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隋军 《石油科技论坛》2011,30(3):4-6,67
文章介绍了大庆油田"十一五"期间在油气勘探、水驱精细挖潜、三次采油,以及工程建设、装备制造、油田化工等方面取得的科技进步,科技创新在大庆油田原油4000万吨持续稳产中所起的作用、作出的贡献。据介绍,大庆油田连续7年石油探明储量超亿吨,天然气累计探明储量达2800多亿立方米;水驱精细挖潜技术使产量递减和含水上升得到有效控制,三次采油配套工艺技术取得新进展,展现了工业化推广应用的良好前景;非油气生产业务取得了长足发展,促进了产业结构优化升级。通过五年的努力,大庆油田实现了产量、效益、投资、成本的良性循环,续写了辉煌,在转变发展方式上迈出重要步伐。  相似文献   

WangKeyu 《中国油气》2002,9(1):14-16
CNPC rapidly expanded its overseas oil and gas operation in 2001. The annual crude and natural gas outputs from the overseas projects were 16.23 million tons and 926 million cubic meters respectively while the crude processing volume was 2.3 million tons. Based on those oil and gas output, CNPC shared 8.31 million tons of equity crude and 577 million cubic meters of equity natural gas last year, up 20.96 percent and 29.66 percent respectively from the previous year, with an annual oil and ga…  相似文献   

Domestic economic growth and oil demand growth lagged behind the expected in 2014, and net crude oil imports broke 300 million tons for the first time. Slower demand growth resulted in more severe surplus of refining capacity. Refined oil imports decreased by more than 10 million tons and net imports dropped to 700,000 tons in 2014. Liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) market boomed again and LPG imports created a new high of 7.1 million tons driven by chemical raw materials. The expanding momentum of imported natural gas market weakened obviously, but import dependence rose to 31%.  相似文献   

CNOOC Limited released its 2004 business plan on January 15,setting the annual target to raise the net production offshore China to approximately 118-123 million BOE (barrels of oil equivalent).The company continued with strong momentum of fairly rapid growth. Its total oil and gas production reached 37.63 million tons of oil equivalent in 2003, a 6.48% increase compared with the previous year. The domestic oil production is 22.24 million tons and natural gas production is 3.77 billion cubic meters.  相似文献   

中国是世界上油气资源比较丰富的国家之一,已累计探明石油地质储量188亿吨,天然气探明地质储量1.62万亿立方米,1997年我国石油产量达16034万吨。预计到2000年我国的石油需求达到205-2.47亿吨,到2010年石油需求将达到2.93-4.68亿吨,届时我国石油产量预计为1.9-2.7亿吨。因此,在加快国内油气勘探开发的同时,应适当利用外国资源加大跨国勘探开发的力度,分享世界油气资源。同时要切实推行油气并举和开发、节约并重的方针,使我国的能源消费结构更趋合理,走资源节约型、效益型的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

Mature oilfields report steady output rises despite reserves decline Ghina's largest oil base Daqing Oilfield has fulfilled its production target by stabilizing its crude oil output above 40 million tons in the past year,although its reserves have been on the decline.Its 2008 crude oil production stood at 40.2 million tons,which was the smallest in three years if compared to the 41.7 million tons in 2007 and 43.41 million tons in 2006.But its 2008 natural gas output hit 2.76 billion cubic meters,up 8.241 percent from the 2.55 billion cubic meters in 2007.  相似文献   

2005 objectives of CNPC China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the parent company of PetroChina, has set the 2005 business objectives to bring up the annual additional oil and gas recoverable reserves to 220 million tons of oil equivalent,pump 161 million tons ofoil and gas in total, and raise the domestic crude processing volume to 120 million tons in the year ahead. At the five-day annual work conference closing on January 19 in Beijing, CNPC further clarified its goal to build itself into a powerful multinational integrated energy enterprise with the international competitiveness.  相似文献   

Sinopec Corp., the nation's second-biggest oil company, is expected to produce 1.9 percent more crude oil and 11 percent more gas in 2006 as the nation's energy demand continually rises. The company may pump 40 million tons of crude oil and 7 billion cubic meters of natural gas from domestic fields this year, said Sinopec Corp in a statement released in late December. The company produced 39.27 million tons of crude oil and 6.3 billion cubic meters of gas last year. Chinese oil companies are increasing investments in oil and gas exploration to meet demands by the world's fastest-growing major economy, which expanded 10.7 percent in the first three quarters of this year.  相似文献   

