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一、前言蓝光光盘(BD:Blu-ray Disc)刻录机于2004年实现商品化,其使用的光学头体积大于当前的DVD光学头,并且不能用于刻录DVD或CD。导致BD光学头体积大的原因之一,是该光学头含有一个整形棱镜,该整形棱镜由分离的准直镜和探测物镜组成。虽然目前正在改进蓝光激光二极管(LDs:Laser Diodes)以提高其输出功率,但还没有完全成功。为了实现以两倍速(2X)刻录双层BD盘片,激光的使用效率必须足够高,而光束整形是提高激光使用效率的必要环节。  相似文献   

6月中旬,在BenQ鳄鱼家族8周年庆典暨光存储事业部策略发布会上,BenQ展示了其最先进的蓝光刻录技术,除国内首款兼具BD/DVD/CD刻录功能的蓝光刻录机BenQBW1000外,同时亮相的还有BenQEW100G外置式蓝光刻录机。过去业内曾有人分析指出,除非研发出组合的2个激光头,才能让BD-DVD光驱或刻录机同时支持普通DVD盘和BD盘,乃至CD-ROM盘。而今,BenQ此次发布的BW1000蓝光刻录机,采用了领先的可自动变焦的单镜头设计,可以使刻录机同时兼容蓝光与红光系统,因而不但支持最新的BD格式,同时也向下兼容普通DVD与CD盘。另外,其自动变焦镜头设…  相似文献   

一、引言BD(Blu-ray Disc)是目前主流的高密度蓝光光盘格式,它采用405nm的激光波长和0.85的数值孔径,实现了单层25GB的存储容量。BD家族包括ROM (只读)/R(可录)/RE(可重写)等格式,以及标准容量为50GB的单面双层BD光盘。对于可录系统中的循迹误差信号,传统的三光束差分推挽法(DPP:Differential Push-Pull)已被广泛用于消除物镜位移下  相似文献   

4H17日,先锋在北京隆重推出了型号为BDC-S02的全球第一台PC用蓝光播放器BD COMBO。作为光存储行业的领先者,先锋在多年前就开始致力于研发下一代蓝光产品,是蓝光Blu-ray Disc(以下简称BD)阵营的中坚力量。现在先锋推出的BDC-S02 BD COMBO可以读取BD-ROM(SL/DL)、  相似文献   

许多高清玩家都遇到过这样的问题:不少BD Remix电影不能在PowerDVD 8软件中正常播放(图1);而将某些BD ISO文件刻录为蓝光光盘后,放入蓝光光驱中也不能在PowerDVD 8软件中播放(图2),但如果是原版BD光盘就不会出现这种问题。  相似文献   

北美推蓝光BD影片买2送1 DVD影片受冷落北美市场蓝光炮火猛烈,软硬件供应商纷纷与大型连锁通路展开一波波促销战,亚马逊与8大片商合推蓝光BD影片买2送1活动,进而压缩DVD影片销售,导致8大片商缩减释出委外代工订单数量,使台系预录厂钰德、丰声等面临第4季旺季不旺的窘境。随着Sony、三星电子(Samsung Electronics)与Panasonic等家电大厂,相继策动一波波价格割喉战,家用蓝光播放器零售价已由399~499美元,下滑至199~249美元,可望进一步带动蓝光BD影片销售,亚马逊与8大片商也积极推出蓝光BD影片买2送1的促销活动。  相似文献   

为满足更多用户轻松拥有高清的需要,日前,蓝光阵营核心成员,光存储领导厂商索尼宣布:从即日起,凡购买索尼高性价比的只读型蓝光光驱BDU-X10S,即可获赠年度大片《赤壁(上)》蓝光电影碟一张,先到先得,送完为止。索尼此次蓝光促销活动,不仅降低了用户购买蓝光设备的门槛,更让用户能抢先体验蓝光高清大片的魅力。索尼BDU-X10S支持2×BD播放,同时兼容8×DVD和24×CD播放,缓存容量为4MB,可以支持蓝光(BD)、DVD和  相似文献   

随着高清概念的深入人心,2010年上半年BD蓝光也趁势而起。一系列的降价风潮开始让不少普通消费者体验到了BD蓝光高清的魅力。然而BD蓝光究竟何时才会真正普及?蓝光产品短期内是否仍有降价空间?带着这些疑问,本刊记者特地采访了建立国内第一家自主蓝光产业链的中国华录信息产业有限公司副总经理吴建林先生。  相似文献   

Epson Discproducer PP-50BD新品2012年4月20日,爱普生在京举行"精彩一刻智领蓝光"2012Epson Discproducer PP-50BD新品发布会,正式推出蓝光光盘印刷刻录机新产品。这款EpsonPP-50BD  相似文献   

HD DVD退出之后的蓝光光盘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言今年2月19日东芝宣布放弃HD DVD之后,高清市场可以说是蓝光光盘(BD:Blu-ray Disc)独占的局面,是一家之天下。按理来讲,蓝光光盘的形式应该一片大好,前景也十分光明。但是,在它取得格式大战胜利之后,日子也并不是那么好过。索尼等蓝光阵营所苦心经营的蓝光加密技术BD+宣告被破解,同时还陷入专利纠纷,状告蓝光技术侵犯了相关的专利  相似文献   

