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The mechanical anisotropy of an aromatic polyamide fibre, Kevlar 49, was studied in tension, compression and torsion. A new technique involved applying small and defined compressive strains to filaments by bonding them to one side of a beam which is subsequently bent to compress the fibres. Using scanning electron and optical microscopy, fibres were shown to form regularly-spaced helical kink bands at 50 to 60° to the fibre axis after the application of small axial compressive strains. Tensile tests of previously-compressed fibres revealed only a 10% loss in tensile strength, after application of as much as 3% compressive strain. A torsion pendulum apparatus was used to measure the shear modulus and an apparent shear strength of fibres. A loss of tensile strength after the application of large (> 10%) torsional shear strains coincided with a loss in recoverable shear strain due to longitudinal fibre splitting. Ratios of tensile-to-compressive strength, tensile-to-shear strength and tensile-to-shear moduli of 51, 171, and 701, respectively, were measured for Kevlar 49.  相似文献   

为研究Kevlar 49芳纶纤维布增强环氧树脂复合材料在中等应变率和不同温度耦合作用下的力学响应和断裂行为,首先,利用MTS液压伺服高速机在不同初始应变率(25、50、100、200 s-1)和温度(-25、0、25、50、100℃)下对芳纶纤维增强复合材料(AFRP)进行单向动态拉伸测试;然后,采用Weibull分析模型量化了拉伸强度在不同应变率和温度下的离散程度。结果表明:在相同温度(25℃)下,随着应变率的增加,弹性模量和拉伸强度均先增大(初始应变率介于25~50 s-1范围内)后减小(初始应变率介于50~200 s-1范围内),极限应变则呈现出相反的变化趋势,而韧性随应变率的变化幅度不大;在相同初始应变率(25 s-1)下,与在25℃下的情况相比,温度的升高或降低均会造成弹性模量的降低,在温度为100℃时,极限应变显著增加,而拉伸强度和韧性均不会随温度的变化而发生明显改变。对AFRP断裂形态进行的对比分析表明不同试验条件下AFRP的断裂形态基本相同,均呈现出较为平整的断裂面。所得结论可为AFRP在极端载荷和环境作用下的理论研究和应用提供依据。   相似文献   

In this paper, experimental results of a study on iron disilicide light-emitting diodes will be presented. A comparison will be made between the luminescence characteristics of standard iron disilicide diodes and diodes that have been augmented by the use of dislocation engineering, using dislocation loops, to provide spatial localisation of the injected carriers. The improvements observed will be discussed and the results kinetically modelled using a rate equation approach.  相似文献   

为探究Kevlar 49单束的尺寸效应及应变率敏感性, 首先, 利用MTS万能试验机对不同标距(25、50、100、150、200和300 mm)的Kevlar 49单束进行了准静态(应变率为1/600 s-1)拉伸测试; 然后, 利用Instron落锤冲击系统对标距为25 mm的试样进行了动态(应变率为40~160 s-1)拉伸测试; 最后, 利用Weibull模型进行统计分析, 量化了不同标距和应变率下Kevlar 49单束拉伸强度的随机变化程度。结果表明: Kevlar 49单束的拉伸力学性能与标距和应变率有相关性; 拉伸强度随标距的增加而减小, 但随应变率的增加而增大; 峰值应变和韧性均随标距和应变率的增加而减小; 提取的Weibull参数可用于数值模拟及工程应用。   相似文献   

在较大的温度(25℃-537℃)和应变率(10-4s-1-10-2s-1)范围内对5CrMnMo进行了拉伸实验,获得了相应的应力应变曲线.试验结果表明在室温和试验的应变率范围内(10-4s-1-10-2s-1),5CrMnMo的力学性能是应变率无关的.随着温度的升高,出现了模量E、屈服强度σs和抗拉强度σb的应变率强化效应和温度弱化效应;还出现了加工硬化倾向减小的机制和蠕变效应增大机制,且温度越高这两种机制越强,应变率越高这两种机制越弱.在这两种机制作用下,温度越高失稳应变εb越小,断后伸长率δ50越大;但应变率越高δ50越小.当试验温度较高且应变率较低时,伴随有马氏体板条向拉伸方向偏转的细观特征.  相似文献   

