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Despite the intricacy, inline metering of two-phase flow has a significant impact in multitudinous applications including fusion reactors, oil, nuclear, and other cryogenic systems. Since measurement of individual flow rate is prominent in various systems, it warrants the establishment of a flow meter system that can monitor the mass flow rates of liquid. In this regard, an approach was taken towards the development of a two-phase flow meter system in the present study. The concept involves two-phase flow through narrow parallel rectangular channels resulting in laminar, stratified flow with a slope at the liquid-vapor interface. The height of the liquid column at specific channel locations is measured for determining the flow rate. However, the geometric configurations of the channels and fluid properties are pivotal in ensuring accurate measurement. Consequently, theoretical and experimental studies are performed to investigate the correspondence between flow rate and change in liquid height. Based on the governing equations, a theoretical model is established using MATLAB®. The model investigated the intricate influence of various flow and fluid properties in the estimation of the mass flow rate. The experimental investigation was done with various conditions under different liquid and vapor volume flow rates for validating the proposed supposition and the theoretical model. Both the theoretical and experimental analyses showed fair correspondence. The proposed system estimated the mass flow rate within a tolerance of ±10% and showed potential towards the development of the cryogenic two-phase flow meter.  相似文献   

When the oil field has been exploited by long-term water-flooding, it will be in high water-content stage of production. However, it is a great challenge for high-water-content measurement due to oil droplets extremely dispersed in the water. In this paper, we developed a phase-isolation based method for high-water-content oil-water two-phase flow measurement. Phase-isolation was realized by axial-flow swirler to concentrate scattered and random oil droplets into the pipe center and change the inlet flow pattern into a particular annular flow before measuring. Owing to the axisymmetric velocity and phase distribution, the electromagnetic flow meter avoided the effect of random distribution of insulating phase, and then had a good measurement performance for total volume flow rate. Furthermore, we respectively studied using axial pressure drop, radial pressure drop and the ratio of the two pressure drops to measure water content. The results showed that the ratio of the two pressure drops not only improves the resolution of oil and water, but also effectively reduces the impact of error transfer. In the dual-parameter measurement experiment, the relative errors of total volume flow rate and water content were almost within ±5%.  相似文献   

Orifice meters are a type of differential pressure flow meter widely used in industry and their behaviour is very well understood. The standard discharge coefficient can only be used if the flow approaching the meter is perfectly settled and fully developed. Thus the installation of these meters is subject to many constraints. Normally the required flow regime is established by the use of a combination of a flow conditioner and a settling length.

This paper describes the initial work carried out to show the concept of an orifice meter whose performance is independent of the inlet conditions by the introduction of a standard swirl before the meter. These results show that a swirler renders the measurements independent of the influence of upstream disturbance. This is for both a partial blockage in the pipe and also upstream swirl, and is likely to be universal.

A proposal for a new calibration equation is also made for the particular swirler employed. However, more data need to be acquired over a wide range of geometries, flow and operating conditions.  相似文献   

Differential pressure (DP) meters which utilise a cone as the system’s primary element are increasingly being used to measure wet natural gas flows (i.e. mixtures of natural gas, light hydrocarbon liquids and water). It is therefore important to understand this meter’s response to wet natural gas flows. Research into the wet gas response of the horizontally installed cone DP meter is discussed in this paper. Consideration is given to the significant influence of the liquid properties on wet gas flow patterns and the corresponding influence of the flow pattern on the cone DP meter’s liquid phase induced gas flow rate prediction error. A wet natural gas flow correlation for 4 in. 0.75 beta ratio cone DP meters with natural gas, hydrocarbon liquid and water flow has been developed from multiple data sets from three different wet gas flow test facilities. This corrects the liquid induced gas flow rate prediction error of a wet gas flow up to a Lockhart–Martinelli parameter of 0.3, for a known liquid flow rate of any hydrocarbon liquid/water ratio, to ±4% at a 95% confidence level.  相似文献   

