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BACKGROUND: Compromised splanchnic perfusion and the resulting intestinal mucosal injury leads to a decreased mucosal barrier function, which allows translocation of intestinal flora and endotoxemia. The authors evaluated the effects of milrinone on splanchnic oxygenation, systemic inflammation, and the subsequent acute-phase response in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: This open, placebo-controlled randomized clinical study enrolled 22 adult patients in two groups. Before induction of anesthesia, baseline values were obtained and patients were randomized to receive milrinone (30 microg/kg bolus administered progressively in 10 min, followed by a continuous infusion of 0.5 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) or saline. The following parameters were determined: hemodynamics; systemic oxygen delivery and uptake; arterial, mixed venous and hepatic venous oxygen saturation; intramucosal pH (pHi); and mixed and hepatic venous plasma concentrations of endotoxin, interleukin 6, serum amyloid A, and C-reactive protein. RESULTS: Milrinone did not prevent gastrointestinal acidosis as measured by pHi, but its perioperative administration resulted in significantly higher pHi levels compared with control. Venous and hepatic venous endotoxin and the interleukin 6 concentration were reduced significantly in the milrinone group. Serum amyloid A values were attenuated in the milrinone group 24 h after surgery. No significant differences could be seen in routinely measured oxygen transport-derived variables. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative administration of low-dose milrinone may have antiinflammatory properties and may improve splanchnic perfusion in otherwise healthy patients undergoing routine coronary artery bypass grafting.  相似文献   

We investigated the utilization patterns of autologous blood donation for radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) during a 6-year period. A total of 225 patients electing RRP with blood donation were identified for analysis. Group 1 consisted of 113 men who had an RRP from 1990 to 1993. Group 2 consisted of 112 men who had an RRP from 1993 to 1995. Charts were reviewed for the number of units transfused, number of autologous units donated, and operative blood loss. More patients autodonated blood in the later group (84% vs. 75%). Technical improvements and experience have significantly decreased blood loss and the need for transfusions (69% vs. 96% in the early group). In the more current series, only 14% of patients who autodonated blood required homologous transfusion vs. 42% in the earlier group. An increase in the amount of wasted blood (42% vs. 16% in the early group) also was noted. The 4-unit donors had the lowest homologous transfusion rate in both series (group 1 = 21%, group 2 = 5%); the 2-unit donors had the lowest units wasted per person (0.74). In addition, the 2-unit donors maintained a low homologous transfusion rate of 16%. These data suggest that 2 units of autologous blood donation has a reduced risk of homologous blood transfusion while the amount of autologous blood wasted is minimized.  相似文献   

A short model genome RNA and also the genome RNA of influenza A virus bearing both 5'- and 3'-terminal common sequences activated the interferon-induced double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase, PKR, by stimulating autophosphorylation in vitro. The activated PKR catalyzed phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eucaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha). The NS1 protein efficiently eliminated the PKR-activating activity of these RNAs by binding to them. Two mutant NS1 proteins, each harboring a single amino acid substitution at different regions, exhibited temperature sensitivity in their RNA binding activity in the mutant virus-infected cell lysates as well as when they were prepared as fusion proteins expressed in bacteria. The virus strains carrying these mutant NS1 proteins exhibited temperature sensitivity in virus protein synthesis at the translational level, as reported previously, and could not repress the autophosphorylation of PKR developing during the virus growth, which is normally suppressed by a viral function(s). As a result, the level of eIF2alpha phosphorylation was elevated 2.5- to 3-fold. The defect in virus protein synthesis was well correlated with the level of phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2alpha.  相似文献   

Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we isolated a cDNA encoding a novel human protein, named Pir51, that strongly interacts with human Rad51 recombinase. Analysis in vitro confirmed the interaction between Rad51 and Pir51. Pir51 mRNA is expressed in a number of human organs, most notably in testis, thymus, colon and small intestine. The Pir51 gene locus was mapped to chromosome 12p13.1-13. 2 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The Pir51 protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. Biochemical analysis shows that the Pir51 protein binds both single- and double-stranded DNA, and is capable of aggregating DNA. The protein also binds RNA. The Pir51 protein may represent a new member of the multiprotein complexes postulated to carry out homologous recombination and DNA repair in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The solution NMR structure of the RNA-binding domain from influenza virus non-structural protein 1 exhibits a novel dimeric six-helical protein fold. Distributions of basic residues and conserved salt bridges of dimeric NS1(1-73) suggest that the face containing antiparallel helices 2 and 2' forms a novel arginine-rich nucleic acid binding motif.  相似文献   

