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The deep feedback Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH)-type neural network is applied to the medical image recognition of kidney regions. In this algorithm, the principal component-regression analysis is used for the learning calculation of the neural network, and the accurate and stable predicted values are obtained. The neural network architecture is automatically organized so as to fit the complexity of the medical images using the prediction error criterion defined as Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) or Prediction Sum of Squares (PSS). The recognition results show that the deep feedback GMDH-type neural network algorithm is useful for the medical image recognition of kidney regions, because the optimum neural network architecture is automatically organized.  相似文献   

In this study, a revised Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH)-type neural network self-selecting functions is applied to the computer aided image diagnosis (CAD) of lung cancer. The GMDH-type neural network algorithm has an ability of self-selecting optimum neural network architecture from three neural network architectures, such as sigmoid function neural network, radial basis function neural network and polynomial neural network. The GMDH-type neural network also has abilities of self-selecting the number of layers, the number of neurons in hidden layers and useful input variables. This algorithm is applied to CAD of lung cancers, and it is shown that this algorithm is useful for the CAD, and is very easy to apply to practical complex problems because optimum neural network architecture is automatically organized.  相似文献   

A revised group method of data handling (GMDH)-type neural network algorithm using various kinds of neuron is applied to the medical image diagnosis of lung cancer. The optimum neural network architecture for medical image diagnosis is automatically organized using a revised GMDH-type neural network algorithm, and the regions of lung cancer are recognized and extracted accurately. In this revised GMDH-type neural network algorithm, polynomial-type and radial basis function (RBF)-type neurons are used for organizing the neural network architecture in order to fit the complexity of the nonlinear system.  相似文献   

In this study, the deep multi-layered group method of data handling (GMDH)-type neural network algorithm using revised heuristic self-organization method is proposed and applied to medical image diagnosis of liver cancer. The deep GMDH-type neural network can automatically organize the deep neural network architecture which has many hidden layers. The structural parameters such as the number of hidden layers, the number of neurons in hidden layers and useful input variables are automatically selected to minimize prediction error criterion defined as Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) or prediction sum of squares (PSS). The architecture of the deep neural network is automatically organized using the revised heuristic self-organization method which is a type of the evolutionary computation. This new neural network algorithm is applied to the medical image diagnosis of the liver cancer and the recognition results are compared with the conventional 3-layered sigmoid function neural network.  相似文献   

In this study, a deep multi-layered group method of data handling (GMDH)-type neural network is applied to the medical image analysis of the abdominal X-ray computed tomography (CT) images. The deep neural network architecture which has many hidden layers are automatically organized using the deep multi-layered GMDH-type neural network algorithm so as to minimize the prediction error criterion defined as Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) or prediction sum of squares (PSS). The characteristics of the medical images are very complex and therefore the deep neural network architecture is very useful for the medical image diagnosis and medical image recognition. In this study, it is shown that this deep multi-layered GMDH-type neural network is useful for the medical image analysis of abdominal X-ray CT images.  相似文献   

A revised group method of data handling (GMDH)-type neural network algorithm for medical image recognition is proposed, and is applied to medical image analysis of cancer of the liver. The revised GMDH-type neural network algorithm has a feedback loop and can identify the characteristics of the medical images accurately using feedback-loop calculations. In this algorithm, the polynomial type and the radial basis function (RBF)-type neurons are used for organizing the neural network architecture. The optimum neural network architecture fitting the complexity of the medical images is automatically organized so as to minimize the prediction error criterion, defined as the prediction sum of squares (PSS).  相似文献   

The deep feedback group method of data handling (GMDH)-type neural network is applied to the medical image analysis of MRI brain images. In this algorithm, the complexity of the neural network is increased gradually using the feedback loop calculations. The deep neural network architecture is automatically organized so as to fit the complexity of the medical images using the prediction error criterion defined as Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) or prediction sum of squares (PSS). The recognition results show that the deep feedback GMDH-type neural network algorithm is useful for the medical image analysis of MRI brain images, because the optimum neural network architectures fitting the complexity of the medical images are automatically organized so as to minimize the prediction error criterion defined as AIC or PSS.  相似文献   

In this study, a revised group method of data handling (GMDH)-type neural network algorithm which self-selects the optimum neural network architecture is applied to 3-dimensional medical image analysis of the heart. The GMDH-type neural network can automatically organize the neural network architecture by using the heuristic self-organization method, which is the basic theory of the GMDH algorism. The heuristic self-organization method is a kind of evolutionary computation method. In this revised GMDH-type neural network algorithm, the optimum neural network architecture was automatically organized using the polynomial and sigmoid function neurons. Furthermore, the structural parameters, such as the number of layers, the number of neurons in the hidden layers, and the useful input variables, are selected automatically in order to minimize the prediction error criterion, defined as the prediction sum of squares (PSS).  相似文献   

