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该文研究了多小区OFDMA系统中下行链路的资源分配问题,主要考虑同信道干扰和频率选择性衰落对资源分配的影响,提出一种基于基站的分布式分配方案,同时考虑用户的服务质量要求(QoS)及公平性,完成子载波和功率的联合分配。算法只要求基站间简单的子载波使用计数的信息交换,不会给系统带来很大的信令负载。仿真表明,通过调整参数,该算法可以取得不同性能间的折衷。  相似文献   

Opportunistic Beamforming and Scheduling for OFDMA Systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) is an attractive technique for exploiting multiuser diversity in the downlink of a cellular system. This paper addresses three problems in multiuser diversity for OFDMA systems. First, we propose a way to significantly reduce the amount of channel state information (CSI) feedback without sacrificing performance too much, by selective and adaptive feedback. Second, we propose a way to increase the cell throughput and fairness by applying an opportunistic beamforming scheme to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. This beamforming scheme increases the frequency fading rate, which increases the multiuser diversity effect. Thirdly, we deal with the issue of fairness and quality-of-service (QoS) in opportunistic systems by proposing a modified proportional fair (PF) scheduler for OFDMA. Key features in the scheduler are that it incorporates QoS classes into the PF scheduler and that it has a tunable fairness level. Extensive simulation results are presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed schemes. The opportunistic beamforming scheme performed well in comparison with several other schemes. The modified PF scheduler was able to give users different QoS, based on their requirements, while still exploiting multiuser diversity  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型的多址方式—正交频分多址 (OFDMA)。我们在阐述OFDMA基本思想的同时 ,着重分析了其特点并比较了一种实用的OFDM多址技术—OFDM /CDMA与另一种常用的多址方式—DS -CDMA的系统性能。  相似文献   

频率复用作为提高小区边缘用户性能的有效方式已被广为研究。然而,如何在提高小区边缘用户性能的同时,使频谱利用率得到有效提高仍是一个有待解决的问题。在以正交频分多址(OFDMA)为基本多址方式的第4代(4G)系统中该问题尤为突出。为此,该文提出了一种OFDMA系统中的频率复用方法,通过抑制小区间干扰提高小区边缘用户性能;同时,根据小区中心与小区边缘通信环境的差异,分别对其实施不同的频率复用策略使频率复用系数接近于1以提高频谱利用率。仿真结果表明,与未经过频率规划的全频率复用相比,该文提出的频率复用方法提高了系统吞吐量并显著改善了小区边缘用户性能。  相似文献   

The opportunistic beamforming (OB) technique in multicellular OFDMA networks is investigated in this paper. Three cross-layer radio resource management (RRM) algorithms for OFDMA operational scenarios are considered. These algorithms build upon typical network planning practices for OFDMA systems. The first two implement an OFDMA network with opportunistic rate adaptation while the third one aims at a network which guarantees QoS provision through power control on carrier basis. The RRM algorithms are based on typical OFDMA resource allocation targets such as minimization of transmit power, maximization of throughput and interference averaging. Then, the OB concept is combined with the considered RRM algorithms and a comparative performance analysis between the two types of networks (omni and opportunistic beamforming) is performed in terms of throughput, blocking probability and fairness. The paper aims at providing a useful insight into the way the OB technique affects the performance of different OFDMA networks based on large scale simulations. The simulation results suggest that OB is preferred for OFDMA systems with opportunistic rate adaptation rather than power controlled systems which offer QoS provision. According to the presented results, OB provides to OFDMA systems with opportunistic rate adaptation a ??13% throughput gain and ??75% gain in terms of blocking probability. In addition, it is shown that the combination of OB with interference averaging RRM algorithms has a minor beneficial impact only on the system fairness.  相似文献   

