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提出了基于离散余弦变换和迭代混合的图像水印算法。选取图像DCT域的中频系数,对其运用迭代混合技术嵌入水印,用新的DCT系数置换原来位置的DCT系数。本系统主要包括水印的嵌入、水印的提取和水印的攻击实验三部分,其中水印图像的攻击试验又包括三种攻击试验:椒盐噪声干扰、滤波和剪切攻击,利用这三种攻击来测试水印算法的性能。仿真实验结果表明,该水印算法对于噪声干扰、滤波和剪切攻击都具有较好的鲁棒性,也是图像迭代混合思想成功应用于数字水印方面的一个例子。  相似文献   

基于离散正交小波变换的红外图像去噪方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出红外图像去噪方法,将小波变换与广义交叉确认原理相结合,在噪声方差未知的前提下,只利用红外图像的输入数据就可以确定所要求的渐近最优阈值。对红外图像进行离散正交小波变换后,分别对各个分解层的高频子带利用所提出的方法进行迭代去噪,使各个高频子带分别收敛于其最大信噪比。实验结果表明,该方法在有效地去除噪声的同时,能较好地保持红外图像的细节信息。算法在性能指标和视觉质量上均优于Donoho提出的小波阈值去噪方法、Johnstone提出经过调整的小波阈值法和传统的中值滤波法。  相似文献   

为了提高数字图像水印的鲁棒性,提出一种结合BCH码和JND模型的小波域数字图像水印算法.该算法采用Ar-nold变换和BCH码对二值水印图像进行置乱加密以及编码,对载体图像分块后再进行二维离散小波变换,将加密并且编码后的水印信息嵌入到载体图像各子块的二维离散小波变换的低频子带中,嵌入强度根据载体图像的JND值自适应的选取.实验结果表明,水印的透明性很好,在遭受不同类型和强度的水印攻击时,具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Watermarking has been proposed as a solution to the problem protecting copyrighted multimedia in networked environments. This paper presents a simple but effective blind watermarking scheme capable of satisfying requirements pertaining to imperceptibility as well as robustness, while maintaining a sufficient payload capacity. In the proposed scheme, partly sign-altered mean modulation and mixed modulation are introduced to the crisscross discrete cosine transform (DCT)-based inter-block. Substituting a set of coefficients for a single coefficient enhances robustness against malign attacks. The inclusion of mixed modulation enables control over the parameters required to provide resistance against commonly encountered attacks while maintaining a high peak signal-to-noise ratio. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm exceeds the performance of the seven other schemes in providing robust resistance to variety of attacks, particularly those associated with Gaussian noise and speckle noise.  相似文献   

孙洁丽  赵彦霞  周增慧  邢胜 《电信科学》2017,33(11):102-111
针对医学图像的版权保护和篡改定位问题,提出了一种多功能零水印算法。获取构造零顽健水印和半脆弱水印的信息矩阵,并分别与原始顽健和半脆弱水印进行异或运算,构造零顽健和零半脆弱水印图像。实验结果证明,提取的水印效果较好,算法能很好地抵抗常见攻击,特别是抵抗强度较大的攻击的效果较好。  相似文献   

针对数字图像的版权保护,基于离散余弦变换和四元数小波变换,提出了一种新的改进的盲水印算法,先根据待嵌入水印的大小对载体图像进行四元数小波变换,获得与幅值和相位信息相对应的4幅低频子带,然后对每个低频子带分别进行全局离散余弦变换,最后通过修改两个随机子带中特定位置上DCT系数的大小关系嵌入水印,利用分阶线性Logistic映射产生的混沌序列预处理经Arnold置乱后的水印信息和确定水印的嵌入位置.实验结果表明,该算法对添加噪声、JPEG压缩、滤波和亮度及对比度调整等攻击都具有很强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

提出一种基于哈尔正交函数系的抗裁剪鲁棒水印算法,该算法根据哈尔正交函数系的完备归一化正交性质,对图像进行分块哈尔正交变换,根据图像视觉系统特性和哈尔正交变换性质,提取重要的中频系数,并结合零水印嵌入技术,将水印自适应地嵌入哈尔正交变换的中频矩阵,从而提高了水印算法的有效性,对裁剪攻击具有很强的抗攻击性,实验表明:该算法具有良好的鲁棒性和有效性。  相似文献   

