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The "Quick Return Service" of laboratory information would be the service for patients and clinicians that supply the laboratory information the instance that the specimens and the requests of laboratory examinations are accepted by the laboratory on the basis of the hospital information system (HIS) and the high-speed hospital transportation system of the specimens. Is the "Quick Return Service" of the pathological diagnosis possible and necessary? This question led the author to review the technical environments of the pathological diagnosis, especially of the frozen section diagnosis through our experience at the surgical pathology division of the Department of Laboratory Medicine of National Defense Medical College (NDMC) Hospital. Through the review, it appears that the supporting system for surgical pathologists to frozen section diagnosis ("Quick Return Service") is essential. Pathologists often need clinical and radiological information at the pathological diagnosis. For quick gaining of the information by surgical pathologists on the "Quick Return Service", the efficient HIS including hospital PACS (picture archiving and communication system) is necessary. Standardization and quality assurance of images of frozen section are also necessary. The technical environments of telepathology are developing. The interinstitution consultation through the telepathology will be the indispensable help for the "general" surgical pathologists confronting the problematic cases in the small hospitals that are deficient of pathologists. With the help of staff of the surgical pathology division of the NDMC hospital and the technologists of Mitsubishi Electronics, Co, the author has tried to develop the archiving system of frozen section pictures on the digital image management system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In order to estimate toxicity of a novel composition, enterosorbent "ultrasorb", its toxic properties were studied in trials on experimental animals (white rats, mice, guinea pigs). Great variety of hematolytic, biochemical and pathohistologic parameters were determined to evaluate homeostasis. As a result of toxicity trials in acute and subacute experiments as well as in embryotoxic, teratogenic and allergic tests we have concluded that enterosorbent "Ultrasorb" is absolutely harmless and can be recommended for further trials in clinics.  相似文献   

Author introduces articles regarding public concern about the uses of psychological tests that continue to cause bitter controversy, as well as issues surrounding "Project Camelot", which in 1965, would have been the largest single integrated project in the entire history of social science. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychotherapeutic treatment of schizophrenia is generally considered difficult. One reason for this is that the doctor and patient can easily fall into a relationship of conflict with each other concerning the propriety of "judgments which are morbidly and mistakenly made (K. Jaspers)", referred to as delusions. We carried out close phenomenological structure-analyses of the delusions and of patients' fundamental experiences, based on the premise that a patient with delusions probably has some actual grounding for these in the patient's own concepts, considering the fact that the patient firmly believes these delusions. As a result, we have clarified the following matters from the primary experience of delusions. 1) We found that patients are in a conflicted mental condition which can be considered a collapse of adaptability to "Seken". 2) In this condition of conflict, patients feel guilt relative to "Seken" or feel that they are indebted and should be punished. When patients complained of their primary experience, we were able to persuade them to reserve their judgment of their primary experience, by 3) having each patient listen to the folktale "Torikuyou" in which the "logic of stealing" and the "logic of being stolen", appear in a reciprocal relationship relative to the constitution of crime and punishment, by 4) explaining to each patient about the ambiguity and reciprocity of reality experienced, 5) instead of disputing the propriety of patient's judgment about primary experience, doctor and patient worked together to enable the patient to form a positive understanding of the primary experience. 6) We reduced the patient's psychological conflict relative to primary experience, and were able to defuse and distance the patient's delusions caused by erroneous judgment of primary experience. 7) Regarding the area in which this type of psychotherapeutic approach shows efficacy, we analyzed the concept of "Seken" as a world which can cause conflicts relative to primary experiences. 8) We also analyzed "Giri" as a norm of "Seken" from which patients misconceive that they have deviated, in addition, 9) from the viewpoints of anthropology and cultural anthropology, we analyzed the bases for "Kotowaza (proverbs)" and "Monogatari (folktale)" such as "Torikuyou", which themselves can show psychotherapeutic efficacy. We consider that the psychotherapeutic approach has previously been developed around the concepts of the "individual" and "society", but we made our psychotherapeutic approach from the concept of "Seken" (yononaka = hito: person) that is a structure with deep strata of tradition and culture in Japan, and have reported its concrete development through the presentation of 3 typical cases of schizophrenia with difficulty in adapting to society due to showing the delusion of persecution in their foreground.  相似文献   

