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This paper proposes a fractional-order integral controller, FI, which is a simple, robust and well-performing technique for vibration control in smart structures with collocated sensors and actuators. This new methodology is compared with the most relevant controllers for smart structures. It is demonstrated that the proposed controller improves the robustness of the closed-loop system to changes in the mass of the payload at the tip. The previous controllers are robust in the sense of being insensitive to spillover and maintaining the closed-loop stability when changes occur in the plant parameters. However, the phase margin of such closed-loop systems (and, therefore, their damping) may change significantly as a result of these parameter variations. In this paper the possibility of increasing the phase margin robustness by using a fractional-order controller with a very simple structure is explored. This controller has been applied to an experimental smart structure, and simulations and experiments have shown the improvement attained with this new technique in the removal of the vibration in the structure when the mass of the payload at the tip changes.  相似文献   

This study proposes novel development of piezoelectric actuators as elements of smart structures. The primary goal of this work is to control actively the vibrations of smart structures by using a decomposed parallel fuzzy control approach. This study attempts to demonstrate the general methodology by decomposing a large-scale system into smaller subsystems in a parallel structure so that the proposed fuzzy control methodology developed here can be applied for studying a complex system. The paper shows a very promising application field, while the results obtained show that the fuzzy approach can be much better than other conventional control methods used till now. Consequently, the creation of new control structures is very important for new application possibilities of fuzzy control because they enable one to minimize the completeness of the problem solved as well as to utilize the capacity of computational technologies in full range.  相似文献   

This paper presents the vibrations suppression of a thermoelastic beam subject to sudden heat input by a single piezoelectric actuator. An optimization problem is formulated as the minimization of a quadratic functional in terms of displacement and velocity at a given time and with the least control effort. The solution method is based on a combination of modal expansion and variational approaches. The modal expansion approach is used to convert the optimal control of distributed parameter system into the optimal control of lumped parameter system. By utilizing the variational approach, an explicit optimal control law is derived and the determination of the corresponding displacement and velocity is reduced to solving a set of ordinary differential equations. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Unknown model uncertainties and external disturbances widely exist in helicopter dynamics and bring adverse effects on control performance. Optimal control techniques have been extensively studied for helicopters, but these methods cannot effectively handle flight control problems since they are sensitive to uncertainties and disturbances. This paper proposes an observer-based robust optimal control scheme that enables a helicopter to fly optimally and reduce the influence of unknown model uncertainties and external disturbances. A control Lyapunov function (CLF) is firstly constructed using the backstepping method, then Sontag's formula is utilized to design an inverse optimal controller to stabilize the nominal system. Furthermore, it is stressed that the radial basis function (RBF) neural network is introduced to establish an observer with adaptive laws, approximating and compensating for the unknown model uncertainties and external disturbances to enhance the robustness of the closed-loop system. The uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system is ensured using the presented control approach via Lyapunov stability analysis. Finally, simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.  相似文献   

The remote control and media sharing of electronic devices are key services in smart homes. The incorporation of mobile smart devices in these services has become a popular trend. Existing services require that these devices are located in the same local network. This paper presents the design and implementation of an integrated service architecture that supports the remote control of home appliances and the sharing of digital media between indoor and outdoor devices. The proposed design follows standards related to digital homes, and this study presents the details of its hardware and software components.  相似文献   

In our preceding paper, we studied an optimal control problem of vibrations of a dynamic Gao beam in contact with a reactive foundation and derived the Pontryagin maximum principle for the controlled system in fixed final horizon case. As a follow-up, in this paper, we focus on the investigation of the Gao beam that may come in contact with a rigid foundation underneath it. In this case, the nonlinear viscoelastic beam equation is equipped with the Signorini condition. By the Dubovitskii and Milyutin functional analytical approach, we investigate the new optimal control problem with multiple inequality constraints and present further original results of current interests.  相似文献   

针对一类不确定性时滞系统, 研究线性二次型最优调节器的鲁棒性设计问题. 首先基于级数近似方法, 将原标称时滞系统的最优调节器问题转化为迭代求解一族不含时滞的两点边值问题, 从而获得标称时滞系统最优控制的近似解. 然后将滑模控制理论应用于最优调节器的设计, 使得系统对于不确定性具有全局的鲁棒性, 并且其理想滑动模态与标称系统的最优闭环控制系统相一致, 从而实现了全局鲁棒最优滑模控制. 仿真示例将所提出的方法与相应的二次型最优控制进行比较, 验证了该方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

