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Recently, several digital divide scholars suggested that a shift is needed from a focus on binary Internet access (first-level digital divide) and Internet skills and use (second-level digital divide) to a third-level digital divide in which the tangible outcomes of Internet use are highlighted. A plethora of studies have been conducted to identify determinants of digital divides. Unfortunately, there is a lack of consistency in the terminology used. Moreover, terms are often not theoretically grounded. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature review of digital divide determinants. The results show that the third-level digital divide was underexposed. The primary focus is on Internet use. More importantly, the identified determinants show that digital divide research is largely limited to sociodemographic and socioeconomic determinants.  相似文献   

Bridging digital divide: Efforts in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fruits of Information Technology sector such as the Internet blue chips, online shopping and nanosecond email have failed to cure century-old malaises like illiteracy, poverty and unemployment in India. The paper presents few facts about digital divide based on global and the USA perspective, its definition and types as global, regional and national, and societal implications. It highlights India in the context of digital divide by discussing its infrastructural bottleneck that includes electricity, IT penetration, teledensity and Internet industry, and its enabling policies to transform India as a knowledge society. It discusses various technology options for connectivity, viz. terrestrial wireless, satellite, wireline, etc. and presents snap shots of select successful projects that made an impact in helping to bridge digital divide in India, viz. passenger reservation system, Akashganga, Akshaya e-centres, Bhoomi, etc. It concludes that creation of Information and Communication Technologies infrastructure and content are the core methodologies, and a national agenda on a C-8 thrust towards: connectivity provision, content creation, capacity augmentation, core technologies creation and exploitation, cost reduction, competence building, community participation and commitment to the deprived and disadvantaged would definitely help in bridging digital divide.  相似文献   

Digital inequality can take many forms. Four forms studied here are access to Internet, use of different devices, extent of usage, and engagement in different Internet activities. However, it is not clear whether sociodemographic factors, or devices, are more influential in usage and activities. Results from an unfamiliar context show that there are significant sociodemographic influences on access, device, usage, and activities, and differences in activities by device type and usage. While sociodemographic differences are more influential, device type can increase likelihood of use for some “capital enhancing” activities, but only for a computer. Thus, although mobile Internet is available for those on the wrong side of the digital divide, these users do not engage in many activities, decreasing potential benefits.  相似文献   

Some have pointed to divides in the availability of fixed home broadband Internet access as a contributor to rural students’ lower levels of educational attainment. Based on standardized exams (SAT Suite) and a survey of rural Michigan students in grades 8–11, we find that rural students with broadband home Internet access are more interested in school and leave homework incomplete less often. However, the relationship to classroom grades (GPA) is relatively trivial. Yet, we find that students who are not dependent on a cell phone for Internet access and those with higher digital skills, especially social media skills, rank considerably higher on the SAT. Rural students with broadband Internet access are able to participate in a more diverse array of online media activities, which supports building digital skills. Any negative relationship between time spent on social media, video games, other digital media and educational outcomes is outweighed by the benefit to digital skills. However, aspects of rural culture; including the emphasis on activities such as sports, as a path to postsecondary schooling and upward, social mobility; may be stunting the positive relationship between access, digital skills, and educational aspirations. Whereas extra-curricular sports have no direct relationship to SAT performance, students who spend more time on sports receive higher grades and have higher educational aspirations than those with more digital skills. We discuss the implications for rural students’ access to human capital and how the unequal relationship between digital skills and performance in the classroom and on the SAT may perpetuate inequalities.  相似文献   

Ecuador is a country that represents the efforts that a few countries in the Latin American and the Caribbean region are making on infrastructures, regulations and policies that are favorable towards the use of the Internet. However, although the digital divide in its most basic form (physical access and use) is closing with respect to developed countries, a new, more complex digital divide is moving forward, and is related to the socio-economic advantages of the Internet. This study, which used a random sample stratified by provinces and which comprised 3754 respondents representing the secondary school students in Ecuador, had as objectives: (a) to verify the relationship and sequence among the different levels to access the Internet found on secondary school students; and (b) to verify to what degree the student’s family status influenced the different levels of Internet access. Through the empirical analysis of a structural model, the results showed a sequence between the relationships found among the different levels of Internet access, as well as the cumulative effect of the technical resources and levels of digital literacy on the academic use of the Internet. Likewise, it was observed that the influence of the student’s family status lost strength as the level of Internet access increased.  相似文献   

International and national data sources confirm the limited access to the Internet in South Africa. However, there is a need to study how this limited access is distributed amongst population groups in the country. This study investigates the pattern of Internet access amongst university students in South Africa. University students are a relevant population group for studying technology penetration; this population is a generation born in the current era of digital revolution, they are presumably early adopters of technology and are adept in using them. A survey conducted in ten South African universities reveals that beyond publicly available access on campuses – with its attendant constraints, personal/household Internet access is a challenge and it reflects a pattern of inequalities in South Africa. Bearing in mind that social and economic exclusion is the biggest challenge for South Africa, this study reveals that digital inequalities amongst students replicate the pattern of social inequalities in the country. This exacerbates existing social inequalities, specifically amongst university students in South Africa, with certain categories of students being disproportionately disadvantaged.  相似文献   