The application of cellular neural network (CNN) has made great progress in image processing. When the selected objects extraction (SOE) CNN is applied to gray scale images, its effects depend on the choice of initial points. In this paper, we take medical images as an example to analyze this limitation. Then an improved algorithm is proposed in which we can segment any gray level objects regardless of the limitation stated above. We also use the gradient information and contour detection CNN to determine the contour and ensure the veracity of segmentation effectively. Finally, we apply the improved algorithm to tumor segmentation of the human brain MR image. The experimental results show that the algorithm is practical and effective.  相似文献   

周涛  蒋芸  王勇  张国荣  王明芳  明利特 《计算机应用》2010,30(10):2857-2860
为了提高乳腺癌早期诊断的准确率,将小波理论与神经网络理论相结合提出改进的小波神经网络算法。将经过预处理的医学图像提取特征值,然后利用基于改进的小波神经网络算法的分类器对医学图像进行分类。通过实验表明此分类器具有较高的分类精度,是有效和可行的;与单独使用后向传播神经网络算法相比分类效果也得到了改善。  相似文献   

A novel method based on topology-preserving neural networks is used to implement vector quantization for medical image compression. The described method is an innovative image compression procedure, which differentiates itself from known systems in several ways. It can be applied to larger image blocks and represents better probability distribution estimation methods. A transformation-based operation is applied as part of the encoder on the block-decomposed image. The quantization process is performed by a “neural-gas” network which applied to vector quantization converges quickly to low distortion errors and reaches a distortion error lower than that resulting from Kohonen's feature map or the LBG algorithm. To study the efficiency of our algorithm, we blended mathematical phantom features into clinically proved cancer free mammograms. The influence of the neural compression method on the phantom features and the mammo-graphic image is not visually perceptible up to a high compression rate.  相似文献   

Adaptive image interpolation using probabilistic neural network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposes an image interpolation model based on probabilistic neural network (PNN). The method adjusts automatically the smoothing parameters for varied smooth/edge image region, and takes into consideration both smoothness (flat region) and sharpness (edge region) characteristics at the same model. A single neuron, combined with PSO training, is used for sharpness/smoothness adaptation. Finally, we report the performance of these newly proposed methods in other image interpolation method.  相似文献   

罗可  周安众  罗潇 《控制与决策》2019,34(3):511-518
针对深层卷积神经网络在有限标记样本下训练时存在的过拟合和梯度弥散问题,提出一种从源模型中迁移知识训练一个深层目标模型的策略.迁移的知识包括样本的类别分布和源模型的低层特征,类别分布提供了样本的类间相关信息,扩展了训练集的监督信息,可以缓解样本不足的问题;低层特征包含样本的局部特征,在相关任务的迁移过程中具有一般性,可以使目标模型跳出局部最小值区域.利用这两部分知识对目标模型进行预训练,能够使模型收敛到较好的位置,之后再用真实标记样本进行微调.实验结果表明,所提方法能够增强模型的抗过拟合能力,并提升预测精度.  相似文献   

Two variational partial differential equations as regularisation terms are proposed for the image restoration model based on the modified Hopfield neural network. One is based on a harmonic model and the other is based on a total variation model. The performance of these regularisation terms is analysed from the viewpoint of nonlinear diffusion. It can be shown that the two proposed restoration models have edge-preserving performance superior to that of the traditional restoration model. Two algorithms have been proposed on the basis of the harmonic restoration model and the total variation model. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are more effective than the traditional algorithm  相似文献   

He  Zeyu  Li  Wang  Yan  Yonghong 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(7):7230-7247
Applied Intelligence - Knowledge Tracking (KT) predicts student performance by modeling the mastery of knowledge components in past interactions. Although the latest research on KT is excellent to...  相似文献   

In this paper, the fuzzy group method data handling-type (GMDH) neural networks and their application to the forecasting of mobile communication systems are described. At present, the GMDH family of modeling algorithms discovers the structure of empirical models and it gives only the way to get the most accurate identification and demand forecasts in case of noised and short input sampling. In distinction to neural networks, the results are explicit mathematical models, obtained in a relative short time. In this paper, an adaptive learning network is proposed as a kind of neural-fuzzy GMDH. The proposed method can be reinterpreted as a multi-stage fuzzy decision rule which is called the neural-fuzzy GMDH. The GMDH-type neural networks have several advantages compared with conventional multi-layered GMDH models. Therefore, many types of nonlinear systems can be automatically modeled by using the neuro-fuzzy GMDH. A computer program is developed and successful applications are shown in the field of estimating problems of mobile communication with a number of factors considered.  相似文献   

针对腹部CT影像邻近器官对比度较低及因个体肝脏形状差异较大等引起肝脏分割困难的问题,提出了全卷积神经网络肝脏分割模型。首先通过卷积神经网络提取图像深层、抽象的特征,再通过反卷积运算对提取到的特征映射进行插值重构后得到分割结果。由于单纯进行反卷积得到的分割结果往往比较粗糙,因此,在反卷积之前,先融合高层与低层的特征,并且通过增加反卷积的层数、减少反卷积步长,得到了更为精确的分割结果。与传统卷积神经网络的分割方法相比,该模型可以充分利用CT影像的空间信息。实验数据表明该模型能够使腹部CT影像肝脏分割具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

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