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目前,关于战略联盟与创业的研究层出不穷,有很多值得我们借鉴的知识体系。作者就是基于对前人研究的学习,总结、阐述了一些自己的观点。本文从战略联盟与创业、企业内创业的定义人手,分析了它们的异同点,提炼出“基于战略联盟的企业内创业”(以下简称为联盟内创业)的含义。延续这一思路,文章又分析了联盟内创业的优势与联盟内创业战略的管理过程等方面内容。基于战略联盟的内创业形式可以更好的激励企业内部发展,解决企业内创企业的管理问题。  相似文献   

在采用SWTO分析法对中国包装企业进行内部条件和外部环境分析的基础上,提出:构建企业战略联盟是巩固国内优势、迎接WTO挑战、创造双赢局面的一种有效的战略选择。  相似文献   

陈小卫  叶飞  徐洁琼 《工业工程》2010,13(2):104-109
以广东省珠三角地区77家物流企业为调查对象,对影响我国珠三角物流企业结成战略联盟关系的因素进行了实证研究。结果表明:物流企业的物流能力、资源互补性、信息化水平落差、文化相容性对物流企业联盟关系有着显著的正向影响。这表明物流企业加强以上几个因素的建设的确可以改善其联盟关系。分别从政府与企业两个方面提出了促进我国物流企业结成联盟的建议。  相似文献   

一、战略联盟的含义 自从美国DEC公司总裁简·霍普兰德(J.Hep-land)和管理学家罗杰·奈杰尔(R.Nigel)提出战略联盟的概念以来,战略联盟就成了管理学界和企业界关注的焦点。 所谓战略联盟(Strategic alliance),是指两个或两个以上的企业为了实现各自的某种战略目的,通过公司协议或联合组织等方式而结成的一种网络式的联合体。如美国的IBM、摩托罗拉及苹果公司之间的联盟,目的就是通过减少竞争和需求的不确定性来开发和普及PowerPc芯片。日本的索尼、松下、东芝等电器公司通过各种产品不同定位的协议与合作,各自占领了一定的市场份额。在我国,1999年8月,新科、上广电、熊猫、广东万燕4家在上海宣布成立DVD联合体。2000年5月,中国最大的洗衣机生产企业小天鹅集团和中国最大的冰箱生产企业科龙集团宣布结盟。在过去的十几年中,战  相似文献   

李芳  刘新 《包装工程》2006,27(3):190-191,197
中小包装企业是我国包装行业的主体,这些企业自身的资源有限,在竞争日益激烈的环境下,生存日益困难.而战略联盟正好为我国中小包装企业发展提供了思路.从价值链理论分析了战略联盟,并介绍了中小企业进行战略联盟的必要性,战略联盟可获得的优势和战略联盟的方式.  相似文献   

知识经济背景下,人们逐渐认识到技术创新在经济生活中的重要意义。产业技术联盟就是结合了知识创新与技术创新的新型创新组织,对经济发展起着支撑和引领的作用。基于产业技术联盟产生的背景,本文阐述了桂林市成立产业联盟的必要性,并就目前几个联盟的现状和存在的共性问题进行了梳理,提出了联盟可持续发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

夏维力  屈波  伍佳妮 《工业工程》2009,12(3):48-50,62
为了研究知识管理在航空企业战略联盟中的运用,从全球化经济的发展趋势出发,分析我国航空企业战略联盟的知识分类及行业发展对现代航空企业战略联盟知识管理的要求,建立了适应我国航空企业战略联盟的知识管理模型,针对影响我国航空企业战略联盟知识管理有效运行的因素给出了对策和建议,提出应始终保持知识管理敲略、联盟技术能力与环境的动态平衡.  相似文献   

战略联盟与虚拟企业比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于企业效率边界和交易费用比较,分析了战略联盟和虚拟企业的主要区别。从战略联盟和虚拟企业组建的动因及合作企业内部资源条件角度,比较分析了两种组织形式选择合作伙伴标准的区别。比较分析了两种组织形式面临的风险及其特征区别,还比较分析了其运作模式的区别,以便相关组织能够根据自身所面临的内外部环境特点,选择合理的组织合作形式,持续有效提升其核心竞争力。  相似文献   