From 25 to 27 Sept 1997, a workshop was organized at the Essen Medical School (Universit?tsklinikum Essen), at which radiooncologists and jurists from universities and courts as well as lawyers contributed their views on mutual problems. The following topics were discussed by papers and in round table meetings: "Requirements on the patient's information", "definition of therapeutic guidelines-limits of clinical research and standard treatments", "treatment documentation", "liability of the physician for treatment faults" and "technical standard and preserve of quality". The consensual guidelines to the topics "patient's information", "therapeutic guidelines" and "liability" are presented here.  相似文献   

This paper presents the case for re-examining the most commonly adopted basis of resource allocation in health care, i.e. need. The key problems identified with most needs approaches are (a) defining its precise meaning, (b) that the community is seldom consulted as to first what constitute needs for health care or second what relative weights are to be attached to health gains aimed at addressing different needs and (c) more generally, proceeding without knowing what the community wants the objectives of health care to be. It is suggested that John Broome's notion of "claims", especially what this paper calls "communitarian claims", may be helpful in providing a better basis for allocating health care resources. Such "communitarian claims" allow inter alia for the community to be involved in setting the social choice rules with respect to the governance of health care and for determining what it is that it (the community) wants from its health service. The links to rights are also identified and the advantages of communitarian claims over both a simple concept of need and rights are set out, without arguing that either needs (or rights) ought necessarily to be abandoned as bases for resource allocation in health care.  相似文献   

In the 16th, 17th and 18th century "Glossopetrae", popularly known as "Lingue di Serpi", found on the Mediterranean island of Malta, were extensively used for medical purposes as antidotes. These fossil teeth, including specimens of the "Carcharodon Megalodon" (an extinct variant of the great white shark), were ground to powder or used as amulet pendants and "credence" and exported to pharmacies and shops in various cities of Europe. In antiquity, authors like Plinius or Solinus, excluding any religious connotations, had regarded "Glossopetrae" as objects "fallen from heaven on dark moonless nights". However, from the beginning of the 16th century the miraculous antidotic power of the specimens found at Malta was very strongly connected with the Pauline cult there. This cult owed ist origin to the excerpt of the shipwreck of the Apostle of the Gentiles on this island, as recorded in the New Testament. As in so many cases found in medieval and early modern medicine and pharmacy, the renown, collection, distribution and use of the antidote "Glossopetrae" or "Lingue di Serpi" was never limited to its real chemical and pharmaceutical properties. In the period of enlightenment and secular thinking mythic medicine as "Glossopetrae" had lost ist "magical" power. Consequently, with beginning of the late 18th century also the Maltese "Glossopetrae" featured in literature merely as exotic objects of curiosity or symbols of an age bound to medical superstition.  相似文献   

Recent research on contemporary processes of self-construction has suggested that the concepts of "self", "health", "morality" and "responsibility" have become inextricably interconnected, to the extent that the "pursuit of health has become the pursuit of moral personhood" [R. Crawford (1994) The boundaries of the self and the unhealthy other: reflections on health, culture and AIDS, Social Science & Medicine 38(10), 1347-1365]. What happens then when a person becomes "diseased"? Are they doomed to the stagnant mire of "illness" and "immorality", to the role of undesirable "other"? What if the disease is HIV infection? Is it the case of HIV = AIDS = DEATH = "OTHER" par excellence? This paper addresses these issues by examining the constructions of "self" and "other" used by HIV positive individuals themselves. By reference to a specific group of people living with long-term HIV positive diagnoses, it demonstrates how unhealthy HIV infected "others", as perceived by "healthy" members of society, create their own conceptions of "self" and "other" which microcosmically mirror typical processes of identity construction. The content, function and potential advantages and disadvantages of these processes are highlighted.  相似文献   