1991年以来我国石油消费快速增长,必须通过各种措施,尽最大努力把2020年石油消费量控制在4.5×108t以内。国内石油必须长期持续稳定生产,预计到2010年我国原油年产量将进入高峰期,达到约1.8×108t,维持到2020年是比较有把握的,如果新区有较大的发现,也可增加至2×108t。近年来,天然气工业发展迅猛,预计到2010年和2020年,天然气年产量将分别达到800×108m3和1200×108m3,加上进口的管道气和液化天然气,可以逐步改善能源结构。要实现这三大目标,保障油气资源可持续发展,就应该大力发展科学技术。  相似文献   

四川油气田是中国石油西部重点油气区之一,在推进“中国石油”又好又快发展、“西气东输”战略和保障国家能源安全中都具有重要地位和作用。2006年四川油气田年产气量超过130亿立方米、产油13.92万吨,按热量值1255立方米天然气相当于1吨原油计算,总产量已超过千万吨原油,四川油气田就率先成为了我国以天然气为主的千万吨级大油气田;并且全年完成钻井进尺94万米,油气勘探取得6个重要新发现和6个重要新进展,新增探明储量、控制储量、预测储量均超过1000亿立方米,为四川油气田历史之最。奋战在四川油气田上的中国石油四川石油管理局和西南油气田公司以贯彻落实和谐发展观、坚持安全发展、清洁发展,切实担负起创建和谐企业的使命,着力于双赢互利、增储上产,解放思想,积极优化油气勘探开发部署、工程技术设计方案,运用先进管理方法和理念,指导生产作业和日常生活,确保了企业的经济、安全、环保运行。  相似文献   

2009年长庆油田的科技工作是围绕2015年实现年产油气当量5000×10^4t的战略目标而全面展开的,科研攻关取得重要进展,为实现油气储量高峰增长、油气产量突破3000×10^4t做出了贡献。2010年将继续以科技创新工程为龙头,加大核心技术、关键技术的攻关力度,加快提升自主创新能力,推动技术有形化和集成化,把先进适用技术尽快转化为现实生产力,为油田又好又快高效发展提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

张店油田是一个断鼻油气田,油层分布受断层控制明显,剖面上呈“屋脊状”、平面上呈“叠瓦状”展布;单油砂体呈条带状分布,含油高度50~100m,含油宽度300m左右、含油面积一般0.2~0.3km2。储层孔隙度15%左右,渗透率0.15~0.2μm2;通过对张店油田地质特征及油气分布规律研究,预测龙1、南37、南38断块增储潜力199×104t,南55断块增储潜力220×104t;张16井至南47井以东地区滚动增储潜力(100~150)×104t;北部白秋及东部马店地区勘探潜力200×104t;目前油田探明储量321×104t;预测资源总潜力(1000~1200)×104t。滚动开发1999年已形成了年产能1.0×104t,2000年底可建成年产能4.0×104t通过滚动增储最终可望达到(8~10)×104t的生产规模。  相似文献   

CNPC has made remarkable achievements in its effort to implement the international operational strategy in recent years with the overseas project under progressive development. Currently, CNPC has been executing 44 oil investment projects scattering in 44 countries worldwide. The overseas annual production capacity is 27 million tons for crude oil, and 2 billion cubic meters for natural gas while the annual oil processing capacity is 2.5 million tons and the annual productivity is 15,000 tons for polypropylene.  相似文献   

煤制甲醇、煤制油和煤制天然气装置的大型化趋势,对合成气的净化提出了更高的要求。介绍了合成气深度净化的重要性,并以100万t/a甲醇装置和400万t/a煤制油装置为例,分析了使用华烁公司合成气深度净化技术带来的经济效益。  相似文献   