企业建立战略联盟是实现企业快速成长的重要模式之一,但战略联盟会遇到来自不同国家、地区的文化差异和文化冲突。文章分析了企业文化差异,并提出文化差异度与战略联盟稳定性的关系,进一步探索文化融合的模式和措施。  相似文献   

为了在激烈的市场竞争中取得先机,越来越多的企业趋向于采用战略联盟的营运模式。在把企业战略联盟分为垂直联盟和水平联盟的基础上,分析了对企业战略联盟实施财务监控的必要性,从财务监控的原则、主体、客体、对象、目标、方式、内容等几个方面具体阐述了企业战略联盟的财务监控问题,初步构建了企业战略联盟财务监控机制,最后从努力培育广泛的合作基础,塑造共同的价值观,积极沟通,保持良好的战略协同关系等三个方面提出了对企业战略联盟实施财务监控的配套措施。  相似文献   

An increasing number of companies are setting up strategic alliances with suppliers and customers. However, the majority of these alliances do not succeed. Our aim is to understand how different behavioural characteristics are associated with alliance success. We hypothesise that alliance attributes, communication behaviour, and alliance management are predictors of cost benefits and service benefits. Furthermore, we found that while alliance attributes are related with both cost and service benefits, communication behaviour and alliance management are only associated with service and cost benefits, respectively. We also see that alliance attributes explain most of the variance of supply chain success and are thus better predictors of alliance success than other behavioural characteristics. Furthermore, we provide insight into the way managers can build up supply chain performance by setting up strategic alliances.  相似文献   

基于迷宫算法和遗传算法的船舶管路路径规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
船舶管路的多样性和布局环境中约束的复杂性导致管路设计效率低下.为辅助设计人员提高管路设计效率并减少人为错误,提出了一种新的管路设计方法.首先,基于轴平行包围盒简化管路布局空间,利用栅格法对其进行离散化,并赋予空间网格特定的能量值,构建管路布局优化问题的数学模型.其次,基于遗传算法的框架,引入改进迷宫算法,提出管路路径规划方法,其中:迷宫搜索中引入辅助点的概念,增加了遗传算法中初始种群的多样性,有利于提高遗传算法的全局搜索能力;提出了定长度的编码方法,简化了管路染色体处理难度,提高了算法性能;基于引入方向优先搜索策略的迷宫算法,设计定长度编码遗传算子,保证了子代个体的质量,提高算法的收敛速度.最后,基于仿真试验,验证算法的性能.试验结果表明了该方法的可行性和高效率,以及其对实际管路布局工作具有指导意义.  相似文献   

A novel optical image encryption system is proposed using password key based on phase retrieval algorithm (PRA). In the encryption process, a shared image is taken as a symmetric key and the plaintext is encoded into the phase-only mask based on the iterative PRA. The linear relationship between the plaintext and ciphertext is broken using the password key, which can resist the known plaintext attack. The symmetric key and the retrieved phase are imported into the input plane and Fourier plane of 4f system during the decryption, respectively, so as to obtain the plaintext on the CCD. Finally, we analyse the key space of the password key, and the results show that the proposed scheme can resist a brute force attack due to the flexibility of the password key.  相似文献   

基于非等臂双M-Z光纤干涉仪的量子密钥分发系统,这种量子密钥分发系统容易受到外界环境的干扰导致相位漂移,而干涉的稳定性直接关系到密钥分发的误码率.利用跟踪相位随机漂移和实时统计方式实现稳定量子密钥分发,成功进行了75Km的量子密钥分发实验.跟踪相位随机变化实现稳定密钥分发具有系统结构简单,容易操作,同时密钥分发时间上具有一定的随机性,因此减小了窃听者获得信息的概率.  相似文献   