It is well-known that Takeo Doi tried to describe Japanese culture using the Japanese term "Amae". However, with many Japanese students of psychotherapy pointing out that his use of the term was arbitrary, his Amae-theory fell into confusion. Actually, with the single word Amae, he explained many heterogeneous psychological phenomena including pathological dependency as well as maternal separation. In this paper, I use my own clinical observations to clarify the Amae-phenomenon and define it as follows: The "Aame" the Japanese usually experience in daily life differs from both pathological dependency (which M. Balint described as "ocnophilia"), and an affinity for friendly expanses in the therapeutic depressive position (described by M. Balint as "philobatism", by me as "sumu-akirameru"; c.f. Keiichi Nagayama: Considerations on the Guilt Feeling towards Mother and Maternal Separation using the Japanese Keywords "Sumu-Akirameru" and "Sumanai", Psychiatria et Neurologica Japonica, 96: 83-108, 1994). In psychotherapy, Japanese patients only become able to form Amae connections with others after experiencing the two opposites (ocnophilia and philobatism) mentioned above. Although Amae is phenomenologically different from those extremes, it consists of two elements carrying some attributes from those extremes. One element consists of interpenetrating and mutually interdependent personal relations in a small familiar group; and the other element is a kind of protective and harmonious space in which the Japanese enjoy "temporary and partial regression in the service of the ego". As these two elements are both present in Amae, where dependence and independence are concerned, Amae toes the midline and has a double meaning. A fundamental principle of interpersonal relationships in Japanese society, Amae calls upon members of a small group to be moderately individualistic. If a member lacks ego flexibility regarding Amae and cannot obey this principle, he cannot adapt to a small familiar group. From the Western standpoint of individuality, Amae and interpenetrating personal relations in Japanese society must be regarded as regressive phenomena, whereas, for the Japanese, Amae is a personal skill necessary for social adaptation. Whereas Sumu-Akirameru (Nagayama) and Philobatism (Balint) are ontological phenomena that tend to avoid external objects, Amae involves the need for relationships and is a somewhat socialized phenomenon in Japan. Although Amae and Sumu-Akirameru are different phenomena, they share several characteristics: 1) both tend towards protective harmonious spaces which have both specialty and boundaries; 2) things arise spontaneously and unintentionally in both phenomena; 3) the Japanese use both to confirm their sense of self; 4) both have the qualities of "corporality" and "living in". Because of these common areas, the Japanese tend to perceive Sumu-Akirameru and Amae as one experience, although they are different, separate phenomena. This tendency leads the Japanese to group behavior patterns, and unconsciously forces them into a double bind between individualization and group behavior patterns. This cultural tendency and phenomenological ambiguity of Amae itself allow the Japanese to easily project many kinds of psychological phenomena onto Amae. It is this projection deeply rooted in Japanese culture that confused the Amae-theory (Doi). Clarification of this cultural tendency not only contributes to the study of Japanese psychotherapy (Morita therapy, Naikan therapy), but also to that of "narcissism" and Preoedipal subjects in psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

Modern health systems research and development emphasize the transition from hospital to primary health care. Importantly, this transition is projected to be coordinated and interactive, as facilitated, e.g., by improved information systems and collaboration between the involved parties, including Universities and health authorities. An ideal combination of this might accordingly be offered by a synthesis of a basic hospital and primary health care center in an area of suitable site, size, and structure. We believe that our institution, Nosokomion Neapolis, in; the moderate-size Cretan township of Neapolis (New-city) offers an interesting model example of this, because of its affiliation with the University of Heraklion and its international and EU-supported project status. In the present report we want to emphasize the elements that are particularly well suited and manageable and in many ways both opportunistic and conscientious "back to the future" instances of a successful Hospital/Primary Health Care integration. Specifically, we think that the advantages in local area epidemiology, prevention, and quality assurance are apparent, and nurture a--rather renewed that new-role of the general practitioner as both a holistic population doctor and a health systems researcher for the year 2,000 and beyond.  相似文献   

