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为了加快基于深度学习的轨道角动量光束识别模型的训练速度,提出使用迁移学习的方式识别轨道角动量光束,并利用次谐波法生成大气湍流相位屏仿真大气湍流,以空间光调制器加载相位屏的方式搭建模拟湍流环境,基于迁移学习的轨道角动量光束识别系统在弱湍流和中湍流环境下均获得了90%以上的识别率。并与传统深度学习方式在模型训练速度、识别率等方面进行性能对比,证明了在弱、中湍流环境中,基于迁移学习的轨道角动量光束识别方法在保持较高识别率的前提下可以减少训练时间。  相似文献   

尹霄丽  崔小舟  常欢  张兆元  苏元直  郑桐 《光电工程》2020,47(3):190584-1-190584-15



大气湍流对贝塞尔高斯光束轴上光强的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对光束在大气中传播时,大气湍流引起的光强起伏等现象.为了探索寻求减弱或者消除湍流的影响的途径,本文采用数值模拟的方法,分析了湍流大气对(零阶)贝塞尔高斯光束轴上光强的影响.分析发现,在湍流环境中,贝塞尔高斯光束的轴上光强都随着传播距离的增加而减小,湍流越强,光束的轴上光强减小越快.贝塞尔高斯光束的径向波矢量越小,轴上光强的稳定性越好.贝塞尔高斯光束轴上光强的稳定性随着传播距离的增加而变坏.贝塞尔高斯光束跟同样束宽的高斯光束相比较,贝塞尔高斯光束的轴上光强受湍流的影响较大.  相似文献   

大气湍流对厄米-高斯光束光束质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用二阶矩束宽、桶中功率和光束质量参数作为特征参数,研究了大气湍流对厄米-高斯(H-G)光束远场光束质量造成的影响,并对其作了详细的数值计算和分析。研究结果表明,在大气湍流中,TEM10模光束的相对展宽小于TEM00模光束的相对展宽。在湍流不太强的情况下,例如Rytov变量小于9时,TEM10模的PIB小于TEM00模光束的桶中功率,TEM10模的光束质量参数大于TEM00模光束的光束质量参数。但是,随着湍流的进一步增强,TEM10模的PIB和光束质量参数值逐渐趋近于TEM00模的PIB和光束质量参数值。  相似文献   

作为一种人工微纳器件,超表面能够对光束的传播和相位进行精确的调控。具有不同偏振矢量特性的涡旋光束具有独特的光场分布特性,利用超表面生成复杂状态的矢量涡旋光场具有越来越广泛的研究前景。本文针对产生矢量涡旋光束超表面的材料进行分类,介绍了金属超表面、全介质超表面和智能超表面在矢量涡旋光束生成和调控方面的研究进展。我们详细阐述了超表面利用不同相位理论对入射波前调制的原理和超表面生成的不同矢量涡旋光束的特性,并探讨了这两者之间的联系。此外,我们总结了利用超表面代替传统光学器件生成矢量涡旋光束的优势,并展望了未来利用不同材料的超表面进行矢量光场调控研究方面的挑战和可能性。  相似文献   

基于角谱衍射理论,利用Johnson传递系统数值模拟非高斯粗糙面,研究了拉盖尔-高斯涡旋光束通过随机非高斯粗糙表面的场分布特性。在分析了非高斯粗糙面方向自相关长度、峰度、偏斜以及均方根粗糙度对涡旋光束场分布影响的基础上,研究了涡旋光束通过随机粗糙表面后光束光强分布变化时的均方根粗糙度取值范围,并通过实验,将实验数据与仿真结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:当非高斯粗糙面方向相关长度为20 mm,偏斜为0.001,峰度为6,均方根粗糙度大于0.12 mm时,拉盖尔-高斯光束透过随机表面的光强分布不再保持空心分布,对应的相位奇点消失。  相似文献   

