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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of noradrenergic descending nervous pathways in external anal sphincter motility. For this purpose, the effects of intravenously injected adrenoceptor antagonist and agonist on the tonic electrical activity of this sphincter were studied in anesthetized cats. The effects of stimulating the region of the locus coeruleus and the effects of intravenous, intracerebroventricular and intrathecal injection of the above drugs on the electromyographic responses of this muscle to pudendal nerve stimulation were also investigated. The tonic sphincteric activity and the reflex response triggered by electrically stimulating pudendal afferent nerve fibers were inhibited by alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonist nicergoline and enhanced by alpha1-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine. Stimulation of the locus coeruleus area either inhibited or enhanced the reflex responses. Intracerebroventricular and intrathecal injection of the alpha2-adrenoceptor agonists, morphine and leu-enkephalin decreased the amplitude of these reflex responses. All the effects of opioids were blocked by naloxone and by spinalization performed at the cervical and lumbar levels. The direct response elicited by stimulating the sphincteric motor axons was not affected either by these drugs or by the brainstem stimulation. These results suggests the existence of a pontine neuronal network controlling the motility of the external anal sphincter via noradrenergic and opioid neurons.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer remains a major health problem. Few therapies are effective apart from surgery, and survival has increased little in recent years. This is despite the fact that screening by colonoscopy can potentially remove nearly all colorectal tumours before they become malignant. Molecular genetics has identified some inherited mutations (such as at APC and the mismatch repair loci) that predispose to colon cancer and some somatic mutations (such as at APC and p53) that cause sporadic colon tumours. We review the likely role of these and other genes in colorectal tumorigenesis. We also highlight areas of relative ignorance in colon cancer and emphasise that many important genes, especially those that cause invasion and metastasis, remain to be identified. Colorectal cancer is, however, a well characterised tumour, as regards both its natural history and its histopathology; there are consequently good prospects for advances in colon cancer genetics, with probable benefits for its treatment. We anticipate: (a) that new genes predisposing to colon tumours, including those conferring relatively minor risks, will be characterised; (b) genes and proteins important in invasion and metastasis will be identified; (c) the network of protein interactions in which molecules such as APC are involved will be elucidated; (d) large-scale studies of somatic mutations in tumours will provide accurate predictions of prognosis and suggest optimal therapeutic regimens; and (e) new potential targets for therapy will be identified. Whilst molecular genetics is by no means sufficient for progress in preventing and treating colon cancer, it is a necessary and central part of such advances.  相似文献   

The C to U editing of apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA converts a glutamine codon in apoB100 mRNA into a stop translation codon thereby generating apoB48. The catalytic subunit of the editing enzyme, APOBEC-1, is an RNA-binding cytidine deaminase that requires auxiliary factors for the editing of apoB mRNA. Computer modeling and ribonuclease probing of the wild-type and mutant apoB RNA substrates reveal a stem loop at the editing site. This structure incorporates the essential sequence motifs required for editing. The localization of the edited cytidine within the loop suggests how it could be presented to the active site of APOBEC-1 for deamination. We have identified 43/45 kDa proteins from chick enterocytes and show evidence for their involvement in auxiliary editing activity. p43/45 demonstrates preferential binding to AU-rich RNA and to the Caauuug motif that forms the loop and proximal stem of the apoB mRNA.  相似文献   

We identified and characterized 14 extragenic mutations that suppressed the dominant egg-laying defect of certain lin-12 gain-of-function mutations. These suppressors defined seven genes: sup-17, lag-2, sel-4, sel-5, sel-6, sel-7 and sel-8. Mutations in six of the genes are recessive suppressors, whereas the two mutations that define the seventh gene, lag-2, are semi-dominant suppressors. These suppressor mutations were able to suppress other lin-12 gain-of-function mutations. The suppressor mutations arose at a very low frequency per gene, 10-50 times below the typical loss-of-function mutation frequency. The suppressor mutations in sup-17 and lag-2 were shown to be rare non-null alleles, and we present evidence that null mutations in these two genes cause lethality. Temperature-shift studies for two suppressor genes, sup-17 and lag-2, suggest that both genes act at approximately the same time as lin-12 in specifying a cell fate. Suppressor alleles of six of these genes enhanced a temperature-sensitive loss-of-function allele of glp-1, a gene related to lin-12 in structure and function. Our analysis of these suppressors suggests that the majority of these genes are part of a shared lin-12/glp-1 signal transduction pathway, or act to regulate the expression or stability of lin-12 and glp-1.  相似文献   

