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In this study, proton NMR spectroscopy (200 MHz) was used for quantifying the content of ethyl esters in known mixtures of soybean oil and ethyl soyate (biodiesel). For this purpose, the peak areas of ester ethoxy and glycerol methylenic peaks in the region of 4.05–4.40 ppm were measured and a calibration plot of the respective peak areas vs. the known composition of the oil/ethyl ester mixtures was used. The transesterification values determined in this way were compared with viscosity and total glycerol determinations and a good correlation was obtained. Therefore, for routine analysis, the conversion (in %) of oil to ethyl esters was determined. The methodology presented in this work proved to be quicker and simpler than others reported in the literature, such as GC and/or HPLC.  相似文献   

The acyl migration kinetics of neat 2-monoacylglycerol (2-MAG) to form 1-MAG was determined using 1H NMR spectroscopy to monitor the β-proton integration ratios of the two species over time. 2-MAG was synthesized by the Novozym 435-catalyzed alcoholysis of soybean oil and isolated by solvent extraction or molecular distillation at a mole fraction (X 2-MAG) of 0.94 relative to total MAG. The kinetics parameters of the neat 2-MAG acyl migration were investigated over the temperature range of 23–80 °C. The 2-MAG mol fraction remained unchanged at 23 °C over the course of 168 h and reached an equilibrium of X 2-MAG = 0.09 at only 80 °C. Modeling of the kinetics data revealed a 2-MAG half life (t 1/2) of 3,500 and 22.8 h at 23 and 80 °C, respectively, with an activation energy of 79.0 ± 6.5 kJ mol−1. The use of 1H NMR spectroscopy proved an expedient method for monitoring the acyl migration in 2-MAG compared to other reported methods (e.g. GC, HPLC, and 13C-NMR spectroscopy), requiring no sample manipulation and minimizing the deleterious effects of high temperatures and solvent exposure. Product names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by the USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.  相似文献   

1H NMR can be used to determine the epoxide yield rapidly in the oxidation of squalene. Moreover, unequivocal distinction can be made between internal and terminal epoxide bonds. To underline the power of this technique, different stoichiometric and catalytic epoxidation procedures were carried out using squalene as substrate. They were characterized in terms of substrate conversion and regioselectivity of the epoxide fraction.  相似文献   

1H NMR spectra of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) micellar solutions in the absence and presence of sodium anthranilate (NaAn) have been recorded. Studies were performed at a fixed CTAB concentration in the presence of different NaAn concentrations. The specificity of the functional group attached to the salt in producing changes (i.e., viscoelasticity) in CTAB micellar solutions was explored. It was concluded that the nature of the salt counterion together with its intercalation/adsorption in the head group region is the principal cause of viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

Three oil samples obtained from sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) seeds were studied by means of FTIR and 1H NMR. Frequency data of the most significant bands of the IR spectrum of this oil are given. These data show that sacha inchi oil has a high degree of unsaturation. The same fact is deduced from the ratio between the absorbance of the bands due to the stretching vibrations of the cis olefinic CH double bonds at 3010.5 cm−1 and to the methylene symmetrical stretching vibrations at 2855.1 cm−1. The proportions of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated acyl groups were predicted from the frequency of some IR bands, and these were in satisfactory agreement with the values obtained through FAME generation and their quantification by GC. Likewise, simple observation of the 1H NMR spectra provided a great deal of information about sacha inchi oil, with regard not only to the relative proportions of the different acyl groups but also to their nature. Thus, the presence of γ-linolenic acyl groups was discounted. Furthermore, the area of some 1H NMR signals was used to determine the proportion of saturated and mono-, di-, and triunsaturated acyl groups, which also were in satisfactory agreement with the values obtained by classical methods. IR and 1H NMR determinations take very little time in comparison with classical methods and do not require chemical manipulation or transformation of the sample. A comparison was also made between the compositions of sacha inchi and linseed oil. Both oils are important sources of the healthful n−3 linolenic acyl groups, and sacha inchi also contains high proportions of the n−6 linoleic acyl groups.  相似文献   

