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在国内互联网消费者眼中.比较熟悉的电子商务模式是B2B、B2C与C2C,这是国际国内电子商务网站中最为流行的几种商业模式。所谓B2B,是指企业与企业之间通过互联网进行产品、服务及信息交换的电子商务,在中国目前主要B2B网站以阿里巴巴为代表:所谓B2C,是指商家直接将商品或者服务售卖给消费者的电子商务.  相似文献   

吴敏敏 《福建电脑》2006,(10):64-64,81
随着互联网和计算机的不断发展,电子商务已越来越受到大众的普遍关注。电子商务有三种模式分别为B2B、B2C、C2C,目前B2B、C2C都发展的比较成熟,而B2C还存在很多问题,有待解决。本文就电子商务B2C存在的问题进行解剖,并就其解决方案提出一些自己的看法。  相似文献   

发展我国电子商务要以推进B to B业务为重点,从四个方面入手:一要使企业成为主体,二要以专业网为切入点,三要开展同际贸易的网上交易。四要建立面向中小企业的中介服务网。 互联网和电子商务的兴起,不仅改变了传统的经济增长方式,还在改变现有的世界经济格局和贸易体制。目前国际上企业间利用互联网从事的商务活动正急剧增加,电子商务的应用已使许多企业获益。 电子商务可大致分为企业间的业务(B to B)和企业对消费者的业务(B to C)。从国际电子商务发展的实践和潮流看,B to B业务占据  相似文献   

O2O让一直徘徊在互联网大门之外的服务业抓住了互联网的机会,将线上的消费者带到线下的店中消费。O2O正在成为电子商务领域的新方向,但是O2O模式还并未真正实现商家、消费者、电商平台运营商三赢的局面。电子商务与互联网如影随形,慧聪的B2B,淘宝的C2C,再到凡客的B2C,在线支付,商品送到消费者手中,这样的模式已经趋于饱和,然互联网的特性是自由,所以,无论电商发展如何迅猛,日常生活中的大多数消费依旧要到实体店实现。一种能全面融合线上虚拟经济与线下实体店面经营的商业模式浮现,被称为Online To Offline,简称O2O模式。O2O,简单来说就是——通过有线或无线互联网提供商家的销售信息,聚集有效的购买群体,并在线支付  相似文献   

互联网自诞生以来,一直都在创造神话,人们对互联网的期望从来都不吝啬。随着互联网不断走向成熟,神话终究会被理性代替,移动电子商务作为一种商务信息化的形式,不太可能逾越商务整体环境和习惯,不管投资商如何热衷,包括移动电子商务在内的电子商务市场发展终究会是一个逐步发展的过程。往事重温世纪之交的那场互联网大潮可能比很多人想象中的要更热烈,以至于现在任何一种互联网热几乎都能找到当时的影子,移动电子商务也不例外。上世纪九十年代末,随着互联网的发展,电子商务也开始变热,B2B、B2C、C2C不同概念依次热炒,没等普通老百姓弄清…  相似文献   

随着电子商务的飞速发展,电子商务模式也层出不穷。电子商务由最初的B2B模式发展到B2C模式、C2C模式,再到现在的F2C模式,不断给互联网用户带来新的体验。以F2C模式为代表的茶多网,经过1年多的运营,取得了巨大的成功,赢得了各方的高度好评。本文分析了F2C模式电子商务网站茶多网的主要成功因素,给出了其今后发展的思路。  相似文献   

未来商业的趋势离不开电子商务,21世纪要么电子商务,要么无商可务.从阿里巴巴的B2B,到淘宝的C2C,到京东商城的B2C,都说明了电子商务的飞快的发展速度,广阔的发展空间,网上购物在互联网的普及下已经成为人们的网上当下活动之一.  相似文献   

本文讨论了基于互联网的电子商务模式C2C的移动购物解决方案,为C2C拍卖网站运营商提供了完整、先进、安全、以WAP的方式进行商品拍卖的移动信息服务系统。  相似文献   

