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一种嬗变次锕系核素(MA)的聚变驱动次临界包层的概念设计被提出。利用MCNP+ORIGEN2对次临界嬗变包层的能量放大倍数(M)、氚增殖比(TBR)、第一壁负载等中子学参数进行了分析。在保证这些参数满足设计要求的前提下,分析了两种不同的装载方案对MA嬗变能力的影响,最终MA的嬗变率能达24.3%,嬗变支持比为28。研究表明,该聚变驱动次临界嬗变包层能有效嬗变MA。  相似文献   

本文采用数值方法求解Grad-Shafranov方程获得CT-6B交流放电实验总电流过零时的平衡位形和磁场分布,进而结合粒子在磁场中的运动方程,模拟氘离子在该平衡位形中的运动轨迹,统计氘离子的损失率与损失位置。结果表明:总电流过零时刻的平衡位形为内外两侧电流反向平衡位形,在强、弱场侧各存在1个磁岛,电流在磁岛附近取极值;位于强场侧的粒子几乎不损失,弱场侧的粒子在径向位置很大时存在损失,越靠近边界损失率越高;损失位置基本上位于赤道面以下并在最底部达到极值;随初始角变大,氘离子轨迹由通行轨迹变成损失轨迹再向香蕉轨迹演变。  相似文献   

The EFIT (Equilibrium Fitting) code is modified for the equilibrium configuration reconstruction in HL-2A. Signals from Langmuir probe (LP) at the divertor targ...  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of plasma parameters such as electron density, electron temperature and electric potential were investigated using a commercial simulation software (COMSOLTM) to predict the effects of antenna configuration in a large area inductively cou- pled plasma (ICP) system for flat panel displays. Nine planar antenna sets were evenly placed above a ceramic window. While the electron density was influenced by both the input current and gas pressure, the electron temperature and electric potential were dominantly affected by the gas pressure.  相似文献   

The concept of the liquid Li17Pb83 and Helium gas dual-cooled Fuel Breeding Blanket (FBB) for the Fusion-Driven sub-critical System (FDS) is presented and analyzed. Taking self-sustaining tritium (TBR >1.05) and annual output of 100 kg or more fissile 239Pu (FBR > 0.238) as objective parameters, and based on the three-dimensional Monte Carlo neutron-photon transport code MCNP/4A, a neutronics-optimizated calculation of different cases was carried out and the concept is proved feasible. In addition, the total breeding ratio ( BR = TBR + FBR ) is listed corresponding to different cases.  相似文献   

A discharge plasma reactor with a point-to-plane structure was widely studied experimentally in wastewater treatment.In order to improve the utilization efficiency of active species and the energy efficiency of this kind of discharge plasma reactor during wastewater treatment,the electrode configuration of the point-to-plane corona discharge reactor was studied by evaluating the effects of discharge spacing and adjacent point distance on discharge power and discharge energy density,and then dye-containing wastewater decoloration experiments were conducted on the basis of the optimum electrode configuration.The experimental results of the discharge characteristics showed that high discharge power and discharge energy density were achieved when the ratio of discharge spacing to adjacent point distance(d/s) was 0.5.Reactive Brilliant Blue(RBB) wastewater treatment experiments presented that the highest RBB decoloration efficiency was observed at d/s of 0.5,which was consistent with the result obtained in the discharge characteristics experiments.In addition,the biodegradability of RBB wastewater was enhanced greatly after discharge plasma treatment under the optimum electrode configuration.RBB degradation processes were analyzed by GC-MS and IC,and the possible mechanism for RBB decoloration was also discussed.  相似文献   

池式研究堆的回路系统配置存在一定的共性,对于相同的堆型,大部分回路配置是可相互借鉴的.通过对国内外几座池式研究堆(法国ORPHEE堆、德国FRM-Ⅱ、韩国HANARO堆、中国先进研究堆(CARR))的回路总体配置情况进行比较,分析其各自的特点,归纳出池式研究堆回路总体配置分为4个部分:与堆芯冷却相关的系统、与重水相关的系统、与池水相关的系统及辅助系统.  相似文献   

