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中性束注入器(Neutral Beam Injector,NBI)是东方超环(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)核聚变实验装置辅助加热的重要组成部分。目前NBI离子源引出系统采用四电极结构,即加速电极、梯度电极、抑制电极和地电极。抑制极电源是为其中的抑制电极提供负电位的高压直流电源。根据抑制极电源输出特性的要求,输出端采用串联绝缘栅双极型晶体管(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor,IGBT)作为调制开关。为研究IGBT串联技术对均压效果和抑制极电源输出特性的影响,采用PSpice软件对IGBT开关进行了建模,并进行了不同电路参数下的仿真。仿真表明:一定条件下,电阻电容二极管(Resistance Capacitance Diode,RCD)缓冲电路中电容参数对动态均压效果和电源关断特性具有决定性影响,缓冲电阻影响电容的放电时间及放电电流峰值。最后给出了相应的实验测试结果。该研究结果可以明确缓冲电路参数与均压效果以及抑制极电源开关特性之间的定量关系,为抑制极电源开关特性的进一步优化及其与加速极电源的特性匹配提供数据指导,对于NBI离子源的安全稳定运行具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This brief review concerns the trend in using large size, integrated type steel forgings for nuclear steam supply system components as intended for easier in-service inspection (ISI).To achieve this trend, unique forging techniques have been developed.The forging techniques corresponding to each integrated type steel forging product together with a brief explanation of the development of forging facilities as well as a future aspects are introduced.  相似文献   

Energy resources are available in Indonesia but small per capita. The increase of oil price and its reserve depletion rate dictates to decrease the oil consumption. Therefore, it is imperative to increase the shares of other fossils as well as the new and renewable sources of energy in various energy sectors substituting the oil. The introduction of nuclear power plant becomes more indispensable, although the share is to be small but significantly important for electric generation in Java–Madura–Bali grid. Nuclear technology can have also important role enabling the increase of the shares of renewable, e.g. geothermal, hydro and bio-fuels as well as fossil energies to meet more sustainable energy mix sufficing the energy demand to attain intended economic and population growths while maintaining the environment. The first introduced nuclear power plant is to be the proven ones, but the innovative nuclear energy systems being developed by various countries will eventually also be partially employed to further improve the sustainability. The nuclear science and technology are to be symbiotic and synergistic to other sources of energy to enhance the sustainable supply of energy.  相似文献   

The system of a fast reactor fed with natural uranium is discussed as a future sustainable energy producing system, concentrating especially on the waste problem. The following conclusions have been derived:
1. 1.|When the reprocessing with very small leakage rate can be employed, the conventional fast reactor has a potential to confine all actinides in the core.
2. 2.|The total toxicity of LLFPs is smaller but comparable to the toxicity of burned natural uranium with its daughters.
3. 3.|When the isotope separation is employed for each LLFP, whole LLFPs can be incinerated using the conventional fast reactor system with natural uranium.
4. 4.|When only the element separation is employed, the incineration of 107Pd should be given up even by employing several design changes, but its toxicity is only 0.0002 of the incinerated uranium toxicity.


Mizutani, A. and Sekimoto, H., 1998. Core Performance of Equilibrium Fast Reactors for Different Coolant Materials and Fuel Types. Ann. Nucl. Energy 25, p. 1011. Article | PDF (502 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (12)
Sekimoto, H. and Takagi, N., 1991. Preliminary Study on Future Society in Nuclear Quasi-Equilibrium. J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 28, p. 941. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (32)
Sekimoto, H. et al., 1996. Toxicity of Radioactive Waste Discharged from Nuclear Energy Center in the Future Equilibrium State. Ann. Nucl. Energy 23, pp. 663–668. Article | PDF (398 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (13)
Sekimoto, H., 1999. Equilibrium Models for the Fuel Cycle and Sustainability. In: The 1999 Frederic Joliot / Otto Hahn Summer School In Reactor Physics, Karlsruhe, Germany, p. 191 18–27 August. .
Takagi, N. and Sekimoto, H., 1992. J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 29, p. 276. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (14)

The costs of generating base-load electricity are compared on a unified costing basis assuming the plants' size for the different fuel alternatives—nuclear, coal, gas, biomass and peat—to vary according to the infrastructure requirements. Fuel costs are assumed to reflect the market values in Europe to as realistic an extent as possible. Recognizing that there may be a substantial local or regional differences, it is concluded that nuclear electricity generally enjoys a narrow competitive edge, which can become more significant if fossil fuel prices escalate or if energy and carbon taxes are introduced.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国外使用PSI数字化控制器在大功率电源上的控制方式,进而阐明了上海光源(SSRF)大功率开关电源的控制方式,及PSI数字化控制器在SSRF大功率开关电源上的创新应用。  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis on the costs of generating electricity from nuclear and fossil sources (coal and natural gas) based on the most recent technical data available in literature. The aim is to discuss the competitiveness of nuclear power in a liberalized market context by considering the impact on the generating costs of the main factors affecting the viability of the nuclear option. Particular attention will be devoted to study the variability of the generating costs regarding the level of risk perceived by investors through a sensitivity analysis of the generating costs with respect to the cost of capital and the debt fraction of initial investment. The impact of environment policies is also considered by including a “tax” on carbon emissions. The analysis reveals that nuclear power could have ample potentiality also in a competitive market, particularly if the level of risk perceived by the investors keeps standing low. For low values of the cost of capital, nuclear power seems to be the most viable solution. Uncertainty about environmental policies and unpredictability of carbon emissions costs might offer further margins of competitiveness.  相似文献   

