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Texture has an important role in children’s acceptance and rejection of food. However, little is known about individual differences in texture preference. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a child-friendly tool to explore individual differences in texture preferences in school-aged children from six European countries (Austria, Finland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom). Six hundred and ten children aged 9–12 years and their parents participated in a cross-sectional study. Children completed the Child Food Texture Preference Questionnaire (CFTPQ) and a Food Neophobia Scale (FNS). The CFTPQ consisted in asking children to choose the preferred item within 17 pairs of pictures of food varying in texture (hard vs. soft or smooth vs. lumpy). Children also evaluated all food items for familiarity. Parents completed the CFTPQ regarding their preferred items, a food frequency questionnaire for their child, and provided background information. For a subset of children, a re-test was done for the CFTPQ and FNS to assess reliability. The results showed that the tool was child-friendly, had high test-retest reliability, and identified country-related differences as well as segments of children with different texture preferences (hard- vs. soft-likers). These segments differed in consumption frequency of healthy foods, and in food neophobia.  相似文献   

Food neophobia, as a continuous personality trait, usually manifests in unwillingness to try, or even fear of trying unfamiliar food. The Food Neophobia Scale (FNS) is a measure designed to assess food neophobia. However, few studies have applied the FNS in a Chinese context. Therefore, this work aims to formulate and analyze a Chinese version of the FNS (FNS-C) using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with data gathered from a Chinese population. We examined the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the FNS-C by administering it to three samples, comprising a total of 1073 healthy Chinese college students. The first sample (N = 408) was used to examine the structure of the FNS for Chinese participants through EFA. The second sample (N = 615) was then used to verify the scale’s factor structure through CFA. Results of the EFA suggested a three-factor model (Willingness, Trust, and Pickiness), instead of the two-factor models identified in all previous studies. The CFA results confirm these findings in the second sample. The third sample (N = 50) was used to assess the test-retest reliability. The FNS-C was found to have good reliability (internal consistency and test-retest stability) and validity. In conclusion, the FNS has three factors among Chinese participants, and the FNS-C performs properly with Chinese college students.  相似文献   

Foods made using new technologies may play an important role in food security in countries such as China, which is currently heavily reliant on imports. The Food Technology Neophobia Scale (FTNS) is a 13 item scale that was developed as a means to identify segments of the population who may be resistant to foods made using new technologies. The aim of the current study was to demonstrate the factorial validity of the scale in China, using both Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analyses in different samples, and to report on the level of food technology neophobia in the general population. A total of 1917 Chinese adults completed the FTNS as part of a larger online survey. This sample was split into two separate samples (n = 970; and n = 947) for the purposes of conducting exploratory and confirmatory analyses. Results of exploratory factor analysis did not confirm the four factor structure found by the original developers, indicating instead a two factor structure. One larger factor was interpretable in terms of uncertainty about the necessity and safety of new food technologies; while a smaller factor appeared to be tapping beliefs about benefits of new food technologies. Results of confirmatory factor analysis on sample 2 indicated that a modified 11 item version of the two factor structure had an acceptable fit. Overall, Chinese do not have a high level of food technology neophobia.  相似文献   

抗(耐)甜菜丛根病新品种中甜—双丰317号(张甜301)是以二倍体抗(耐)丛根病品系抗1和抗褐斑病性强、含糖较高的四倍体双丰415杂交而成的普通多倍体甜菜新品种。该品种块根产量高、含糖中等、工艺品质好、抗(耐)丛根病及褐斑病性强,在1994~1995两年国家“八五”科技攻关抗(耐)甜菜丛根病品种联合区试中达标,平均块根产量为2570.8kg/亩,比对照品种增产512.6%,含糖率(14.61%)提高3.98度,产糖量为359.3kg/亩,比对照增加1036.4%。在内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、新疆等试验点表现出较强的耐丛根病性。  相似文献   

分析影响我国食品工业发展的主要因素及发展趋势,介绍6种21世纪初热点食品及其发展前景。  相似文献   

The Aw reduction is a widely used technique to preserve grains, which hydration kinetics needs to be studied in order to obtain optimized processes. This work evaluated the hydration kinetic of Adzuki beans, a widely consumed grain by the oriental culture, modelling its behaviour as function of temperature. The grains were soaked in water and the moisture over the time was evaluated at temperatures of 25–70 °C. The grain behaviour during water uptake showed an initial lag phase, with a low water absorption rate. Therefore, the hydration kinetic was evaluated using a sigmoidal model (R2 > 0.99). When soaking temperature was increased the hydration rate increased and both the lag phase and the moisture at the equilibrium decreased. These behaviour were, then, modelled as function of the soaking temperature (R2 > 0.99). The obtained results are potentially useful for future studies on product development, food properties and process design.  相似文献   