We design an integrated optical pickup for small form factor optical disk drives. The specifications of the pickup are compatible with those of the Blu-ray disk (BD) in terms of numerical aperture (NA) of the objective lens, the wavelength of the laser diode, and the thickness of the cover layer. The objective lens unit with NA of 0.85 consists of two aspherical refractive lenses and a diffractive optical element for compensation of the chromatic aberration. Each element of objective lens unit will be fabricated on a wafer as an array type, and the three wafers will be aligned and bonded to form an objective lens array. Therefore, elements of the objective lens unit are designed to have sufficient alignment tolerances for various directions such as de-center and tilt. The optical performances of the objective lens unit are evaluated by simulation against various disturbances such as wavelength change of emitting light from laser diode, misalignments, etc. We also design a quarter wave plate, a polarized holographic optical element, and the shape of photodiode integrated circuit array to generate focusing and tracking error signals. The entire height of the pickup including working distance is 2 mm, and the effective pupil diameter of the objective lens unit is less than 1 mm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the design of a wafer-based micro objective lens with numerical aperture (NA) 0.85 using a 405 nm blue-violet laser. The total length of the lens is 1.36 mm. The micro objective lens consists of three layers that are a hologram optical element for reducing the aberration and two grinded and polished ball for making optical power to achieve NA 0.85. The lens could be applied to an integrated optical pickup module. The approximate size of the optical pickup module is 3 mm[W] × 3 mm[D] × 3 mm[H] including the wafer-based objective lens, which is suitable for realizing a small sized optical drive based on Blu-ray Disc. The wafer-based design could offer precise alignment, easy handling and high mass productivity with micro electro mechanical system technology.  相似文献   

Two types of miniaturized optical range-sensing methods have been developed. The first is called RORS (Riken Optical Range-Sensing Scheme). In this method, a mirror tunnel is first placed between an objective lens and an object to be measured; a bright spot is then projected onto the object through the objective lens. This spot is observed through the objective lens after reflection with the mirror tunnel, and range information is determined by the triangulation. The width of an optical system can be reduced remarkably smaller than the effective base line length of the triangulation. Therefore, it is suitable to miniaturize a range-sensing system such as an optical stylus and a proximity sensor. The second method, RORST (Riken Optical Range Sensing Method for Surface Tracing), projects an axially symmetrical light sheet onto an object and a ring pattern is produced. The ring pattern image is then projected onto the observation plane by the objective lens, radii of the ring pattern image for different azimuths are detected, distances corresponding to the specified azimuths are determined by the triangulation, and thus the information of partial inclination can be obtained.  相似文献   

This paper shows a new and efficient collaborative intelligent Computer Aided Design (CAD) framework in a theoretical study. While other collaborative CAD frameworks or protocols focus on decreasing the waiting time for updating design or communication methods for design review among collaborative designers, the suggested collaborative design protocol determines the next design ownership criterion with the objective of minimizing redundant design stages and design bottlenecks using the design history. In addition, the suggested framework generates an efficient reverse-engineered process for achieving the final design target with identification of redundant designs and how these can be prevented while resolving other existing collaborative design issues. As a design history mechanism, a feature-based design history tracking algorithm is suggested. In each design stage, the modeling activities are mapped to the related geometry and topology information. This information is reasoned into features using the feature design history graph (FDHG) and modified attribute adjacency graph (MAAG). The identified features are utilized for determining the redundant design stage and how it can be changed efficiently using the tracking algorithm. As the size of the design history increases with the number of collaborative designers and their design stages, this design history mechanism contributes to a decrease in size and captures the characteristics of design using features. As possible directions for future research this suggested framework can provide an insight into the design tendencies of designers and also be used as a reference model for intelligent CAD systems with an extracted design history-based knowledge database.  相似文献   

Abstract— The objective of this study is to design a novel cone‐shaped lens cap on LEDs in order to achieve high optical efficiency in an ultra‐thin directly lit RGB LED backlight unit (BLU) for large‐sized LCD TVs. The use of the novel lens cap could play the role of a diffuser, a low light‐efficiency component in a BLU, in order to gain higher efficiency and simultaneously provide satisfactory uniformity in light distribution. The novel cone‐shaped lens is coated with aluminum on the outside surface of the cone for mirroring effects to reflect most of the LED emitted light horizontally and then reflect the light at the BLU boundaries, and then, finally to the output plane. In this way, bright spots on the output plane of the BLU can be avoided, leading to increased uniformity. Simulations were conducted to design and optimize varied aspects of the designed lens and BLU, including the cone angle of the proposed lens and the LED spacing (pitch). To further achieve color balance, a known Genetic Algorithm is used to search for the optimal angular placement of each RGB LED, resulting in better color balance. Finally, a prototype BLU for large‐sized 37‐in. LCD TVs with the proposed lens was built to verify the expected performance.  相似文献   

