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[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 41(3) of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (see record 2010-11935-006). The following sentence on page 79 is incorrect: “As evidence of the growing recognition of board certification, many institutions providing services to children, adolescents, and families are requiring their psychologists to become certified by ABPP (e.g., Mayo Clinic) and some insurance companies now mandate this for their panels (e.g., Group Health in Seattle).” In fact Group Health in Seattle does not mandate ABPP certification for psychologists. The sentence should not contain the example in the second set of parentheses.] Clinical child psychology is a growing and vibrant field of practice and research within professional psychology. The purpose of this article is to contribute to the recent series of articles on specialties in Professional Psychology Research and Practice and delineate the development, design, and purpose of clinical child psychology. The article describes the current trends in the specialty and the challenges clinical child psychologists face in tending to the mental health needs of youth and their families. The need for the specialty and the definition of the scope of the work of clinical child psychologists is described. The parameters of training are also discussed, with a focus on the distinctiveness of the role of the clinical child psychologist. Outlined are applications of the work with children, adolescents, and their families including types of professional practice and collaborations with other professionals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Psychotherapists, researchers, or both? A qualitative analysis of psychotherapists' experiences in a practice research network" by Louis G. Castonguay, Dana L. Nelson, Mary A. Boutselis, Nancy R. Chiswick, Diana D. Damer, Neal A. Hemmelstein, Jeffrey S. Jackson, Marolyn Morford, Stephen A. Ragusea, J. Gowen Roper, Catherine Spayd, Tara Weiszer and Thomas D. Borkovec (Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 2010[Sep], Vol 47[3], 345-354). The first sentence of the second paragraph of the author note on page 345 was incorrect. The corrected sentence is as follows: “The study was conducted with funding provided by the Pennsylvania Psychological Association and the Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice of the American Psychological Association”. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2010-20923-008.) This paper describes the experiences of psychotherapists who, as part of a practice research network (PRN), collaborated with researchers in designing and conducting a psychotherapy study within their own clinical practices. A qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with these psychotherapists led to the delineation of several benefits (e.g., learning information that improved their work with clients and feeling that they were contributing to research that would be useful for psychotherapists) and difficulties for them and their clients (e.g., time and effort required to integrate research protocol into routine clinical practice) that psychotherapists associated with their participation in the PRN. Also identified were a number of strategies used by psychotherapists to address obstacles that they encountered, as well as general recommendations for future PRN studies. As a whole, the experiences of these psychotherapists are likely to provide valuable lessons for the survival and growth of what is viewed by many as a promising pathway for building a stronger bridge between practice and research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite general acceptance of clinical psychology as a broadly based health-care discipline, many graduate programs in clinical psychology have been slow to change from their continued primary focus on mental health education and training. The two papers in this Special Section (Linden et al., see record 2005-14076-001; Kenkel et al., see record 2005-14076-002) clearly articulate the compelling rationale for clinical psychology's full participation in all aspects of health, and provide a variety of creative ideas and initiatives regarding current and future educational reform. Interestingly, neither paper focused on the considerable research literature that already exists on graduate education reform and hence I have briefly outlined some of this work here. After reading the papers in this Special Section, I found myself agreeing with much of what was said and disagreeing strongly with some ideas. I also found myself sensitized to the notion that as educational reform proceeds, psychologists need to be vigilant to ensure that they maintain their own unique identity without drifting toward adopting key aspects of the identities of other professions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Improving outcomes for children and adolescents with mental health needs demands a broad meta-systemic orientation to overcome persistent problems in current service systems. Improving outcomes necessitates inclusion of current and emerging evidence about effective practices for the diverse population of youth and their families. Key components of the meta-system for children with emotional or behavioral needs include families, cultural norms and values, and service sectors such as schools, pediatric health centers, specialty mental health systems, juvenile justice systems, child protection services, and substance use treatment systems. We describe each component of the meta-system, noting challenges to the provision of evidence-based practice (EBP) and highlighting ways to optimize outcomes. Our focus is on the inclusion of evidence-based assessment and interventions, including prevention, within a developmentally driven and culturally responsive contextual model. Recommendations for addressing disparities in research funding and essential steps to foster communication and coordination of EBP across settings are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The scientist-practitioner model is the most commonly used training modality in Canadian clinical psychology graduate programmes. Despite pervasive endorsement throughout Canadian psychology programmes, there is a paucity of data available on Canadian student opinions of the model's implementation. The current study assessed 134 students from 9 provinces with a 38-item questionnaire developed by the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology for assessing students' perceptions about the quantity, quality, and breadth of science training in their clinical psychology doctoral programmes. Most students described their programs as providing a mix of research and clinical focus, with slightly more weight given to research. Science training was reported as very important to students, with indications they receive a good amount of high-quality training in science. Moreover, there was a high level of agreement between desired levels of science training and the science training received. Implications for future research and training are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two generations ago, Latino children and families were often defined as disadvantaged, even “culturally deprived,” by psychologists, social scientists, and pediatric researchers. Since