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In recent years, the ability to manage schedules using a mobile device equipped with a touch panel has increased. However, when one wishes to add a new event to the schedule book while taking into account the transit time for an existing event, it is necessary to switch to another application or website. In this study, we design a system that determines automatically whether the new event can be added. If it is impossible to add the event, the system proposes a time range in which events can be added.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have designed and implemented a user-support system for finding the other person using smart phones. When users of this system talk over smart phones, it displays a map on the screen showing locations of both talkers as they share position information (GPS information) via a support server. Using this system, the user can check where to wait for other persons. It also enables the user to search for a lost child or to search for an illiterate person who wandered off and cannot return. In our system, the position of searchers is also displayed on the terminal of the person being searched for, therefore the child or illiterate person can check the searcher’s position on the screen of the smart phone in real time while talking.  相似文献   

改进了肤色检测方法,设计和实现了智能手机上的人脸检测系统.由于移动平台计算能力弱、内存空间小,该系统对算法进行了优化:在去除非人脸阶段提出排队编号算法以避免多次重复遍历图像,使用静态查找表、位运算、迭代法和浮点化整法等.实验结果表明,该系统能在Pocket PC上快速且较为准确的定位出复杂背景下彩色图像中的多个正面、有一定偏转的人脸.  相似文献   

城市公交实时位置手机查询系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对用户选择公交出行时不能准确获知公交车实时位置等信息的问题,对移动互联网在智能交通中的应用进行了探讨。使用百度地图接口技术设计一种基于移动客户端公交实时位置查询系统,并给出了经纬度数据在电子地图中发生偏移的修正方法。用户使用手机或PDA等网络设备进入此查询系统界面,就能随时查询特定线路上公交车辆的实时位置、数量等信息。经测试,该系统具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

Smart cards are used in information technologies as portable integrated devices with data storage and data processing capabilities. As in other fields, smart card use in health systems became popular due to their increased capacity and performance. Their efficient use with easy and fast data access facilities leads to implementation particularly widespread in security systems. In this paper, a smart card based healthcare information system is developed. The system uses smart card for personal identification and transfer of health data and provides data communication via a distributed protocol which is particularly developed for this study. Two smart card software modules are implemented that run on patient and healthcare professional smart cards, respectively. In addition to personal information, general health information about the patient is also loaded to patient smart card. Health care providers use their own smart cards to be authenticated on the system and to access data on patient cards. Encryption keys and digital signature keys stored on smart cards of the system are used for secure and authenticated data communication between clients and database servers over distributed object protocol. System is developed on Java platform by using object oriented architecture and design patterns.  相似文献   

通过分析用户使用需求,结合智能手机的行业应用多元化,论述了一种基于智能手机的车辆安全辅助系统的设计及应用.作为一种运动探测器、摄像机和单片机控制系统在移动应用程序上的新型集成,该系统利用移动通信技术对车辆进行远程控制并提供必要的安全保障.  相似文献   

Mobile phone is becoming a very popular tool due to having various user friendly applications with all flexible options. It is highly popular for its light weight, wearable and comfortable uses. Many extrinsic habitat of human being can be monitored by the help of inbuilt sensors and its application software. This has appealing use for healthcare applications using exploitation of Ambient Intelligence for daily activity monitoring system. Here, a standard dataset of UCI HAR (University of California, Irvine, Human Activity Recognition, http://archive.ics.uci.edu) is used for analysis purpose. Naive Bayes Classifier is used for recognition of runtime activities minimizing dimension of large feature vectors. Threshold based condition box is designed by us and finally these two results are compared with that of another classifier HF-SVM (Hardware Friendly-Support Vector Machine) of previous related work.  相似文献   

