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Malachite green (MG), a traditional agent used in aquaculture, is structurally related to other carcinogenic triphenylmethane dyes. Although MG is not approved for use in aquaculture, its low cost and high efficacy make illicit use likely. We developed sensitive and specific methods for determination of MG and its principal metabolite, leucoMG (LMG), in edible fish tissues using isotope dilution liquid chromatography atmosphere pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. MG and LMG concentrations were measured in filets from catfish treated with MG under putative use conditions (ca. 250 and 1000 ppb, respectively) and from commercial trout samples (0-3 and 0-96 ppb, respectively). Concentrations of LMG in edible fish tissues always exceeded those of MG. A rapid cone voltage switching acquisition procedure was used to simultaneously produce molecular ions for quantification and diagnostic fragment ions for confirmation of MG and metabolites. The accurate and precise agreement between diagnostic ion intensity ratios produced by LMG in authentic standards and incurred fish samples was used to unambiguously confirm the presence of LMG in edible fish tissue. This suggested the validity of using LMG as a marker residue for regulatory determination of MG misuse. Additional metabolites derived from oxidative metabolism of MG or LMG (demethylation and N-oxygenation) were identified in catfish and trout filets, including a primary arylamine which is structurally related to known carcinogens. The ability to simultaneously quantify residues of MG and LMG, and to confirm the chemical structure of a marker residue by using LC/MS, suggests that this procedure may be useful in monitoring the food supply for the unauthorized use of MG in aquaculture.  相似文献   

In a sphingomyelin-enriched sample of polar lipids from bovine milk, molecular species of intact sphingomyelin were separated by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and detected by mass spectrometry (MS) for structural information. First, by using electrospray with positive ionization (ESI), protonated molecules ([M + H]+) were detected. Second, in atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI+), in-source fragmentation of sphingomyelin ions led to the formation of ceramide ions. With the ceramide ions as precursors, ions representative of both the long-chain base (LCB) parts and the fatty acid (FA) parts were detected in APCI-MS/MS via collision-induced decomposition (CID). Using this procedure, it was possible to determine the sphingomyelin molecular masses using ESI+ and then their respective LCB-FA combinations(s) using APCI+(-)MS/MS. At least 36 protonated molecules of intact sphingomyelin were detected in the bovine milk sample. The combinations found covered a range of molecular masses from 673 to 815 Da. The 12 most common protonated molecules (constituting approximately 90% of the total ion current in ESI) were composed of at least 25 different LCB-FA combinations. Saturated and unsaturated LCBs and FAs were detected in addition to hydroxy fatty acids. The most common LCBs were 16:1, 17:1, 18:1 and 19:1, whereas the most common FAs were 16:0, 22:0, 23:0 and 24:0. LCB-FA combinations of sphingomyelin from bovine brian, bovine erythrocytes and chicken egg yolk are also presented.  相似文献   

An unexpected t(1;19) translocation is described in a fetus. Inherited from the mother, this translocation was found during the course of a normal prenatal diagnosis made for maternal age. The very short length of chromosomal translocated segments and their labelling pattern made high-resolution cytogenetic methods and fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques necessary for the correct identification of this karyotype rearrangement, both in mother and fetus. Different modes of meiotic segregation, leading to potential erroneous prenatal diagnoses, are discussed.  相似文献   

The capabilities of atmospheric pressure chemical ionization liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (APCI-LC/MS) were investigated for the analysis of urinary 2,5-hexanedione (2,5-HD) and for the identification and characterization of other n-hexane Phase I metabolites in hydrolized urine samples. Chromatography was performed under reversed phase conditions at 0.75 mL min-1 flow rate. The ionization of 2,5-HD and other n-hexane metabolites was obtained in positive ion mode. After optimization of several interface parameters, the linearity, sensitivity and precision of the method were determined operating in the selected ion monitoring mode. Detection limits were 0.02 and 0.05 mg L-1 in water and urine respectively, with linear calibration curves in the 0.05-10 L-1 concentration range. Repeatability and both intra-day and inter-day precision were determined at two concentration levels (0.5 and 5.0 mg L-1), and relative standard deviations were in the 1.3%-5.3% range. The method was applied to the quantitative analysis of 2,5-HD in urine samples from an external Quality Assurance Programme for Organic Solvent Metabolites. Moreover, the metabolites 5-hydroxy-2-hexanone, 2,5-hexanediol and 4,5-dihydroxy-2-hexanone were identified and confirmed in hydrolyzed urine of rats exposed to n-hexane.  相似文献   