The objective of the present article is theoretical investigation of possibility of direct conversion of the nuclear energy to electricity without all intermediate stages: the thermal and the mechanical. The principle of this method (so-called ‘electroionizing’) is ionization of rare gas atoms with fission fragments and separation of generated positive and negative ions with the external electric field. Under certain conditions, when so-called the Debye’s screening of charged particles within the produced plasma takes place, the recombination among these particles is insignificant. It is discovered that because of the absence of Carno’s limit on the efficiency of conversion, the performance coefficient may be 40–50% irrespective of temperature. The conditions of serviceability of the present method are definited.  相似文献   

The energy industries face two sustainability challenges: the need to avoid climate change and the need to replace traditional crude oil as the basis of our transport system. Radical changes in our energy system will be required to meet these challenges. These challenges may require tight coupling of different energy sources (nuclear, fossil, and renewable) to produce liquid fuels for transportation, match electricity production to electricity demand, and meet other energy needs. This implies a paradigm shift in which different energy sources are integrated together, rather than being considered separate entities that compete. Several examples of combined-energy systems are described. High-temperature nuclear heat may increase worldwide light crude oil resources by an order of magnitude while reducing greenhouse gas releases from the production of liquid fossil fuels. Nuclear–biomass liquid-fuels production systems could potentially meet world needs for liquid transport fuels. Nuclear–hydrogen peak power systems may enable renewable electricity sources to meet much of the world's electric demand by providing electricity when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine.  相似文献   

给出了晶闸管整流环节的传递函数,利用自动控制原理,设计了晶闸管电源调节器并在HIRFL注入引出电源MI2得到了应用。  相似文献   

李瑞  胡志敏  胡鹏飞 《核技术》2012,(10):728-730
介绍了一种电流闭环控制扫描电源的实现方法,主电路采用四象限变换器拓扑结构,高频调制波在负载电感作用下,输出低频扫描电流,达到给励磁线圈供电的目的。由于采用负反馈技术,输出电流将严格跟踪参考波形,从而有效抑制磁铁参数、环境变化等因素对扫描电流的影响。参考波形是一个可编程波形,能实现扫描电流和加速器的最佳匹配。本文研制了一台扫描频率15 Hz、峰值电流±14A的扫描电源,并成功应用于地纳米加速器上。  相似文献   

The basic problems of the development of long service life thermionic nuclear power systems for space applications for supplying power to transport power modules, intended for placing spacecraft in a geostationary orbit using electrorocket motors and for providing prolonged operation of onboard systems for up to 10–15 years, are examined. Concepts for power systems with multi- and single-element thermionic low-temperature energy-conversion systems, which are placed outside the reactor core and in which heat is delivered to the emitters using molybdenum-lithium heat pipes at 1600–1670 K, are discussed as an example. Computational results are presented for the electro- and thermophysical characteristics of electricity generating systems and power systems with different variants of the design-technological solutions, including the possibility of increasing the service life by reserving a part of the thermionic electrical power. The mass/size characteristics of the power systems with basic variants of the systems are obtained and recommendations based on research and development work are made, 8 figures, 8 references. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 89, No. 1, pp. 22–34, July, 2000.  相似文献   

介绍由主控计算机和多个探测通道组成的辐射监测系统,可以对多种辐射的能量、强度、剂量率、剂量及剂量当量进行监测.该系统虽然是为4MV静电正离子加速器辐射监测设计制作的,但同样适用于类似条件的其他场所的辐射监测.  相似文献   

上海同步辐射装置电源控制系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上海同步辐射装置电源控制系统是基于EPICS系统开发运行的分布式控制系统。系统中~65 K实时数据库记录分布运行于27个VME总线的IOC控制器中,实现了对600多台各类磁铁电源的访问控制。本文介绍了电源控制系统基于Ethernet的层次式结构与工作原理,分别描述了针对PSI与SINAP电源控制器的控制解决方案,同时介绍了系统的硬件设备、IOC和控制台软件及系统中采用的通讯技术。  相似文献   

Nuclear sources are not only covering more than 16% of today's electricity production but can also supply heat for district heating and industrial needs. Thus the nuclear generated heat substitutes for fossil fuels with good efficiency and economy and with much higher environmental cleanliness. Low-temperature nuclear heat is gained in several countries from the reactors of nuclear power plants by co-generation of heat and electricity which is already a proven technology. Specialized nuclear heating plants are in an early stage of development. The paper gives an overview of the situation worldwide and shows also specific common safety characteristics of these reactors.  相似文献   

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