为加强数字多媒体的版权保护,提出了一种结合离散小波变换和奇异值分解相融合的彩色图像水印算法(DWT-SVD).首先对彩色数字载体图像进行小波分解,并对其小波系数进行奇异值分解;然后对水印信息采用Arnold进行置乱,并进行奇异值分解;最后将水印信息的奇异值嵌入到彩色图像的小波系数奇异值中,并对水印嵌入强度进行调节.仿真结果表明,DWT-SVD可以检测到完整的水印信息,具有良好的不可见性,对各种攻击具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

杨虎  杨瑾 《激光杂志》2006,27(5):53-54
利用分数傅立叶变换级次的任意性,提出了一种基于分数傅立叶域图象水印方案。对载体图像进行p级的二维离散分数傅立叶变换,将原始水印图像用LSB算法,嵌入到载体图像的p级分数域的低频系数矩阵中,再进行逆变换得到水印图像。提高了水印安全性,缓解了水印的不可见性与鲁棒性之间的矛盾。仿真试验结果表明该水印具有良好的不可见性和抗噪声攻击性。  相似文献   

提出了一种增强水印鲁棒性的盲水印算法.算法在DCT(离散余弦变换)变换域,采用子采样的方法,选择嵌入水印的位置;以视觉感知模型调节嵌入水印的强度.算法的提取不需要原始图像,实现了盲提取.实验结果表明,算法不仅具有较好的不可见性,水印信息在噪声干扰、滤波、图像压缩等攻击下具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

基于帧间相关性的盲视频数字水印算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出了一种在原始视频中嵌入水印的算法。嵌入的水印由2部分组成:标志水印和信息水印。首先从一段原始视频里随机选出若干视频帧,在这些帧的像素平面亮度分量上固定位置嵌入标志水印,再根据密钥选取其他若干图像块在其离散余弦变换(DCT)直流系数中嵌入信息水印。然后在整段视频的每一小段中重复嵌入水印。提取水印时,只需从整段视频中截取足够包含完整信息水印的一小段视频,通过搜索标志水印快速地选出包含水印信息的帧。然后利用水印帧与前后相邻视频帧之间内容的高度相关性,得到嵌入水印位置像素值的估计,与包含水印信息帧相应位置做比较,提取出水印信息,实现了水印的盲提取。实验结果表明本算法能够抵抗压缩、缩放、帧删除/插入等各种攻击,具有较强的健壮性。  相似文献   

基于小波变换的彩色图像数字水印新算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种将灰度图像嵌入到原始彩色图像中的新数字水印算法.对RGB色彩空间彩色图像的绿色分量和蓝色分量进行haar小波变换.低频系数经过量化,将经过Arnold置乱后的灰度水印图像的位平面嵌入到低频子带.水印提取不需要原始载体图像.实验结果表明,该彩色图像数字水印算法不仅具有较好的透明性,而且对诸如叠加噪声、JPEG压缩、平滑滤波、几何剪切、图像增强和马赛克效果等攻击均具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

In this paper, the backward-propagation neural network (BPNN) technique and just-noticeable difference (JND) model are incorporated into a block-wise discrete cosine transform (DCT)-based scheme to achieve effective blind image watermarking. To form a block structure in the DCT domain, we partition a host image into non-overlapped blocks of size 8 × 8 and then apply DCT to each block separately. By referring to certain DCT coefficients over a 3 × 3 grid of blocks, the BPNN can offer adequate predictions of designated coefficients inside the central block. The watermarking turns out to be a process of adjusting the relationship between the intended coefficients and their BPNN predictions subject to the JND. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is able to withstand a variety of image processing attacks. Compared with two other schemes that also utilize inter-block correlations, the proposed one apparently exhibits superior robustness and imperceptibility under the same payload capacity.  相似文献   

Region oriented image representation offers several advantages over block-oriented schemes, e.g. adaptation to the local image characteristics, or object motion compensation as opposed to block-wise motion compensation. For the task of image data compression, i.e. image coding, new algorithms are needed which work on arbitrarily shaped image regions, called segments, instead of rectangular image blocks. Based on a generalized moment approach, the luminance function inside the segment is approximated by a weighted sum of basis functions, for example polynomials. A set of basis functions which is orthogonal with respect to the shape of the segment to be coded can be obtained using orthogonalization schemes. This results in the derivation of a generalized shape-adapted transform coder. Suitable coder and decoder structures are introduced which do not necessitate the transmission of the basis functions for each segment. Finally an application of the derived algorithms to image sequence coding at low data rates is shown, which is based on a segmentation of the motion compensated prediction error image.  相似文献   