then, empirical work from several disciplines has yielded remarkable discoveries regarding the strengths of Latino families and resulting benefits for children. Theoretical advances illuminate how variation in the child's culturally bounded context or developmental niche reproduces differing socialization practices, forms of cognition, and motivated learning within everyday activities. This review sketches advances in 4 areas: detailing variation in children's local contexts and households among Latino subgroups, moving beyond Latino–White comparisons; identifying how parenting goals and practices in less acculturated, more traditional families act to reinforce social cohesion and support for children; identifying, in turn, how pressures on children and adolescents to assimilate to novel behavioral norms offer developmental risks, not only new opportunities; and seeing children's learning and motivation as situated within communities that exercise cognitive demands and social expectations, advancing particular forms of cognitive growth that are embedded within social participation and the motivated desire to become a competent member. This review places the articles that follow within such contemporary lines of work. Together they yield theoretical advances for understanding the growth of all children and adolescents, who necessarily learn and develop within bounded cultural or social-class groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In preparing students to become competent professional psychologists, graduate coursework must lay the foundation for the development of competence in the ethical delivery of evidence-based interventions. This paper describes a graduate course designed to introduce students to evidence-based treatments with children and youth. The course is designed to enhance critical thinking in translating research into practice as well as to develop core competencies in intervention planning, implementation, and evaluation. Activities to enhance interaction and to promote problem-based learning include student presentations of a workshop on an effective practice element, as well as a case assignment requiring treatment planning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in Psychotherapist mindfulness and the psychotherapy process by Noah G. Bruce, Rachel Manber, Shauna L. Shapiro and Michael J. Constantino (Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 2010[Mar], Vol 47[1], 83-97). The order of authorship and the affiliations of the authors was incorrectly printed. The correct order and affiliations are as follows: Noah Bruce, Shauna L. Shapiro, Michael J. Constantino, and Rachel Manber; Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara University, University of Massachusetts, Stanford University. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2010-05168-010.) A psychotherapist’s ability to relate to his or her patients is essential for decreasing patient suffering and promoting patient growth. However, the psychotherapy field has identified few effective means for training psychotherapists in this ability. In this conceptual article, we propose that mindfulness practice may be a means for training psychotherapists to better relate to their patients. We posit that mindfulness is a means of self-attunement that increases one’s ability to attune to others (in this case, patients) and that this interpersonal attunement ultimately helps patients achieve greater self-attunement that, in turn, fosters decreased symptom severity, greater well-being, and better interpersonal relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness" by Norman A. S. Farb, Adam K. Anderson, Helen Mayberg, Jim Bean, Deborah McKeon and Zindel V. Segal (Emotion, 2010[Feb], Vol 10[1], 25-33). The DOI printed in the article was incorrect. The correct DOI is presented in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2010-01983-008.) Recovery from emotional challenge and increased tolerance of negative affect are both hallmarks of mental health. Mindfulness training (MT) has been shown to facilitate these outcomes, yet little is known about its mechanisms of action. The present study employed functional MRI (fMRI) to compare neural reactivity to sadness provocation in participants completing 8 weeks of MT and wait-listed controls. Sadness resulted in widespread recruitment of regions associated with self-referential processes along the cortical midline. Despite equivalent self-reported sadness, MT participants demonstrated a distinct neural response, with greater right-lateralized recruitment, including visceral and somatosensory areas associated with body sensation. The greater somatic recruitment observed in the MT group during evoked sadness was associated with decreased depression scores. Restoring balance between affective and sensory neural networks—supporting conceptual and body based representations of emotion—could be one path through which mindfulness reduces vulnerability to dysphoric reactivity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The introduction to the special section on community psychology in Canada provides background information about the field in Canada and provides summaries of the four articles and the commentary that comprise the issue. The articles address (a) theory, research, and practice in community psychology; (b) training in community psychology; (c) community psychology practice; and (d) a vision for the future of community psychology in Canada. These articles highlight the many contributions of Canadian community psychologists to a field that is growing throughout the world to address pressing social problems. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

With this special section on children, adolescents, and the Internet, we survey the state of a new field of inquiry in developmental psychology. This field is important because developmentalists need to understand how children and adolescents live in a new, massive, and complex virtual universe, even as they carry on their lives in the real world. We have selected six empirical articles to showcase various aspects of child and adolescent development in this virtual universe. These articles reflect three major themes of this new field: communication on the Internet; cognitive development, academic achievement, and the Internet; and adolescents in a globalized Internet world. These three sections reflect one of our major editorial goals: to sample various relevant aspects of development as they relate to the Internet. The selection of articles reflects a second editorial goal: to sample both the positive and negative aspects of the virtual world in which children and adolescents are increasingly living. Another of our editorial goals was to sample as large an age range as possible. We also utilized a very broad definition of development. Last but not least, we sought out and found methodological diversity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on J. B. Conway's (see record 1985-10567-001) history of clinical psychology in Canada. The discussion focuses on the sources of support for and opposition to the establishment of applied psychology programs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Early withdrawal from mental health treatment: Implications for psychotherapy practice" by Marna S. Barrett, Wee-Jhong Chua, Paul Crits-Christoph, Mary