During the analysis of an Asp-N digest of a recombinant hematopoietic growth factor by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), we observed pseudomolecular ions corresponding to reduced forms of peptides known to be present only in single disulfide linkages. Chromatographic fractionation of the peptide digest, followed by MALDI-MS and electrospray ionization (ESI) MS, confirmed that the reduced peptides were not present in the map. Fragmentation of the disulfide-linked peptides into their reduced forms occurred upon ionization from different matrices (alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid,2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, and in some instances sinapinic acid) but only after increasing the laser fluence to above threshold. Analysis of the disulfide-linked peptide fractions by ESI-MS, before and after mixing and drying with matrix, indicated that the matrix did not cause reduction. In a low-energy tandem mass spectrometric experiment with one of the cystinyl peptides, fragmentation did not occur preferentially at the disulfide bond. The pseudomolecular ions exhibited the same m/z values by MALDI-MS as their chemically reduced counterparts, indicating that they arose due to prompt fragmentation or "in-source decay" rather than "post-source decay". This finding is important for MALDI-MS analysis of peptide maps of proteins and peptide fractions with intact disulfides.  相似文献   

A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method is described which uses negative ion chemical ionization and tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of anabolic steroid metabolites. Four anabolic steroid metabolites to be derivatized by Pentafluoropropionic anhydride (PFPA) were determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with negative chemical ionization (NCI) and NCI/MS/MS. The repeatability and reproducibility of this procedure were in the range of 5.3-9.7% and 6.1-10.2%, respectively. This method of derivatization with PFPA for NCI and NCI/MS/MS was useful to determine four metabolites of nandrolone, dromostanolone, methenolone and boldenone. The derivatized metabolites of boldenone could be detected to 2 ppb and the other three steroids could be detected to 25 ppb in urine at a signal-to-noise ratio of S/N = 3.  相似文献   

Drug discovery is a fast growing field and the number of compounds generated daily by the pharmecutical industry is enormous. The necessity of developing new experimental strategies and analytical methods to rapidly screen the pharmacokinetics (PK) behavior of these compounds becomes a real challenge. A novel strategy to support in vivo PK screening in cassette doing experiments, using a fully automated system capable of analyzing between 320 to 960 samples a day by instrument in n-in-one experiment ( n = 64 in this work), has been developed. Using an on-line extraction technique, the average observed recovery was 64% using a single C18 procedure. A weighted (1/x) linear equation was used to perform standard calibration (0.5 to 500 ng/microL) and the average R value obtained was 0.994 (R2 = 0.997) for 63 analytes. The limit of detection, defined as a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 or greater, was found to be 25 pg for 41 of the 63 analytes (65%) and 250 pg for 57 of the 63 analytes (90%). The complete automation procedure using the Prospekt-LC-APCI/MS/MS system has substantially improved throughput in the area of drug discovery and bioanalysis.  相似文献   

Modification of an existing neural structure to support a second function will produce a trade-off between the two functions if they are in some way incompatible. The trade-off between two such sensory functions is modeled here in pyramidal neurons of the gymnotiform electric fish's medullar electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These neurons detect two electric stimulus features produced when a nearby object interferes with the fish's autogenous electric field: (1) amplitude modulation across a cell's entire receptive field and (2) amplitude variation within a cell's receptive field produced by an object's edge. A model of sensory integration shows that detection of amplitude modulation and enhancement of spatial contrast involve an inherent mechanistic trade-off and that the severity of the trade-off depends on the particular algorithm of sensory integration. Electrophysiology data indicate that of the two algorithms for sensory integration modeled here for the gymnotiform fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus, the algorithm with the better trade-off function is used. Further, the intrinsic trade-off within single cells has been surmounted by the replication of ELL into multiple electrosensory map segments, each specialized to emphasize different sensory features.  相似文献   

In matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization of proteins, there exists a certain amount of fast metastable decay immediately after laser irradiation. The fragment ions thus formed can be resolved and their m/z values measured accurately by employing delayed extraction linear time-of-flight mass spectrometry. At higher than threshold laser fluences, proteins exhibit a series of fragment ions providing useful sequence information. We also observe that when moderate amounts of salts are present in the sample with sinapinic acid being the matrix, the intensities of cn ions (N-terminal fragments) are enhanced compared to other types of fragment ions. This enhancement in cn ion signals allows direct sequencing of proteins. The cn ions are completely absent when Xxx-Pro bonds are encountered and are of lower intensity when Xxx-Gly bonds are involved. Further, the cn ion series is interrupted at Xxx-Cys, when the cysteine is involved in a disulfide bond. Upon reduction of the disulfide bonds, the series continues and information is available for longer stretches. Using 10-20 pmol of recombinant proteins, sometimes contiguous sequence information up to 70 residues is obtained in a matter of minutes. Applications of the technique to some recombinant proteins with intra- or interchain disulfide linkages are presented.  相似文献   

The sub-Tenon's technique uses blunt dissection and a blunt probe to inject local anaesthetic into the posterior sub-Tenon's space. This avoids the potentially catastrophic complications which result from passing a sharp needle blindly into the orbit and retrobulbar space. The anatomy of Tenon's capsule and the block technique is described. Results of the block quality and degree of patient comfort from 300 consecutive sub-Tenon's blocks are also described. No significant complications occurred in this series. Single-quadrant sub-Tenon's block offers an excellent quality of anaesthesia, is virtually painless to perform and avoids complications due to passage of a sharp needle into the orbit.  相似文献   

Electron impact and chemical ionization mass spectra are reported for several steroidal spirolactones and their TMS ethers. The electron impact spectra were characterized generally by low abundance molecular ions and large numbers of fragment ions. Methane chemical ionization spectra exhibited high intensity [M+H]+ and/or [M+H-H2O]+ or [M+H-TMSOH]+ ions with few other fragment ions. Ammonia chemical ionization spectra had intense [M+H]+ and/or [M+NH4]+ ions with a few fragment ions generally formed by loss of H2O or TMSOH from these parent ions. Ammonia chemical ionization gave intense parent ions even for polyhydroxy compounds and their TMS ethers in contrast to methane chemical ionization. The results of this study suggest that a combination of electron impact with ammonia chemical ionization mass spectrometry would offer the best techniques for detection and identification of these compounds in biological fluids.  相似文献   

The effect of 2-, and 4-aminopyridine (4-APYR) on the release mechanism of acetylcholine (ACh) from the nerve terminals of the Auerbach plexus-longitudinal muscle preparation of the guinea-pig ileum, suspended in eserinized Krebs' solution, was investigated. 2- and 4-APYR increased the release of ACh from the nerve terminals at rest and at both low and high frequency stimulation. The enhanced ACh release was found to be due to increased volley output. At lower frequency of stimulation, potentiation of ACh release was much higher than at higher rate of stimulation. 4-APYR was able to increase ACh release in the absence of [Ca2+]o. However, when a Ca-chelating agent, EDTA, was also added to the Ca-free Krebs' solution, 4-APYR was entirely ineffective. The depression of ACh release induced by Mg-excess was completely antagonized by 4-APYR. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) prevented augmentation of ACh release by 4-APYR. It is suggested that 4-APYR lowers the demand of nerve terminals for [Ca2+]o required for the excitation-secretion coupling process. The presence of a low concentration [Ca2+]o, however, is essential for the action of 4-APYR.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with a particle beam (PB) interface is used to separate and identify a group of pesticides. The mass spectra obtained under the different ionization modes, electron ionization (EI) and positive and negative chemical ionization (PCI and NCI) are compared. The operating conditions under each mode, determined by studying the influence on the ion abundance of the ion source temperature of the EI mode, and the gas pressure and ion source temperature in the methane CI were optimized. EI was more sensitive than PCI and NCI and of the latter two modes, NCI gave higher responses, especially for organophosphorus compounds. When on-line solid-phase extraction-LC-PB-MS was applied to real samples, limits of detection in full scan mode were in the range of 0.5 and 10 micrograms l-1 for EI. The analysis of real samples by on-line solid-phase extraction-LC-PB-MS enabled EI detection of one of the pesticides studied and confirmation by PCI and NCI. The combined EI/CI information also enabled the detection of some non-target compounds.  相似文献   