Flow regime information can be used to enhance measurement accuracy of flowmeters. Void fraction measurement and regime identification of two-phase flows including, liquid and gas phases are crucial issues in oil and gas industries. In this study, three different regimes including annular, stratified and homogeneous in the range of 5%–90% void fractions, were simulated by Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) Code. In simulated structure, a Cesium 137 source and only one NaI detector were used to record received transmitted photons. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) was applied to the registered signals of the detector in order to analyze in the frequency domain. Several features of signals in the frequency domain were extracted. These features were the average value of fast Fourier transform, the amplitude of dominant frequency, variance, Kurtosis and RMS (root mean square). Different combinations of these features were investigated in order to find the best features with the best separation ability for using as the inputs of Artificial Neural Network (ANNs). Two different Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural networks were used to recognize flow regimes and predict the void fraction. In regime identification procedure, all of the three mentioned regimes were recognized correctly and in the volume fractions prediction procedure, the void fraction was also estimated with a Mean Relative Error (MRE) percentage of less than 0.5%. In all of the previous studies, at least two detectors were used. Using the proposed method in this paper, number of detectors was reduced to one.  相似文献   

The alternating appearance of elongated bubbles and liquid slugs of slug flow in the pipe causes severe pressure fluctuation. As a result, measuring the flow rate of the slug flow with the throttling unit based differential pressure method is difficult. This paper investigates a new swirler-based flow measurement method in slug flow. The swirler converts the slug flow into a swirling annular flow, and the differential pressure method is used to measure the flow rate. The influences of gas and liquid flow rates on the differential pressure ΔPX across the swirler as well as its downstream axial differential pressure ΔPZ are investigated. ΔPX0.5 increases linearly as the liquid mass flow rate increases, and the slope of the curve increases as the gas mass flow rate increases. The influence of gas mass flow rate on ΔPX0.5 is comparable to that of liquid mass flow rate on ΔPX0.5. ΔPZ0.5 increases linearly with increasing gas/liquid mass flow rate, and the slope of the curve of ΔPZ0.5 with ml differs slightly from the slope of the curve in single-phase water conditions. Based on the research presented above, new empirical correlations of mass flow rate based on ΔPX and ΔPZ are established respectively. The superficial liquid velocity ranges from 0.6 to 2 m per second, while the superficial gas velocity ranges from 2 to 6 m per second. If the gas mass flow rate and ΔPX are known, the relative error of liquid mass flow is less than 3%. The relative error of the gas mass flow rate is less than 10% if the liquid mass flow rate and ΔPX are given. The calculation accuracy of the flow measurement model using ΔPX is better than the calculation accuracy of the flow measurement model using ΔPZ.  相似文献   

Void fraction is an important process variable for the volume and mass computation required for transportation of gas–liquid mixture in pipelines, storage in tanks, metering and custody transfer. Inaccurate measurement would introduce errors in product measurement with potentials for loss of revenue. Accurate measurement is often constrained by invasive and expensive online measurement techniques. This work focuses on the use of cost effective and non-invasive pressure sensors to calculate the gas void fraction of gas–liquid flow. The differential pressure readings from the vertical upward bubbly and slug air–water flow are substituted into classical mathematical models based on energy conservation to derive the void fraction. Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) and Wire-mesh Sensor (WMS) are used as benchmark to validate the void fraction obtained from the differential pressure. Consequently the model is able to produce reasonable agreement with ERT and WMS on the void fraction measurement. The effect of the friction loss on the mathematical models is also investigated and discussed. It is concluded the friction loss cannot be neglected, particularly when gas void fraction is less than 0.2.  相似文献   

The performance of a turbine meter in two-phase (water/air) flow in a vertical pipe is assessed. If the single phase (water) meter factor is used in two-phase flow, the total (water and air) flowrate is found to be underpredicted. The error can be as much as 12.5% at a void fraction of 25%. A technique for using measurements of the fluctuations in the turbine meter rotor velocity to determine void fraction (= air flowrate/total flowrate) is described. A single meter is then used to measure, using this technique, both the water flowrate to an accuracy of ± 2% and void fraction to an accuracy of ±0.02.  相似文献   

简要介绍使用差压式流量传感器进行一般气体流量测量时的温压补偿方法;指出了差压方式流量传感器测量一般气体的通用流量温压补偿公式,并写出了公式的推导过程;与线性流量传感器温压补偿方法进行对比,强调指出了采用差压式流量传感器时进行温压补偿的注意要点.对公用工程中的一般气体的流量计量工作有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