张昕  叶梧  冯穗力 《信号处理》2010,26(11):1736-1741
本文研究OFDMA系统的资源分配问题,把该问题建模为一个在基站的总发射功率一定的条件下,使系统中各个用户的权重速率之和最大化的数学模型。并提出一种基于对偶分解的分布式资源分配算法,将该问题分解为一个关于基站的主问题以及若干个关于用户的子问题。各个用户可以通过对子问题的求解获得各自的子载波以及功率的分配方案;而基站通过对主问题的求解使得满足子载波与功率的分配能够满足约束条件的要求,实现各用户权重速率和最大化的优化目标。所提算法能够把一个复杂的优化问题分解为若干个独立的子问题进行并行求解,因此可以有效地降低计算的复杂度以及基站的运算量。仿真结果表明,该算法能够在较少的迭代步数内得到一个近似最优解。   相似文献   

分布式OFDMA系统下行资源分配算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
针对正交频分复用(OFDM)分布式天线系统(DAS)的下行链路,在发送端采用最大比发送(MRT)并且单天线功率受限、所有发射天线的总功率受限,考虑用户最低速率要求时,丈中提出一种最大化和速率容量的次优资源分配策略。仿真结果表明,动态天线选择策略下DAS比集中式天线系统(CAS)获得更大的和速率容量,并且更容易达到最低速率的要求。  相似文献   

主要研究机会波束成形系统中的调度算法,将宽带无线IP网络调度算法应用于机会波束成形系统。提出了一个保证用户QoS要求的新方案。数值分析表明,所提的方案较之传统的方案在保证系统吞吐量和用户间公平性的同时,也保证了用户的QoS。  相似文献   

机会波束成形(Opportunistic Beamforming,OBF)技术通过加大、加快信道的波动来提高多用户分集增益,将之使用在正交频分复用多址接入(OFDMA)系统中,可以使得系统的吞吐量最大化。在OFDMA系统中,通过对所有子载波进行分簇,可以实现在牺牲系统性能很少的情况下,大大降低系统反馈量。研究了对分簇OFDMA系统使用OBF技术来提高系统吞吐量,并进一步研究了在训练阶段使用多个随机加权向量进行多波束成形,然后从中选择最好的一个来实现数据阶段的波束成形。仿真证明,采用多波束机会波束成形技术能提高OFDMA系统吞吐量。  相似文献   

We examine threshold-based transmission strategies for distributed opportunistic medium access in a scenario with fairly general probabilistic interference conditions. Specifically, collisions between concurrent transmissions are governed by arbitrary probabilities, allowing for a form of channel capture and covering binary interference constraints as an important special case. We address the problem of setting the threshold values so as to optimize the aggregate throughput utility of the various users, and particularly focus on a weighted logarithmic throughput utility function (Proportional Fairness). We provide an adaptive algorithm for finding the optimal threshold values in a distributed fashion, and rigorously establish the convergence of the proposed algorithm under mild statistical assumptions. Moreover, we discuss how the algorithm may be adapted to achieve packet-level stability with only limited exchange of queue length information among the various users. We also conduct extensive numerical experiments to corroborate the theoretical convergence results.  相似文献   

在多小区OFDMA系统中,一个主要的研究方向就是如何通过控制来自邻小区的同道干扰来优化系统性能。采用了联盟形成以及合作博弈中纳什讨价还价解(NBS)的方法,使小区内用户随机地结合成合作型双人联盟并对子载波的使用进权行讨价还价,从而换取有利于自己的子载波。所提出的算法不仅复杂度低而且能产生一个公平的解,另外还证明了这种机制下的帕累托最优性。仿真结果充分表明了所提算法的有效性与公平性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a resource allocation scheme is proposed for multi-cell OFDMA systems in downlink under the fractional frequency reuse environments. The objective considers balancing between the maximization of the system throughput and the satisfaction of the user’s data rate requirement. Due to the severe co-channel interference for cellular networks with full frequency reuse, a dynamic fractional frequency reuse scheme is adopted in the cellular network which divides all subcarriers in each cell into two groups: a super group and a regular group. The dynamic fractional frequency reuse scheme can guarantee the intra-cell orthogonality and reduce the inter-cell interference. Therefore, the procedure of the proposed resource allocation scheme includes two main parts: frequency partition and subcarrier allocation. First, each subcarrier is assigned to either the super group or the regular group based on designed functions in all cells. Second, we allocate subcarriers to users by utilizing the designed functions. The designed functions are developed based on the proportional fairness scheduling, the logarithm transformation, and the Lagrangian technique. The designed function is coupled with the instantaneous data rate, the average data rate, and the data rate requirement. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme provides a higher system throughput and improves the outage probability compared with existing schemes.  相似文献   

