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全国第一个农民用水户协会就诞生在湖北省漳河灌区。 漳河灌区是全国十大灌区之一,设计灌溉面积17.37万hm^2,有效灌溉面积15.53万hm^2,属湖北省灌区之首。1995年6月16日,漳河灌区三干渠洪庙支渠农民用水户协会在全国率先组建成立。11年来,漳河灌区已先后成立农民用水户协会67个,覆盖灌溉面积4.2万hm^2,涉及252个村46746户农户。漳河灌区自组建成立农民用水户协会以来,在末级渠系建设管理中较好地解决了农村小型水利面临的组织者、建设者、管理者缺位问题,化解了灌区城镇生活与农业用水难题,体现了民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的权利,深受灌区政府、水管单位和用水户的欢迎。  相似文献   

秦静茹 《河北水利》2010,(11):45-45
<正>农民用水户协会是由农民用水户通过民主方式自发组建起来的,通过组织以家庭户为单位对农业灌溉用水等水利工程进行民主管理的民间社团组织,是一个不以营利为目的的公益性服务型组织。农民用水户协会以村为单元组成,是政府引导、农民自愿、自发建立的群众组织,是各地在开展农村小型水利体制改革、探索各种用水管理形式过程中出现的新生事物。1.存在问题  相似文献   

英国政府赠款实施的“面向贫困人口的农村水利改革项目”,旨在项目区建立和完善农民用水户协会,加强对农村小型水利设施的管理。项目以农民用水户协会建设为主线,包括政策研究与宣传、能力建设、用水户协会示范与推广、监测评价等内容。项目实施4年来,取得了节约用水、提高灌溉效率等效果。  相似文献   

农民用水户协会(WUA)是参与式灌溉管理中一种先进灌溉管理模式.内蒙古自治区托克托县毛不拉灌区与麻地壕灌区进行农民用水户协会改革,主要目的是通过在灌区末级渠系组建农民用水户协会,建立一套符合市场机制的供水和用水管理制度,让用水户参与灌区末级渠系的管理,推动灌区专管机构的体制改革,使灌区的渠道灌溉水利用率得到显著提高,使灌区能够经济自立,确保灌区的效益和可持续发展.通过调查研究,对托克托县的项目实施情况作出了评价.  相似文献   

辛建军 《陕西水利》2009,(6):147-148
本文通过对段家峡水库灌区原管理体制存在的问题的调查研究,以及对斗渠改制中农民用水协会与斗渠拍卖、管理两种方式的比较,论证了选择农民用水协会的理由.并以灌区两个用水协会的创建与运行为试点,提出了组建协会意义和运作效果.实践证明,在灌区推广用水户参与方式管理,组建农民用水协会是符合灌区发展要求一种理想的选择.  相似文献   

农村小型水利设施的管理问题是当前水利面临的一个重要问题,农民用水组织是农村小型水利设施管理的有效组织形式。通过对具有100多年历史的民间水利协会——万载县鲤陂民间水利协会的调查分析,认为:农民具有伟大的首创精神,有自我管理的能力和愿望;对长期以来国家管不了、管不好的众多农村小型水利设施,推广农民用水户组织,实现农民民主管理、政府适当补助,可以有效地解决投入不足、管理不善、难以为继的状况,对促进农业生产,保障粮食安全,推进社会主义新农村建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

加强灌区建设与管理促进灌区可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会主义市场经济的建立及灌区经济效益衰减,东张水库灌区在工程状况和管理体制、经营机制等方面存在的问题日益显露出来,严重制约着灌区的持续发展。在加强东张水库灌区工程建设与管理的同时,借鉴其他灌区的经验和作法,积极探索并稳步推进“灌区管理单位 用水户协会 用水户”的用水户参与灌溉管理的体制改革的试点工作,并通过加强内部管理与搞好外部协调促进东张水库灌区持续、健康地发展,确保灌区逐步走上良性发展的轨道,实现从工程水利向资源水利转变,从传统水利向现代水利、可持续发展水利转变。  相似文献   

陈彬  陈永军 《治淮》2008,(6):44-44
山东省莱芜市雪野水库灌区是全国大型灌区。自2002年起,雪野灌区将灌区节水改造与农民用水户协会建设相结合,在全灌区范围内逐步推广“灌区+用水户协会+农民”的农民用水户参与灌溉管理的新模式。目前共成立农民用水户协会15个,遍及5个乡镇、100个村。  相似文献   

黑龙江省查哈阳灌区于2004年开始组建用水户协会,从这7年的运行发展来看,用水户协会在灌区末级渠系灌溉管理中发挥了重要作用:发挥了水利设施效益,规范了用水秩序,体现了农民的民主权利.同时,由于目前相关政策制定及引导用水户协会发展的理论研究还不够完善和具体,部分基层干部和群众认知也还不够,影响其长期运行和发展.如何为用水...  相似文献   