The temperature and strain rate dependence of the flow stress of tantalum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The temperature and strain rate dependence of the flow stress of tantalum was studied between 78 to 800 K at strain rates from 10–5 to 2×104 sec–1. The effect of temperature and strain rate on the lower yield stress can be explained by a model incorporating the combined operation of the Peierls mechanism and dislocation drag processes. The general behaviour of the stress—strain curve at various strain rates and temperatures is analysed in terms of a rate—temperature parameter.  相似文献   

While high-performance organic fibres such as poly (para phenylene benzobisthiazole) and Kevlar possess excellent mechanical properties under axial tension, their strength under compression is generally poor. This study focuses on a polymer infiltration approach to modify the mechanical properties of the Kevlar 49 fibre in tension as well as compression, in which various polymeric resins are infiltrated in an opened fibrillar network of Kevlar single filaments. Opening was achieved using concentrated sulfuric acid, which resulted in a strength loss at high acid concentrations. However, compared to the acid-treated fibre, both the tensile strength and strain-to-failure of the fibres were found to increase after infiltration with epoxy resins and bismaleimide polymers. Polymer infiltration also resulted in a significant improvement in the compressive strength of the Kevlar fibre, with the bismaleimide performing better than the epoxy resins. Plasma modification using ammonia was also used to enhance interfibrillar adhesion by incorporating reactive amine groups on the fibril surface  相似文献   

Recently studies of mechanical properties of lead-free solders show that large reductions in stiffness, yield stress, ultimate strength, and strain to failure (up to 35%) were found after 2 months of aging at room temperature. It also shows that the tensile properties of both lead-free solders and Sn–Pb solders tend to become relatively stable after 10 days of aging at room temperature. In this study, in order to minimize any room temperature aging contribution in the investigation of the dependence of temperature and strain rates, all specimens tested were preconditioned after 10 days of aging at room temperature. All tests were conducted under the same conditions. Testing has been performed at three strain rates, 10−3, 10−4, and 10−5 s−1, in temperature range from −40 to 150 °C. A linear relationship was found between the temperature and the tensile properties (elastic modulus, yield stress, and ultimate stress), while a power law relationship was found between strain rate and tensile properties. Constitutive models have also been developed based on the experimental data with multiple variables of strain rate and temperature for both lead-free and lead content solders. With the obtained constitutive models, tensile properties of lead-free solders can be predicted at any testing strain rate and temperature.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a statistical model for strain rate and temperature dependent fiber strength. The dependence of the parameters of the model on the mechanical quantities of fiber bundles under tensile impact at different temperatures is established. Test results have been performed on E-glass bundles, and these are discussed. They are in good correlation with the model. Hence, the model is reliable and the test method is feasible.  相似文献   

采用分离式Hopkinson压杆实验装置和材料试验机对有机玻璃(PMMA)进行不同温度和不同应变率的压缩实验研究,获得PMMA在-70~120℃温度范围和10-4/s~103/s应变率范围内应力应变曲线,分析应变率和温度对PMMA屈服应力和屈服应变的影响规律。结果表明:屈服应力随温度降低和应变率升高而增大,屈服应变随温度降低而增加;在不同应变率范围内,屈服应变随应变率增加的变化规律较为复杂。在-70~120℃温度范围和低应变率条件下,屈服应力和应变与温度关系可以用线性方程和带指数函数多项式进行描述,在室温条件和应变率为10-4/s~103/s范围内,屈服应力随对数应变率呈双线性关系增加,而屈服应变与应变率的关系较为复杂。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation into the effects of hollow glass microsphere fillers and of the addition of short fibre reinforcements on the mechanical behaviour of epoxy binding matrix composites. Properties like flexural stiffness, compressive strength, fracture toughness and absorbed impact energy, were studied. The specimens were cut from plates produced by vacuum resin transfer moulding having a microsphere contents of up to 50% and with fibre reinforcement up to 1.2% by volume. The tests performed with unreinforced composites show that flexural and compressive stiffness, maximum compressive stresses, fracture toughness and impact absorbed energy decrease significantly with increasing filler content. However, in terms of specific values, both flexural and compressive stiffness and impact absorbed energy increase with microsphere content. The addition of glass fibre produces only a slight improvement in the flexure stiffness and fracture toughness, while increasing significantly the absorbed impact energy. In contrast, the addition of a small percentage of carbon fibres produces an important improvement in both fracture toughness and flexure stiffness, when hybrid composites with 0.9% carbon fibre are compared to unreinforced foam, but did not improved absorbed impact energy.  相似文献   