The 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase is responsible for the regulation of fatty acid synthesis by phosphorylation and inactivation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. The porcine liver 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase 63-kDa catalytic subunit co-purifies 14,000-fold with a 38- and 40-kDa protein (Mitchelhill, K.I. et al. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 2361-2364). The 63-kDa subunit is homologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Snf1 protein kinase, which regulates gene expression during glucose derepression. Peptide amino acid and polymerase chain reaction-derived partial cDNA sequences of both the pig and rat liver enzymes show that the 38-kDa protein is homologous to Snf4p (CAT3) and that the 40-kDa protein is homologous to the Sip1p/Spm/GAL83 family of Snf1p interacting proteins. Sucrose density gradient and cross-linking experiments with purified 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase suggest that both the 38- and 40-kDa proteins associate tightly with the 63-kDa catalytic polypeptide in either a heterotrimeric complex or in dimeric complexes. The 40-kDa subunit is autophosphorylated within the 63-kDa subunit complex. The sequence relationships between the mammalian 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase and yeast Snf1p extend to the subunit proteins consistent with conservation of the functional roles of these polypeptides in cellular regulation by this family of metabolite-sensing protein kinases.  相似文献   

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) involves conditioning with cyclophosphamide and, for leukemic patients, total body irradiation (TBI). Based on the concern that this may lead to later neuropsychologic impairment in children, a longitudinal study was conducted. Thirty pediatric bone marrow transplant recipients, treated for leukemia or severe aplastic anemia (SAA), and their sibling donors, were given a neuropsychological examination in 1986 and 1988. A third follow-up study of patients treated before 12 years of age was undertaken in 1990-91. We present longitudinal data on patients treated with BMT when 3-11 (n = 15) and 12-17 (n = 11) years old. No neuropsychological deficits were found in the older group, or among non-irradiated SAA patients. In the first follow-up, children treated with BMT, including TBI at 3-11 years of age, performed less well than donors on tasks involving perceptual and fine-motor speed. In the second follow-up, this group of patients also demonstrated a slight deficit in non-verbal problem solving. An additional relative decline in verbal reasoning was noted in the third follow-up, 5.5-10 years after treatment. Alertness to signs of developmental difficulties in children treated with BMT, including TBI, is recommended.  相似文献   

We have explored the molecular basis of the cAMP-induced stabilization of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A) mRNA and identified four cytoplasmic proteins of 96, 67, 52, and 50 kDa that specifically bind to a 30-nucleotide uridine-rich sequence in the LDH 3'-untranslated region with a predicted stem-loop structure. Mutational analysis revealed that specific protein binding is dependent upon an intact primary nucleotide sequence in the loop as well as integrity of the adjoining double-stranded stem structure, thus indicating a high degree of primary and secondary structure specificity. The critical stem-loop region is located between nucleotides 1473 and 1502 relative to the mRNA cap site and contains a previously identified cAMP-stabilizing region (CSR) required for LDH-A mRNA stability regulation by the protein kinase A pathway. The 3'-untranslated region binding activity of the proteins is up-regulated after protein kinase A activation, whereas protein dephosphorylation is associated with a loss of binding activity. These results imply a cause and effect relationship between LDH-A mRNA stabilization and CSR-phosphoprotein binding activity. We propose that the U-rich CSR is a recognition signal for CSR-binding proteins and for an mRNA processing pathway that specifically stabilizes LDH mRNA in response to activation of the protein kinase A signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Changes in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression may be involved in the endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation dysfunction associated with several vascular diseases. In the present work, we demonstrate that eNOS mRNA contains a previously undescribed cis element in the 3' untranslated region (3' UTR). A U+C-rich segment in the 3' UTR is critical in complex formation with bovine aortic endothelial cell cytosolic proteins. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), which destabilizes eNOS mRNA, increased the binding activity of the cytosolic proteins in a time-dependent manner. These data suggest that endothelial cytosolic proteins bind to the 3' UTR of eNOS mRNA. These proteins may play a role in TNF-alpha-induced eNOS mRNA destabilization.  相似文献   