分析了国内用于航空领域的钢丝绳产品标准现状,介绍了起草制定国家军用标准《航空操纵用钢丝绳规范》的必要性、可行性以及标准的主要编制内容和与现有标准的区别。指出现行行业标准生产的产品远远满足不了目前为武器装备科研生产配套所需钢丝绳产品的结构规格、强度、韧性(扭转和弯曲)、疲劳寿命以及伸长率等性能指标的要求。新标准将目前为军工航空领域配套的产品结构规格均纳入到《航空操纵用钢丝绳规范》军用标准中,也整合了有关产品的技术协议和企业内部标准等内容,可以最大限度地满足航空领域军工装备产品的需求。  相似文献   

Age, as a risk factor in the development of experimental obstructive emphysema, is proposed as the hypothesis of this study. Ninety-two Wistar rats were organized into two age groups: adult (16 weeks) and middle-aged (56 weeks). Each age group was subdivided into three groups: a control group, consisting of unmanipulated animals; a "cannula" group consisting of animals into whose trachea a cannula was implanted; and a "valve" group, consisting of animals into whose trachea a valve had been implanted. The survival was one month. A histomorphometric study was performed on the lungs and the results were compared statistically. Throughout the experiment the amount of food consumed by each animal and the variations in weight were monitored. After sacrifice, the lungs were processed for light microscopy. Thirteen histomorphometric variables were quantified and subsequently systematized into three groups: those which quantified the size of the distal airspace ("area of the alveolar section", "alveolar chord" and "mean linear intercept"): those which quantified the tissue ("wall thickness", "tissue density", "internal perimeter of each alveolar section", "internal alveolar perimeter per field" and "alveolar section/section perimeter"); and those which quantified the elastic fibre ("elastic fibre area", "elastic fibre perimeter", "elastic fibre area/elastic fibre perimeter", "elastic fibre density" and "elastic fibre density per tissue density"). The results were compared statistically and the sensitivity, specificity and misclassification indices were calculated, as well as the attributable and relative risk. From the results, it was observed that, in general, the animals of the valve and cannula groups in both age groups displayed a decrease in food intake and a body weight loss. The middle-aged animals were the only group which displayed significant differences in all the morphometric variables except wall thickness, when the cannula and valve groups were compared with the control group. In both the cannula and valve groups, the values of the variables which quantified the distal airspace increased, while the values of the variables which quantified the lung tissue and the elastic fibre decreased. In the manipulated middle-aged group, the attributable risk of developing emphysema was 56.66% and the relative risk 5.55; in the group of manipulated adult animals, the attributable risk was 23.55% and the relative risk 1.66. The results of this study lead us to propose that the middle-aged rats with experimental airflow obstruction displayed a greater risk of developing emphysema than the adult rats which were subjected to the same procedure.  相似文献   

本文叙述了铜电解时钛阴极表面出现的“花板”现象,在实践中找出“花板”形成的原因,以及解决的具体方法。对钛阴极的材质作了叙述。最后对具有创造性的种板边作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

 河钢石钢新区是河钢集团全面贯彻落实习近平总书记关于“坚决去、主动调、加快转”指示精神和河北省钢铁产业转型升级的具体实践,也是河钢坚决贯彻落实新发展理念,全力推动钢铁产业高质量发展的行动体现。河钢致力于将石钢新区打造成为生产绿色、产线智能、流程高效、产品高端的现代化特钢梦工厂。河钢石钢新区是以“绿色、智能、高效”的设计理念,以冶金流程工程学理论为指导,运用冶金制造流程动态有序、协同连续的物理系统及流程界面技术规划设计的新一代电炉短流程特钢示范项目,是全球特钢企业智能制造、中国钢铁产业转型升级之由钢铁长流程转变为短流程的生动写照。河钢石钢新区在短流程工艺革新、全工序超低排放、智能制造等各方面,汇集了当今世界最卓越的设计元素和理念。项目集成应用了70多项行业最先进的短流程前沿工艺和绿色钢铁制造技术,定位3大系列高端产品,实现超低排放。项目涵盖了国内首台套大型双竖井废钢预热型超高功率直流电弧炉以及国际上断面最大、建造深度最深的特钢大方坯立式连铸机,有力地推动了中国高端装备制造用钢材的均质化水平和国产化替代步伐。河钢石钢新区带动了京津冀区域特钢品牌升值,代表了双碳目标下钢铁行业新一代绿色智能高效的电炉短流程钢厂发展方向,也为中国钢铁工业电炉短流程的发展做出了示范。  相似文献   