The digital divide is a phenomenon linked not only to the topic of access to the Internet, but also to the one of usage and usage benefit. In this paper we take a look at the global digital divide concerning Africa, we analyze the situation with the help of macro-data and by discussing specific examples (Ghana, South Africa). We also address suggestions that have been made for closing the global digital divide and point out that such solutions require more fundamental changes of society and cannot be achieved by technology alone.  相似文献   

This study examines the prospects and problems of Internet use and access in Africa, focusing on a profile of Internet café users in Uganda. It concludes that while initiatives such as cyber cafés have brought the Internet and ICT closer to more people in developing countries, the bad news is that these initiatives, especially when they are commercially based, may only be increasing the digital divide within poor countries.  相似文献   

Digital inequality, or unequal access to the Internet and technologies that connect to it, has preoccupied communication scholars since the Internet's introduction into popular culture. The relationships between digital and broader social inequalities suggest that meaningful digital connectivity—that is, having the technical skills necessary to engage technology and mobilize information resources to address everyday needs—can empower socially disenfranchised individuals, families, and communities to address challenges related to those disparities. In this essay, we overview the arc of communication research on technology engagement and its consequences. On this foundation, we argue why multilevel research that accounts for individual‐, family‐, and community‐level influences on meaningful digital connectivity is the best path forward for research on digital inequality.  相似文献   

As the standard of living constantly improves, and as life expectancy increases in developed countries, the number of adults who want to have a gratifying life increases as well. Furthermore, although the Internet offers a world of potentially rewarding experiences, there is much heterogeneity among older people with respect to those who are able to benefit from its use. To reduce this gap, public access and digital literacy programs have been implemented. The aim of the study was to find out the extent to which these programs moderate the effects of age and socioeconomic status on social access to and use of the Internet in a sample of older users in Spain. Through quota sampling of retired users over 54 years of age in Spain (N = 560), who were regular users of public supports for Internet access, a structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis was conducted. The data showed a staggered association of access indicators (physical access, digital skills and social e-activities) on the social gratifications obtained, as well as the moderating role of institutional supports. This study provides empirical evidence of the ability of public supports to moderate the effect of socioeconomics inequalities on access and social exploitation of the Internet by older people. The findings point to the need to strengthen digital literacy actions, especially in supports that are more sensitive to the effect of age and socio-economic status.  相似文献   

张强 《世界电信》2002,15(11):21-23
对欧洲的立法者来说,目前最为关注的课题之一便是如何解决数字鸿沟这一困扰欧洲大陆信息与通信技术整体发展水平的矛盾。向人们提供高速因特网接入服务是消除数字鸿沟的有效手段,而无线数字用户线技术以及其成低、通信质量好、覆盖范围大及灵活性等优势成为宽带接入技术中的佼佼者,并获得很多欧洲国家电信运营商的青睐。  相似文献   

This study aims at exploring how information and communications technology (ICT) is accessed and used by women and men in Rwanda. Specifically, we analyze the factors that contribute to the gender digital divide in Rwanda. In addition, we assess the importance of equal access to ICTs between genders. Rwanda is a particulary interesting case study, since previous studies on gender differences in the usage and accessibility of ICTs have focused on Western countries, while Africa, and Rwanda in particular, have been less covered. The qualitative method of in-depth interviews was used to collect the data. Interviews were analyzed using a thematic analysis technique. The findings of this study reveal that a gender digital divide still exists in Rwanda, even though the government puts forth much effort to eradicate this phenomenon. Reasons for barriers for women’s access to ICTs were found in social, economic and cultural factors, such as feelings of lack of self-worth, self-confidence, and proper educations; heavy domestic responsibilities; and computer anxiety. The findings also indicated that equal access to ICTs would be a shortcut to economic growth in Rwanda. This study concludes that Rwandan women need to be better educated in the use of computer technologies. Certain gender-sensitive strategies that guide the use of ICTs in this way also need to be established.  相似文献   

1 TheUnbalancedDevelopmentofInternetandtheDigitalDivideAmongCountries  Withtheadvanceofinformationtechnology ,Internethaspenetratedintovariousaspectsofsocialandeconomiclifedeeplyandimprovedthedevelop mentofproductivityenormously ,which producestheobvioustendencyofeconomicglobalization .In ternetexpeditestheprocessofeconomicglobaliza tion ,throughwhichanycountrywouldbeabletoparticipateintheglobalproductionandrebuildingthetraditionalindustrymoreintensivelyandexten sively.Alotofnewinformati…  相似文献   