Various segments of the 3'-nontranslated region of the renal glutaminase (GA) mRNA were tested for their ability to enhance turnover and pH responsiveness. The combined effects were retained in the 340-base R-2 segment. However, the combined R-1 and R-3 fragments also imparted a partial destabilization and pH responsiveness to a chimeric beta-globin mRNA. RNA electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicated that cytosolic extracts of rat renal cortex contain a protein that binds to the R-2 and R-3 RNAs. The binding observed with the R-2 RNA was mapped to a direct repeat of an 8-base AU sequence. This binding was effectively competed with an excess of the same RNA, but not by adjacent or unrelated RNAs. UV cross-linking experiments identified a 48-kDa protein that binds to the AU repeats of the R-2 RNA. The apparent binding of this protein was greatly reduced in renal cytosolic extracts prepared from acutely acidotic rats. Two related RNA sequences in the R-3 segment also exhibited specific binding. However, the latter binding was more effectively competed by R-2 RNA than by itself, indicating that the homologous sites may be weaker binding sites for the same 48-kDa protein. Thus, a single protein may bind specifically to multiple instability elements within the 3'-nontranslated region of the GA mRNA and mediate its pH-responsive stabilization.  相似文献   

During a survey for tuberculosis in wild carnivores and omnivores, Mycobacterium bovis was cultured from pooled lymph nodes of three adult female coyotes (Canis latrans) harvested by hunters in Michigan (USA). No gross or histologic lesions suggestive of tuberculosis were seen in these animals. One coyote was taken from Montmorency county and two coyotes from Alcona county located in the north-eastern portion of Michigan's Lower Peninsula where free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have been found infected with bovine tuberculosis. It is thought that these coyotes became infected with M. bovis through the consumption of tuberculous deer. Other species included in the survey were the opossum (Didelphis virginiana), raccoon (Procyon lotor), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), bobcat (Felis rufus), and badger (Taxidea taxus).  相似文献   

The collagen type I-derived fragment alpha1(I)CB3 is known to recognize the platelet collagen receptor integrin alpha2beta1 as effectively as the parent collagen, although it lacks platelet-aggregatory activity. We have synthesized the fragment as seven overlapping peptides that spontaneously assemble into triple helices. On the basis of their capacity to bind purified alpha2 beta1 and the recombinant alpha2 A-domain, and their ability to support alpha2 beta1-mediated cell adhesion, we identified two peptides, CB3(I)-5 and -6, which contain an alpha2 beta1 recognition site. Synthesis of the peptide CB3(I)-5/6, containing the overlap sequence between peptides 5 and 6, allowed us to locate the binding site within the 15-residue sequence, GFP*GERGVEGPP*GPA (where P* represents hydroxyproline), corresponding to residues 502-516 of the collagen type I alpha1 chain. The Glu and Arg residues in the GER triplet were found to be essential for recognition since substitution of either residue with Ala caused a loss of alpha2 A-domain binding. By contrast, substitution of the Glu in GVE did not reduce binding, but rather enhanced it slightly. We were unable to detect significant recognition of alpha2 beta1 by the peptide CB3(I)-2 containing the putative alpha2 beta1 recognition sequence DGEA. Peptides CB3(I)-1 to -6, together with peptide CB3(I)-5/6, exhibited good platelet-aggregatory activity, in some cases better than collagen. However, peptide CB3(I)-7 was inactive, suggesting the presence of an inhibitory element that might account for the lack of aggregatory activity of the parent alpha1(I)CB3 fragment.  相似文献   

Following inoculation, many plant viruses spread locally from cell to cell until they reach the vascular system, through which they then move to other parts of the plant, resulting in systemic infection. To isolate host genes involved in systemic transport of plant viruses, ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized Arabidopsis thaliana plants were screened for significant delays in the systemic movement of turnip vein clearing virus (TCVC). One such mutant, designated vsm1 (virus systemic movement), was identified. Unlike the wild-type plants, vsm1 did not develop viral disease and did not allow the systemic spread of the virus. The local viral movement within the inoculated vsm1 leaves, however, was not affected. TVCV systemic movement within the vsm1 plants was likely blocked at the step of viral entry into the host plant vasculature from the infected leaf tissue. vsm1 plants also restricted the systemic movement of another tobamovirus but not of an unrelated carmovirus.  相似文献   