The cytosolic domain of the peptide processing enzyme peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) contains signals that direct its trafficking in the secretory and endosomal pathways. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, Alam et al. (Alam, M. R., Caldwell, B. D., Johnson, R. C., Darlington, D. N., Mains, R. E., and Eipper, B. A. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 28636) identified three proteins that interact with a fragment of the PAM cytosolic domain containing these targeting signals. We cloned the rat and human cDNAs encoding PAM COOH-terminal interactor protein-1 (P-CIP1). Both cDNAs contain an open reading frame that encodes a novel protein of 435 amino acids. The P-CIP1 protein is highly conserved from rat to human (85% identity) but does not display significant homology to proteins in the GenBank data base. In vitro, P-CIP1 interacts with the cytosolic domain of wild type PAM-1, but does not interact with mutant PAM-1 proteins that fail to target correctly when expressed in endocrine cells. P-CIP1 contains multiple consensus serine/threonine phosphorylation sites and a region predicted to form a coiled-coil at the COOH terminus. When expressed in endocrine cells or fibroblasts, P-CIP1 is distributed in a punctate pattern in the perinuclear area but does not significantly overlap the distribution of transfected wild type PAM-1. The distribution of P-CIP1 displays significant overlap with the distribution of the secretory carrier membrane proteins, internalized Texas Red-conjugated transferrin, and Rab11. The data suggest that P-CIP1 associates with vesicles in the recycling endosomal pathway, and may play a role in regulating the trafficking of integral membrane PAM.  相似文献   

We established a reverse genetics system for the nonstructural (NS) gene segment of influenza A virus. This system is based on the use of the temperature-sensitive (ts) reassortant virus 25A-1. The 25A-1 virus contains the NS gene from influenza A/Leningrad/134/57 virus and the remaining gene segments from A/Puerto Rico (PR)/8/34 virus. This particular gene constellation was found to be responsible for the ts phenotype. For reverse genetics of the NS gene, a plasmid-derived NS gene from influenza A/PR/8/34 virus was ribonucleoprotein transfected into cells that were previously infected with the 25A-1 virus. Two subsequent passages of the transfection supernatant at 40 degreesC selected viruses containing the transfected NS gene derived from A/PR/8/34 virus. The high efficiency of the selection process permitted the rescue of transfectant viruses with large deletions of the C-terminal part of the NS1 protein. Viable transfectant viruses containing the N-terminal 124, 80, or 38 amino acids of the NS1 protein were obtained. Whereas all deletion mutants grew to high titers in Vero cells, growth on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells and replication in mice decreased with increasing length of the deletions. In Vero cells expression levels of viral proteins of the deletion mutants were similar to those of the wild type. In contrast, in MDCK cells the level of the M1 protein was significantly reduced for the deletion mutants.  相似文献   

The linear single-stranded DNA genome of the minute virus of mice (MVM) is replicated via a double-stranded replicative form (RF) intermediate. Amplification of this RF is initiated by the folding-back of palindromic sequences serving as primers for strand-displacement synthesis and formation of dimeric RF DNA. Using an in vitro replication assay and a cloned MVM DNA template, we observed hairpin-primed DNA replication at both MVM DNA termini, with a bias toward right-end initiation. Initiation of DNA replication is favored by nuclear components of A9 cell extract and highly stimulated by the MVM nonstructural protein NS1. Hairpin-primed DNA replication is also observed in the presence of NS1 and the Klenow fragment of the Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. Addition of ATPgammaS (adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate)) blocks the initiation of DNA replication but not the extension of pre-existing hairpin primers formed in the presence of NS1 only. The NS1-mediated unwinding of the right-end palindrome may account for the recently reported capacity of NS1 for driving dimer RF synthesis in vitro.  相似文献   

Gravitropism allows plant organs to direct their growth at a specific angle from the gravity vector, promoting upward growth for shoots and downward growth for roots. Little is known about the mechanisms underlying gravitropic signal transduction. We found that mutations in the ARG1 locus of Arabidopsis thaliana alter root and hypocotyl gravitropism without affecting phototropism, root growth responses to phytohormones or inhibitors of auxin transport, or starch accumulation. The positional cloning of ARG1 revealed a DnaJ-like protein containing a coiled-coil region homologous to coiled coils found in cytoskeleton-interacting proteins. These data suggest that ARG1 participates in a gravity-signaling process involving the cytoskeleton. A combination of Northern blot studies and analysis of ARG1-GUS fusion-reporter expression in transgenic plants demonstrated that ARG1 is expressed in all organs. Ubiquitous ARG1 expression in Arabidopsis and the identification of an ortholog in Caenorhabditis elegans suggest that ARG1 is involved in other essential processes.  相似文献   

