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Antihypertensive drugs may affect serum lipoprotein levels in mixed populations but data in hyperlipidemic patients are scanty. Atenolol versus celiprolol effects on serum lipoproteins were compared in 159 hyperlipoproteinemic hypertensive patients. This was a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, positive-controlled multicenter trial with centralized lipoprotein laboratory and diet constancy monitoring. Blood pressure reduction and serum lipoprotein and apoprotein levels were monitored for 3 months. Both drugs reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Atenolol had greater effects than celiprolol on diastolic pressure, but effects on systolic blood pressure were not different. Patients receiving atenolol had lower serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and higher low-density lipoprotein/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratios, whereas patients treated with celiprolol showed no contrasting changes. These differences in lipoprotein levels between drug treatment groups were statistically significant at weeks 9 and 12. The difference between drug treatments was also significant if the values of the 9- and 12-week visits were averaged. Patients taking atenolol had statistically significantly higher serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and apoprotein B at 9 weeks. These divergent directional changes were consistent throughout and statistically significantly different between drugs.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects of the tricyclic anti-depressant amitriptyline, a monoamine uptake inhibitor, and iprindole and trazodone, two novel anti-depressants of unknown mechanism, were monitored in urethane anesthetized rats following intravenous (IV) or intracerebroventricular (IVT) injection. Amitriptyline (2 mg IV or 0.25 mg IVT) produced hypotension that might reflect an action of norepinephrine on the anterior hypothalamus. Iprindole (2 mg IV) produced hypertension and (0.25 mg IVT) tachycardia that is consistent with a partial beta-agonist mechanism. Trazodone (1 mg IV or 0.25 mg IVT) produced hypotension and bradycardia that is consistent with the activation of noradrenergic neurons in the anterior hypothalamus perhaps as a result of trazodone acting on presynaptic alpha 2 receptors or on presynaptic serotonin receptors to increase the release of norepinephrine. All three of these anti-depressants have the potential to precipitate cardiovascular complications, particularly in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular abnormalities.  相似文献   

Altitude affects blood pressure (BP) depending on duration and absolute altitude of exposure. Until now changes in BP during exposure to altitude were studied only in Caucasians. It is not known whether BP is affected differently in black and white people in response to altitude. During a 6-day climb on Kilimanjaro, BP was measured in five white and four black people. All participants (mean +/- s.d.: age 31 +/- 8 years, body mass index 22 +/- 2 kg/m2, BP 125 +/- 11/84 +/- 9 mm Hg) had previous similar experience of high-altitude mountaineering. In the base camp (3040 m) systolic BP (SBP) was similar in both groups (131 +/- 9 vs 119 +/- 8 mm Hg). During ascent until 4600 m SBP increased in all whites (6.5 +/- 2.2 mm Hg) and decreased in all blacks (-7.3 +/- 4.6 mm Hg; P = 0.02, blacks vs whites). During descent SBP returned to initial values in whites, whereas it decreased further in blacks. Diastolic BP (DBP) and heart rate remained constant in all participants. During ascent body weight increased in all whites (1.0 +/- 0.8 kg) and decreased in all blacks (-1.9 +/- 1.4 kg; P = 0.02, blacks vs whites) whereas it returned approximately to initial levels during descent: +0.8 +/- 0.4 kg in blacks and -1.0 +/- 1.3 kg in whites (P = 0.03, blacks vs whites). In this study changes in SBP and body weight during exposure to high altitudes varied between whites and blacks. Fluid balance, acclimatisation, physical fitness or genetics could explain these findings.  相似文献   

In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), chronic infusion of clonidine failed to decrease blood pressure and blood pressure variability. We used nonlinear methods to get a deeper insight on the effects of clonidine on blood pressure dynamics. For 24 h and 4 wk, clonidine (0.1 mg . kg-1 . day-1 sc) was infused by minipumps in the conscious SHRs, and, for comparison, a vehicle was infused in SHRs and in Wistar-Kyoto rats. Blood pressure was recorded for 30 min before and after treatments. We used the Lyapunov exponent, approximated by the inverse of the lmax index derived from the recurrence plot method, to characterize nonlinear dynamics. Before treatment, lmax index of blood pressure was lower (P < 0.01) in the SHRs than in the Wistar-Kyoto rats. Clonidine significantly increased lmax (P < 0.01) to the level observed in normotensive rats, at 24 h and up to 4 wk after infusion. We conclude that clonidine has a significant chronic effect on blood pressure dynamics, as evidenced by nonlinear methods. Our study also suggests that the mechanisms governing blood pressure variations are nonlinear.