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关于发展低碳能源技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展低碳经济是应对全球气候变暖、实现可持续发展的迫切需求。论文综合了国际上温室气体排放情景的相关分析,明确了温室气体减排的潜力部门和关键技术,如能效技术、可再生能源发电以及CO2捕获和封存等。为了将应对气候变化的目标与地方贯彻落实的实践有机结合,应加强低碳经济研究,为规划和决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

煤炭的低碳化转化和利用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经济发展的无节制给世界气候带来了严重的问题,温室气体的大量排放导致全球灾难性气候屡屡出现,严重危害到人类的生存环境和健康安全。面对全球气候变化,急需减低或控制温室气体排放。随着2003年前后出现的“低碳经济”概念,以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济模式发展经济受到广泛关注。在中国,面对低碳经济的发展,同时存在着机遇和挑战。通过分析国家经济的产业结构和能源消费特点,认为在我国发展低碳能源技术势在必行。由于能源消费结构和资源禀赋特点的不同,各国发展低碳经济的技术和途径也有差异。作为低碳经济的核心,低碳能源技术涵盖了从可再生能源利用,新能源技术,化石能源高效洁净利用,温室气体控制和处理,到节能等领域。对我国而言,发展低碳经济和低碳能源技术的实质是:可再生能源的开发和化石能源的洁净、高效利用,特别是以煤为主的能源结构和以重化工业为主的产业结构的现状,决定了我国目前发展低碳能源技术重点在于煤炭的洁净高效转化利用和节能减排技术,并认为,在我国实现低碳的现实之路是发展多元化的能源战略,从化石能源向低碳能源的过渡应坚持能源资源来源、生产技术和终端利用的多元化,注重能源结构和产业结构的调整。  相似文献   

发达国家应对气候变化政策措施对我国的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
气候变化是当今世界面临的重大威胁,对能源发展的影响正逐步加大。能源既是各国经济发展的发动机,又是温室气体最主要的排放源。气候变化问题日益成为世界各国在制定本国能源战略上无法回避的重要因素。本文简要剖析发达国家近年来为应对气候变化采取的政策措施,主要考察这些政策措施对国际能源技术发展的作用,并探讨其对我国能源政策的相关影响。  相似文献   

选取美国、德国、日本和中国作为典型国家,分析这些国家可再生能源政策的演化。分析结果表明:可再生能源政策取向与这些国家应对气候变化的战略密切相关,发展可再生能源已经成为能源低碳转型和应对全球气候变化的重大战略举措;尽管这些国家可再生能源政策各异,但却具有共同的演变规律,可再生能源政策正在从以政府主导的财税价格政策转向市场化政策体系。结合典型国家政策体系和我国可再生能源发展中存在的问题,提出了促进我国可再生能源持续健康发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

为实现《巴黎协定》提出的长期应对气候变化目标,世界各国提出了近期和中长期温室气体减排目标和行动。在实现这些雄心勃勃的目标的政策措施中,以经济手段推动低碳发展、减少温室气体排放已经成为国际社会应对全球气候变化、转变经济增长方式的趋势。经济手段中以碳排放交易制度和碳税为代表的碳定价政策是区域化组织、国家和地区减排温室气体的重要措施。本文通过回顾和总结2018至2019年上半年以来国际上区域一体化组织、国家、地区和地方层面碳交易和碳税政策的实施进展情况,研究分析其特征特点,提出对我国碳市场建设的启示。  相似文献   

能源生产和能源消费活动是温室气重要的排放源.准确编制温室气体清单,对政府确认节能减排机会、制定节能减排政策,应对气候变化决策意义重大.文中分析了当前温室气体核查存在的不足,建议发挥节能监察优势和作用,协助温室气体排放清单核查、核实,从而提升温室气体排放核查效能.  相似文献   

欧盟在发展低碳经济的背景下通过制定具体且严格的温室气体减排和可再生能源发展目标,大力推广各种低碳能源技术的应用,积极倡导低碳化的能源转型。欧盟能源转型的理念和行动已成为各国制定能源政策的重要参考,并引领了当前全球能源转型的主流发展方向。本文在对欧盟各国能源转型战略进行梳理的基础上,归纳了各国能源转型的核心及关键措施,分析了欧盟低碳能源发展迅速的主要原因,并总结了欧盟能源转型对我国推进能源生产和消费革命的启示。  相似文献   

中国2050年低碳情景和低碳发展之路   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
利用IPAC模型对我国未来中长期的能源与温室气体排放情景进行分析。设计了3个排放情景,介绍了情景的主要参数和结果,以及实现减排所需的技术,同时探讨中国实现低碳情景所需要的发展路径。作为一个经济快速增长国家,中国未来的能源需求和相应的温室气体排放将快速明显增加。中国要实现低碳发展路径,必须从现在就采取适合于低碳发展的政策,着重发展具有国际领先地位的重大清洁能源开发、转换和利用技术,大力发展可再生能源和核电技术,提高公众意识,使低碳生活方式成为普遍行为,逐步实施能源税和碳税。  相似文献   