The Dietarian Identity Questionnaire (DIQ; Rosenfeld & Burrow, 2018) assesses how an individual thinks, feels, and behaves regarding the consumption or eschewal of animal products. This instrument offers a useful method for understanding how omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans alike construct their eating behaviours. In the current study (N = 961), we validated a German translation of the DIQ – the DIQ-D – and compared the dietarian identity profiles of omnivores, vegetarians, and vegans. Confirmatory factor analyses replicated the factor structure reported for the DIQ in English-speaking samples. Compared to omnivores, vegetarians considered their diet to be more central to their overall sense of identity, felt stronger motivations to follow their diet, adhered to their diet more strictly, evaluated their dietary in-group more favourably, evaluated their dietary out-group more negatively, and felt as though their dietary in-group was judged more negatively by others. For all of these effects, vegans reported more extreme scores than did vegetarians. Exploratory analyses of more nuanced dietary subgroups revealed differences in dietarian identity profiles between vegans who consume honey versus vegans who eschew honey and between pescetarians who self-identify as vegetarians versus pescetarians who do not. Our findings suggest that the DIQ-D offers a valuable method for identifying psychological correlates of people’s dietary relationships with animal products.  相似文献   

High pressure homogenization (HPH) is a non-thermal technology that has been widely studied as a partial or total substitute for thermal food processing. The present work evaluated the effect of HPH on the rheological properties of a fruit juice serum model, designed to be similar to tomato juice serum. Product viscosity decreased due to the increase in homogenization pressure, and could be modelled well using two functions (power-sigmoidal and exponential; R2 > 0.98). The serum model processed at 200 MPa showed a viscosity decrease of 20% when compared to the original. Since fruit juice rheology is defined by the interactions occurring between the dispersed phase (suspended particles) and the solution (serum), the expected fruit juice behaviour was then discussed.  相似文献   

High pressure homogenization (HPH) is a non-thermal technology that has been widely studied as a partial or total substitute for the thermal processing of food. Although microbial inactivation has been widely studied, there are only a few works in the literature reporting the physicochemical changes caused in fruit products due to HPH, especially those regarding the rheological properties. The present work evaluated the effect of HPH (up to 150 MPa) on the time-dependent and steady-state shear rheological properties of tomato juice. HPH reduced the mean particle diameter and particle size distribution (PSD), and increased its consistency and thixotropy. The rheological results were in accordance with the PSD observed. The rheological properties of the juice were evaluated by the Herschel–Bulkley and Falguera–Ibarz models (steady-state shear) and Figoni–Shoemaker and Weltman models (time-dependent). The parameters of these equations were modelled as a function of the homogenization pressure. The models obtained described the experimental values well, and contributed to future studies on product and process development.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for extracting gelatin and preparing gelatin film from horse mackerel scale, such as extraction temperature and time, as well as the protein concentration of film‐forming solutions were investigated. Yields of extracted gelatin at 70 °C, 80 °C, and 90 °C for 15 min to 3 h were 1.08% to 3.45%, depending on the extraction conditions. Among the various extraction times and temperatures, the film from gelatin extracted at 70 °C for 1 h showed the highest tensile strength and elongation at break. Horse mackerel scale gelatin film showed the greatly low water vapor permeability (WVP) compared with mammalian or fish gelatin films, maybe due to its containing a slightly higher level of hydrophobic amino acids (total 653 residues per 1000 residues) than that of mammalian, cold‐water fish and warm‐water fish gelatins. Gelatin films from different preparation conditions showed excellent UV barrier properties at wavelength of 200 nm, although the films were transparent at visible wavelength. As a consequence, it can be suggested that gelatin film from horse mackerel scale extracted at 70 °C for 1 h can be applied to food packaging material due to its lowest WVP value and excellent UV barrier properties.  相似文献   

