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This paper investigates Central Asia's oil and gas resources, special geopolitics and energy competition, and approaches, challenges and prospects in cooperation between China and Central Asia. The objective is to propose measures for oil and gas cooperation between China and Central Asia. Central Asia is rich in oil and gas resources. Its remaining recoverable reserves of crude oil and natural gas account for 1.9% and 10.6 %, respectively, of the world's total reserves. Moreover, there is great exploration and development potential. As a strategic channel connecting Eurasia, Central Asia has a prominent geopolitical status. Many powerful countries such as the United States, Russia and China, as well as Europe, have an intense energy competition in Central Asia. In the oil and gas cooperation with Central Asia, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) focuses on establishing a coordination group, promoting overall oil and gas business opportunities and sustainable development, innovating and applying specialty engineering technology and improving project economic benefits. Through its efforts over the last nearly two decades, the China National Petroleum Corporation has completed a 50-million-tonne a year oil and gas production centre in Central Asia and oil and gas pipelines passing through multiple countries, becoming an important channel for securing China's energy imports. If appropriate measures are taken in the 'Thirteenth Five-Year Plan' period or later, the China National Petroleum Corporation will develop a 100-million-tonne p.a. oil and gas production centre in Central Asia and a strategic oil and gas import channel exceeding this amount of production. This cooperation between China and Central Asia is however faced with the following challenges: increasing multinational competition uncertainty, potential risks in the political systems of Central Asian countries, frequently occurring violence and also resource policy tightening in Central Asia. To further oil and gas cooperation w  相似文献   

中国石化天然气产业发展方向与发展策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李良  孙祥  胡晓浩  郭艺 《天然气工业》2009,29(3):121-124
为推动天然气产业发展,适应高需求、高价格的形势,在总结近10年天然气发展经验的基础上,重点分析了中国石化的天然气市场策略。主要采用实证分析方法,较为全面地讨论了天然气发展的基础、薄弱环节和未来发展方向,并提出了按照深度登记区块、加大煤层气勘探开发、将部分原油管道改输天然气、加快建设天然气管道、将“川气东送”的天然气引向丹江口库区等中部地区、切实发展LNG投资、发展境外天然气业务等认识,还提出了天然气价格市场化的步骤、税制改革方向、合并石油合作条例等国家天然气政策发展的建议。  相似文献   

Oil and gas transportation facilities are important for a country to secure an energy supply and maintain social stability and economic development.Social capitals in China are now encouraged by the government to invest in the construction of oil and gas infrastructures in the country.With China's growing economy and new reforms in the oil and gas sector,more opportunities are available for private companies seeking to get involved in energy infrastructure.It is estimated that the future market of energy infrastructure projects in China is valued at nearly RMB 2 trillion.This paper is trying to offer some clues regarding investment in energy infrastructure in China by giving a brief introduction to the current situation of CNPC's oil and gas infrastructure construction.  相似文献   

There is a great potential of both supply and consumption in oil gas market in Northeast Asia,and the prospects of further cooperation is very broad.Sino-Russia cooperation on oil gas will lay a crucial foundation for building a regional oil gas market,and an increasingly opened trading system for oil gas will also meet Japan and South Korea's need in building a diversified and stable assurance system of oil gas supply.The strategic role played by Kozmino Port in Far East Russia and Shanghai oil and gas trading platform in China will be highlighted.Competition and cooperation through market mechanism zoill help to activate the interactions of resource flow and capital flow in Northeast Asia region,thus can also help energy consuming countries in the region to promote their disclosure power in global pricing system and gradually eliminate the Asian Premium.  相似文献   

张建 《中国石油企业》2011,(5):22-23,128
2011年4月12日,在金砖国家领导人第三次会晤及其配套活动开启之前,金砖国家的两个重要成员—中国和巴西在北京举办了一场题为"超越互补、合作共赢"的研讨会,共商经贸、农业、能源等领域的合作事宜。  相似文献   

There is a bright future for cooperation in oil gas development in China. Total and other French companies strengthen communication and cooperation with Chinese partners to develop oil gas in China as well as in other countries. Chinese and French companies continue to benefit from cooperation in petroleum upstream industry, gas industry as well as in other fields.  相似文献   

通过对土库曼斯坦油气资源和生产潜力、油气长输管线的规划和未来油气可能出口走向的研究,深入分析了土库曼斯坦油气资源对中国未来能源战略布局和引进国外油气资源的战略影响,提出了中国应该加紧实施中亚及里海地区的能源安全战略,加大中国与土库曼斯坦油气上下游项目合作的力度,构建国外西线油气供应保证系统,开创中国在土库曼斯坦及中亚地区能源战略布局的新局面.  相似文献   