Disruption risks in supply chain management have a great negative influence on the performance of supply chain members. Therefore, the field of supply chain disruption (SCD) has received increasing attention on mitigating the risks and improving the supply chain performance. This paper presents a comprehensive bibliometric overview and visualisation of the field of SCD based on 1,310 publications derived from the core collection of the Web of Science. The influential authors, organisations, and SCD keywords are discussed in detail based on some visualisation tools. Then, the leading publications and main clusters of SCD are identified to find out the key research topics based on citation analysis and reference co-citation analysis. The paper will be a helpful resource for researchers and practitioners who are interested in the field of SCD to capture the current research hotspots and potential research directions.  相似文献   

供应网络横向联合应急战略库存策略研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究供应网络中基于联盟的多个企业建立联合应急战略库存的决策问题.本文构建了基于成本最小化的企业库存决策模型.模型同时考虑了突发事件本身发生概率和突发事件对联盟中每个企业的影响概率;分析突发事件发生后需求激增情况下,企业单独应对和通过联合应急战略库存应对的不同库存策略;比较了两种情形下不同的最优库存水平.最后通过数值分析,讨论了联盟规模等因素对库存成本的影响.  相似文献   

Many factors in the current scenario have influenced manufacturing organisations to have a competitive edge by concentrating on entire supply chains. Sourcing decisions are one of the strategic decisions because they enable companies to reduce costs and improve profit figures. The main task in sourcing is vendor selection. Recent challenges such as shortened product life cycle, just-in-time environment, and the importance of strategic partnerships in upstream chains always influence companies to prioritise vendor selection. In addition, outsourced parts and components account for a significant contribution in the cost of finished goods. Thus evaluating and selecting the right vendor is the key to business. Vendors are selected merely on the basis of cost factors in the traditional approach. However, companies eventually have understood that their approach which emphasises costs as the sole criterion is inefficient and needs to be changed. To deal with the complex process of vendor evaluation, multiple criteria decision-making techniques have evolved. This study presents the integrated approach of multiple multi criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques such as fuzzy logic, strength-weakness-opportunity-threat (SWOT) analysis, and data envelopment analysis. The efficacy of the proposed approach is evident from the case study of an automotive component manufacturer involving 20 vendors, comprising of pre-qualification by fuzzy SWOT and final selection by DEA.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the packaging system of a product as a two‐degrees‐of‐freedom system, one degree for the key component and the other for the main part of the product. The dropping damage boundary curve was developed based on the key component for linear and non‐linear packaging systems to predict product damage as a result of drop impacts. The dynamic models of two‐degrees‐of‐freedom dropping shock were obtained. For a linear packaging system, the dropping response of the key component was determined by the dimensionless dropping shock velocity, the frequency parameter ratio, the mass ratio and the damping parameters; for a non‐linear system, the system parameter was also used. The frequency parameter ratio of the packaging system and the dimensionless dropping shock velocity were selected as the basic evaluation quantities for the dropping damage of the key component. As an example, the dropping damage boundary curves based on the key component were given for linear and tangent packaging systems. The influence of related parameters such as the mass ratio, the system parameter and the damping parameters on the dropping damage boundary curve was investigated. To verify the theory, experiments were designed and completed. Experiment results for both linear and tangent packaging systems were consistent with the theory suggested in this paper. These results have important value not only for the design of cushioning packaging but also for the improvement of products. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张沛强徐晨  刘桂雄 《功能材料》2007,38(A03):1238-1241
永磁体浸没于磁流体中可自悬浮,而其所受二次磁浮力解析建模非常复杂。基于磁流体中永磁体受力模型的初步分析结论,确定永磁体材料、磁流体为试验关键因素,重点针对永磁体自身特性参数及磁流体特性参数构造不等水平正交设计表。提出一种永磁体悬浮高度超声波测量方法,并应用于实际测量,该方法能够消除容器壁厚、反射面与实际表面差异对测量结果的影响。对正交试验结果进行显著性分析及检验,得到影响二次磁浮力关键因素的显著性关系以及最佳因素水平组合。  相似文献   

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