对农民用水户协会调研,重点研讨协会在灌区节水中的作用.研究目的:通过调研,揭示灌区协会建设对灌区节水的影响.经过项目两年的实施,黄材灌区在协会建设、协会重点推介、村民自治、协会规划发展等方面进行系统的研究和总结,并在实际工作中作有益的实践.  相似文献   


Beginning in 1995, the Mexican Federal Government started a national program for promoting increase in agricultural productivity in the irrigation districts of Mexico. The program, Alianza para el Campo (Alliance for Agriculture) involves strategies for achieving the objective among which highlight a subprogram called Water Use Efficiency and Chemigation. The new law of rural development also includes actions towards the preservation of natural resources. The National Institute for Forestry Agricultural and Livestock Research of Mexico (INIFAP) is in charge of generate and transferring the research and technology in these programs as part o a national strategy to implement irrigation modules in several different ecological systems from the dry regions of North Mexico to tropical regions in the southwest. This paper describes the status and strategies for promoting irrigation efficiency in irrigation districts of Mexico.  相似文献   

Maize is the most important crop grown in Mexico, with more than one-third of total production coming from irrigated fields. We compute irrigation energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions of different irrigated maize systems in Mexico. Calculations were based on National Agriculture and Forestry Census 2007 microdata, irrigation water requirements estimated from state-level climate data, and energy and emission coefficients from the literature. Weighted average irrigation energy and related emissions are in the range of 1.0–31.6 GJ/ha and 62.0–2,019.9 kg CO2e/ha, respectively, while country-scale estimates amount to 4.8 PJ and 305.2 Gg CO2e.  相似文献   

去区域气候变异的农业水资源利用效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业水资源利用效率可用作物耗水量与总供水量(包括灌溉输水量和降水量)的比值表示。气象因子直接影响着作物耗水量和总供水量,但是气象因子对两者的影响程度不同,因此区域的气候差异造成的作物耗水量和总供水量的差异,在一定程度上影响着农业水资源利用效率。提出了一种去区域气候变异的农业水资源利用效率指标,以2004年为基准年,计算了全国的农业水资源利用效率,并分析了其主要影响因素。研究结果显示全国的水资源利用效率总体上从北至南呈下降的趋势。水资源利用效率随着农业水资源亏缺度和节水灌溉面积的增加而增加,随着灌溉水量的增加而降低。  相似文献   

农民用水协会是近些年来在农村兴起的一种非营利性群众用水合作组织,其产生使得广大用水户能切身参与到灌溉管理事业中来,并带来了不可忽视的效益。但是当下的农民用水协会在实际运行及管理中仍存在许多问题。本文在对陕西关中五大灌区的七个农民用水协会开展实地社会调查的基础上,分析研究了灌区末级渠系管理体制改革的成效及存在的问题,并对农民用水协会今后可持续发展的问题提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   


Increasing social tensions and conflicts can now be observed due to growing water scarcities and higher wastewater discharges in many parts of the world. These conflicts can be analyzed in two ways. First, a social conflict can be responsible for creating water scarcity by reducing accessibility, destroying water systems, and reducing water availability. Second, water resources scarcity, both in terms of quantity and quality, can often be the cause of conflicts in a society. The article focuses on the second type of conflict by analyzing several examples from Mexico: especially conflicts that have been generated by the use of the wastewaters of Mexico City for irrigation in the Mezquital Valley since 1912.  相似文献   

高效利用水资源已成为农业生产亟待解决的问题。为此,根据农业生态系统组成分析,影响农业用水效率的主要因素可以归纳为灌区的自然条件(气候、水资源条件、土壤质地)、灌区条件(包括类型和规模)、作物种植结构、灌溉工程措施、灌水技术、灌区基础设施和节水配套状况、灌区管理水平、经济政策和供水水价等几个方面。不同因素的影响机理是不同的,有些因素是可调控的,有些因素则短期内难以改变。重点分析了各因素对农田灌溉水有效利用系数的影响机理,同时从设施、制度、结构、技术等方面提出了提高农业用水效率的对策措施。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes irrigation-poverty linkages, and determines how and to what extent irrigation contributes to poverty alleviation, and whether there are any spatial patterns in poverty in irrigation systems. It also identifies conditions under which irrigation has greater anti-poverty impacts. The analysis is based on primary data collected during the 2000--2001 agricultural year, from four selected irrigation systems and rainfed areas in Java. The results indicate that irrigation has significant poverty reducing impacts. Poverty varies across irrigation systems and across locations within the systems. In general, crop productivity is relatively higher and poverty is lower in middle parts of the systems compared to head and tail parts. Further, locational differences in poverty are more pronounced in larger systems where locational inequities in water distribution and productivity differences are also high. Crop productivity, the size of landholdings and location of households are important determinants of poverty, in addition to demographic factors such as family size. The smaller the systems with well managed infrastructure, relatively equitable water distribution and diversified cropping patterns supported with market infrastructure, the greater the poverty reducing impacts of irrigation. Overall, the study findings suggest that improving the performance of irrigation systems by enhancing land and water productivity, diversifying cropping patterns and improving water distribution across locations would help reduce poverty in presently low productivity-high poverty parts of the systems.  相似文献   