Product mixtures of epoxidized fatty compounds can be analyzed by using 1H NMR. Conversion of double bonds and selectivities to different products can easily be calculated. Moreover, if diunsaturated substrates are used in epoxidation reactions, yields to mono- and diepoxidized products can be determined. The effectiveness of this method is proven by comparing some NMR results with those found by GC analysis.  相似文献   

Changes in bile synthesis by the liver or alterations in the enterohepatic circulation due to a variety of etiological conditions may represent a novel source of liver disease-specific biomarkers. Bile from patients with liver diseases exhibited significant changes in the levels of glycine- and taurine-conjugated bile acids, phospholipids, cholesterol and urea relative to non-liver disease controls. Cholangiocarcinoma and non-malignant liver diseases (NMLD) showed the most significant alterations. Further, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) could be differentiated from NMLD (p = 0.02), as well as non-liver disease controls (p = 0.02) based on the amounts of bile acids, phospholipids and/or cholesterol. HCC also differed with cholangiocarcinoma although not significantly. Urea increases somewhat in non-malignant liver disease relative to non-liver disease controls, while the bile acids, phospholipids and cholesterol all decrease significantly. The ratio between some major bile metabolites also distinguished NMLD (p = 0.004–0.01) from non-liver disease controls. This snapshot view of bile homeostasis, is obtainable from a simple nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approach and demonstrates the enormous opportunity to assess liver status, explore biomarkers for high risk diseases such as cancers and improve the understanding of normal and abnormal cellular functions.  相似文献   

It was shown that 1H NMR allowed a rapid determination of the ratio of the linolenic residues over all the others (linoleic + oleic + saturated) and 13C NMR allowed a rapid determination of the ratio of linolenic over (linoleic + oleic) residues as well as the linoleic/oleic ratio in a few minutes on less than 20 mg of crude LO. After thermal treatment (220°C for 2 h, followed by cooling to room temperature), a 1∶1 mixture of linseed oil (LO) and maleic anhydride (MA), which was a suspension, became limpid and remained limpid. Moreover, the viscosity of the mixture was higher than that of pure LO treated in the same way. It was shown by 13C NMR and quantitative recovery of the constituents (LO and MA) through solvent separation that no reaction occurred between LO and MA during this thermal treatment. This result is in accord with DSC analysis of such a 1∶1 LO/MA mixture that exhibited an exothermic effect too small (about 34 kcal/mol) to correspond to formation of a C−C bond.  相似文献   

The cross-linking density at the filler-elastomer interface is analyzed by 1H NMR measurements in model reinforced elastomers composed by grafted nanosilica particles and cross-linked ethylacrylate chains. We have focused our attention on the effect of introducing fillers on the relaxation of the bulk polymer matrix which is observed at long times (t>100 μs). Measurements performed at high temperature (T>Tg+120 K) have revealed that its relaxation is affected by the topological constraints existing at the particle surface. We deduce that the effect of particles in the bulk matrix can be interpreted as that of an homogeneous additional constraint density which increases proportionally to the surface area introduced in the matrix.  相似文献   

Unsaturated fatty acids are essential components of vegetable oils and cellular membranes and the involved aspect of unsaturated fatty acids ozonation have been widely studied by different authors. In this paper, in vitro ozonolysis of unsaturated fatty acids with addition of water or ethanol has been studied by Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) at 250?MHz in order to explore the possibility of this technique for the detection of Criegee ozonides in characterizing ozone reaction with these substrates. The ozonolysis of methyl linoleate showed that signal intensities from formed ozonides were increased with ozone concentration increments. However, the signal intensities with addition of water were higher than those in ethanol addition. Signal intensities from olefinic double bonds were found to decrease with the increment in ozonide signals. Thus, a correspondence of the behavior of these signals is observed with a proportional rate reaction between the number of double bonds in the substrate molecule. Signals from aldehyde formation were poorly detected at lower ozone concentration. It was concluded that the evaluation of ozonide and olefinic double bond signals from 250?MHz 1H NMR can be a useful tool in assessing ozone reaction with biomolecules. The reaction mechanism for the ozone reaction with unsaturated fatty acids in the presence of water or ethanol is analyzed.  相似文献   