Multiphase flow metering is a major focus for oil and gas industries. The performance of a modified version of a close coupled slotted orifice plate and swirl flow meter for multiphase flow was evaluated to provide further development of a new type of multiphase flow meter. The slotted orifice provides well homogenized flow for several pipe diameters downstream of the plate. This characteristic provides a homogeneous mixture at the inlet of the swirl meter for a wide range of gas volume fractions (GVF) and flow rates. In order to evaluate the performance of the designed flow-meter, its response was investigated for varying pressures and water flow rates. The proper correlations were established to provide high accurate two-phase flow measurements. The new proposed approach provides the GVF measurement with less than ±0.63% uncertainty for GVF range from 60% to 95%.  相似文献   

Current knowledge in high-velocity self-aerated flows continues to rely upon physical modelling. Herein a miniature total pressure probe was successfully used in both clear-water and air-water flow regions of high-velocity open channel flows on a steep stepped channel. The measurements were conducted in a large size facility (θ=45°, h=0.1 m, W=0.985 m) and they were complemented by detailed clear-water and air-water flow measurements using a Prandtl-Pitot tube and dual-tip phase-detection probe respectively in both developing and fully-developed flow regions for Reynolds numbers within 3.3×105 to 8.7×105. Upstream of the inception point of free-surface aeration, the clear-water developing flow was characterised by a developing turbulent boundary layer and an ideal-flow region above. The boundary layer flow presented large total pressure fluctuations and turbulence intensities, with distributions of turbulence intensity close to intermediate roughness flow data sets: i.e., intermediate between d-type and k-type. The total pressure measurements were validated in the highly-aerated turbulent shear region, since the total pressure predictions based upon simultaneously-measured void fraction and velocity data agreed well with experimental results recorded by the total pressure probe. The results demonstrated the suitability of miniature total pressure probe in both monophase and two-phase flows. Both interfacial and water phase turbulence intensities were recorded. Present findings indicated that the turbulence intensity in the water phase was smaller than the interfacial turbulence intensity.  相似文献   

Real-time identification of gas-liquid two-phase flow can help fluid systems maintain safe operating conditions. A flow pattern identification method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm (after this referred to as liqnet) is proposed in this paper to realize automatic detection and real-time identification of two-phase flow patterns. This paper mainly focuses on solving two problems of CNN algorithm flow pattern identification (1): the experimental samples for two-phase flow classification are few, and (2): the existing methods do not fully consider the real-time nature of two-phase flow identification. Therefore, this paper constructs a two-phase flow database containing 6242 images using data enhancement, proposes a lightweight network liqnet, and compares it with six mainstream CNN models. The results show that liqnet can achieve the highest accuracy (98.65%), has the least amount of parameters (1.3708 M), and can achieve the purpose of real-time prediction (32.11FPS).  相似文献   

Wet gas metering with a horizontally mounted Venturi meter   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Wet gas metering is becoming an increasingly important problem to the Oil and Gas Industry. The Venturi meter is a favoured device for the metering of the unprocessed wet natural gas production flows. Wet gas is defined here as a two-phase flow with up to 50% of the mass flowing being in the liquid phase. Metering the gas flowrate in a wet gas flow with use of a Venturi meter requires a correction of the meter reading to account for the liquids effect. Currently, most correlations in existence were created for Orifice Plate Meters and are for general two-phase flow. However, due to no Venturi meter correlation being published before 1997 industry was traditionally forced to use these Orifice Plate Meter correlations when faced with a Venturi metering wet gas flows. This paper lists seven correlations, two recent wet gas Venturi correlations and five older Orifice Plate general two-phase flow correlations and compares their performance with new independent data from the NEL Wet Gas Loop with an ISA Controls Ltd. Standard specification six inch Venturi meter of 0.55 beta ratio installed. Finally, a new correlation is offered.  相似文献   

A new approach to analysing the pulse output information from a standard turbine meter in two-phase liquid/gas flows is presented. After suitable calibration, the meter will register the presence of gas, with an accurate indication of void fraction up to 20%, and provide a measure of the liquid flowrate. The single-phase performance of the meter remains unaffected.  相似文献   