本文报道了一种2.07μm波段可调谐主动锁模光纤激光并在室内模拟大气湍流条件下进行传输特性研究。增益介质为1.5 m长的掺钬光纤,主动锁模通过LiNbO3强度调制器在腔内引入周期强度调制实现。腔内引入非线性偏振旋转效应实现波长2058.4nm^2078.6nm可调谐。实验获得了稳定的基频锁模脉冲和10阶,24阶,48阶谐波锁模脉冲,对应频谱信噪比为66.79 dB、61.37 dB、54.82 dB和49.66 dB。锁模脉冲经过数字调制后在实验室内大气湍流模拟池中进行传输,分别获得了?T为70℃,140℃和210℃时三种湍流强度和背对背条件下的眼图;与背对背条件相比,在?T=210℃时光信噪比降低了9.14 dB。  相似文献   

大气湍流是由于大气温度、压强的随机变化引起大气折射率随机改变而产生的。遵循这一原理,热风式湍流模拟装置对传输光束周围的空气加热,用风扇抽吸热空气产生湍流,通过改变加热温度和风扇的转速,模拟不同强弱的湍流。用哈特曼传感器对该装置进行测量并采集数据,通过波前斜率处理复原波前,在此基础上从时间域和空间域等方面分析所产生湍流的特点,并与理论进行比较。结果表明,该装置能产生基本符合大气湍流统计理论的湍流。  相似文献   

本文使用傅立叶变换法对符合Kolmogorov谱的大气随机相位屏进行了数值模拟,采用三层随机相位屏叠加模拟大气湍流.通过比较模拟相位屏的相位结构函数和理论值的符合度对相位屏的统计特性进行了验证,利用长曝光传递函数和相位结构函数计算大气相干长度r0.结果表明,用傅立叶变换法模拟的随机相位屏是正确的,但相位结构函数存在明显的低频空间频率成分不足,采用三层随机相位屏叠加对相位结构函数和理论值的符合度有所改善,实际r0值比设计值偏大.  相似文献   

大气湍流畸变相位屏的数值模拟方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用功率谱反演法和Zernike多项式展开法对符合Kolmogonov统计规律的大气湍流畸变波前相位屏进行了数值模拟研究。通过对比模拟相位屏的相位结构函数与理论结果的差异分析模拟相位屏的准确性。结果表明,功率谱反演法产生的相位屏在高空间频率部分与理论相符,在低空间频率部分明显偏离理论值,通过次谐波补偿有效改善低频不足,次谐波级数达到4级足够;Zernike多项式展开法产生的相位屏的低空间频率成分与理论相符,而高空间频率成分不足随着所用Zernike阶数的增加而有所改善,但同时也带来计算量增大的问题。  相似文献   

Motivated by the nice form of the Poynting vector for the paraxial light a gauge theoretic formalism is proposed representing light by a complex massless scalar field. Angular momenta for paraxial beam and multipole radiation are derived using this approach. It is pointed out that a natural covariant generalization for the rotating system would offer an alternative formalism to rotating light beams.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that by diffracting light at single photon level with orbital angular momentum (OAM) by an equilateral triangular aperture, it is possible to determine their OAM amount by simply counting the number of maxima in the side of a generated triangular shaped hexagonal lattice in the spatial photon probability distribution. The sign of the OAM is obtained by the orientation of the latticed triangle. We also show that by changing the aperture size it is possible to discriminate OAM state superpositions.  相似文献   

Perfect optical vortex (POV) beam is a special kind of vortex beam, whose radius is independent of its topological charge. In this paper, we propose a two-dimensional multiplexing scheme with a ring radius and topological charge of POV beam. A communication system using the proposed multiplexing scheme with a two-step detection method is presented, and on–off keying modulation is applied to demonstrate the bit error rate (BER) performance under atmospheric turbulence. The numerical results show that the BER performance of the proposed scheme is better than that when only topological charge is multiplexed with the same conditions. The two-dimensional multiplexing scheme has an anti-interference capability since the ring radius is only concerned in magnitude. At the same time, the capacity and the spectral efficiency of the system are improved since both ring radial and topological charge of POV beam are used.  相似文献   