Fragment ions from underivatized N-linked oligosaccharides ionized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry were obtained by spontaneous fragmentation on a magnetic sector mass spectrometer, by post-source decay (PSD) on a reflectron time-of-flight (TOF) instrument and by collision-induced dissociation on a magnetic sector instrument fitted with an orthagonal-TOF analyser. Spontaneous fragmentation on the magnetic sector instrument produced ions mainly by glycosidic cleavage together with two abundant ions formed by cross-ring cleavage of the reducing-terminal residue. The PSD spectra were similar, the majority of ions being formed by glycosidic cleavage. Internal fragment ions were abundant. High-energy collision-induced dissociation spectra recorded with the orthagonal-TOF analyser, differed considerably from the other types of spectra, particularly in the appearance of major fragment ions produced by cross-ring cleavages of most of the constituent monosaccharide residues. These ions allowed much sequence and branching information to be obtained from the oligosaccharide.  相似文献   

Determinative and confirmatory methods of analysis for spectinomycin residue in bovine kidney, liver, muscle and fat have been developed. The determinative method is a single-column HPLC ion-exchange procedure that incorporates a two-step post-column oxidation of the secondary amines to primary amines followed by derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde. The method was validated in all tissues to a low-end concentration of 0.10 micrograms/g (limit of quantitation) and to a high-end of 10 micrograms/g for kidney, which is the rate-limiting tissue for residues of spectinomycin. The recovery of spectinomycin from all tissues was > 80% and the variability (R.S.D.) was generally < 10%. For liver, an alternative reversed-phase HPLC separation was required for incurred-residue samples. The confirmatory method employed an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-MS-MS approach utilizing a rapid reversed-phase HPLC system with a mobile phase of methanol and 1% acetic acid. The protonated molecular ion for spectinomycin at m/z 333 produced four diagnostic reaction-product ions at 98, 116, 158 and 189 for confirmation. The method was validated to a lower limit of confirmation of 0.10 micrograms/g.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine if acidic or basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF1 or FGF2) or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) alters the radiation response of small bowel after total-body irradiation (TBI). Female C3H mice were treated with various doses of angiogenic growth factor administered intravenously 24 h before or 1 h after TBI. Radiation doses ranged from 7 to 18 Gy. End points measured were the number of crypts in three portions of the small bowel, the frequency of apoptosis of crypt cells at various times after TBI, and the LD50/30 (bone marrow syndrome) and LD50/6 (GI syndrome). Fibroblast growth factors alone, without TBI, decreased the number of crypts per circumference significantly. Among the factors tested, FGF2 caused the greatest decline in baseline crypt number. Despite this decrease in the baseline crypt number, after irradiation the number of surviving crypts was greater in animals treated with growth factor. The greatest radioprotection occurred at intermediate doses of growth factor (6 to 18 pg/mouse). Mice treated with FGF1 and FGF2 had crypt survival curves with a slope that was more shallow than that for saline-treated animals, indicating radiation resistance of crypt stem cells in FGF-treated mice. The LD50/6 was increased by approximately 10% for all treatments with angiogenic growth factors, whether given before or after TBI. Apoptosis of crypt cells was maximum at 4 to 8 h after TBI. The cumulative apoptosis was decreased significantly in animals treated with angiogenic growth factors, and the greatest protection against apoptosis was seen in animals treated with FGF2 prior to TBI. All three angiogenic growth factors tested were radioprotective in small bowel whether given 24 h before or 1 h after irradiation. The mechanism of protection is unlikely to involve proliferation of crypt stem cells, but probably does involve prevention of radiation-induced apoptosis or enhanced repair of DNA damage of crypt cells.  相似文献   

A method to identify mutations of virus proteins by using protein mass mapping is described. Comparative mass mapping was applied to a structural protein of the human rhinovirus Cys1199 --> Tyr mutant and to genetically engineered mutants of tobacco mosaic virus. The information generated from this approach can rapidly identify the peptide or protein containing the mutation and, in cases when nucleic acid sequencing is required, significantly narrows the region of the genome that must be sequenced. High-resolution matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry were used to identify amino acid substitutions. This method provides valuable information for those analyzing viral variants and, in some cases, offers a rapid and accurate alternative to nucleotide sequencing.  相似文献   

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