Many cognitive and computational challenges accompany the design of complex engineered systems. This study proposes the many-objective visual analytics (MOVA) framework as a new approach to the design of complex engineered systems. MOVA emphasizes learning through problem reformulation, enabled by visual analytics and many-objective search. This study demonstrates insights gained by evolving the formulation of a General Aviation Aircraft (GAA) product family design problem. This problem’s considerable complexity and difficulty, along with a history encompassing several formulations, make it well-suited to demonstrate the MOVA framework. The MOVA framework results compare a single objective, a two objective, and a ten objective formulation for optimizing the GAA product family. Highly interactive visual analytics are exploited to demonstrate how decision biases can arise for lower dimensional, highly aggregated problem formulations.  相似文献   

Increasingly, human–computer interaction (HCI) is acknowledging the material dimensions of our subject. In doing so, a wide repertoire of methods is currently being explored for conducting interaction design research through a material lens. These methods range from material studies and studies in material cultures to methods borrowed from craft, designerly approaches to interaction design, sketching in hardware approaches, and so on. While we acknowledge these important attempts to approach the material dimensions of interaction design, it should also be noted that there is a lack of more systematic studies of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within HCI and interaction design to specifically explore interaction design through a material lens. So, there is a need for a methodology that acts as a guideline to material-centered interaction design research. In this paper, we address this need. More specifically, this paper contributes to this current state by presenting a methodology for methodological explorations in material-centered interaction design research. The development of this proposed methodology takes a point of departure in the methods available and applied so far. With grounding in design theory, this paper organizes these methods into a four-dimensional structure to guide deliberate choices of methods in different phases of interaction design research projects—that is, it serves as a framework for research design. The organizing structure for the proposed methodology follows the simple dialectic tradition in design to work back and forth between details and wholeness, materials and textures. In this paper, we describe the four dimensions of our framework and how these can be useful to guide research design aimed at advancing our understanding of the material dimensions of HCI. We illustrate how the proposed structure can be practically useful—both in advancing our studies of interaction design through a material lens and show how it brings us back to the roots of our profession—that is, back to a focus on the materials, the fundamental components of any computational composition.  相似文献   

Out-of-plane microlenses are an important component for integrated optics. Unlike their in-plane counterparts, the fabrication of out-of-plane microlenses is more complicated, which limits their applications. In this paper, a new technique that is capable of fabricating out-of-plane microlenses is described. The resulting lenses have pre-definable focal length and can focus light beams not only in the horizontal plane, but also in the vertical plane. The fabrication process is completely compatible with the soft lithography technique. The lens chamber with two thin polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes was designed and fabricated together with microfluidic or other components using the same UV lithography mask. The lens was then formed in an in-situ fashion. Curable polymers were injected into the lens chamber and cured while pneumatic pressure was applied to keep the PDMS membranes deformed in a quasi-spherical profile. Pneumatic pressure and membrane thickness can be adjusted to control the resulting lens focal length. With a group of lens chambers with different membrane thickness, a single pressure line can be used to fabricate microlenses with different focal lengths. Since cured polymer was used as the lens filling material, the resulting lens can be used without a pressure source. Different polymers can be selected for desirable optical properties. The simulation and experimental results have proved the feasibility of this technique and resulting lens showed good focusing ability for a divergent light beam from an on-chip multi-mode optical fiber. The small design footprint, total compatibility with soft lithography and technical versatility of this technique make it particularly useful for intergrating out-of-plane microlens into microfluidic chips, which may open new possibilities for the development of on-chip optical detection system.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to design an intelligent control servo scheme for the three-axis optical pickups employed in the next-generation optical disc drives. The three-axis pickup owns the capability to move the lens holder in three directions of focusing, tracking and tilting, which is required particularly for higher data-density optical disks and precision measuring instruments to annihilate non-zero lens tilting. The intelligent controller utilizes a commercially often-used double phase-lead compensator equipped with the capability of auto-tuning on control parameters. In this way, the model uncertainty of the pickups caused by manufacturing tolerance and the coupling between three different DOFs of the three-axis pickup can be overcome to render desired precision data-reading. In the initial stage of the study, Lagrange??s equations are employed to derive equations of motion for the lens holder. A double-lead controller equipped with a fuzzy logic parameter tuning algorithm is then designed to perform dynamic decoupling and forge control efforts toward the goals of precision tracking, focusing and zero tilting simultaneously. Along with the controller, a genetic algorithm is developed to search the optimal designed parameters of previously designed auto-tuning algorithm. Finally, the experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the controller. With validated performance, the designed intelligent controller is ready to be employed for the next-generation optical disc drives.  相似文献   

Shape grammars have offered a unique computational theory of design over the past forty or so years. Although the focus of shape grammar theory has been on shapes and designs, the material objects or things that might comply with shapes have also been considered. In this paper, I trace the history of approaches for specifying material properties and things through shape grammars. I identify early trends and their limitations, and then propose a new possibility. In early approaches, material things were viewed through the lens of shapes. I argue for a new approach in which shapes are viewed through the lens of material things. Shape grammars are adapted to define making grammars for computing things. Shapes are just one of many things that can be made with these grammars. I conclude with a discussion of the relationship of designing and making, and suggest that designing is a kind of making.  相似文献   

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