Aiming at the need for flow measurement of gas-liquid flows in domestic gas well production, this paper proposes a measurement method based on the combination of the turbine flow meter (TFM) and a rotating electric field conductance sensor (REFCS). In experiments, the REFCS is used for the measurement of the gas holdup. To verify the applicability of the TFM models investigated in the previous study, for the modeling part, the mass, momentum and torque models are evaluated in vertical upward gas-liquid two-phase flows. In our model test, the meter factor model of TFM considers the effects of the slip ratio between the gas and liquid phases and flow patterns. In particular, the gas holdup involved in calculating the slip ratio in the model evaluation is obtained from the REFCS measurements. Model test results show the torque model has better volumetric flow rate prediction accuracy than the mass and momentum models. In the present study, the ranges of the liquid and gas phases are Qw = 2–30 m3/d and Qg = 1–16 m3/d, it was found that the average absolute deviation (AAD) in the predicted volume flow rate is equal to 1.23 m3/d and the average absolute percentage deviation (AAPD) is equal to 7.69%. The evaluated results presented in this paper will allow better estimates of the volumetric flow rates of gas-liquid flows based on the combined TMF and REFCS measurements during the monitoring of gas well production.  相似文献   

The entrance/exit effects in the current traditional LFMs (Laminar Flow Meter) are unavoidable. LFMs are often designed with a large length-diameter ratio l/d and the consequence is a large pressure loss. A rectangle-gap-type LFM with a laminar flow channel made from the groove between two cubes is proposed and investigated experimentally. The pressure taps located inward the inlet/outlet of the channel replace the original pressure taps that located at the inlet/outlet of channel, so that the rectangle-gap-type LFM can measure the pressure drop from the developed laminar flow to avoid the entrance/exit effects. The results show that the linearity of the rectangle-gap-type LFM is 0.35% for the length-diameter ratio l/dh=93.5. The deviations are −0.35%~+1.30% in the pressure range 100–500 kPa. The estimated pressure loss coefficients (ζent+ζexit) of rectangle-gap-type LFM are only 0.15–0.2, which of traditional LFMs are used to be 1.5. The inward pressure taps allow rectangle-gap-type LFM to adopt a small l/dh design to achieve low pressure loss measurement. The investigation is of positive significance for improving the performance of LFM.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel flow pattern identification method using ultrasonic echo signals within the pipe wall. A two-dimensional acoustic pressure numerical model is established to investigate the ultrasonic pulse transmission behavior between the wall-gas and wall-liquid interface. Experiments were also carried out at a horizontal air-water two-phase flow loop to measure the ultrasonic echo pulse signals of stratified flow, slug flow, and annular flow. It is interesting to find that the attenuation of the ultrasonic pulse at the wall-liquid interface is faster than the attenuation at the wall-gas interface. An RBF neural network is constructed for online flow pattern identification. The normalized envelop area and the area ratios of the echo spectrum are selected as the input parameters. The results show that the stratified flow, slug flow, and annular flow can be identified with an accuracy of 94.0%.  相似文献   

The mechanism of differential pressure noise of orifices in two-phase flow has been investigated and a theoretical model has been developed for measurement of the double parameters, i.e. mass flow rate as well as phase fraction (steam quality). The model has been proved in a set of orifice experiments in a two-phase flow system at a pressure range of 5.8–12.1 MPa and steam quality of 0.05–0.95, and a practical model has been fitted. The r.m.s. errors of mass flow rate and steam quality estimated by the model are 9.0 and 6.5%, respectively. The results of the studies create a method to measure double parameters of two-phase flow at once using only a single orifice.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of a two-phase flow meter which can be used in solids-in-water two phase pipe flows to measure the in-situ volume fraction distributions of both phases, the velocity profiles of both phases and the volumetric flow rates for both phases. The system contains an Impedance Cross Correlation (ICC) device which is used in conjunction with an Electromagnetic Velocity Profiler (EVP). Experimental results were obtained for the water and solids velocity and volume fraction profiles in upward inclined flow at 30° to the vertical, in which highly non-uniform velocity and volume fraction profiles occur.  相似文献   

A wet gas meter, based on combination of two dissimilar output signals from swirlmeter, i.e. the vortex precession frequency and the differential pressure of swirlmeter, was designed and investigated in low pressure wet gas flow. A wet gas measurement model with the simultaneous equations from the two correlations of swirlmeter has been established, and then the iterative solution algorithm is given. The proposed wet gas meter predicts the gas mass flow rate errors within ±8% from 91.3% tested samples, and the liquid mass flow rate errors within ±20% from 89.2% tested samples, which may be used to meter both gas and liquid flow rates for wet gas flow with X?0.12X?0.12. In view of installation, maintenance and cost, the proposed approach is cost-effective due to using only a flow sensor.  相似文献   

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