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This report describes the radiologic findings and discusses the clinical consequences of acute traumatic aortic tear occurring with an aberrant right subclavian artery. CONCLUSION: Identification of an aberrant right subclavian artery with acute traumatic aortic tear must be emphasized to reduce iatrogenic morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the roles of brain opioid receptors, using the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, and brain alpha 2 adrenergic and imidazole receptors, using their agonist clonidine, in the hypertension and tachycardia induced by electrical stimulation of the AHA and PHA area. Unanesthetized and unrestrained Wistar rats 300-400 g that had previously had catheters inserted into the lateral cerebral ventricle and femoral artery and electrodes in AHA or PHA areas received intracerebral (ICV) administration of naloxone or clonidine prior to hypothalamic stimulation. AHA and PHA stimulation with current strength from 0.5 to 2.0 mA produced a significant (p < 0.05) and dose dependent increase in BP and heart rate. Naloxone reduced the increase in BP with AHA stimulation at all but the highest stimulation current intensity. Clonidine also blunted the BP increase to AHA stimulation but to a lesser degree than naloxone. The combination of both naloxone and clonidine completely prevented the increase in BP even at high current intensities. Both naloxone and clonidine prevented the increase in heart rate with AHA stimulation. In contrast to AHA stimulation, naloxone did not alter the BP increase produced by PHA stimulation while clonidine prevented the effects of PHA stimulation. Heart rate did not increase with PHA stimulation. These data suggest that (i) the mechanisms involved in the hypertensive response to AHA are different from that of PHA. (ii) the endogenous opioid system is more operative in mediating the BP elevation produced by AHA but not PHA stimulation (iii) activation of the central alpha adrenergic or imidazole receptors can suppress hypertensive response to both AHA and PHA but is more effective for PHA than AHA stimulation.  相似文献   

The effect of intravenous injections of digoxin (20 mug/kg every 15 minutes) on spontaneously occurring activity in autonomic efferent nerves, motor nerves, afferent nerves, electrocardiogram and on arterial blood pressure was evaluated in chloralose-anesthetized cats. Administration of digoxin enhanced neural activity in pre- and postganglionic cardiac synpathetic nerves and this enhancement occurred near the time the disturbances in ventricular rhym were noted. Neural activity continued to increase during ventricular tachycardia and maximum enhancement was observed just proir to ventricular fibrillation. Similar results were observed when digoxin was administered to animals in which neural activity was recorded from preganglionic splanchnic and superior cervical nerves. Digoxin administration also increased discharge frequency from vagus (efferent fibers), phrenic and carotid sinus nerves. Denervation of cardiovascular reflexogenic areas prevented the increased discharge in vagus nerves, reduced it in phrenic nerves, but did not affect nerve discharge in sympathetic nerves. These results suggest that digoxin-induced hyperactivity in synpathetic nerves was related to a central nervous system effect of the drug, whereas the mechanism for the digoxin-induced hyperactivity in vagus nerves involved a peripheral reflex effect of the drug. Both sites were involved in the digoxin-induced hyperactivity in phrenic nerves. Enhancement of cardiac sympathetic nerve activity appeared to be responsible for the ventricular arrhythmias provoked by digoxin as 1) a temporal relationship was observed between augmented nerve activity and arrhythmia development, 2) a centrally acting sympathetic nervous system depressant drug, clonidine, converted the ventricular arrhythmia to normal rhythm, and 3) removal of sympathetic influence to the heart by spinal cord transection decreased the sensitivity of the heart to the arrhythmogenic effect of digoxin. These results suggest that digoxin partially responsible for its cardiotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Subsequent to receiving aversive classical conditioning (which led to a decelerative heart rate [HR] CR and a pressor–depressor blood pressure [BP] CR), 3 groups of restrained male Sprague-Dawley rats received iv infusion of Na nitroprusside (n?=?9; 40 μg/mg/min) to lower baseline BP, phenylephrine (n?=?10; 17 μg/mg/min) to raise baseline BP, or an equivalent volume of saline (n?=?9). Conditioning test trials during infusion revealed that hypotension produced by Na nitroprusside eliminated the HR CR and transformed the BP CR into a pressor-only reaction. Hypertension produced by phenylephrine facilitated the HR CR and changed the BP CR to a pressor-only response on trials in which baseline BP increases and baseline HR decreases were within restricted limits. Following drug withdrawal, the HR CRs of both drug groups and the BP CR of the phenylephrine group were attenuated. The UCRs to the shock UCS under phenylephrine were exaggerated and consisted of tachycardias and depressor BP changes, whereas, under Na nitroprusside, reduced tachycardias and depressor activity occurred. Results suggest that the loss of the vagally medicated HR CR under Na nitroprusside was due to baroreceptor-controlled inhibition of vagal discharge. The enhancement of the HR CR under phenylephrine was due to baroreceptor-influenced facilitation of vagal discharge. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have well-known gastrointestinal and renal toxic reactions. Effects of NSAIDs on blood pressure are less appreciated. A meta-analysis was performed to determine the hypertensive effects of NSAIDs and rank them by magnitude of change in mean arterial pressure (MAP). METHODS: A literature search of published English-language studies of NSAIDs and their effects on blood pressure was done. Studies were included if they met the following criteria: (1) the studies were intervention studies; (2) NSAIDs at any dose or aspirin at doses of 1.5 g/d or greater were included; (3) documentation of blood pressure was provided; and (4) the studies were 24 hours in duration. Studies were excluded if 20% or more of their participants dropped out or if the dose of antihypertensive drugs was adjusted while the subjects were taking NSAIDs. The major outcome was change in MAP while patients were receiving NSAIDs. Each NSAID arm was extracted from its trial. Information on possible confounders, including subject age, trial quality, amount of dietary salt intake, and whether study subjects were hypertensive or normotensive, was recorded. We calculated the average change in MAP on each NSAID, adjusting for confounders. RESULTS: Fifty-four studies with 123 NSAID treatment arms met inclusion criteria. The mean age of subjects was 46 years. Of the 1324 participants, 1213 subjects (92%) were hypertensive. The effects of NSAIDs on blood pressure were found solely in hypertensive subjects. Among these, the increase in MAP after adjusting for amount of dietary salt intake was 3.59 mm Hg for indomethacin (57 treatment arms), 374 mm Hg for naproxen (four arms), and 0.49 mm Hg for piroxicam (four arms). The MAP decreased by 2.59 mm Hg for placebo (10 arms), 0.83 mm Hg for ibuprofen (six arms), 1.76 mm Hg for aspirin (four arms), and 0.16 mm Hg for sulindac (23 arms). The effects on MAP by using placebo, sulindac, and aspirin were statistically significantly different from indomethacin. CONCLUSIONS: In short-term use, NSAIDs vary considerably in their effect on blood pressure. Of the drugs studied, indomethacin and naproxen were associated with the largest increases in blood pressure. The average effects of piroxicam, aspirin, ibuprofen, and sulindac were negligible.  相似文献   

Administration of tyrosine, the amino acid precursor of catecholamines, increased blood pressure 38 to 49 percent in rats made acutely hypotensive by hemorrhage; other large neutral amino acids were ineffective. Tyrosine's effect was abolished by adrenalectomy, suggesting that, in hypotensive animals, it acts by accelerating the peripheral synthesis and release of catecholamines.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Vulnerability to psychosomatic diseases is influenced by events early in life. The objective of this article is to discuss animal research that demonstrates relationships between feeding experiences and growth in infancy and risk of hypertension in adulthood. METHOD: Subjects were spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and their normotensive Wistar Kyoto progenitors. Initial experiments involved observations of the behaviors of rat mothers and their infants and follow-up measurements of blood pressures. Further studies focused on measurements of infant blood pressure during feeding, and recent investigations manipulated weight gain and sex hormones early in life. RESULTS: Infant rats whose mothers were seen nursing more often had increased blood pressure as adults. Each time rat mothers delivered milk to their young, the nursing pups' blood pressures rose dramatically. These feeding-induced increases in blood pressure have been observed in the young of many species including humans. They are mediated by autonomic nervous system activity and are larger in SHR pups. Finally, animals that gain weight rapidly as infants as a consequence of being reared in small litters had higher adult blood pressure; but, this effect is seen only in intact males. CONCLUSIONS: Adult physiologic traits can be influenced by the joint actions of genetic predisposition and essential psychosocial interactions during early development. Animal models can stimulate new ideas, provide important confirmations and elaborations of hypotheses from human investigations, and afford experimental approaches for identifying mechanisms underlying the transduction of behavioral experience to disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