In this paper, synthesis of N,N,N-Trimethyl chitosan chloride (TMCHT) and its effect on the properties of cotton fabric is reported. TMCHT of varying degree of quaternization (DQ) namely 13.41, 22.03, and 50.92% were synthesized by reaction of chitosan (CHT) with methyl iodide in alkaline medium followed by ion exchange with sodium chloride. The quaternization at amino groups of CHT was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy and the degree of quaternization was evaluated by conductometric titration against standard silver nitrate solution. TMCHT was applied onto cotton fabric by pad-dry cure method and its effect on various properties such as appearance, feel, chlorine retention in chlorine bleaching, absorbency, dyeing behavior, wrinkle recovery, soil release, and antimicrobial properties were investigated. The whiteness index, absorbency, dyeability toward direct and acid dyes at neutral dye bath pH, soil release, and resistance towards microbial attack of the treated fabrics were found to be progressively improved with rise in DQ of TMCHT.  相似文献   

The work aimed at determination of electric properties of wheat grain in dependence on its variety, moisture, geometrical features of kernels and applied current frequency. Wheat grain of 4 Polish winter varieties: Korweta, Juma, Mikon and Kobra from harvest 2001 were used as the material for study. Grain was sized into 3 fractions: (1) > 2,8mm, (2) 2,5–2,8mm, and (3) 2,2–2,5mm. Basic geometrical features were determined for not sorted grain (control sample) and its three fractions by the use of digital image analysis. Electric properties of grain (at 11% and 15% moisture content) have been performed with the Hewlett Packard 4263B meter. Measurements of impedance, resistance, admittance, conductance, as well as equivalent parallel capacitance and equivalent series capacitance were made. Obtained results were subjected to statistical analysis with the use of Statistica? programme. Changes in electric properties of grain significantly depended on all of studied factors. Most of all significant correlations appeared between geometrical features and studied electric properties of grain of 15% moisture. Statistical analysis of the results proved significant linear correlations between electric properties of kernels and their length, perimeter and circularity coefficient RC2 at higher measurement frequencies.  相似文献   

 The quantities of the biologically active isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – C18:2 c9t11 – in 139 German foods were analysed by capillary gas chromatography (results are given as a % of all identified fatty acid methyl esters). The CLA content ranged from 0.40% (Gouda) to 1.70% (Jurassic cheese, Old Emmentaler) in dairy products, from 0.11% (rabbit) to 1.20% (lamb) in meat, and from 0.01% (pike-perch) to 0.09% (carp) in fish. CLA could be detected in neither vegetable fats or oils nor in margarines (CLA <0.01%). Crisps, chocolates, cakes and pastries, and other foods have only a negligible CLA content. The average estimated CLA intake in Germany was calculated to be 0.35g CLA/day for women and 0.43g CLA/day for men. Received: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

 The quantities of the biologically active isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) – C18:2 c9t11 – in 139 German foods were analysed by capillary gas chromatography (results are given as a % of all identified fatty acid methyl esters). The CLA content ranged from 0.40% (Gouda) to 1.70% (Jurassic cheese, Old Emmentaler) in dairy products, from 0.11% (rabbit) to 1.20% (lamb) in meat, and from 0.01% (pike-perch) to 0.09% (carp) in fish. CLA could be detected in neither vegetable fats or oils nor in margarines (CLA <0.01%). Crisps, chocolates, cakes and pastries, and other foods have only a negligible CLA content. The average estimated CLA intake in Germany was calculated to be 0.35g CLA/day for women and 0.43g CLA/day for men. Received: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

2013~2014年,在广东省内对6个甘蔗新品种(系)进行区域试验。结果表明,粤甘47号和粤甘43号较对照(ROC22和ROC16)增产、增糖幅度大,居参试品种前2名,它们均表现为早熟高糖,农艺性状优良。粤甘47号表现为萌芽好、分蘖力较强、植株较高、中大茎、有效茎数中等;粤甘43号表现为萌芽好、分蘖力强、全生长期生长稳健、植株中高、有效茎数多。  相似文献   

Tea polyphenols (TP) are known to be important for the post-mortem deterioration of fish muscle and can enhance food quality. To shed light on the influence of TP on the status of large yellow croaker muscle proteins, control and treated fillets (0.1% TP, 0.2% TP and 0.3% TP, w/v) were analysed periodically for myofibrillar protein functional properties (Ca2+-ATPase activity, surface hydrophobicity, total sulfhydryl content, emulsion stability index and rheological behaviour). Degradation of the myofibrillar protein myosin could be clearly observed; several proteins were also observed to vary in abundance following post-mortem storage for 25 days. The present study offers new evidence that TP have an effective impact on muscle protein integrity post-mortem.  相似文献   

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