<正>党中央、国务院高度重视应对气候变化工作,采取了一系列积极的政策行动,成立了国家应对气候变化领导小组和相关工作机构,积极建设性参与国际谈判。编制并实施《中国应对气候变化国家方案》、《"十二五"控制温室气体排放工作方案》和《国家适应气候变化战略》,加快推进产业结构和能源结构调整,大力开展节能减碳和生态建设,积极推动低碳试点示范,加强应对气候变化能力建设,努力提高全社会应对气候变化意识,应对气候变化各项工作取得积极进展。2013  相似文献   

全球正面临着化石资源枯竭和气候变化的双重危机,中国作为一个迅速崛起的发展中国家,节能减排的压力巨大,而大规模发展可再生能源是我国调整能源结构、发展低碳经济的有效途径.介绍了我国目前化石资源短缺、温室气体排放、可再生能源发展的概况,阐述了我国从自身国情出发开发可再生能源的必要性和紧迫性,并指出我国可再生能源产业在政府强有...  相似文献   

中国能源温室气体排放与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变化对经济社会的可持续发展带来严重挑战。影响温室气体排放的因素主要有经济增长、人口、能源消费强度、能源结构等。预计中国2005~2020年GDP年均增长率为8.0%~8.6%。基准情景下,中国2050年能源需求总量达到66.19×108t标煤,人均能源消费量4.4t标煤,CO2排放量117.3×108t,能源消费弹性系数0.42,2020年CO2排放强度比2005年下降43%~48%;减排情景下,中国2050年能源消费量50.4×108t标煤,人均能源消费量3.5t标煤左右,CO2排放量70.7×108t,人均CO2排放量4.8t左右,能源消费弹性系数0.32,2020年CO2排放强度比2005年下降48%~52%,若能实现减排情景,则意味着中国已做到了低碳经济;而从可预见的技术条件以及清洁能源和可再生能源利用的规模来看,实现低碳情景难度很大。中国正处于工业化中期的发展阶段,能源需求增加是客观存在的,应力争转变经济增长方式,优化产业与产品结构,减少与控制高耗能产品出口,提高非化石能源比重和能源利用效率。发展中国家在应对全球气候变化行动中应制定中、短期目标与长期目标。中、短期目标即相对减排,中国政府制定的2020年CO2排放强度相对2005年降低40%~45%的约束性目标就属于相对减排;长期目标指的是当发展中国家实现工业化后,若全球技术发展迅猛,这时发展中国家温室气体的总量控制与减排才有可能做到。  相似文献   

The issue of regulating greenhouse gas emissions of developing countries is one of the main reasons for the US's retreat from ratifying the Kyoto Protocal, and this deserves particular attention in order to ensure that a robust international climate policy exists in the future. Enabling developing countries to move toward low-carbon energy systems would enhance the feasibility for their participation in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This study evaluates wind, solar, and biomass energy sources in a rural area of Chigu in southwestern Taiwan by means of analyzing technical, economic, environmental, and political implications in order to establish an evaluation model for developing local renewable energy sources. The adopted approach evaluates local potentials of renewable energy sources with the aid of a geographic information system according to actual local conditions, and allows the assessment to consider local potentials and restrictions such as climate conditions, land uses, and ecological environments, thus enabling a more-accurate assessment than is possible with evaluations on an approximate basis. These results may help build a developmental vision for sustainable energy systems based on locally available natural resources, and facilitate a transition of national energy and environmental policies towards sustainability.  相似文献   

China's energy development strategy under the low-carbon economy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The long-term goal of 50% mitigation of the green house gas till 2050 was determined by the participants of G8 summit in July 2008. As long as this goal was set, the emission from China economy and energy industry development has to be reduced significantly. In order to cope with the climate change and to promote China's economic growth and the energy security, low-carbon economy should be adopted. Clean energy, including the new energy and the renewable energy, should be developed and deployed; related laws, statutes, the management institutions and mechanisms should be established; and public awareness of energy saving and green house gas (GHG) mitigation has to be enhanced.  相似文献   

Pursuant to the commitments under the Framework Convention of Climate Change (FCCC), all Annex I Parties of FCCC have compiled their National Communications on Climate Change. There, Parties have reported the national greenhouse gas inventories, policies, and measures to address climate change, the greenhouse gas emissions projections, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, and education and public awareness.

Implementation of policies and measures to address climate change in economies in transition (EIT) is very complicated due to the experienced deep economic crisis. It is important to outline the efforts of EIT countries to identify their climate change policy and to recognize the most effective policies and measures achieved under these countries' special circumstances.