While intravenous and volatile anesthetics have widely differing effects on cerebral blood flow (CBF), clinical studies suggest that the relative differences in their effects on intracranial pressure (ICP) may be smaller. Because acute changes in ICP are determined primarily by changes in cerebral blood volume (CBV), we compared the impact of propofol, pentobarbital, and isoflurane on CBF and CBV in rats. Equipotent doses of the three agents were determined by tail-clamp studies. Animals were then anesthetized with propofol (20 mg/kg load, 38 mg.kg-1.h-1 infusion), pentobarbital (30 mg/kg load, 20 mg.kg-1.h-1 infusion), or isoflurane 1.6-1.8%. Two hours later, CBF and CBV were measured using 3H-nicotine as a CBF tracer, and 14C-dextran and 99mTc-labeled red cells as markers for cerebral plasma and red blood cell volumes (CPV and CRBCV), respectively. Total CBV was the sum of CPV and CRBCV. CBF was 2.0-2.6 times greater with isoflurane than with propofol or pentobarbital (137 vs. 67 and 52 ml.100 g-1.min-1, respectively). By contrast, while CBV was greater in the isoflurane group than in either the propofol or pentobarbital groups, the magnitude of the intergroup differences were much smaller (propofol = 2.49 +/- 0.28 ml/100 g; pentobarbital = 2.27 +/- 0.15 ml/100 g; isoflurane = 2.77 +/- 0.24 ml/100 g, mean +/- SD). These results suggest that the simple measurement of CBF may not adequately describe the cerebrovascular effects of an anesthetic, at least with respect to predicting the magnitude of the agents likely effects on ICP.  相似文献   

The side-dependent effects of internal and external Na and K on the ouabain binding rate, as promoted by inside MgATP, has been evaluated utilizing reconstituted human red blood cell ghosts. Such ghost systems provide the situation where [Na]i, [K]i, [Na]o, and [K]o can each be varied under conditions in which the others are either absent or fixed at constant concentrations. It was found that, in the presence of Ko, increasing either [Na]i or [K]i resulted in decreasing the rate at which ouabain was bound. Changes in [Na]i or [K]i in the absence of Ko were without effect on the ouabain binding rate. Thus, the ouabain binding rate was found to vary inversely with the rate of Na:K and K:K exchange but was independent of the rate of Na:Na exchange. The effect of Ko in antagonizing ouabain binding, as well as the influence of Nao on this interaction, were found to require the presence of either Nai or Ki. The results are interpreted in terms of a model relating the availability of the ouabain binding site to different conformational states of the pump complex. Differences were observed in the ouabain binding properties of red cell ghosts compared to microsomal preparations but it is not known whether the basis for the differences resides in the different preparations studied or in the lack of control of sidedness in the microsomal systems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the chronic effects of combined administration of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist (valsartan) and an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (benazeprilat) on blood pressure and heart rate in conscious telemetered spontaneously hypertensive rats. METHODS: Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored (by radiotelemetry) during 2-week infusions of 0.5-10 mg/kg valsartan per day and 0.5-10 mg/kg benazeprilat per day, alone or in combination, into conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats. Also, responses of blood pressure in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats to exogenous angiotensin I and II were determined. RESULTS: Synergistic antihypertensive effects were observed when valsartan and benazeprilat were coadministered at submaximal monotherapy doses in the range 0.5-1.5 mg/kg per day. For all combination groups, the area over the curve (mmHg x days) for lowering of blood pressure was significantly greater (synergy) than that predicted from the sum of the monotherapy responses. Combination therapy abrogated pressor responses to angiotensin I more effectively than did comparable doses of the monotherapies. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that combination therapy aimed at interrupting operation of the renin-angiotensin system simultaneously at multiple sites can prevent the partial escape which occurs during chronic angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor monotherapy. Furthermore, multiple-site intervention results in a more efficacious antihypertensive response than that achieved with high doses of the individual monotherapies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the acute effects of alcohol on blood pressure and erythrocyte cation concentrations in patients with essential hypertension. DESIGN: An alcoholic drink or an isocaloric control drink was given during supper in random order on different days, and blood pressure and erythrocyte cation concentrations were measured before and 2 h after the meal. METHODS: The subjects were 21 men with essential hypertension who habitually drank alcohol. Blood pressure was measured with a semi-automated sphygmomanometer, and erythrocyte cation concentrations were measured by flame photometry after haemolysis with distilled water. RESULTS: Blood pressure decreased after both drinks, but the decrease was significantly larger after the alcoholic drink than after the control drink. There was a significant difference between the changes in erythrocyte sodium caused by the alcoholic and the control drink. Furthermore, there were significant positive correlations between the fall in blood pressures and the decrease in erythrocyte sodium concentration. CONCLUSION: The predominant acute effect of alcohol ingestion in patients with hypertension is blood pressure reduction, and it may be associated with a decrease in intracellular sodium.  相似文献   