针对线性多变量离散控制系统,给出一种新的鲁棒最优控制器的设计方法.该方法提出了多变量系统的行特征函数的设计新思想,实现等价系统的动态解耦,使闭环控制系统的传递函数矩阵为正规矩阵,达到鲁棒H∞最优稳定;进一步,通过对等价解耦控制系统应用l∞最优控制方法,又能使原闭环控制系统获得最优时域指标.通过在某纸机3种定量和水分控制系统中的在线应用,验证了数字控制器的最优性与鲁棒性.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》2006,84(22-23):1402-1414
This paper presents a numerical study concerning the active vibration control of smart piezoelectric beams. A comparison between the classical control strategies, constant gain and amplitude velocity feedback, and optimal control strategies, linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller, is performed in order to investigate their effectiveness to suppress vibrations in beams with piezoelectric patches acting as sensors or actuators. A one-dimensional finite element of a three-layered smart beam with two piezoelectric surface layers and metallic core is utilized. A partial layerwise theory, with three discrete layers, and a fully coupled electro-mechanical theory is considered. The finite element model equations of motion and electric charge equilibrium are presented and recast into a state variable representation in terms of the physical modes of the beam. The analyzed case studies concern the vibration reduction of a cantilever aluminum beam with a collocated asymmetric piezoelectric sensor/actuator pair bonded on the surface. The transverse displacement time history, for an initial displacement field and white noise force disturbance, and point receptance at the free end are evaluated with the open- and closed-loop classical and optimal control systems. The case studies allow the comparison of their performances demonstrating some of their advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the optimal dynamics of simply supported nonlinearly elastic beams with rectangular cross-sections. We consider the elastic beam under the assumption of time-dependent intensive transverse loading. The state of the beam is described by a system of partial differential equations of the fourth order. We deal with the problem of choosing the optimal shape for the beam. The optimal shape is determined in such a way that the deflection of the nonlinearly elastic beam for any given time is minimal. The problem of choosing the optimal shape is formulated as an optimal control problem. To solve the obtained problem effectively, we use the optimality principle of Bellman (Bellman and Dreyfus 1962; Bryson and Ho 1975) and the penalty function method (Polyak 1987). We present a constructive algorithm for the optimal design of nonlinearly elastic beams. Some simple examples of the implementation of the proposed numerical algorithm are given.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of the response of a uniform, cantilever beam subjected to a base excitation are performed. A saturation absorber is implemented to control the beam response. In previous investigations of similar configurations, the inertial and structural properties of the piezoelectric actuators have been neglected, resulting in an analytical model of a uniform beam. This investigation includes the nonuniformities in the beam properties that are introduced when piezoelectric actuators are bonded to the uniform beam. The resulting coupling between uniform, cantilever beam modes is fully included in the analytical model. It is shown that this modal coupling has a significant effect on the beam response, which is not present when modal coupling is neglected.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new model reference robust control scheme for plants with relative degree greater than one is proposed for the purpose of coping with the “explosion of complexity” problem in control law design. The key of the scheme is that we use a first‐order filter to link each subsystem, so that the derivative of some nonlinear functions can be avoided. As a result, the final control law can be greatly simplified. The application of this scheme to a flight control system shows that both the tracking performance and the control effort can be improved significantly in comparison with earlier research. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

Magnetorheological (MR) damper is one of the most promising semi-active control devices for mitigating seismic response, and so, it has received significant attention in recent years. Because of the inherent nonlinear nature of MR damper devices, one challenge to effectively utilize this technology is the development of an appropriate control algorithm. A semi-active control methodology is presented to control structural systems using MR dampers that addresses structural modeling uncertainties. Based on the same idea as the clipped-optimal linear controller, the proposed semi-active control law uses a robust reliability-based active linear control methodology to calculate the reference control forces that the MR dampers attempt to produce approximately. These reference control forces can be calculated using incomplete response measurements at the current and/or previous time steps without any state estimation. The main purpose of the proposed approach is to achieve a more robust performance for uncertain structural systems subjected to uncertain strong-motion excitation. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a simulated example of a ten-story building with MR dampers installed. Y. Shi formerly from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China.  相似文献   