Xenopus r-protein mRNAs are known to be coordinately regulated at the translational level. To find out if RNA/protein interactions are involved in this control mechanism, we have characterized the particles containing the translationally repressed rp-mRNA and we have investigated the proteins that specifically bind to this type of mRNA. By sedimentation analysis and isopycnic centrifugation we have found that the repressed rp-mRNAs are assembled in slow sedimenting complexes where the RNA is prevalent over the protein mass (2.3 to 1). This composition is maintained also after in vitro reconstitution of the particle. We carried out also a detailed analysis of in vitro RNA/protein complex formation by focusing our attention on the 5'UTR, very similar in different rp-mRNAs and important in the translational regulation. We describe specific interactions of L1 mRNA with four proteins. The binding site of two of them, 57 kD and 47 kD, is in the typical pyrimidine sequence at the 5' end and is position dependent. Proteins of the same size interact also with the analogous region of r-protein S1 and L14 mRNA, not with unrelated RNAs. Binding of two other proteins, 31 kD and 24 kD, in the downstream region of the 5'UTR was also observed. The most evident 57 kD protein has been partially purified. Although the binding of these proteins to the r-protein mRNA 5'UTR is specific, their involvement in the translation regulation remains to be proved.  相似文献   

Previous reports showed transactivation of the long terminal repeat (LTR) of HIV-1 in Jurkat cells persistently infected with vaccinia virus. In this communication, electrophoretic mobility shift assays were used to characterize the elements in HIV-1 LTR which might be responsible for the mechanism of transactivation. The results indicated that two elements, those for binding NF-kB and NFAT-1, were able to interact with nuclear extracts derived from Jurkat cells persistently infected with vaccinia virus, suggesting that they may play a role in the transactivation of HIV-1 LTR.  相似文献   

The cytosolic domain of the peptide processing enzyme peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) contains signals that direct its trafficking in the secretory and endosomal pathways. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, Alam et al. (Alam, M. R., Caldwell, B. D., Johnson, R. C., Darlington, D. N., Mains, R. E., and Eipper, B. A. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 28636) identified three proteins that interact with a fragment of the PAM cytosolic domain containing these targeting signals. We cloned the rat and human cDNAs encoding PAM COOH-terminal interactor protein-1 (P-CIP1). Both cDNAs contain an open reading frame that encodes a novel protein of 435 amino acids. The P-CIP1 protein is highly conserved from rat to human (85% identity) but does not display significant homology to proteins in the GenBank data base. In vitro, P-CIP1 interacts with the cytosolic domain of wild type PAM-1, but does not interact with mutant PAM-1 proteins that fail to target correctly when expressed in endocrine cells. P-CIP1 contains multiple consensus serine/threonine phosphorylation sites and a region predicted to form a coiled-coil at the COOH terminus. When expressed in endocrine cells or fibroblasts, P-CIP1 is distributed in a punctate pattern in the perinuclear area but does not significantly overlap the distribution of transfected wild type PAM-1. The distribution of P-CIP1 displays significant overlap with the distribution of the secretory carrier membrane proteins, internalized Texas Red-conjugated transferrin, and Rab11. The data suggest that P-CIP1 associates with vesicles in the recycling endosomal pathway, and may play a role in regulating the trafficking of integral membrane PAM.  相似文献   

A lysosomal proteinase from Dictyostelium discoideum was previously shown to have GlcNAc alpha-1-P residues in phosphodiester linkage to serine. We have identified a GlcNAc-alpha-1-P transferase activity in membrane preparations using UDP[3H]GlcNAc and a peptide acceptor with three tandem Ser-Gly repeats. We established an assay, proved the structure of the product, determined the Kms for donor and acceptor and showed that the glycopeptide binds a GlcNAc-alpha-1-P specific rabbit antibody. These findings provide the tools to search for mutants lacking GlcNAc-alpha-1-P transferase activity as a probe for the function of this modification we call phosphoglycosylation.  相似文献   

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