Single- and double-null divertor configurations in HL-2A are simulated by SWEQU equilibrium code. Lower divertor discharges in the first physics campaign have been achieved by two kinds of power supply method of multipole-field coils. Single-null divertor configuration has been identified by visible photography, target probe arrays and the reconstructed magnetic surface. Magnetic separatrix and minor radius of plasma column are obtained by a reconstructed code of multiple current filaments using 18 Mirnov signals.  相似文献   

The recently formed Plasma Science and Innovation Center (PSI-Center) is refining the NIMROD code to simulate field-reversed configurations (FRCs). The NIMROD code can resolve highly anisotropic heat conduction and viscosity. This, combined with its ability to include two-fluid effects, allows us to capture more detailed physics than previous calculations. Some initial simulations are focused on 2D (n = 0 only) non-linear two-fluid simulations. We present initial validations of a translating FRC and note good conservation of density and magnetic flux. As a validation of the effects of anisotropic thermal conduction, we present a comparison of an FRC with standard thermal transport to one with anisotropic conduction. Two-fluid simulations are shown which produce significant spin-up due to the end-shorting boundary condition. Finally, simulations of the tilt instability are presented, which show that Hall physics significantly retards, but does not eliminate the growth rate.  相似文献   

从化学热力学平衡的角度出发,分析了液态钠自表面上氢分压与钠中氢浓度的关系,导出Sieverts常数与温度的定量关系,并以此分析文献中给出的Sieverts常数,同时推导出氢在钠中溶解度对温度的依赖关系,并与实验数据进行了比较。  相似文献   

次临界能源堆物理性能初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
次临界能源堆(SER)是由托卡马克聚变源驱动的聚变裂变混合堆。SER以天然铀为燃料、水为冷却剂,主要目标是生产电能。本工作建立了次临界能源堆环形圆柱模型,利用蒙特卡罗输运和燃耗计算程序,比较了燃料区不同构型对keff、M、TBR和燃料增殖比等参数的影响,针对均匀模型进行中子源效率与聚变源强、功率分布与能谱、初步燃耗、寿期末停堆衰变热和卸载燃料放射性等物理性能分析。计算结果表明,该模型能满足能量倍增大于6、氚自持、较长时间不换料等设计目标。研究结果为下一步开展SER安全分析提供了基础。  相似文献   

本文介绍了核电厂安全系统设计的要求、具体实践及其技术发展趋势,论述了在核电厂安全设计中安全系统的系列配置与安全系统可靠性及核电厂安全水平的关系。本文还特别讨论了三环路压水堆核电厂安全系统的配置所采用的3个独立系列设计理念的安全性以及与其他配置的比较。结果表明,3个独立系列的安全系列设计能提高核电厂的安全性,满足核电厂的经济性,使配置更加合理。  相似文献   

核电厂燃料管理的主要任务是在约定的限制条件下,为核电厂一系列的运行循环做出其经济安全运行的全部决策,确定最佳的各循环装料策略。一座核电厂从建成到退役期间要经历初始循环、过渡循环、平衡循环序列,平衡循环在理想情况下是一个无限的循环序列,一般认为平衡循环是性能指标最佳的循环方案,并为燃料管理人员定为目标运行循环。基于华龙一号百万千瓦级核电厂,通过对燃料组件和可燃毒物的合理布置及优化,采用了混合富集度燃料组件的换料策略,进行了平衡循环的燃料管理方案设计。结果表明,燃料管理方案在循环长度、核焓升因子、慢化剂温度系数、停堆裕量和组件卸料燃耗方面均满足预先设定的燃料管理目标。平均批卸料燃耗和燃料组件燃耗限值的比值约为0.92,与AP1000、EPR等三代核电站相当,具有非常好的燃料经济性。  相似文献   

