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Emphysematous cystitis is a rare infectious disease of the lower urinary tract. Its reputedly serious prognosis is related to treatment failures revealing ignorance concerning its pathophysiological mechanisms. Two cases of this disease were seen in our department, both in diabetic men over the age of 70 years with a history of prostatism. They presented to the emergency department with complete urinary retention and alteration of the general state and fever. Urine culture isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae in both cases. Treatment consisted of bladder drainage associated with adapted antibiotic therapy and control of diabetes. A suprapubic prostatectomy was subsequently performed in one case and transurethral prostatic resection was performed in the other case. The prognosis of this disease depends on early diagnosis and rapid introduction of effective treatment.  相似文献   

Two cases of lentiginosis with associated heart anomalies are described. A review of the different syndromes in which pigmentary disturbances (cafe au lait spots, lentiginosis) are associated with cardiopathy is made by the authors. They emphasize the importance of investigation on members of the patient's family.  相似文献   

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) causes severe haemolytic anaemia, thrombopenia, fever and neurological and renal involvement. Currently five large aetiologic groups have been identified: viral or bacterial infection, drugs, conjunctive tissue diseases, pregnancy and solid tumours. We observed two cases resulting from an adenocarcinoma. In the first case, a 71-year-old man with chronic silicosis, the presenting signs were asthenia, fever, epistaxis with diffus purpura and spontaneous haematomas of the lower limbs. Diagnosis of TTP was based on routine laboratory tests and the patient responded well to fresh frozen plasma. On the 5th day of treatment, haemoglobin level dropped sharply and melana occurred. Upper digestive tract endoscopy revealed a tumoural formation of the antrum-fundic junction and histology examination of the biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma. Ten months after gastrectomy the patient was in excellent health with no relapse of the TTP. In the second case, the presenting signs included spontaneous haematomas, rectorrhagia and low grade fever. Microscopic haematuria and renal failure were observed in addition to the biological syndrome of TTP. The patient responded poorly to fresh frozen plasma and packed cell transfusions. Plasma exchange was equally unsuccessful. The disease continued a fulminant course and the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma located in a pulmonary lymph nodes was made at autopsy. These rare cases of TTP caused by cancer emphasize the importance of a thorough aetiological research. Plasma exchange has been shown to be effective but mortality at 1 year approximately 85% in cancer related cases. Early diagnosis and specific anti-cancer therapy might improve prognosis. We report our personal experience with 16 other similar cases.  相似文献   

This article takes three different approaches to the question of whether the failing heart is in an energy-starved state. A brief historical overview introduces the issue and points out problems in both models and methods. Second, current information regarding the energetic state of the failing heart is examined. Finally, the mechanistic and therapeutic implications of a defect in energy production are described.  相似文献   

The capacity of embryonic spinal cord tissue in the repair of injured structure of spinal cord has been noted for years. In order to investigate the embryonic spinal cord graft in the repair of motor function of injured spinal cord, the embryonic spinal cord tissue was transplanted to the hemisection cavity in spinal cord in adult rat. One hundred adult Wistar Rats were used to simulate the hemisectional injury of spinal cord by drilling 2-3 mm cavity in lumbar enlargement. Sixty rats were treated with rat embryonic spinal cord tissue grafting while the other forty were chosen as control. The outcome was evaluated according the combined behavioural score (CBS) and motor evoked potential (MEP) in the 1, 2, 4 and 12 weeks. The grafting group was superior to the control as assessed by CBS (P < 0.05), especially within 4 weeks. (P < 0.01). The restoration of the latent peak of early wave(P1, N1) was better in the grafting group, too. This suggested that embryonic spinal cord graft could improve the recovery of motor function of injured spinal cord in adult rat. The effect of the embryonic spinal cord tissue graft might be concerned with its secretion of several kinds of neurotrophic factors, nerve growth factor, nerve transmitted factor, or adjustment of hormone.  相似文献   

The authors report 100 cases of hydatid cysts of the brain operated in the Neurosurgical Department (C.H.U. of Algier). They compars their data with those of the litterature. It appears once more that cerebral hydatidosis affects the children living in endemic countries and looks like a quite pure increased intracranial pressure. Supratentorial situation of the mass can be approached many times by the E.E.G. A right diagnosis is possible in almost all cases (6/7) by angiographic examination. Surgical technique is simple but one must keep a great attention in removing these "virulent" cysts. As a rule, the results are good, as far as the patients are not in a bad status before the operation. Unfortunately becalse of a late diagnosis, one patient among three is blind after the operation as he was before.  相似文献   

The Kikuchi-Fujimoto's syndrome is an histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis which is observed at any ages but preferentially among young adults. The sex ratio is about 4:1 in favour of women. It is clinically characterized by cervical lymph nodes in a context of fever and asthenia. Sometimes, there is transitory leucopenia and an increase of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The course of the disease is spontaneously favourable in 1 or 3 months but recurrence is possible. The histology of the lymph node could mimic a malignant lymphoma and the immunohistochemical findings are of a great importance (Ki-M1P or KP1 antibody). The etiology remains unknown but some infectious diseases have been suspected (toxoplamosis, Epstein-Barr virus). Its association with a systemic lupus erythematous had been described and this set the problem of its physiopathology. We report two new cases of Kikuchi-Fujimoto's syndrome which one was attributed to Epstein-Barr virus primo-infection and the other associated with a systemic lupus erythematous.  相似文献   

The authors report 5 cases of sarcoidosis developed on scars. Sarcoidosis may be isolated (1 case); it may precede (1 case) or accompany systemic sarcoidosis, or occur during a relapse (3 cases). Dermatologists who observe cicatricial changes always suspect sarcoidosis. It is therefore important that physicians should examine the scars of their patients with suspected sarcoidosis, since biopsy of these scars is easily performed, confirms the diagnosis and avoids more invasive explorations.  相似文献   

The authors propose to treat stainless steel dentures by grinding on organosilicon binding followed by 2 polishing procedures: with diamond paste and paste based on ultradispersed aluminum oxide powder. This technology improves the corrosion resistance of dentures and eliminates signs of diseases caused by electrochemical processes in the oral cavity more effectively than basic technology (vulcanite grinding and polishing with GOI paste).  相似文献   

Drug allergy is the most difficult area in Allergology because: Clinical polymorphism and specially physiopathology (IgE-dependent hypersensibility reaction, cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, etc.). Feeble specificity and sensitivity in the basic immunoallergic investigation (Skin tests, specific IgE). Very frequently his necessitates recourse to REALISTIC TESTS of drug re-introduction under clinical and biological surveillance (HSI mediators: histamine/tryptase/urinary methyl histamine) to produce a diagnosis.  相似文献   

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