所谓B2C电子商务就是建立在互联网的物质技术基础上,由企业对消费者的交易这样一种商务运作模式。其作为一项重要的电子商务实现方案已显示出不可阻挡之势。而要构建合理科学的具体环节,实现电子商务的真正优势需要我们对B2C电子商务的商业业态有一个清醒而正确的认识。  相似文献   

为了提高商品推荐系统的性能,从理解 B2C 电子商务平台客户的购物倾向角度出发,进行实时的商品推荐。本 文总结归纳了 B2C 电子商务平台的主要商品推荐位,以及如何基于商品信息建立商品标签,如何判别商品的相似性、相 同性。在上述工作的基础上,重点论述了基于客户购物倾向的实时的商品推荐方案。本文对已有工作进行了深入对比和 分析,对提出的方案进行了必要的理论分析和性能评估。并从 XBRL 的技术角度,对商品推荐方案进行了改进。  相似文献   

This research studies E-business audit as a specialized service rendered in an information technology intensive environment. A service model is used to research the E-business audit context. Here auditing is viewed as a specialized technical service conducted in the context of E-business technologies, business processes, and people involved in E-business transactions. The specialized audit service is provided to the E-Business transacting firms that in most cases involve transactions between customers and suppliers. A field study of information technology auditors showed that both knowledge of the business processes and of the technologies were critical for them to render reliable and accurate E-business audit findings. The results showed the need for higher training levels in advanced IT methods and tools for technology auditors in rendering IT audit judgments for the business-to-business (B2B) context. Thus, these results provided support for the service model that calls for the appropriate knowledge and use of technologies, business processes, and people in providing service.  相似文献   

随着信息化的发展,电子商务蓬勃兴起。B2C(Business to Consumer)作为当今主流电子商务,已在全球网络购物交易额中占据相当大的市场份额。为了提高B2C电子商务网站的用户体验和企业的收益,详细的需求分析和设计是必不可少的。本文从客户、企业内部和网络营销3个方面对B2C电子商务网站进行需求分析,划分各个功能模块,分析业务流和数据流。根据需求给出系统整体设计,并重点叙述以用户、购物车、商品的关系为例的数据库设计过程。结合搜索引擎优化思想,更有利于发掘潜在用户,并为后期的网站维护和发展起了导向作用。  相似文献   

具有群一致特性的多属性协同决策(MACD)技术对于支持供应链中复杂多变、资源动态的大型群体供应商与客户B2B协同是十分重要的,现有的群一致性模型存在明显不足:难于管理较大群体,需要大量复杂手工操作以确保协同决策过程有效。提出了面向供应商与客户B2B协同的多属性协同决策半自动一致性模型(SACM)。SACM包括4阶段:(1)供应商与客户B2B协同资源数据初始化;(2)形成协同决策问题;(3)一致性达到过程及供应商与客户B2B协同计划生成;(4)协同计划执行实时监控分析及计划重构。研究结果描述了供应链中,供应商与客户B2B协同由单向、局部的优化扩展进化为具有多层一致性与抗风险性的闭环、反馈的计划与执行协同优化的有效方法,提出的方法深化了对供应商与客户B2B协同管理的理解。  相似文献   

企业电子商务应用模式的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
电子商务已成为当今IT行业最为热门的话题和竞争的焦点,如何扎扎实实地推进我国企业的电子商务应用,迎接我国进入WTO后给企业带来的机遇与挑战,是当今企业面临的重大课题。文章分析了我国电子商务应用的现状,阐述了电子商务与企业信息化的关系,提出了企业电子商务应用模式。  相似文献   

针对传统网上购物的不足,提出了基于Ajax与CULT3D技术的B2C电子商务网站的设计方案.重点介绍了如何在ASP.NET中引入CULT3D技术进行网络商品的3D展示,并采用Ajax技术提高网络的响应速度.目的是使网上交易更加直观、方便,为顾客提供更加满意的服务.此外,给出了系统设计的关键技术,实现了网站的设计开发,证...  相似文献   