Silicate anions were studied using 29Si NMR to investigate the structure-directing effect of a surfactant (sodium dodecylsulfate-SDS) on the distribution of silicate species present in alkaline silicate solutions. The distribution of the anions in the presence of polyelectrolytes was also investigated by 29Si NMR through the use of different bases including tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAOH) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Both SDS and the polyelectrolytic solutions were shown to stabilize low molecular weight silicate species and thus inhibit polymerization.
Abdolraouf Samadi-MaybodiEmail:

The reaction products of vinylidenefluoride (VDF) with methanol as a telogen have been analysed in the solution state by 1H and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. High-resolution 19F and 1H NMR spectra were achieved using high-power 1H and 19F decoupling, respectively, giving superior resolution and revealing previously unresolved signals of the vinylidenefluoride telomer (VDFT). 1H and 19F homo- and hetero-nuclear scalar coupling constants are presented and the spectra of functional groups and reverse units (including the identification of short-chain structures) are discussed. Furthermore, the application of 19F or 1H decoupling for the correct assessment of reverse-unit content and degree of polymerisation is demonstrated. This work highlights the need for high-resolution NMR spectroscopy to determine both the chemical structure and the composition of these important fluoropolymers.  相似文献   

Areas of resonance signals present in 12 frequency bins of the 1H NMR spectra of the vacuum residues of five Colombian crudes and a blend were correlated with their SARA components and some physicochemical properties. The residues studied were obtained from light paraffinic to heavy aromatic Colombian crudes. Correlations between the NMR spectra and properties were obtained with partial least square PLS and multiple linear regression MLR. Prediction models for SARA obtained by PLS had R2 > 0.97 while CV − q2 was between 0.92 and 0.99. Models obtained with MLR for SARA showed a high for the first three components and a lower one for asphaltene. The R2 of the prediction models for density, API Gravity, S, N, Ni ppm and wax %m content plus nC5- and -C7 insolubles were >0.988 while CV − q2 was between 0.87 and 0.99. The proposed correlation methods are fast and less costly than the conventional ones.  相似文献   

Prior studies have proven that ozonated vegetable oils present a high germicidal power. Ozonation of sunflower oil at different applied ozone dosage was carried out and peroxide and aldehydes indices along with antimicrobial activity were determined. The reaction products were identified using Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H NMR). The principal signals intensity values were used for following the reaction course between ozone and sunflower oil. The reaction was following up to peroxide index values of 1202 mmol-equi/kg. The intensities of olefinic proton signals decreased with the gradual increase in ozone concentration but without disappearing completely. The Criegee ozonides obtained at 107.1 mg/g of ozone doses were approximately 3.9-fold higher than that at beginning of the reaction. The aldehyde protons were observed as a weak intensity signal in all the spectra. The signals belonging to olefinic protons from hydroperoxides appeared weak and increased with the increase in ozone doses. Signals from other oxygenated groups were assigned. The highest action spectrum of antimicrobial activity was obtained with the higher peroxide index. It was concluded that at higher applied ozone doses, the higher the antimicrobial activity potential of ozonized sunflower oil  相似文献   

Yang Yang  Bing Liu  Xiaoqiang Sun 《Fuel》2003,82(6):721-727
More than 60 heavy oils samples, belonging to the hydrogen adding tail oil, catalytic oil slurry, catalytic heavy oil slurry and catalytic heavy tar waxy oil, which taken from different processing units in Nanjing Refinery, are analysed by 1H NMR and column chromatography. The analytical data of the heavy oils by two methods are compared and correlated, while good relationships between the specific area proton's percentage in 1H NMR spectra and the contents of paraffinic and alicyclic hydrocarbons ((P+N)%), aromatic hydrocarbons (A%) are found. Our 1H NMR method in calculating the amount of (P+N) and A in heavy oils proved fast, convenient and reliable.  相似文献   