This study aimed at evaluating four vibrotactile capabilities for perceiving graphical information presented on a smart phone. Thirty-two blindfolded college students participated in four experiments to test their capabilities of two-point discrimination, relative and absolute judgments of line thickness, and recognition of basic shapes. All the information was received through the default vibration function of the phone, sensed by their scanning fingers. The results showed a good two-point discrimination accuracy rate, reaching 98.8% when the distance between two points was set at 3.2 mm; the relative judgment of line thickness reached the level of 78.3% accuracy when the two-line width difference ratio was set at 3%; the absolute judgment reached the level of 78.8% when the participants recognised line thickness from one of two. Overall, especially for the shapes judgment, the information transmitted by the various codes may be quite low. These findings should inspire advanced investigations and provide design guidelines.  相似文献   

以第四届"飞思卡尔"杯全国大学生智能汽车大赛为背景,介绍了基于视觉传感器的智能车控制算法,包括方向控制和速度控制.在PID算法或模糊控制算法几乎为所有参赛队伍所采用的背景下,提出了"最优曲率法",并使用与之配合的"贪婪路径规划"算法.该小车在复杂赛道上的平均速度达3.3 m/s,其控制算法设计对智能车设计有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

针对传统汽车胎压监测系统(TPMS)的不足,设计了基于智能手机的汽车胎压监测系统。该系统由轮胎传感器、中继器和智能手机三部分组成,通过无线射频技术和蓝牙技术,实现在智能手机上实时显示轮胎状态,以及对系统的报警阈值、传感器ID等参数进行设置的功能。实验结果表明:该系统的最大测量误差为±0.06 bar,上车测试的丢失率为1.69%,传感器匹配时间约为1 min。该系统有效地将TPMS和智能手机结合起来,改善了TPMS的显示效果,增强TPMS的交互性,使其有高品质用户体验效果,具有极高的产业化价值。  相似文献   

针对探究智能手机与移动医疗相结合的新模式, 以脉搏信号为例, 开发了一系列基于Android智能手机的软件, 使得智能手机实现了对脉搏信号的采集、传输和分析, 尤其是利用手机摄像头采集脉搏信号及脉搏信号在手机的本地智能分析。同时, 基于智能手机完整的信号采集、分析和网络通信功能, 提出了一种基于智能手机的自组织医疗数据共享网络。该模式下, 智能手机同时完成移动医疗系统中的采集、传输和分析功能, 有效地简化了移动医疗系统。  相似文献   

突破传统机器人控制的专用复杂性与封闭性,创新地将iPhone各种硬件资源和先进的交互技术(如MULTI-TOUCH、加速计等)与机器人技术进行有机融合,实现基于HMM的人体动作控制解析功能的高易用性人机接口(HMI)。使用3G技术接入Internet来构建具有实时网络视频反馈的远程机器人控制平台,开发出一种通用便携、控制灵活、无距离限制的高友好度的机器人人机交互系统。该系统将作为服务机器人进入千家万户的一个契机,改变人们未来生活的模式。经实验验证,该系统实时实用性能良好,实现了便携通用的高友好度网络机器人控制。  相似文献   

智能手机增强现实关键技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
将增强现实技术应用到智能手机上,实现增强现实系统的小型化和便携化,会大大拓展和深化增强现实系统应用的广度和深度。当前对于智能手机增强现实技术的研究,一般采用基于计算机视觉(即视频检测)的注册方式。首次提出了在智能手机上采用GPS/三维电子罗盘的注册方法,研究微型三维电子罗盘与智能手机的软、硬件接口,从底层开发并实现具有增强现实功能的软件模块,建立基于智能手机的空间信息三维可视化模型算法,并以三维管线为例进行实证研究,结果表明基于空间信息的智能手机增强现实构建的技术路线是可行的。  相似文献   


This article describes the design and development of a context-aware ubiquitous learning (u-learning) system for users to increase fitness-related reading comprehension in a fitness centre. With the use of mobile devices and sensing technologies, practitioners and researchers of ICT and ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) are paying attention to the planning and use of u-learning components to provide users more interactions with authentic learning objects in a real context. Meanwhile, English for specific purposes (ESP) with interaction design has been a focus in recent years; however, few ESP practitioners and researchers have explored fitness-related English with ubicomp. All of the users were satisfied with the use of the smart phones and scanning of QR codes on the machines in the fitness centre to develop their reading comprehension of fitness-related English. Finally, a learning design model for Fitness English reading with u-learning components was developed and elaborated from designers' perspectives.  相似文献   


