis, polyradiculitis, multiple sclerosis and CNS tumors, but a considerable overlapping between these groups and normal controls precludes the use of CSF lysozyme measurements as a diagnostic aid in the latter disease groups. Simultaneous measurements of lysozyme, albumin and IgG in CSF and serum suggested that the mechanism for increased CSF lysozyme values in bacterial meningitis is mainly a breakdown of the blood/brain barrier, whereas the increased CSF lysozyme values in the remaining groups of patients are more likely caused by production of lysozyme by cells within the meninges (neutrophilic granulocytes, monocytes?).  相似文献   

This article presents a mathematical model simulating the effects of surface tension (Maragoni effect) on weld pool fluid flow and weld penetration in spot gas metal arc welding (GMAW). Filler droplets driven by gravity, electromagnetic force, and plasma arc drag force, carrying mass, thermal energy, and momentum, periodically impinge onto the weld pool. Complicated fluid flow in the weld pool is influenced by the droplet impinging momentum, electromagnetic force, and natural convection due to temperature and concentration gradients, and by surface tension, which is a function of both temperature and concentration of a surface active element (sulfur in the present study). Although the droplet impinging momentum creates a complex fluid flow near the weld pool surface, the momentum is damped out by an “up-and-down” fluid motion. A numerical study has shown that, depending upon the droplet’s sulfur content, which is different from that in the base metal, an inward or outward surface flow of the weld pool may be created, leading to deep or shallow weld penetration. In other words, it is primarily the Marangoni effect that contributes to weld penetration in spot GMAW.  相似文献   

The histologic diagnosis of adult renal epithelial neoplasms with prominent eosinophilic cytoplasm (renal oncocytoma, chromophobe renal-cell carcinoma (RCC), eosinophilic variant of clear-cell RCC, eosinophilic variant of papillary RCC, and collecting duct carcinoma), could be problematic in some cases because of overlapping morphologic features. Precise diagnosis is essential, however, because it often connotes a distinct biologic behavior. Proliferative activity has not been specifically investigated in this spectrum of renal tumors, so we studied the MIB-1 proliferation index in 20 renal oncocytomas, 12 chromophobe RCCs, 9 eosinophilic variants of papillary RCCs, and 13 eosinophilic variants of clear-cell RCCs. Our purpose was to identify the biologic potential of these renal tumors on the basis of MIB-1 tumor proliferation index and to ascertain whether that index had diagnostic value. Overall, nuclear grade correlated with MIB-1 tumor proliferation index (P=.03). The mean proliferation index progressively increased from renal oncocytomas (0.3) to chromophobe RCCs (0.8) to eosinophilic variants of papillary RCCs (2.2) to eosinophilic variants of clear-cell RCCs (4.1) (P=.002). None of the renal oncocytomas or chromophobe RCCs had an index greater than 2, whereas 8 of 13 eosinophilic variants of clear-cell RCCs had an index greater than 2; in 5 of these, it was more than 3. Thus, in the differential diagnosis between renal oncocytoma/chromophobe RCC and eosinophilic variant of RCC, an MIB-1 index of greater than 3 with appropriate morphologic correlation would strongly support the diagnosis of the latter. We also concluded that the progressive increase in MIB-1 tumor proliferation index across the spectrum of granular renal-cell neoplasms parallels the emerging data in the current literature concerning the biologic potential of adult renal epithelial tumors and justifies histologic categorization of adult renal epithelial neoplasms.  相似文献   

Factor J (FJ) is a complement inhibitor that is able to regulate in vitro both the classical and alternative human complement pathways. In the search of its biological significance, we have analyzed FJ levels in synovial fluid from patients with different arthropathies, in which IL-6 levels had been previously measured. The pathologies included in this study were: rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (n = 21), crystal deposition diseases (CDD) (n = 6), osteoarthritis (OA) (n = 23), spondyloarthritis (SpA) (n = 3) and other inflammatory arthropathies (OIA) (n = 4). We found a good correlation between IL-6 and FJ levels (r = 0.33, p = 0.0132) in the 57 processed samples. Synovial fluids had high levels of IL-6 (median: 3000 pg/ml). Besides, we found that FJ levels were elevated (241 +/- 429 micrograms/ml) when compared with NHS (5.32 +/- 2.82 micrograms/ml). Considering OA patients as control group for non-inflammatory situation, we found that FJ levels were significantly elevated in inflammatory patients only if RA patients were excluded. Furthermore, there were also significant differences with CDD patients. In addition, we have examined the presence of this inhibitor in synovial fluid by Western blot after running gels at acid pH and electrophoretical transference at the same pH. In these experiments, we evidenced the presence of a cationic protein immunoreactive with polyclonal and monoclonal anti-FJ antibodies. In conclusion, FJ levels are elevated in pathological synovial fluids. FJ could be an acute phase reactant as other molecules present in the synovial fluid, or could be shed from extracellular matrix as a consequence of the high enzymatic activity present in the articular fluid or as a response to the inflammatory stimulus.  相似文献   

Increased ventricular expression of several genes, including atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), has been documented in experimental models of cardiac hypertrophy. It remains to be clarified whether altered expression of these genes is a consistent marker of the hypertrophy itself or a marker of some parallel pathogenetic process. Using a transgenic mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as a tool, we assessed the relationship between the amount of ventricular ANF gene expression and the degree of hypertrophy as well as the relationship between the cells expressing ANF and tissue pathology. We determined that hypertrophy is not always associated with increased ventricular expression of ANF and that cells expressing ANF are found in regions of tissue pathology. We propose that alteration in the ventricular expression of this gene is a sensitive indicator of cardiac pathogenesis and may result from a number of different stimuli that include, among others, abnormal tissue architecture and hemodynamic load.  相似文献   

A novel pH shock extraction procedure was used to measure nerve growth factor (NGF) levels in both normal and inflamed synovial fluids using a sensitive and specific two-site enzyme linked immunosorbant assay. To date no data is available on NGF levels in normal synovial fluids. Synovial fluids were taken from 5 normal volunteers, 12 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 10 patients with other inflammatory arthropathies. The mean +/- SEM NGF concentration in normal synovial fluids was 95 +/- 33.2 pg/ml (range 39.1-143.1 pg/ml), whereas the mean NGF concentration in the synovial fluids taken from patients with rheumatoid arthritis was 532.5 +/- 123.8 pg/ml (range 152-1686 pg/ml). The mean NGF concentration in patients with other inflammatory arthropathies was also raised (430.6 +/- 90 pg/ml; range 89-1071 pg/ml). The NGF concentrations were significantly higher in the synovial fluids from both inflamed groups (ANOVA p < 0.05) compared to normals. Raised levels of NGF in synovial fluid may contribute directly to joint inflammation via activation of inflammatory cells.  相似文献   

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