The role of endogenous testosterone in the craniofacial growth of the young male rat was investigated. First, the effect of neonatal surgical castration was examined in a randomized, cross-sectional study in which male Wistar rats were allocated to be either castrated or sham-operated 4 h after birth. Then, the effect of prepubertal chemical castration was analysed in a second, randomized longitudinal study in which male Wistar rats were randomly allocated either to a control group or to two experimental groups, one injected with triptorelin at day 25 and the other injected on day 25 and on day 45. Every tenth day between 20 and 70 days of age for the first study, and between 30 and 110 days of age for the second, body length and weight were measured, cephalometric X-rays taken, and blood samples obtained. Neonatal and prepubertal castration resulted in decreased plasma concentrations of testosterone and in delayed growth of somatic and craniofacial components. The initiation, duration and magnitude of the effect was dependent on individual bones (cranial base, skull roof) and on the lower incisor, and related to the testosterone concentrations. These results suggest that testosterone effects participate in the process of normal craniofacial growth, particularly during puberty.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted 1) to characterize through SEM analysis the resin-dentin interface produced by single-bottle primer/adhesives and a three-component system [Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (3M Dental)] and 2) to evaluate the shear bond strength to dentin of these adhesive systems. METHODS: Single-bottle primer/adhesives [Bond 1 (Jeneric/Pentron), Single Bond, (3M Dental Products); One Step (Bisco Inc.), OptiBond Solo (Kerr Corp.), Prime & Bond 2.1 (L.D. Caulk-Dentsply), Syntac Single-Component (Ivoclar-Vivadent), Tenure Quilk with Fluoride (Den-Mat)] were used according to manufacturers' instructions to bond resin composite to flat dentinal surfaces of extracted human third molars (n = 15). All samples were thermocycled 300x. Twelve specimens per group were used to measure shear bond strength and three specimens were used to evaluate the interfacial morphology under SEM. A one-way ANOVA and Turkey's test were used to assess the results. RESULTS: Mean shear bond strengths in MPa +/- SD for the groups ranged from 22.27 +/- 4.5 MPa for Single Bond to 7.6 +/- 3.9 MPa for Syntac Single-Component. The statistical analysis indicated that Single Bond produced significantly higher (p < 0.001) bond strengths than Syntac Single-Component, Prime & Bond 2.1, Bond 1 and Tenure Quik With Fluoride. Bond strengths for Syntac Single-Component were significantly lower than One-Step, OptiBond Solo, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus and Single Bond. SEM examination clearly revealed the formation of a distinct hybrid layer for all adhesive systems; however, minor variations in ultrastructure existed among products. SIGNIFICANCE: Some single-bottle primer/adhesive present in vitro bond strengths and hybrid layer formation similar to those found for the conventional three-component adhesive system tested.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Blockade of type 1 angiotensin (Ang) II receptors combined with ACE inhibition may amplify the efficacy of the renin-angiotensin system blockade because ACE inhibitors do not completely and permanently suppress Ang II production. METHODS AND RESULTS: Enalapril or losartan (1, 3, 10, and 30 mg/kg) or their combination was administered for 2 to 4 weeks to spontaneously hypertensive rats. The combination of low doses of each agent induced greater reductions in blood pressure (BP) and left ventricular weight/body weight (LVW/ BW) ratio than monotherapy with the same or higher doses. When approximately equipotent regimens of enalapril, losartan, and their combination, as judged by BP fall, were compared, there were similar increases in plasma and renal renin and in plasma Ang-(1-7) and Ang I and similar reductions in plasma angiotensinogen. Enalapril alone reduced plasma Ang II levels, and losartan alone increased Ang II levels. The combination of enalapril with losartan prevented or reduced the increase in Ang II levels observed with losartan alone. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that the synergistic interaction between the effects of low doses of enalapril and losartan on BP and LVW/BW ratio is due to more effective inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system by their combination than by either agent alone. When both drugs are given together, the ACE inhibitor-induced fall in plasma Ang II results in modulation of the Ang II antagonist-induced reactive rise in Ang II, thereby lowering the plasma Ang II concentration, which competes with the antagonist for the Ang II receptors.  相似文献   

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