从分析世界能源(主要是石油和天然气)市场现状入手,阐述了能源对世界经济的影响以及大国能源外交的动向,重点对中国与印度两国能源面临的挑战进行了深入分析,并提出了两国加强能源合作的3点建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the status quo and progress of overseas oil and gas business cooperation built by Chinese oil enterprises in 2017. With the slow recovery of the oil and gas industries as a whole, the overseas oil and gas business of Chinese oil enterprises has continued to grow in size, and all-round cooperation progress was made along the Belt and Road. Breakthroughs were made in oil and gas cooperation between China and the United States. In the meantime, new features have emerged in the overseas cooperation of Chinese enterprises, and a pattern of diversified investors has basically taken shape.  相似文献   

China is now beginning its 13 th five-year guideline.As the top CO_2 emitter,China has recently submitted the intended nationally determined contributions and made the commitment to start reducing its total carbon emissions in or before 2030.In this study,a bottom-up energy system model is built and applied to analyze the energy(mainly coal,oil,and gas) consumption and carbon emissions in China up to 2030.The results show that,the total energy consumption will reach a peak of 58.1 billion tonnes of standard coal and the CO_2 emissions will get to105.8 billion tonnes.Moreover,in the mitigation scenario,proportion of natural gas consumption will increase by 7%in 2020 and 10%in 2030.respectively.In the transportation sector,gasoline and diesel consumption will gradually decrease,while the consumption of natural gas in2030 will increase by 2.7 times compared to the reference scenario.Moreover,with the promotion of electric cars,the transport electricity consumption will increase 3.1 times in2030 compared to the reference scenario.In order to fulfill the emission peaking target,efforts should be made from both the final demand sectors and oil and gas production industries,to help adjust the energy structure and ensure the oil and gas supply in future.  相似文献   

近年来,金砖国家能源合作特别是油气领域合作步伐加快,极大促进了双边和多边关系的发展。2020年新冠肺炎疫情全球蔓延,全球能源消费需求减弱,叠加低油价效应,能源行业发展面临新局面,能源领域国际关系和多边合作更加复杂,不确定性因素不断积聚。后疫情时代,金砖国家更需要高质量的国际能源合作,助力全球经济复苏,维护能源领域全球化进程和多边治理体系。建议金砖国家在油气合作战略上,积极打造“能源命运共同体”,加强潜在领域的能源合作,建立应急沟通机制、能源论坛与磋商机制,加强货币金融合作,加速推进能源行业智能化发展。  相似文献   

中国石油非常规油气业务发展与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为我国最大的油气生产商和供应商,中国石油天然气集团公司按照综合性国际能源公司的定位,积极有效地推进非常规油气业务发展,其非常规油气业务主要包括煤层气、油页岩、油砂、页岩气等。为此,介绍了该公司非常规油气业务发展的现状:①在煤层气产能建设方面已取得实质性进展,建成了年产3×108 m3的气田;②开展了油砂资源评价和新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘油砂资源勘查,先导试验基地正在稳步建设;③开展了大庆柳树河盆地油页岩精查,启动3×104 t/a中试厂建设;④跟踪进行了其他非常规油气资源的研究。分析了该公司非常规油气业务所面临的机遇与挑战,最后指出了该公司非常规油气资源业务的发展思路,明确了发展目标:到2010年,投资100亿元,形成新能源年生产能力300×104 t油当量,其中煤层气占全国总产量的40%,页岩油和油砂油产量占全国总产量的20%。  相似文献   

The economic rise of the BRICS countries(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is closely tied to global energy politics and their increased consumption of global energy. Energy cooperation is one of the main forces behind the development of BRICS. Looking forward, energy concerns will undoubtedly remain an important influencing force for the BRICS, shaping their domestic politics and international relations. The pursuit of oil and gas(China, India, and South Africa) to support economic development and the search for stable petroleum markets(Brazil and Russia) have shaped BRICS relations with other countries and regions. This article is trying to elaborate on the reasons why BRICS Energy cooperation is beneficial for its members; also, this article regards the main challenges hindering cooperation, analyzes BRICS energy cooperation through the use of SWOT analysis and muses potential strategic points for BRICS countries up until 2050.  相似文献   

为推动中国节约型社会的建设、促进能源领域的国际交流与合作、为了给中外能源界搭建一个交流的平台、架设沟通的桥梁,世界能源理事会中国国家委员会和世界石油大会中国国家委员会举办了2007年中国国际能源论坛。值大会召开期间,本刊记者采访了世界石油理事会总干事长Pierce Riemer博士,就中国能源界的读者广为感兴趣的问题进行了交流。  相似文献   