Constant strain-rate mechanical testing and surface fractography were used to characterize the failure behaviour of a PET/glass injection-moulding compound and of its unfilled matrix material. Parameters for this investigation were temperature and strain rate. The matrix material exhibited a viscous-brittle transition between room temperature and 60° C. Low temperature failure occurred by craze growth, followed by slow and rapid crack propagation. The composite material likewise behaved as a viscous solid at superambient temperatures. Failure at low temperatures and/or high deformation rates occurred by brittle matrix fracture and fibre pull-out. Under these conditions, mechanical properties improved, relative to those at room temperatures. At intermediate temperatures and/or low strain rates, failure occurred via matrix crazing and crack propagation near the fibre ends. An observed serration of the fracture path at high strain rates is suggested to be due to the need for high shear stresses at the fibre-matrix interface.On leave from the Center for Composite Materials and Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711, USA.  相似文献   

The effect of fibre concentration, strain rate and weldline on tensile strength, tensile modulus and fracture toughness of injection-moulded thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) reinforced with different concentration levels of short glass fibres was investigated. It was found that tensile strength, σc, of single-gated mouldings increased with increasing volume fraction of fibres, ϕf, according to a second order polynomial function of the form and increased linearly with natural logarithm of strain rate (). Tensile modulus and fracture toughness (at initiation) of single-gated mouldings increased linearly with increasing ϕf (rule-of-mixtures) and . A linear dependence was obtained between fibre efficiency parameter for composite modulus, ηE, and . The presence of weldline in double-gated mouldings reduced tensile strength, tensile modulus and fracture toughness of TPU composites but had no significant effect upon properties of the TPU matrix. All the aforementioned properties increased with increasing fibre concentration and showed a linear dependence with respect to . Weldline integrity factor for all three properties decreased with increasing fibre concentration showing no strain-rate effect of any significance. Results indicated that tensile strength was more affected by the presence of weldline than tensile modulus or fracture toughness. It was noted that composite properties in the presence of weldline were still much greater than those for the unweld matrix. Weldline integrity values close to unity indicated that measured properties for the matrix were not significantly affected by the weldline.  相似文献   

The interlaminar shear strength of unidirectional ultra-high-modulus polyethylene composites was measured as a means of accessing the level of fibre/epoxy resin adhesion for a number of different reinforcing yarns, produced by melt and gel-spinning. The fibres were shown to possess poor adhesive properties due partly to inadequate wetting associated with the inert polyolefine surface and also because of a weak boundary layer, formed by the segregation of low molecular weight impurities to the surface during fibre formation. The interlaminar shear strength was significantly increased by pretreating the reinforcement with an oxygen plasma. This improved wetting by producing oxygen-containing groups on the fibre surface and removed the weak boundary layer by the formation of a cross-linked skin. For a fixed fibre volume fraction, the interlaminar shear strength was found to be inversely proportional to the filament diameter. The other mechanical properties were shown to be largely independent of fibre/resin adhesion, with plasma treatment having little or no effect.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of PRT films feature an interesting temperature and strain-rate dependence. The elastic modulus and yield behaviour have been studied over a wide temperature range from 30 to 650° C. The onset of a structural reorganization is observed at about 300° C. The dependence of yield stress on strain rate at different temperatures was examined in terms of the Eyring theory of an activated rate process. It was found that the stress activation volume varies with temperature. The overall elastic-plastic behaviour as a function of temperature and strain rate was interpreted in terms of a previously suggested model that incorporates residual stresses in a rigid rod-like polymer. Enhancement of modulus was also observed due to deformation of the films under elevated temperatures, where better molecular orientation and lateral ordering are achieved.  相似文献   

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials - In this research, the microscale strain rate sensitivity and high-temperature mechanical properties of cured isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA) were...  相似文献   

Modelling studies have indicated a strong effect of the rate of deformation on the tensile strength of composites with a weak fibre/matrix interface. At high rates, the mode of deformation changes from a fibre pull-out to a fibre breaking mechanism typical of good adhesion composites. As a result, the mechanical properties become independent of those of the fibre/matrix interface. The model predictions are of great importance because they allow a straightforward identification of composites with poor fibre-matrix adhesion.  相似文献   

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