沈军 《铜业工程》2010,(2):111-113
为确保基本建设成本核算项目的真实、完整和准确,本文从"建筑工程"、"安装工程"、"待摊支出"三个方面提出核算存在的问题,主要探讨解决这些具体问题的对策。  相似文献   

浅析建筑施工管理的工程统计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘玲 《铜业工程》2010,(2):102-104
以工程统计在建筑工程中的运用为主题,结合实际具体论述运用工程统计来指导建筑工程管理工作,提出加强建筑工程管理工作应采取的途径和方法,探讨改进工程管理工作的措施、办法,体现统计的"信息"、"咨询"、"监督"三大职能,从而真正为工程管理服务。  相似文献   

Peter Berger once said that children are our "hostages to history", we expect them to ensure continuity. At the same time we project our wishes on them, they are our vectors of the future. Public discourse on children in modern society--charged with historical traditions and diverse expectations--provides a seismographic reading of our hopes and fears as the 20th century draws to a close. Pessimistic attitudes, the sense of looming dangers, appear to be ever more widespread, the discourse about modern childhood takes on an apocalyptic tone, children are seen increasingly as victims or dangerous delinquents. There are complaints that childhood disappeared or would be extended more and more. The paper provides a critical review of present day attitudes to children, investigates the current situation, and discusses the dilemmas that have arisen in the conditions of life and relations between the generations in modern civilization. But a question is also asked: How can we create the conditions that will do children and adults good? Last but not least, what can the health and social services contribute to making childhood worth living?  相似文献   

The C-termini of the glucosyltransferases (Gtfs) of oral streptococci are responsible for glucan binding. These glucan-binding domains (GBDs) are composed of a series of repeated sequences that have been classified into four different classes (A-D) by virtue of sequence similarity and which, by inference, have been suggested to be of functional importance. In contrast, we propose that repeat sequences evolve in response to selection for an increase in the number of copies of a particular domain through multiple duplication events occurring at different times. According to this hypothesis, repeats should possess various degrees of similarity, especially if only key residues are of functional importance. Analysis of the GBDs of the Gtfs indicated that a common fundamental repeat, designated the "YG" repeat, could be discerned within the "A", "B", "C", and "D" repeats. Similar elements were also conserved in the ligand-binding repeats of the Clostridium difficile toxins and the lysins and the PspA protein of Streptococcus pneumoniae, suggesting that similar selective pressures had also been imposed on these sequences. Analysis of the "YG" repeats present in the GtfJ and GtfK of Streptococcus salivarius indicated that some of the "YG" repeats in the GBDs of these proteins had arisen as a result of duplication events involving a series of three sequential "YG" repeats.  相似文献   

Based on clinical (37 cases of "white bile") and experimental (20 experiments) findings obtained by the authors, the characteristic of the so-called "white bile", observed in mechanic jaundice of various etiology, is given. It is pointed out that "white-bile" is the secretion of bile ducts and gallbladder mucous membrane--a colorless liquid, this secretion is permanently excreted and is a constant ingradient of colored bile while obturation of bile outflow ducts contributed only to its accumulation and detection.  相似文献   

Home visiting is a part of the Swedish child health surveillance programme. In the present study, part of a longitudinal prospective project, the predictive power of observations at home visits to 338 newborn babies was evaluated. The regular home visit was made by the nurse at a Child Welfare Centre also using a check-list developed for this project. Her check-list assessments seemed valid in identifying families with stressful psychosocial conditions. When the general home situation was judged as "poor" or "dubious", the boys showed signs of a delayed mental development at 4-5 years of age. Assessments of "feeding problems" among boys were associated with behavioural problems at 4-5 years of age. The results underline the importance of an early home visit as a base for the developmental surveillance at Child Welfare Centres. However, the results of the home visit observations were not followed by any extra interventions at CWC. It seems the nurse should feel confident in her check-list judgement and initiate interventions where appropriate.  相似文献   

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