SPACR (sialoprotein associated with cones and rods), is the major 147-150-kDa glycoprotein present in the insoluble interphotoreceptor matrix of the human retina. Immunocytochemistry localizes SPACR to the matrix surrounding rods and cones (Acharya, S., Rayborn, M. E., and Hollyfield, J. G. (1998) Glycobiology 8, 997-1006). From affinity-purified SPACR, we obtained seven peptide sequences showing 100% identity to the deduced sequence of IMPG1, a purported chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycan core protein, which binds peanut agglutinin and is localized to the interphotoreceptor matrix. We show here that SPACR is the most prominent 147-150-kDa band present in the interphotoreceptor matrix and is the gene product of IMPG1. SPACR is not a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, since it is not a product of chondroitinase ABC digestion and does not react to a specific antibody for chondroitin 6-sulfate proteoglycan. Moreover, the deduced amino acid sequence reveals no established glycosaminoglycan attachment site. One hyaluronan binding motif is present in the predicted sequence of SPACR. We present evidence that SPACR has a functional hyaluronan binding domain, suggesting that interactions between SPACR and hyaluronan may serve to form the basic macromolecular scaffold, which comprises the insoluble interphotoreceptor matrix.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to characterize the muscarinic receptor subtypes involved in methacholine-induced vasodilation, vagal bradycardia, neurally-evoked sudomotor responses and sympathetic muscarinic ganglionic transmission in anesthetized cats. Dose-response curves were constructed using the putatively selective antagonists pirenzepine (M1), gallamine (M2) and 4-DAMP (M3: 4-diphenyl-acetoxy-N-methylpiperidine) and compared with the non-selective blocker, atropine. Methacholine hypotension and evoked sudomotor responses exhibited an M3 muscarinic receptor profile with the following potency relationships: atropine > or = 4-DAMP > pirenzepine > gallamine. Vagal bradycardia (M2) was antagonized by gallamine and exhibited a lower relative sensitivity to 4-DAMP when corrected for atropine effect. Pirenzepine was inactive in inhibition of bradycardia but was highly potent against transmission in the sympathetic ganglion (M1) with the following potency relationships: atropine > or = pirenzepine > 4-DAMP > gallamine. In comparison with atropine, 4-DAMP exhibited a significantly lower potency for M1 and M2 muscarinic receptors as compared to its effect on the M3 muscarinic receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Cleavage of the hemagglutinin (HA) molecule by proteases is a prerequisite for the infectivity of influenza A viruses. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of HA cleavage for a descendant of the 1918 pandemic strain of human influenza virus. We demonstrate that neuraminidase, the second major protein on the virion surface, binds and sequesters plasminogen, leading to higher local concentrations of this ubiquitous protease precursor and thus to increased cleavage of the HA. The structural basis of this unusual function of the neuraminidase molecule appears to be the presence of a carboxyl-terminal lysine and the absence of an oligosaccharide side chain at position 146 (N2 numbering). These findings suggest a means by which influenza A viruses, and perhaps other viruses as well, could become highly pathogenic in humans.  相似文献   

We have cloned a cDNA for a novel human homolog of the Drosophila discs large (dig) tumor suppressor protein, termed NE-dlg (neuronal and endocrine dig). Northern blot analysis revealed that the gene is highly expressed in neuronal and endocrine tissues. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and radiation hybrid mapping studies localized the NE-dlg gene to chromosome Xq13. We also found that the NE-dlg gene encoded a 100 kDa protein. Immunolocalization studies using an NE-dlg antibody showed that the protein tended to be expressed in non-proliferating cells, such as neurons, cells in Langerhans islets of the pancreas, myocytes of the heart muscles, and the prickle and functional layer cells of the esophageal epithelium. Proliferative cells, including various cultured cancer cell lines and basal cells in the esophageal epithelium, showed little expression of the NE-dlg protein. In addition, yeast two-hybrid screening and in vitro binding assays revealed that the NE-dlg interacted with the carboxyl-terminal region of the APC tumor suppressor protein. These data suggest that NE-dlg negatively regulates cell proliferation through its interaction with the APC protein.  相似文献   

A conserved family of Ran binding proteins (RBPs) has been defined by their ability to bind to the Ran GTPase and the presence of a common region of approximately 100 amino acids (the Ran binding domain). The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome predicts only three proteins with canonical Ran binding domains. Mutation of one of these, YRB1, results in defects in transport of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope (Schlenstedt, G., Wong, D. H., Koepp, D. M., and Silver, P. A. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 5367-5378). The second one, encoded by YRB2, is a 327-amino acid protein with a Ran binding domain at its C terminus and an internal cluster of FXFG and FG repeats conserved in nucleoporins. Yrb2p is located inside the nucleus, and this localization relies on the N terminus. Results of both genetic and biochemical analyses show interactions of Yrb2p with the Ran nucleotide exchanger Prp20p/Rcc1. Yrb2p binding to Gsp1p (yeast Ran) as well as to a novel 150-kDa GTP-binding protein is also detected. The Ran binding domain of Yrb2p is essential for function and for its association with Prp20p and the GTP-binding proteins. Taken together, we suggest that Yrb2p may play a role in the Ran GTPase cycle distinct from nuclear transport.  相似文献   

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