涡旋光束携带的轨道角动量(OAM)为光波的空间域提供了新的维度资源,吸引了越来越多研究人员的关注。由于具有不同OAM模式值的涡旋光束相互正交,因此将OAM模式引入传统光通信领域,衍生出两种新的应用机制--OAM键控(OAM-SK)与OAM复用(OAM-DM),这为未来实现高速、大容量及高频谱效率的光通信技术提供了潜在的解决方案。本文将从OAM光束的类别和产生方法等基本概念理论出发,对这两种通信应用机制相关的典型研究案例做简要概述,并重点论述三种关键技术,包括OAM光束复用技术、OAM光束解调技术以及OAM光通信的大气湍流效应抑制技术。最后,对OAM光通信技术的未来发展趋势及其前景进行了分析与展望。  相似文献   

The analytical nonparaxial propagation formula of an anomalous hollow beam (AHB) with orbital angular momentum (OAM) in free space is derived based on the generalized Raleigh–Sommerfeld diffraction integral. The nonparaxial properties of AHB with OAM such as intensity, phase and OAM density distributions are studied in detail, using the pertinent nonparaxial propagation formula. The comparison between the paraxial and nonparaxial results is also carried out. The results show that the nonparaxial properties of an AHB with OAM are determined by the initial beam parameters, such as beam waist size and topological charge and propagation distance.  相似文献   


We study the spiral spectrum of anomalous vortex beams propagating through a turbulent atmosphere. Based on the Huygens–Fresnel integral and the Rytov approximation, the integral expression and then the analytical expression for the spiral spectrum of anomalous vortex beams in the weakly turbulent atmosphere are derived. The capacity of wireless optical links using the anomalous vortex beam is obtained. It is found that the spiral spectrum of the anomalous vortex beam is less affected by turbulence than that of the Laguerre-Gaussian beam. And thus, the information capacity of wireless optical links using the anomalous vortex beam is larger than that using the Laguerre-Gaussian beam. The influence of beam order, wavelength, topological charge, propagation distance, refractive index structure constant and the radius of receiver aperture on spiral spectrum is investigated. These results contribute to reduce the disturbing effects of atmospheric turbulence on the orbital angular momentum of the vortex beam.  相似文献   

This study theoretically analyzed the angular momentum general formulas and equations of singular vortex beam and studied light intensity distribution characteristics of the singular vortex beam with mixing interference of a the singular vortex beam by numerical simulation methods. In order to reveal the light intensity distribution, the author chose three cases to perform experiments and collect data: two identical singular vortex beams, two singular vortex beams with equal and opposite topological charges, and two singular vortex beams with unequal topological charges.  相似文献   

Due to the wide application of the vortex beam, a new theoretical model is introduced to describe the anomalous hollow beam (AHB) with optical angular momentum (OAM). The analytical propagation expression for the AHB with OAM passing through an ABCD optical system is derived. The effect of topological charge (TC) on the propagation properties of the AHB with OAM is studied numerically. The dependence of the normalized intensity distribution, the phase distribution and the optical angular momentum density (OAMD) distribution of the proposed beam on its TC is illustrated numerically. Furthermore, it is found that the intensity distribution, phase distribution, and the OAMD distribution are shaped through varying the TC and propagation distance. Our results will be useful for optical communication and optical trapping.  相似文献   

An efficient quantum secret sharing scheme is proposed. In the proposed scheme, the polarization state and the orbital angular momentum state of the particle can be utilized simultaneously. One state is used to bring the secret information, and the other state is used to check the eavesdropping. So all the particles can be used to transmit the secret, and the utilization efficiency of particles can achieve 100%. Compared to the existing schemes based on BB84 protocol or decoy particles, our scheme can increase the utilization efficiency of particles effectively.  相似文献   

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