China's oil import dependence had risen to 72% in 2017, while its net imports of various oil products,including crude oil, refined oil, liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) and other products, had climbed to 418.8 million tons, an increase by10.7% over 2016. China's crude oil import reached 420 million tons, surpassed the United States for the first time, and China had become the biggest crude oil importing country in the world. Net export of the refined oil, mainly the diesel, continued to increase to 22.7 million tons, as driven by the oversupply situation of the domestic market. Last year, China's LPG import was 18.45 million tons, but its growth was diminishing.Oil price would continue to rise in 2018, while the domestic demand of refined oil would be maintained at a lower rate of growth. However, driving by new refining capacities to be brought online, it is estimated that the crude oil import would still be increased remarkably. LPG import would reach a new high due to the growth potential and strong demand for feedstocks in the petrochemical product market.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地天然气资源及勘探方向   总被引:29,自引:17,他引:12  
塔里木盆地发育3套优质气源岩,具备充足的气源条件。由于塔里木盆地各构造单元的勘探程度不同,近年来又取得了许多新的勘探成果,因此,采用新思路、新方法、新概念重新对塔里木盆地进行了新一轮油气资源评价。最新评价结果是塔里木盆地油气总资源量为123.37亿t油当量,其中油资源量为59.94亿t,天然气资源量为79599.43亿m3。目前全盆地天然气探明度很低,勘探潜力巨大。研究结果显示,库车坳陷是近期天然气勘探的主战场,塔西南坳陷是天然气勘探的接替区,塔东地区是天然气勘探的准备区。  相似文献   

Record-high daily oil production The daily crude production reached 61,000 tons in Northwest China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region on June 6with the dail production value rising to 110 million yuan,setting a record high for the production and output value of a single day in the regional oil and gas industrial history.Xinjiang is rich in the oil and gas resources. With the oil reserves estimated at 20.9 billion tons, this region is regarded as the important strategic replacement base for China's onshore oil industry.  相似文献   

In 2016,China's net imports of crude oil increased to 378.3 million tons and its net exports of product oil soared to 20.45 million tons.Refinery crude runs continue to grow at a low rate,and the domestic product oil market still has a supply surplus.Diesel consumption fell for the first time in 21 years.The liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) market continues to grow rapidly,spurred on by feedstock demand for chemicals and gasoline blending components,and imports of LPG have reached a record high of 16.12 million tons.The refinery throughput of Petro China and SINOPEC had declined for 2 consecutive years,but crude oil imports climbed to a new high of 381 million tons as independent refineries boosted their utilization of capacity and the domestic oilfields produced a decreased amount of output.Imported oil now accounts for more than 2/3 of the Chinese market compared to being only about 1/3 15 years ago.Moreover,the proportion of imported crude in refinery runs has risen to 70%.In 2017,China's economy will continue to face substantial pressure,and domestic demand for product oil will continue to grow slowly.  相似文献   

Domestic economic growth slowed down and supply exceeded demand in oil market in 2015, so the growth of refineries' processing volume was limited. Nevertheless, the gradual decontrol of market and the storage requirement under low oil price, crude oil imports hit a record high of 335.5 million tons, with the growth rate approximating 9%. Refined oil exports soared and imports decreased, which made China become a net refined oil exporter for the first time for 24 years, and net imports reached 6.22 million tons. Robust requirement on chemical raw materials propelled imported liquefied petroleum gas market to go on expanding. Imports exceeded 12 million tons in 2015, thus China leaped into the world's largest liquefied petroleum gas importer. In 2016, oil consumption growth would be kept at lower level. However, China would further decontrol crude oil import and refined oil export permits and put incremental storage capacity into use. Therefore, crude oil imports would continue to rise up, and refined oil exports may hit a new historic high. Imported liquefied petroleum gas market will enter into a stage of stable growth after two years' rapid development.  相似文献   

It is estimated that in the coming years,the rate of consumption of oil products in China will increase at an energy-saving,environmentally-friendly,and slow pace.However,the increasing speed of the demand may vary according to the types of the products:gasoline and kerosene may be needed more while diesel may be needed less.It is also estimated that before 2020,there will be an oil products glut in the country.Export of oil products,especially diesel,will become a new norm or trend.Alternative energy forms,such as natural gas and electricity,will be developed rapidly to attain a goal of replacing 130 million tons of oil in 2030.Even with a more conservative scenario,oil demand in China is estimated to peak at either about 810 million tons or even less at 680 million tons by 2030 if the effect of alternative energy is considered  相似文献   

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