Individuals’ computer skills have long been noteworthy for both education and the labor market. Although the support provided through curricula in schools develops these skills to a certain extent, digital divide still exists for individuals with different socio-demographic characteristics. The concept of digital divide, used to define individuals who do not have equal access to digital technologies, has started to be seen as a determining factor for digital competencies with its expanding scope. The current study aims to take a perspective to investigate the effect of socio-demographic variables, which may cause digital divide, on students' ICT literacy. With this study, it is sought to explain the effect of current inequalities regarding digital access on students' ICT skills. To this end, the socio-demographic characteristics of the students in the sample of Korea and Chile from the participating countries of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) were examined in the context of ICT literacy. The characteristics of the models created were compared for both countries. While parents’ level of education variable stands out for the Chilean model, the internet connection variable is remarkable for the Korean model. It is anticipated that the findings of the research will contribute to understanding the dynamics of the digital divide and its possible consequences, and can be a source for preventive policy steps to be developed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between employment outcomes and broadband Internet access, education and digital skills using the pre- and post-COVID-19 survey waves of the Eurostat Community Statistics on Information Society from 2017, 2019, and 2021 in 27 European countries. Joint estimates of individuals’ employment status and skills employ external controls based on Eurostat and COVID-19 European Regional Tracker NUTS1-level regional statistics and Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker information on governments’ containment and economic support measures. Broadband access, digital skills and educational attainment combine to raise employment outcomes, but COVID-19 has changed these relationships in distinct ways. It has increased employment benefits from formal education and roughly tripled the labor market advantages from having household members with tertiary education. The pandemic has increased the employment value of having at least some digital skills, while the relative benefits of more advanced digital skills shrank.  相似文献   

The digital divide is a pressing challenge for both technology and policy professionals. Connectivity is one aspect of the divide, albeit an important one. Availability and affordability remain important issues, but these depend on not only technology choices, but also business and regulatory models. While mobile phones have achieved spectacular growth in emerging regions, Internet access, especially broadband, lags far behind. A generalized model of costing broadband indicates that limited uplinking (interconnection) is a significant barrier to widespread and affordable connectivity, but last mile access also remains a challenge. In addition, policy distortions and regulations raise costs dramatically. Because of these, new technologies, business models, and regulations may be required to make connectivity available and affordable in emerging economies. These include advanced wireless technologies, greater fiber utilization, and open access networking  相似文献   

To fully leverage the availability of the internet services in Kenya, all the citizens need to be able to access and use the internet and related services. The availability of 4G networks, cyber cafés and fiber connectivity in most residential areas of Nairobi has allowed many Nairobi residents to be part of its information-based society. But, as with the other existing social inequalities in Nairobi, many people residing in the city’s low-income areas lack access to the internet. This has a negative impact on the residents’ prospects as the governments and businesses are increasingly delivering their services online. Using a pre-tested questionnaire, data were collected from five hundred and fifty respondents on their internet access and digital literacy skills among the residents of the Mathare Slum. From the survey, the study found existence of limited digital literacy skills and lack of internet access among the residents of the Mathare Slum. The study then used the Community Technology Centers (CTCs) intervention approach to narrowing the digital divide by setting up a CTC in the Mathare Slum to offer free community internet access and digital literacy skills training. Eight cohorts, each of eighteen residents, were offered free digital literacy training for five weeks and free unlimited internet access for four months. The study then evaluated the trainees’ internet usage continuance intentions after four months of continued use of the internet at the CTC. The results indicate that perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, internet self-efficacy, and confirmation of expectations all significantly influence the participants’ satisfaction with use of the internet. The results also show that continuance intentions of the participants from low income household to continue using internet beyond the CTC can be predicted by perceived service cost, satisfaction, internet self-efficacy and perceived usefulness. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of CTCs as an intervention approach and a replicable model that can be used to bridge the urban digital divide among low income urban communities for the development of an all-inclusive information-based society. Implications and recommendations for policy, practice and research are provided.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have explored the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and socioeconomic development, limited research has focused on the impact of ICT infrastructure expansion on income distribution. This study aims to fill this research gap by investigating the effect of mobile broadband network coverage on income inequality in underdeveloped regions of Indonesia using unbalanced panel data encompassing 122 second-level subnational regions over the period from 2018 to 2021. This study utilizes map charts to visually depict the disparities in mobile broadband coverage and income inequality across the selected regions and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression on the pooled panel data to estimate the relationship between the two variables. The findings reveal an inverted U-shaped relationship between mobile broadband coverage and income inequality, indicating an adverse effect on inequality during the early stages of network deployment that persists until coverage reaches approximately 60 percent of the population area. Beyond this threshold, the effect becomes favorable in reducing inequality. The findings of this study remain robust even after accounting for potential biases, utilizing fixed and random effect models, and disaggregating the data for the pre- and during-pandemic periods. However, a minor discrepancy in statistical significance is observed when the dataset is disaggregated by the level of regional development. The implications of these findings are discussed, providing theoretical insights and policy/practical implications for addressing income inequality.  相似文献   

薛婧 《信息技术》2021,(1):18-22
近年在当下移动互联网中,数字音乐得到了大力研发,而基于大数据算法的数字音乐个性化推荐正在蓬勃发展,对于这类研究需要借助计算机技术、多媒体技术来补充.在探索过程中,线上音乐的传统二元推荐算法正逐渐被情景推荐所取代,通过构建情景模型的音乐推荐算法有利于用户获取音乐,可以增长互联网音乐的有效投递,通过传统音乐推荐算法与改进的...  相似文献   

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