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Some scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs and learning effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Although scheduling with deteriorating jobs and learning effect has been widely investigated, scheduling research has seldom considered the two phenomena simultaneously. However, job deterioration and learning co-exist in many realistic scheduling situations. In this paper, we introduce a new scheduling model in which both job deterioration and learning exist simultaneously. The actual processing time of a job depends not only on the processing times of the jobs already processed but also on its scheduled position. For the single-machine case, we derive polynomial-time optimal solutions for the problems to minimize makespan and total completion time. In addition, we show that the problems to minimize total weighted completion time and maximum lateness are polynomially solvable under certain agreeable conditions. For the case of an m-machine permutation flowshop, we present polynomial-time optimal solutions for some special cases of the problems to minimize makespan and total completion time.  相似文献   

In this note, we consider the machine scheduling problems with the effects of deterioration and learning. In this model, job processing times are defined by functions of their starting times and positions in the sequence. The scheduling objectives are makespan (weighted) sum of completion times and maximum lateness. It is shown that even with the introduction of deterioration and learning effect to job processing times, several single machine problems and several flow shop problems remain polynomially solvable, respectively.  相似文献   

In the paper two resource constrained single-machine group scheduling problems with both learning effects and deteriorating jobs are considered. By learning effects, deteriorating jobs and group technology assumption, we mean that the processing time of a job is defined by the function of its starting time and position in the group, and the group setup times of a group is a positive strictly decreasing continuous function of the amount of consumed resource. We present polynomial solutions for the makespan minimization problem under the constraint that the total resource consumption does not exceed a given limit, and the total resource consumption minimization problem under the constraint that the makespan does not exceed a given limit, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper considers single machine scheduling problems with setup times and deteriorating jobs. The setup times are proportional to the length of the already processed jobs, that is, the setup times are past-sequence-dependent (p-s-d). It is assumed that the job processing times are defined by functions dependent on their starting times. The following objectives are considered: the makespan, the total completion time, and the sum of earliness, tardiness, and due-window starting time and size penalties. We propose polynomial time algorithms to solve these problems.  相似文献   

This note considers a single machine scheduling and due-window assignment problem, in which the processing time of a job is a linear function of its starting time and the job-independent deterioration rates are identical for all jobs. We allow an option for performing a rate-modifying activity for changing the normal processing times of the jobs following this activity. The objective is to schedule the jobs, the due-window and the rate-modifying activity so as to minimize the sum of earliness, tardiness and due-window starting time and due-window size costs. We introduce a polynomial solution for the problem.  相似文献   

result in a recent paper Huang, Wang, Wang, Gao, and Wang (2010) (Computers & Industrial Engineering 58 (2010) 58–63) is incorrect because job processing times are variable due to both deteriorating jobs and learning effects, which is not taken into account by the authors. In this note, we show by a counter-example that the published result is incorrect.  相似文献   

In a manufacturing system workers are involved in doing the same job or activity repeatedly. Hence, the workers start learning more about the job or activity. Because of the learning, the time to complete the job or activity starts decreasing, which is known as “learning effect”. In this paper, an exponential sum-of-actual-processing-time based learning effect is introduced into single-machine scheduling. By the exponential sum-of-actual-processing-time based learning effect, we mean that the processing time of a job is defined by an exponential function of the sum-of-the-actual-processing-time of the already processed jobs. Under the proposed learning model, we show that under a sufficient condition, the makespan minimization problem, the sum of the θth (θ > 0) power of completion times minimization problem, and some special cases of the total weighted completion time minimization problem and the maximum lateness minimization problem remain polynomially solvable.  相似文献   

Maintenance is important to manufacturing process as it helps improve the efficiency of production. Although different models of joint deterioration and learning effects have been studied extensively in various areas, it has rarely been studied in the context of scheduling with maintenance activities. This paper considers scheduling with jointly the deterioration and learning effects and multi-maintenance activities on a single-machine setting. We assume that the machine may have several maintenance activities to improve its production efficiency during the scheduling horizon, and the duration of each maintenance activity depends on the running time of the machine. The objectives are to determine the optimal maintenance frequencies, the optimal maintenance locations, and the optimal job schedule such that the makespan and the total completion time are minimized, respectively, when the upper bound of the maintenance frequencies on the machine is known in advance. We show that all the problems studied can be solved by polynomial time algorithms.  相似文献   

Scheduling with deteriorating jobs or learning effects has been widely studied recently. There are situations where both the deterioration and learning effects might exist at the same time. However, the research with the consideration of both the effects is relatively limited. Furthermore, the forms of the effects are specific functions in the literature. In this paper, we introduce a general scheduling model in the sense that the form of the function is unspecified. Under the proposed model, the actual job processing time is a general function on the processing times of the jobs already processed and its scheduled position. The optimal solutions for some single-machine problems are provided.  相似文献   

In this article, we study a single-machine scheduling problem in which the processing time of a job is a nonlinear function of its basic processing time and starting time. The objectives are to minimise the makespan, the sum of weighted completion times and the sum of the kth powers of completion times. We show that the makespan minimisation problem can be solved in polynomial time. However, the total completion time and the sum of the kth powers of completion times minimisation problems can be solved in polynomial time in some cases. Besides, some useful properties are also provided for the sum of weighted completion times problem under certain conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a group scheduling model with general deteriorating jobs and learning effects in which deteriorating jobs and learning effects are both considered simultaneously. This means that the actual processing time of a job depends not only on the processing time of the jobs already processed, but also on its scheduled position. In our model, the group setup times are general linear functions of their starting times and the jobs in the same group have general position-dependent learning effects and time-dependent deterioration. The objective of scheduling problems is to minimise the makespan and the sum of completion times, respectively. We show that the problems remain solvable in polynomial time under the proposed model.  相似文献   