Lack of water use data at the user scale is frequently noted in integrated water management and water demand modelling studies. This situation affects particularly mountain tourist areas, where high seasonal water demand related to the variation of temporary population are rarely documented. Irrigation is also a major water use in moutain territories but is not commonly measured. This paper proposes a framework for local-scale monitoring of seasonal water use behaviours and their territorial inprint. A monitoring strategy was developed to collect water demand data at thin spatio-temporal scales which were analysed using two concepts: (i) the water use regime, describing the dynamics of water uses throughout the year using normalised values, and (ii) the water use density, expressing the territorial footprint of a water use, in terms of unit area. This strategy was applied in the alpine tourist municipality of Montana (Switzerland). A two-year monitoring campaign of irrigation and drinking water uses was carried out combining in-field measurement (water metres) with interviews of water users. The temporal resolution of the collected water use dataset (bi-weekly, daily) was sufficient to assess the specific water demand patterns and the short-term water use peaks responsible for water stress in Alpine tourist regions. It provided the first irrigation monitoring in the area and a classification of drinking water data according to their spatial distribution, the type of building and the permanency of residents. The water use density method gives a new prespective on the spatial intensity of water uses, highlighting the importance of garden irrigation in Montana. Also, the water use regime method identified July as the period of water demand peaking. The monitoring of water uses at such thin temporal scale constitutes the necessary dataset for the creation of water balance models that accurately reproduce the effective water use behaviours.  相似文献   

农业用水量一般占总用水量的比例达70%,且常常与其他经济部门用水发生冲突。如何制定合理的灌溉保障标准,既保障粮食安全,又支撑经济社会的可持续发展,是需要系统研究的问题。以厄瓜多尔全国水资源规划为例,提出了确定灌溉保证率的一般流程和方法,制定了厄瓜多尔农业"破坏"准则和灌溉保证率:(1)1a内的缺水量不超过相应需水量的20%;(2)在连续2 a中,总缺水量不超过平均年需水量的30%;(3)在连续10 a中,总缺水量不超过平均年需水量的40%,灌溉保证率标准为75%。并将计算结果与中国和西班牙保证率标准进行比较,结果表明:按照上述标准确定的厄瓜多尔灌溉保证率布置的基础设施建设投资,处于厄瓜多尔国家经济承受能力之内,也符合宪法规定的粮食自主等国家意志;中国现行国家标准对"破坏"准则的定义过于严格,且没有考虑作物的耐旱特性以及农业"非充分灌溉"等措施,而行业标准又太宽泛,难以在国外直接应用,有待进一步研究和完善。  相似文献   

Due to the hydrological and socio-economic complexity of water use within river basins and even sub-basins, it is a considerable challenge to manage water resources in an efficient, equitable and sustainable way. This paper shows that multi-agent simulation (MAS) is a promising approach to better understand the complexity of water uses and water users within sub-basins. This approach is especially suitable to take the collective action into account when simulating the outcome of technical innovation and policy change. A case study from Chile is used as an example to demonstrate the potential of the MAS framework. Chile has played a pioneering role in water policy reform by privatizing water rights and promoting trade in such rights, devolving irrigation management authority to user groups, and privatizing the provision of irrigation infrastructure. The paper describes the different components of a MAS model developed for four micro-watersheds in the Maule river basin. Preliminary results of simulation experiments are presented, which show the impacts of technical change and of informal rental markets on household income and water use efficiency. The paper also discusses how the collective action problems in water markets and in small-scale and large-scale infrastructure provision can be captured by the MAS model. To promote the use of the MAS approach for planning purposes, a collaborative research and learning framework has been established, with a recently created multi-stakeholder platform at the regional level (Comisión Regional de Recursos Hidricos) as the major partner. Finally, the paper discusses the potentials of using MAS models for water resources management, such as increasing transparency as an aspect of good governance. The challenges, for example the need to build trust in the model, are discussed as well.  相似文献   

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