This paper compiles information from the policies and measures section of the National Communications of nine EIT countries. The analysis has been carried out in the framework of overall policy context and the national circumstances of EIT countries in terms of energy and economy development.

In general, policies and measures in EIT countries tend to follow the trends observed in the other Annex I Parties to the FCCC. They address primarily carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion as the most important greenhouse gas and the energy transformation sector as the major greenhouse emissions source. The most effective mitigation measures — in terms of both greenhouse gas emission reduction and costs — were energy efficiency and the promotion of non-fossil energy sources. A prevailing part of policies and measures implemented or under implementation in EIT countries were cost-effective and no-regret measures. It was considered very difficult in these countries to go beyond no-regret measures in a situation of deep economic crisis and insufficient investments.  相似文献   

国外能源模型一般是在发达国家的市场经济基础上开发的,比较适合于市场体系较为完善的国家和地区的能源系统的模拟和预测。中国对能源与环境进行系统建模研究起步较晚,然而还是取得了较大的成果,但省域级别的能源环境经济模型的研究还比较少,尤其是对于像广东省这样经济发展很快,而资源、能源十分匮乏的省份,能源对经济发展的"瓶颈"作用特别突出,因此开展省级能源经济模型研究意义十分重大。利用日本京都大学和国立环境研究所开发的综合模型工具ExSS,建立了适合广东省实际情况的能源与环境评价模型,并设定三种情景,应用模型对广东省2015年的能源消费量、能源结构和温室气体排放进行预测。三种情景分别是基准情景、政策情景和低碳情景。2015年基准情景、政策情景和低碳情景的能源消费量分别为3.4×108t标煤、3.2×108t标煤和3.1×108t标煤;三种情景下二氧化碳排放量分别为6.4×108t、5.6×108t和5.1×108t。广东省在"十二五"期间应加大力度调整能源结构,增加天然气的使用量,减少煤炭的使用,使煤炭的消耗比例控制在合理范围内。  相似文献   

Global response to climate change has entered the phase of full implementation of the Paris Agreement. To control the global temperature rise below 2°C, all countries must make more efforts to reduce emission. China has combined its goal of emission reduction for combating climate change with its domestic sustainable development strategy to promote energy revolution and the transition of economic development to low-carbon patterns. Through reinforcing the commitment and action before 2020, the CO2 intensity of GDP can decrease by more than 50% by 2020 compared with that of 2005, and the external commitment target of a 40%–45% decrease can be over fulfilled. Currently, under the new economic normal, China further strengthens the policy measure, vigorously saves energy, enhances energy use efficiency and the economic output benefit, and simultaneously develops new and renewable energy and accelerates energy structural decarbonization, so that the annual decrease rate of the CO2 intensity of GDP keeps a high level of more than 4% and remains increasing. Thus, the decrease rate of the CO2 intensity of GDP will exceed the GDP growth rate, and then CO2 emission will peak around 2030. This will promote the fundamental turning of economic development mode, and lay a foundation for the establishment of a sustainable energy system with near-zero emissions and with new and renewable energy as the main body in the second half of this century. China implements the concept of green low-carbon development and accelerates the low carbon transition of energy and economy to achieve win-win results in economic growth and CO2 emission mitigation, and these policies and actions will also provide experiences for many other developing countries. On the other hand, China will continue to play a positive and constructive leading role in the implementation of the Paris Agreement internationally, and promote the construction of new mechanisms of win-win cooperation, fairness and justice and common development for global climate governance. Moreover, China will make an effort to build a community of common destiny for mankind, promote pragmatic cooperation among countries, especially among developing countries, and take combating climate change as a new development opportunity for jointly moving toward climate-friendly low-carbon economic development path.  相似文献   

Chris Hewett 《Refocus》2001,2(9):26-28
Even before September 11, the world's governments were beginning to look at energy policy in the light of new pressures. Fluctuating oil and gas prices had already brought energy security to the fore in some countries, and the declining nuclear industry is creating fear of a looming gap in electricity generation capacity on both sides of the Atlantic. Finally, the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been highlighted again by the Third Assessment Report of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change. The United States response to these pressures has been to ignore the climate change issue and retreat into an old style predict and provide mentality to tackle energy security. It forecasts the need for up to 1900 new large scale power stations to meet its escalating demand for energy. But if climate change is taken seriously, as the rest of world's governments do, more innovative methods of delivering secure energy supplies, whilst cutting greenhouse gases, have to be found. Clearly renewable energy will be at the forefront of such a strategy, but the implications for energy policy go far deeper than just replacing one set of electricity generators with another. The whole policy framework will need an overhaul. Chris Hewett, Institute for Public Policy Research, UK looks at options for the road ahead and how decentralised energy systems can help deliver the sort of low carbon economy needed to prevent climate change.  相似文献   

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