We investigate a fairness-aware adaptive resource allocation scheme for the downlink of multihop OFDMA systems. Assuming that the base station has all the channel information, we formulate an optimization problem for an adaptive subchannel-, path- and power-allocation scheme that maximizes system capacity while guaranteeing minimum resources for each user. Since the optimization should be performed in real time, we propose an efficient heuristic algorithm composed of subchannel-allocation, load-balancing and power-distribution steps. The proposed algorithm is simple in that the iterative computations are removed, and accurate in that it performs similarly to the optimum solution  相似文献   

认知无线电网络用户合作机会接入方案的研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
马志垚  曹志刚 《电子学报》2009,37(4):678-683
认知无线电技术可以用来解决随着无线通信的迅速发展而突显出来的频谱实际利用率不高的问题,并缓解频谱分配紧张的局面.本文所关注的是多个认知无线电用户(SU)的机会频谱接入问题.分布式认知无线电网络中,为避免和授权用户(PU)发生冲突,通常采用周期性感知方法,这将使吞吐量降低.本文提出了一种认知无线电用户间高效的合作方案.文中分析了用户合作的最好和最坏两种情况下系统吞吐量的解析解.通过仿真验证了理论结果,并比较分析几种方案下每个用户和系统吞吐量随用户数量的变化,得出了用户间有效的合作可以提高各自以及整个系统的吞吐量的结论.  相似文献   

Although the IEEE 802.11e enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) can differentiate high priority traffic such as real-time voice from low priority traffic such as delay- tolerant data, it can only provide statistical priority, and is characterized by inherent short-term unfairness. In this paper, we propose a new distributed channel access scheme through minor modifications to EDCA. Guaranteed priority is provided to real time voice traffic over data traffic, while a certain service time and short-term fairness enhancement are provided to data traffic. We also present analytical models to calculate the percentage of time to serve voice traffic and the achieved data throughput. Both analysis and simulation demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme.  相似文献   

为实现智能电网数据的安全汇总和访问控制的有效结合,在同态加密的基础上,结合陷门秘密分享技术,提出一种基于多方认证的智能电网访问控制方案。通过对智能电表中数据密文进行同态加密处理,保证数据从智能电表到变电站传输过程的安全,同时对汇总的密文数据进行属性化,可实现对数据访问者的多方认证访问控制。实验数据结果表明,该方案具有可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论如何利用现代密码技术实现分布式系统中的安全访问控制。  相似文献   

Distributed radio access network (DRAN) is a novel wireless access architecture and can solve the problem of the available spectrum scarcity in wireless communications. In this paper, we investigate resource allocation for the downlink of OFDMA DRAN. Unlike previous exclusive criterion based algorithms that allocate each subcarrier to only one user in the system, the proposed algorithms are based on shared criterion that allow each subcarrier to be allocated to multiple users through different antennas and to only one user through same antenna. First, an adaptive resource allocation algorithm based on shared criterion is proposed to maximize total system rate under each user’s minimal rate and each antenna’s maximal power constraints. Then we improve the above algorithm by considering the influence of the resource allocation scheme on single user. The simulation results show that the shared criterion based algorithm provide much higher total system rate than that of the exclusive criterion based algorithm at the expense of the outage performance and the fairness, while the improved algorithm based on shared criterion can achieve a good tradeoff performance.  相似文献   

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