Tree structures for computing orthogonal transforms are introduced. Two cases, delay trees and decimation trees, are investigated. A simple condition, namely the orthogonality of branches with a common root, is shown to be necessary and sufficient for the overall transform to be orthogonal. Main advantages are structural simplicity and a number of operations proportional to N Log2N.Application of the tree structures to the Walsh-Hadamard Transform (in natural, sequency and dyadic order) is presented. A single module can be multiplexed or used in parallel in order to perform all operations. Such a system is shown to be well suited for hardware implementation.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高基于支持向量机(SVM)水印算法的 鲁棒性,提出了一种 基于复Contourlet域的SVM和Krawtchouk矩的双水印算法。首先从RGB宿主 图像中提取B 分量和G分量,并且充分利用Krawtchouk矩不变量的平移、旋转、缩放不变性 和Krawtchouk矩良好 的局部重构特性,计算B分量图像的Krawtchouk低阶矩不变量 ,由此构造鲁棒水印;然后对G分量图 像进行两级复Contourlet分解,在其低频分量中,利用SVM建立图像尺度内的 局部相关性训练模型, 并根据预测结果自适应地实现数字水印图像的嵌入和提取。大量实验结果表明,本文算法不 仅具有较好的 不可感知性,而且对中值滤波、加性噪声和JPEG压缩之类的常规图像处理,以及缩放、旋转 和剪切等几 何攻击,均具有较好的鲁棒性能,其性能优于基于小波域的SVM和基于Contourlet域的SVM水 印算法。  相似文献   

针对图像水印算法在攻击强度较大时鲁棒性差的问题,提出了一种基于图变换(graph-based transform,GBT)、离散小波变换(discrete wavelet transform,DWT)和奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)的鲁棒图像水印算法。首先对载体图像进行不重叠分块处理,挑选出像素方差值较高的子块进行DWT得到其低频系数矩阵,然后对低频系数矩阵依次进行GBT和SVD得到奇异值矩阵,最后将水印信息嵌入到奇异值矩阵的最大奇异值中。实验结果表明,Pirate图像结构相似度(structural similarity,SSIM)达到0.97以上时,本文算法能有效抵抗噪声、滤波、JPEG压缩、剪切和交换行列等攻击,归一化互相关系数(normalization coefficient,NC)值均在0.9以上。  相似文献   

针对现有图像水印算法的一些不足,提出了一种基于离散余弦变换的自适应多重彩色图像盲水印算法。该算法根据彩色载体图像内容特点,将预处理后的不同二值图像水印自适应地嵌入到其绿色分量的离散余弦变换低频系数和中频系数,实现了不同水印在彩色载体图像中的嵌入及盲提取。实验结果表明,该算法在保证不可觉察性的前提下能够较好地抵抗各类常规攻击,具有良好的稳健性。  相似文献   

用菲涅耳变换和相位密码板实现盲数字水印   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于菲涅耳衍射变换和相位密码板,结合离散小波变换,设计了一种新的盲数字水印算法.通过提取相位母板的离散菲涅耳衍射变换的相角而获得相位密码板,原始水印图像经离散菲涅耳变换和相位密码板的共同作用形成水印密文,将水印密文嵌入到原始宿主图像的离散小波变换系数矩阵中,再对叠加水印信息的像素用其最邻近的像素均值来替换,从而获得一种新的盲数字水印提取法.数值计算结果表明:该水印算法对JPEG有损压缩、剪切、噪声污染和重采样等攻击具有较强的鲁棒性.由于该算法的密钥空间很大而密钥数据量却不高,所以采用本算法既能灵活选择加密密钥(相位密码母板、衍射距离等),又能确保高安全性,具有很高的实用价值.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the recent image watermarking schemes based on redundant discrete wavelet transform (RDWT) and singular value decomposition (SVD), and shows that in fact they are insecure and cannot be used for protecting the rightful ownership. The RDWT-SVD watermarking directly embeds a grayscale watermark image of the same size with the host image into the singular value matrix of the RDWT-transformed host image, then produces the left and right orthogonal matrices as side information which is later used in the watermark extraction stage. The RDWT-SVD approach enjoys the advantage of the RDWT redundancy to achieve a high embedding capacity, and preserves the watermark imperceptibility by exploiting the SVD stability properties. It is claimed that RDWT-SVD watermarking is robust against several common image processing and geometrical attacks, yet a fundamental flaw in the RDWT-SVD scheme is found, which leads to severe the false positive issue. Three vulnerable attacks should be considered in the RDWT-SVD scheme: (1) An attacker can easily claim the owner watermarked image; (2) the owner has the ambiguity because of the wrong side information usage, and (3) the owner can extract the correct watermark from arbitrary image. Thus, it is important to highlight these attacks when implementing the RDWT-SVD watermarking scheme.  相似文献   

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