13C NMR spectra of oil fractions obtained chromatographically from 109 vegetable oils were obtained and analyzed to evaluate the potential use of those fractions in the classification of vegetable oils and to compare the results with the NMR analysis of complete oils. The oils included the following: virgin olive oils from different cultivars and regions of Europe and north Africa; “lampante” olive, refined olive, refined olive pomace, hazelnut, rapeseed, high-oleic sunflower, corn, grapeseed, soybean, and sunflower oils; and mixtures of virgin olive oils from different geographical origins. Oils were divided into two sets of samples. The training set (98 samples) was employed to select the variables that resulted in significant discrimination among the different oil classes. By using stepwise discriminant analysis, more than 98% of correct validated assignments were obtained; these results were confirmed when applied to the test set (11 blind samples). Results suggest that the use of oil fractions considerably increases the discriminating power of NMR in the analysis of vegetable oils.  相似文献   

31P-NMR spectroscopy was employed to detect and quantify glycerol in red wines from various regions of Greece. This novel analytical method was based on the derivatization of the hydroxyl groups of glycerol with 2-chloro-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl dioxaphospholane, and identification of the phosphitylated compound on the basis of 31P chemical shifts. Quantification of glycerol in wines was accomplished by integration of appropriate signals in the 31P-NMR spectrum and the use of the phosphitylated cyclohexanol as the internal standard. The method was reproducible (CV (%) = 2.35) and accurate (CV (%) = 1.34). Its applicability to glycerol quantification in wines was tested against a weighted amount of a glycerol-model compound by linear regression analysis (R = 0.999; intercept = 0.074 ± 0.078; slope = 0.998 ± 0.003; p = 0.000). Furthermore, the NMR method was compared to the AOAC official method (HPLC) using the Bland and Altman statistical analysis. The distribution of the data points in the bias plot showed that 100% of the measurements of glycerol in 16 wine samples from various regions of Greece were within the limits of agreement of the two methods.  相似文献   

A simple method for the determination of protic end-groups (-XH) in synthetic polymers involves in situ derivatization with trichloroacetyl isocyanate (TAI) in an NMR tube and observation of the imidic hydrogens of the derivatized products [-X-C(O)-NH-COCCl3] by 1H NMR spectroscopy. In this paper, we report that the method is effective for the quantitative determination of hydroxy, primary amino and carboxy end-groups of polymers with . It may also be applied to detect chain ends in higher molecular weight polymers. The signals for the imidic (and, in the case of amines, amidic) hydrogens appear in a region (δ 7.5-11) that is clear of other signals in the case of most aliphatic polymers and many aromatic polymers such as polystyrene and poly(ethylene terephthalate). The method has been applied in the characterization of polymers formed by conventional and living radical polymerization (RAFT, ATRP, NMP), to end functional poly(ethylene oxide) and to polyethylene-block-poly(ethylene oxide). The method appears less effective in the case of sulfanyl end-groups. The chemical shift of the imidic hydrogen shows remarkable sensitivity to the microenvironment of chain end. Thus, the imidic hydrogens of TAI derivatized polyethylene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) [PE-(EO)mOC(O)NHC(O)CCl3] are at least partially resolved for m=0, 1, 2, 3 and ≧4 in the 400 MHz 1H NMR spectrum. It is also sensitive to the chain end tacticity of, for example, amino-end-functional polystyrenes and thus to the relative configuration of groups removed from the chain-end by two or more monomer units. TAI derivatization also facilitates analysis of amine functional polymers by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) which is often rendered difficult by specific interactions between the amine group and the GPC column packing.  相似文献   

J. Burri  D. Rentsch 《Fuel》2004,83(2):187-193
A fast and simple 1H NMR spectroscopic method was developed for the concentration measurement of aromatic, olefinic and aliphatic fractions in gasoline samples. Simultaneously, individual components such as benzene, methyl tert-butyl ether and several dienes could be determined. The method relies on only a few, well-established assumptions about the molecular compositions and is therefore applicable to a broad range of gasolines. It is well suited for laboratories with high sample throughput since measurement time is short and all concentrations are determined within one NMR experiment. The method was applied to commercial gasolines and samples used in European round robin tests. Comparisons of NMR and round robin test results showed excellent agreement.  相似文献   

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