A fast and accurate computational model of HMM (Hidden Markov Model) is proposed for Activity Recognition System using inbuilt sensors of Smart Mobile Phone. Twelve features are calculated from the captured data and the feature vectors are divided into two vectors which are used as inputs to HMM. All computational methods follow probability theories and for measuring differences of two probability based events we used K–L divergence of Kullback and Leibler (Ann Math Stat 22(1):79–86, 1951) known as KLD (Kullback & Leibler Divergence). For comparing of feature values of ground truth and that of experimental values, we have developed an algorithm D-HMM (Divisional-HMM, proposed algorithm). Results show better recognition than existing HF-SVM (Hardware Friendly Support Vector Machine) and also better than our previous work of CFT (Conditional Features using Threshold, a method developed for using different schemes of threshold values for selection and matching purposes of feature values).


绿色智能的家居控制需要复杂的系统和多源的信息。为了进一步提高家居系统的协同性,充分利用多源的决策信息,设计了一种基于多源信息融合的多Agent智能家居系统。研究了系统的框架和各个Agent的功能和交互机制;提出了一个基于自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)的多源信息融合模型,使用ANFIS算法对家居环境进行特征提取和用户行为学习;利用Android的轻量级嵌入式Jade Agent平台和Matlab对模型进行仿真。理论分析和仿真实验表明,该模型能够提高家居系统的协同交互性,提高家居系统多源数据融合的有效性。  相似文献   

The smart phone: a ubiquitous input device   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We show how modern mobile phones (Weiser's tabs) can interact with their environment, especially large situated displays (Weiser's boards). Smart phones' emerging capabilities are fueling a rise in the use of mobile phones as input devices to such resources as situated displays, vending machines, and home appliances. Mobile phones' prevalence gives them great potential to be the default physical interface for ubiquitous computing applications. We survey interaction techniques that use mobile phones as input devices to ubiquitous computing environments. We use smart phone to describe an enhanced mobile phone. Our analysis blurs the line between smart phones and PDAs such as the Palm Pilot because the feature sets continue to converge.  相似文献   

智能小车控制系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以16位低功耗单片机MSP430F5438为控制核心,以直流电机作为驱动的动力,设计了智能小车并采用脉宽调制(PWM)方式实现对车速的准确控制;使用灰度传感器来检测起点/终点标志线及转弯/超车标志线;在超车区使用超声波传感器来测量两辆小车之间的距离,并在轨道的超车区内进行超车;使用无线通信模块来进行两车之间的超车通信,有效避免两车相撞并顺利实现超车;用电子指南针模块来对两小车进行精确定位及转弯控制和在行车道上方向的校正.通过对样机进行了测试,结果表明:智能小车可以实现单车绕圈行驶、两车防撞前后行驶、两车在规定的区域完成超车等功能,且其性能稳定、抗干扰性强,在无人驾驶系统方面得到广泛应用.  相似文献   

提出一种基于机器视觉的智能导盲眼镜系统的设计方案。采用三星公司Cortex-A8架构的S5PV210作为中央处理器,搭载Linux系统,配备双目采集、GPS定位、语音播报、GSM短信、语音通话、无线传输六大核心功能模块搭建智能导盲眼镜系统的硬件平台,结合深度学习算法在远程云服务器上完成了对目标场景的智能识别,最后以语音的形式实时对盲人的行走作出准确引导。系统测试结果表明,该智能导盲眼镜系统在测试环境下不仅能对盲人出行正确导航,还具有一定的目标识别能力,能帮助盲人进行简易物品归类。该系统还兼有GPS定位、语音通话、GSM短信等多项辅助功能。  相似文献   

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