Radial equilibrium of the KTX plasma column is maintained by the vertical field which is produced by the equilibrium field coils.The equilibrium is also affected by the eddy current,which is generated by the coupling of copper shell,plasma and poloidal field coils.An equivalent circuit model is developed to analyze the dynamic performance of equilibrium field coils,without auxiliary power input to equilibrium field coils and passive conductors.Considering the coupling of poloidal field coils,copper shell and plasma,the evolution of spatial distribution of the eddy current density on the copper shell is estimated by finite element to analyze the effect of shell to balance.The simulation results show that the copper shell and equilibrium field coils can provide enough vertical field to balance 1 MA plasma current in phase 1 of a KTX discharge.Auxiliary power supply on the EQ coils is necessary to control the horizontal displacement of KTX due to the finite resistance effect of the shell.  相似文献   

本文针对兼顾嬗变和产氚的铅合金冷却加速器驱动次临界反应堆ADS-T(ADS-Tritium),采用自主研发的大型集成多功能中子学计算与分析软件系统VisualBUS4.2和混合评价核数据库HENDL3.0,对散裂中子能量、产氚材料中6 Li丰度、结构钢材料、初始keff、中子能谱以及产氚组件摆放方式等产氚条件进行了敏感性分析.最后本文给出了年产氚千克级的ADS-T中子学初步方案,提供了一种有吸引力的氚生产途径.  相似文献   

In the Engineering Test Facility (ETF), the plasma pulse duration is expected to be hundreds of seconds, which is comparable to the resistive time scale that governs the resistive diffusion of the equilibrium. The resistive evolution of the safety factorq profile may, for MHD stability reasons, limit the duration of the plasma burn in a tokamak reactor. It may be possible to control this evolution and extend the plasma burn time through proper profile tailoring. We study the evolution of theq profile on the resistive time scale numerically using a one- and-one-half-dimensional (1 1/2-D) single fluid transport code. Two high beta (T 7–16%) cases are considered: (a) a beam-driven hydrogen plasma with no nuclear alpha heating for which the beam energy is used as a device to control the temperature profile, and (b) an ignited D-T plasma in which the neutral injection has been turned off. For the beam-driven plasma, it is shown that low beam energy heating profiles lead to resistive steady states having broad temperature profiles and flatq profiles, while high beam energy heating profiles lead to resistive steady states having peaked temperature profiles and deepq profiles. The centralized nuclear heating in an ignited D-T plasma causes the evolution of theq profile for this case to behave much like that in the high energy, beam-driven case: namely, theq values near the plasma center decrease on the resistive time scale until a deep, resistive, steady-stateq profile is reached.Research sponsored by the Office of Fusion Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract W-7405-eng-26 with the Union Carbide Corporation.  相似文献   

基于SIMULINK仿真平台,建立中国先进研究堆功率调节闭环系统的仿真模型,通过计算反应性扰动下的堆功率响应,了解系统的稳定特性、调节品质和闭环系统各部件对系统的影响。系统仿真表明:闭环系统不仅能很好地克服反应性扰动,又具有良好的随动特性。  相似文献   

给出了在ADS反应堆物理研究中所使用的稳态外中子源252Cf的有关问题。它包括了所使用的252Cf中子源的外形尺寸,包壳材料,焊接技术及试验所采用的标准;在ADS反应堆物理研究中传输252Cf中子源的“跑兔”系统;252Cf中子源储存容器设计及中子源位置的监督等问题。  相似文献   

采用通用的CFD/NHT软件PHOENICS 3.2和,BFC计算网格生成技术,对ADS靶件束窗下方有无导流板两种靶件结构冷态下的流场进行数值模拟。文章描述了靶区流场数值模拟的方法,给出了流场数值模拟的结果。  相似文献   

孙明  郁杰 《核安全》2021,(1):59-64
铅铋快堆属于第四代反应堆,其一回路采用液态铅铋合金冷却.铅铋快堆一回路充排系统可以调节反应堆主容器内液态金属液位,该系统充满含有放射性物质的液态金属,其可靠性水平对反应堆运行及安全有重要影响.本文以中国科学院核能安全技术研究所·FDS团队自主设计的铅铋快堆一回路充排系统为研究对象,运用故障树分析方法对该系统进行可靠性分...  相似文献   

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