Electronic commerce has changed traditional business trading behaviors, since consumers can easily consume through the Internet e-commerce platform. The Internet provides numerous products and services, but consumers find it is hard to choose their favorite ones. The consumer-to-business (C2B) is popular in recent years and it has become one of the best choices for customers forming a group to buy products. Thus, more and more consumers participate in online group buying. However, consumers anticipate to different prices when buying products and demand service. Thus, applying an intelligent agent into negotiation can effectively decrease efforts spent on collecting buyer information, transaction costs, and negotiation with sellers.This study proposed a system that applies an intelligent agent into the C2B e-commerce process, and evaluates the system through an experiment. Additionally, a questionnaire is used to investigate the benefits of the proposed intelligent agent systems. Analytical results show that the proposed intelligent system can increase user satisfaction, reduce performance risk, and raise perceived fairness, but nothing help on perceived value. It implied that the system still needs efforts and time to promote in nowadays commerce. If people can understand its value from finding the information they need, it must grant the more perceived value. Additionally, this system is not only applicable to C2B, but it can extend to other e-commerce models, because the agent can help the negotiation between the sellers and buyers.  相似文献   

戴祝英  王刚 《微机发展》2000,10(5):14-16
目前,企业电子商务主要有两种模式:一是企业对企业模式即B2B;二是企业对消费者模式即B2C。本文介绍了一个帽的电子商务网站,既实现了该企业与消费者之间的B2C电子商务,又实现了该企业与其他企业之间的B2B电子商务,还实现了该企业内部的电子商务,本文简称为BBC电子商务网站。  相似文献   

We investigate the issue of predicting new customers as profitable based on information about existing customers in a business-to-business environment. In particular, we show how latent semantic concepts from textual information of existing customers’ websites can be used to uncover characteristics of websites of companies that will turn into profitable customers. Hence, the use of predictive analytics will help to identify new potential acquisition targets. Additionally, we show that a regression model based on these concepts is successful in the profitability prediction of new customers. In a case study, the acquisition process of a mail-order company is supported by creating a prioritized list of new customers generated by this approach. It is shown that the density of profitable customers in this list outperforms the density of profitable customers in traditional generated address lists (e.g. from list brokers). From a managerial point of view, this approach supports the identification of new business customers and helps to estimate the future profitability of these customers in a company. Consequently, the customer acquisition process can be targeted more effectively and efficiently. This leads to a competitive advantage for B2B companies and improves the acquisition process that is time- and cost-consuming with traditionally low conversion rates.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了电子商务BtoB网站在线交易管理系统的建模过程,其面向对象的分析和设计概念为通用的BtoB网站在线交易管理系统建模提供了清晰,灵活的解决方案,并使本系统具有很强的灵活性,可扩展性和可重用性,文中以某电子商务网站的在线交易系统为例,描述了如何使用UML和面向对象技术对在线交易管理系统进行了分析以及实现过程。  相似文献   

Security and privacy policies address consumer concerns related to security and privacy in e-commerce websites. As these policies represent only the vendor’s perspective, often there exists a mismatch between the stated and desired policy. Based on transaction cost theory, we speculate that business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce customers use their transaction cost savings in order to obtain varying levels of security and privacy. These differences are bound to be reflected in the security and privacy policies of e-commerce companies. Therefore, in this paper, we perform a comparative content analysis of the security and privacy policies in B2C and B2B e-commerce. Results show that B2B vendors are more concerned about security than their B2C counterparts, while B2C vendors are anxious about intimacy and restriction privacy. Our findings have important implications for e-commerce consumers and vendors as individual and corporate consumers have varying concerns while transacting online. Individual consumers are concerned about maintaining security and intimacy privacy, whereas corporate users are anxious about regulatory issues. Therefore, B2C vendors should incorporate stringent measures dedicated to confidentiality and protection of consumer data as well as enhance intimacy privacy in their security policies, while their B2B counterparts should focus on enhancing restriction privacy.  相似文献   

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