压电智能夹层可以有效地解决压电自诊断系统中直接使用压电片引起的弊端.通过适当改进当前的柔性印刷线路工艺制作出的压电智能夹层,不仅具有柔性印刷线路的特点,而且,应用在结构健康监测系统中还有其他一些独特的优越性能.并利用压电智能夹层进行了初步的拉伸载荷识别,同压电片相比,识别效果更明显.  相似文献   

Maarten  Siep  Tarunraj   《Automatica》2007,43(12):2086-2095
Repetitive control is useful if periodic disturbances or setpoints act on a control system. Perfect (asymptotic) disturbance rejection is achieved if the period time is exactly known. The improved disturbance rejection at the periodic frequency and its harmonics is achieved at the expense of a degraded system sensitivity at intermediate frequencies. A convex optimization problem is defined for the design of high-order repetitive controllers, where a trade-off can be made between robustness for changes in the period time and for reduction of the error spectrum in-between the harmonic frequencies. The high-order repetitive control algorithms are successfully applied in experiments with the tracking control of a CD-player system.  相似文献   

In our early work, we show that one way to solve a robust control problem of an uncertain system is to translate the robust control problem into an optimal control problem. If the system is linear, then the optimal control problem becomes a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem, which can be solved by solving an algebraic Riccati equation. In this article, we extend the optimal control approach to robust tracking of linear systems. We assume that the control objective is not simply to drive the state to zero but rather to track a non-zero reference signal. We assume that the reference signal to be tracked is a polynomial function of time. We first investigated the tracking problem under the conditions that all state variables are available for feedback and show that the robust tracking problem can be solved by solving an algebraic Riccati equation. Because the state feedback is not always available in practice, we also investigated the output feedback. We show that if we place the poles of the observer sufficiently left of the imaginary axis, the robust tracking problem can be solved. As in the case of the state feedback, the observer and feedback can be obtained by solving two algebraic Riccati equations.  相似文献   

Optimal management of thermal and energy grids with fluctuating demand and prices requires to orchestrate the generation units (GU) among all their operating modes. A hierarchical approach is proposed to control coupled energy nonlinear systems. The high level hybrid optimization defines the unit commitment, with the optimal transition strategy, and best production profiles. The low level dynamic model predictive control (MPC), receiving the set-points from the upper layer, safely governs the systems considering process constraints. To enhance the overall efficiency of the system, a method to optimal start-up the GU is here presented: a linear parameter-varying MPC computes the optimal trajectory in closed-loop by iteratively linearizing the system along the previous optimal solution. The introduction of an intermediate equilibrium state as additional decision variable permits the reduction of the optimization horizon, while a terminal cost term steers the system to the target set-point. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

智能型阀门定位器已经成为现代过程控制系统的关键设备之一。为了进一步提高定位器的控制性能,研制了一款新型全电子式智能阀门定位器,介绍了该款定位器的主要组成部分和关键核心技术。此定位器采用比例式压电阀作为气动放大与驱动部件,利用自适应等多种智能控制技术,提高了智能阀门定位器的定位精度和抗干扰性能。该定位器具有功耗低、集成度高和运行可靠性好等优点,推动了国产电子式智能阀门定位器产业的发展。  相似文献   

Process of optimizing coordinated control is divided into two stages.At the first stage,the study improves a robust optimal control model of single-point intersection to optimize cycle and split.At the second stage,the study combines all links with intersections of arterial road as a complete system,and applies cell transmission model to simulate traffic flow on urban signalized arterial road.We propose a coordinated control model based on the platform to optimize offset between adjacent intersections.Genetic algorithm is executed by MATLAB to solve the model.The performance evaluations show that the model not only effectively reduces average delay and stopping rate of vehicles on arterial road and largely enhances traffic capacity of arterial road,but also lowers the sensitivity of signal control for flow fluctuations.  相似文献   

在研究CAN协议的原理及应用技术的基础上,为了满足波控系统控制策略的需要,设计了CAN总线应用层协议。该协议对网络信息进行了分类,在CAN2.0B标准基础上重新定义了标识符域,并对数据编码、网络管理机制和物理接口等作了定义。介绍了所开发的基于CAN总线的控制网络。实际运行表明,该协议具有网络负载小、通讯实时性好和可靠性高的特点。  相似文献   

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