In many realistic production situations, a job processed later consumes more time than the same job when it is processed earlier. Production scheduling in such an environment is known as scheduling with deteriorating jobs. However, research on scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs has rarely considered explicit (separable) setup time (cost). In this paper, we consider a single-machine scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs and setup times to minimize the maximum tardiness. We provide a branch-and-bound algorithm to solve this problem. Computational experiments show that the algorithm can solve instances up to 1000 jobs in reasonable time.  相似文献   

A two-machine flowshop makespan scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In traditional scheduling problems, the job processing times are assumed to be known and fixed from the first job to be processed to the last job to be completed. However, in many realistic situations, a job will consume more time than it would have consumed if it had begun earlier. This phenomenon is known as deteriorating jobs. In the science literature, the deteriorating job scheduling problems are relatively unexplored in the flowshop settings. In this paper, we study a two-machine flowshop makespan scheduling problem in which job processing times vary as time passes, i.e. they are assumed as increasing functions of their starting times. First, an exact algorithm is established to solve most of the problems of up to 32 jobs in a reasonable amount of time. Then, three heuristic algorithms are provided to derive the near-optimal solutions. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performances of the proposed algorithms. In addition, the impact of the deterioration rate is also investigated.  相似文献   

In deteriorating job scheduling problems, most of the researchers assume that the actual job processing time is a function of its starting time. In this paper, we propose a new deterioration model in which the actual job processing time is a general function of the normal processing time of jobs already processed and its scheduled position at the same time. We show that some single-machine scheduling problems remain polynomially solvable.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the general, no-wait and no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs, i.e., jobs whose processing times are increasing functions of their starting times. We assume a linear deterioration function with identical increasing rates for all the jobs and there are some dominating relationships between the machines. We show that the problems to minimize the makespan and the total completion time remain polynomially solvable when deterioration is considered, although these problems are more complicated than their classical counterparts without deterioration.  相似文献   

We present a single-machine problem with the unequal release times under learning effect and deteriorating jobs when the objective is minimizing the makespan. In this study, we introduced a scheduling model with unequal release times in which both job deterioration and learning exist simultaneously. By the effects of learning and deterioration, we mean that the processing time of a job is defined by increasing function of its execution start time and position in the sequence. A branch-and-bound algorithm incorporating with several dominance properties and lower bounds is developed to derive the optimal solution. A heuristic algorithm is proposed to obtain a near-optimal solution. The computational experiments show that the branch-and-bound algorithm can solve instances up to 30 jobs, and the average error percentage of the proposed heuristic is less than 0.16%.  相似文献   

In the paper two problems of a single machine bicriterion scheduling of a set of deteriorating jobs are considered. The jobs are independent, nonpreemptable and are ready for processing at time 00. The processing time pjpj of each job is a linear function of the starting time SjSj of the job, pj=1+αjSjpj=1+αjSj, where Sj?0Sj?0 and αj>0αj>0 for j=0,1,...,nj=0,1,...,n.  相似文献   

Scheduling with learning effects has attracted growing attention of the scheduling research community. A recent survey classifies the learning models in scheduling into two types, namely position-based learning and sum-of-processing-times-based learning. However, the actual processing time of a given job drops to zero precipitously as the number of jobs increases in the first model and when the normal job processing times are large in the second model. Motivated by this observation, we propose a new learning model where the actual job processing time is a function of the sum of the logarithm of the processing times of the jobs already processed. The use of the logarithm function is to model the phenomenon that learning as a human activity is subject to the law of diminishing return. Under the proposed learning model, we show that the scheduling problems to minimize the makespan and total completion time can be solved in polynomial time. We further show that the problems to minimize the maximum lateness, maximum tardiness, weighted sum of completion times and total tardiness have polynomial-time solutions under some agreeable conditions on the problem parameters.  相似文献   

This paper provides a continuation of the idea presented by Yin et al. [Yin et al., Some scheduling problems with general position-dependent and time-dependent learning effects, Inform. Sci. 179 (2009) 2416-2425]. For each of the following three objectives, total weighted completion time, maximum lateness and discounted total weighted completion time, this paper presents an approximation algorithm which is based on the optimal algorithm for the corresponding single-machine scheduling problem and analyzes its worst-case bound. It shows that the single-machine scheduling problems under the proposed model can be solved in polynomial time if the objective is to minimize the total lateness or minimize the sum of earliness penalties. It also shows that the problems of minimizing the total tardiness, discounted total weighted completion time and total weighted earliness penalty are polynomially solvable under some agreeable conditions on the problem parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the single-machine scheduling problems with the effects of learning and deterioration. By the effects of learning and deterioration, we mean that job processing times are defined by functions of their starting times and positions in the sequence. It is shown that even with the introduction of learning effect and deteriorating jobs to job processing times, single machine makespan and sum of completion times (square) minimization problems remain polynomially solvable, respectively. But for the following objective functions: the weighted sum of completion times and the maximum lateness, this paper proves that the WSPT rule and the EDD rule can construct the optimal sequence under some special cases, respectively.  相似文献   

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