Beth Gibbons and Don Thompson (Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 2008[Jun], Vol 45[2], 247-267). The fourth author’s name was mistakenly left out of the author byline and table of contents. The correct author listing for this article is presented in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2008-07317-011.) Despite more than 50 years of research on client attrition from therapy, obstacles to the delivery and success of treatments remain poorly understood, and effective methods to engage and retain clients in therapy are lacking. This article offers a review of the literature on attrition, highlighting the methodological challenges in effectively addressing the complex nature of this problem. Current interventions for reducing attrition are reviewed, and recommendations for implementing these interventions into psychotherapy practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Mediators of the relation between maternal depressive symptoms and child internalizing and disruptive behavior disorders" by Carolyn A. McCarty and Robert J. McMahon (Journal of Family Psychology, 2003[Dec], Vol 17[4], 545-556). On page 551, in Table 2, two values are listed incorrectly. In row 17, Early Child Externalizing (K, Grade 2), the correlation coefficients in columns 4 and 5 should be transposed to read -.087 in column 4 (People in My Life Communication) and -.208 in column 5 (Inventory of Parent Experiences Community Support). (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2003-10052-012.) Drawing on a normative sample of 224 youth and their biological mothers, this study tested 4 family variables as potential mediators of the relationship between maternal depressive symptoms in early childhood and child psychological outcomes in preadolescence. The mediators examined included mother-child communication, the quality of the mother-child relationship, maternal social support, and stressful life events in the family. The most parsimonious structural equation model suggested that having a more problematic mother-child relationship mediated disruptive behavior-disordered outcomes for youths, whereas less maternal social support mediated the development of internalizing disorders. Gender and race were tested as moderators, but significant model differences did not emerge between boys and girls or between African American and Caucasian youths. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The recent paper by Carleton et al. (2010) is applauded for drawing attention of the psychological community in Canada to the h-index as a measure of overall research activity based on refereed publication and citation rates, and the relatively new h-index metric as a combination of the two. However, given a goal of their paper is to provide information to graduate student applicants about the relative standing of departments, it is important to consider strengths and weaknesses of their methodology, and this paper provides a critique of some of these issues. Issues aside, however, further analysis of their data shows that their academic productivity rankings derived objectively from the Web of Knowledge are related to relevant aspects of the well-known McLean's rankings of Canadian universities. Why research activity metrics of psychology departments might be related to the overall reputation of a university is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Visual priming of inverted and rotated objects" by Barbara J. Knowlton, Sean P. McAuliffe, Chase J. Coelho and John E. Hummel (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2009[Jul], Vol 35[4], 837-848). In the article, there was an error in the sixth sentence of the abstract. The sentence should read “Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that although identification was sensitive to orientation, visual priming was relatively invariant with image inversion (i.e., an image visually primed its inverted counterpart approximately as much as it primed itself).” (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2009-09620-008.) Object images are identified more efficiently after prior exposure. Here, the authors investigated shape representations supporting object priming. The dependent measure in all experiments was the minimum exposure duration required to correctly identify an object image in a rapid serial visual presentation stream. Priming was defined as the change in minimum exposure duration for identification as a function of prior exposure to an object. Experiment 1 demonstrated that this dependent measure yielded an estimate of predominantly visual priming (i.e., free of name and concept priming). Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that although priming was sensitive to orientation, visual priming was relatively invariant with image inversion (i.e., an image visually primed its inverted counterpart approximately as much as it primed itself). Experiment 4 demonstrated a similar dissociation with images rotated 90° off the upright. In all experiments, the difference in the magnitude of priming for identical or rotated–inverted priming conditions was marginal or nonexistent. These results suggest that visual representations that support priming can be relatively insensitive to picture-plane manipulations, although these manipulations have a substantial effect on object identification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Psychology in extremis: Preventing problems of professional competence in dangerous practice settings" by W. Brad Johnson, Shannon J. Johnson, Glenn R. Sullivan, Bruce Bongar, Laurence Miller and Morgan T. Sammons (Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2011[Feb], Vol 42[1], 94-104). The title and authors for the first section of the article, beginning of the first column on page 95, were inadvertently omitted. The section should have begun with the following: “In Extremis Practice: Ensuring Competence During and After Deployment to a Combat Zone,” by W. Brad Johnson and Shannon J. Johnson. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2011-04544-013.) When a psychologist provides services in a dangerous context—a work setting defined by persistent threat to the psychologist's own personal safety and well-being—the psychologist is said to practice in extremis. Psychologists who routinely function in extremis, such as those in correctional, disaster response, military, and police psychology—among other specialties—may be at increased risk for troubling experiences such as direct or vicarious traumatization, compassion fatigue, and empathy failure. Over time, in extremis experiences may contribute to decrements in professional competence. When psychologists become aware of personal problems that interfere with their work, they must take steps to ameliorate the problem while protecting consumers. In this Focus on Ethics, we discuss the difficulty inherent in self-identifying and correcting problems of professional competence when working in a high-threat environment. Three expert commentaries further elucidate in extremis competency concerns from the perspective of disaster response, police, and military psychology. The authors provide numerous recommendations for helping psychologists to ensure ongoing competence in in extremis jobs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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