China has proposed the "Belt and Road Initiative(BR)" in 2013. One of its core strategies is international oil/gas cooperation. This paper addresses the status quo of cooperation on oil/gas infrastructure with countries along the line of "BR", anticipates the cooperation prospect. On this basis, the author analyzes China's advantages and cooperation basis in this domain, conceives the practical way of cooperation on oil/gas infrastructure with countries along the line of "BR". This paper also elaborates on the potential risks, risk evaluation criteria and risk control in oil/gas infrastructure cooperation with countries along the line of "BR".  相似文献   

China is now beginning its 13th five-year guideline. As the top CO2 emitter, China has recently submitted the intended nationally determined contributions and made the commitment to start reducing its total carbon emissions in or before 2030. In this study, a bottom-up energy system model is built and applied to analyze the energy (mainly coal, oil, and gas) consumption and carbon emissions in China up to 2030. The results show that, the total energy consumption will reach a peak of 58.1 billion tonnes of standard coal and the CO2 emissions will get to 105.8 billion tonnes. Moreover, in the mitigation scenario, proportion of natural gas consumption will increase by 7 % in 2020 and 10 % in 2030, respectively. In the transportation sector, gasoline and diesel consumption will gradually decrease, while the consumption of natural gas in 2030 will increase by 2.7 times compared to the reference scenario. Moreover, with the promotion of electric cars, the transport electricity consumption will increase 3.1 times in 2030 compared to the reference scenario. In order to fulfill the emission peaking target, efforts should be made from both the final demand sectors and oil and gas production industries, to help adjust the energy structure and ensure the oil and gas supply in future.  相似文献   

China hopes to intensify cooperation with other members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in the oil sector, in which its own advantages will also benefit international partners, said vice president of CNPC Zhou Jiping, adding that "Cooperation in the oil sector enjoys rosy prospects and will benefit all the SCO members." He made those remarks at a business forum held in Beijing in mid-June,  相似文献   

向地球深部进军、拓展深层油气资源,对于筑牢中国能源安全的资源基础具有重要的现实与战略意义,也是加大中国油气勘探开发力度的现实领域。在系统总结全球深层油气勘探开发形势和中国深层油气勘探开发进展基础上,深入分析了中国深层油气发展潜力、重点研究领域与科技攻关方向。中国深层油气资源丰富、勘探开发程度低,中西部叠合盆地深层发育的多套油气成藏组合、东部断陷盆地深洼区岩性与前中—新生界古潜山油气藏、深层页岩气等资源潜力巨大,勘探开发前景广阔,是未来重点研究领域。科技攻关方面需加强深层油气形成机制、分布规律及深部流体流动机理研究,开展基于地球物理的深部目标识别与预测、复杂地层条件优快钻井和复杂储层改造等关键技术攻关。同时,大力推动管理创新,进一步加强理论与技术、企业与部门间的协同攻关,加强勘探开发一体化、地质工程一体化的管理和运行,为深层油气高效勘探与有效开发提供有力保障。  相似文献   

The economic rise of the BRICS countries(Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) is closely tied to global energy politics and their increased consumption of global energy. Energy cooperation is one of the main forces behind the development of BRICS. Looking forward, energy concerns will undoubtedly remain an important influencing force for the BRICS, shaping their domestic politics and international relations. The pursuit of oil and gas(China, India, and South Africa) to support economic development and the search for stable petroleum markets(Brazil and Russia) have shaped BRICS relations with other countries and regions. This article is trying to elaborate on the reasons why BRICS Energy cooperation is beneficial for its members; also, this article regards the main challenges hindering cooperation, analyzes BRICS energy cooperation through the use of SWOT analysis and muses potential strategic points for BRICS countries up until 2050.  相似文献   

作为世界第二大经济体,中国的油气对外依存度快速增长,2012年原油对外依存度已接近60%、天然气对外依存度已接近30%,国家油气安全形势严峻。截至2012年底,中国外汇储备余额超过3万亿美元,该类以欧美为主的庞大国债外汇储备该去往何处?针对国家外汇安全与油气安全日益突出的问题,提出了应将我国庞大的外汇储备重点用于投资海外油气上游业务的战略观点,并从市场需求、油气价格、石油战略储备、节能减排、行业整体优势、增强国力、经济效益、油气安全战略等方面论述了其必要性和可行性;对未来中国油气需求量、油气产量、进口油气量及用汇情况等进行了综合预测。结论认为:进一步做大做好海外油气勘探开发工程既可大幅度降低进口油气成本,同时还可以增加对油气资源的掌控度与话语权,降低油气资源安全战略风险,带动油气技术服务出口。  相似文献   

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