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This article deals with a flexible natural language interface to access data stored in a relational data base. This interface may prove of great value to the less sophisticated user.The FIDO system (Flexible Interface for Database Operations) is presented; it accepts queries issued in natural language (Italian) and translates them into relational algebra operations. FIDO is composed of a parser (not described in the paper), a two-level semantic network, which (among other things) expresses the correspondence between the natural language terms and the conceptual database objects, and a translator/optimizer, which translates the conceptual query into its logical equivalent (i.e. into a query expressed in terms of stored relations and their attributes). The article describes the main characteristics of the semantic network and addresses, in greater detail, the problem of query translation and optimization.The flexibility of FIDO is due to the complete independence of the semantic knowledge source from the logical schema of the data base. In fact, the logical schema can be designed on the basis of considerations not related to the overall structure of FIDO (e.g. the presence of particular types of applications that have to be implemented in a particularly efficient way). In principle, the (relational) data base could be preexistent with respect to the adoption of FIDO, in that the data structures used by the translator/optimizer and described in this paper are able to describe the correspondence between the conceptual model of the domain and different logical schemas.  相似文献   

We describe a method for generating queries for retrieving data from distributed heterogeneous semistructured documents, and its implementation in the metadata interface DDXMI (distributed document XML metadata interchange). The proposed system generates local queries appropriate to local schemas from a user query over the global schema. The system constructs mappings between global schema and local schemas (extracted from local documents if not given), path substitution, and node identification for resolving the heterogeneity among nodes with the same label that often exist in semistructured data. The system uses Quilt as its XML query language. An experiment is reported over three local semistructured documents: ‘thesis’, ‘reports’, and ‘journal’ documents with ‘article’ global schema. The prototype was developed under Windows system with Java and JavaCC.  相似文献   

In this paper processes specifiable over a non-uniform language are considered. The language contains constants for a set of atomic actions and constructs for alternative and sequential composition. Furthermore it provides a mechanism for specifying processes recursively (including nested recursion). We consider processes as having a state: atomic actions are to be specified in terms of observable behaviour (relative to initial states) and state transformations. Any process having some initial state can be associated with a transition system representing all possible courses of execution. This leads to an operational semantics in the style of Plotkin. The partial correctness assertion {α} p{β} expresses that for any transition system associated with the process p and having some initial state satisfying α, its final states representing successful execution satisfy β. A logic in the style of Hoare, containing a proof system for deriving partial correctness assertions, is presented. This proof system is sound and relatively complete, so any partial correctness assertion can be evaluated by investigating its derivability. Included is a short discussion about the extension of the process language with “guarded recursion”. It appears that such an extension violates the completeness of the Hoare logic. This reveals a remarkable property of Scott's induction rule in the context of non-determinism: only regular recursion allows a completeness result.  相似文献   

面向对象知识库系统CAOBS/V1.2的可视化查询子系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
面向对象知识库系统CAOBS/V1.2的用户界面是一个可视化知识查询子系统,它包括一个灵活、直观、方便的可视知识查询语言(VKQL)和一个知识库浏览编辑器。利用该可视化查询语言,用户可以通过构造查询图来表达查询要求,并最终实现查询功能。VKQL吸收了国际上现有的几种可视查询语言的优点,具有较强的查询功能,使用方便。文中介绍了VKQL的设计思想和实现技术,在最后一节将VKQL与同类查询语言进行了对比  相似文献   

This paper describes the FACT system for knowledge discovery fromtext. It discovers associations—patterns ofco-occurrence—amongst keywords labeling the items in a collection oftextual documents. In addition, when background knowledge is available aboutthe keywords labeling the documents FACT is able to use this information inits discovery process. FACT takes a query-centered view of knowledgediscovery, in which a discovery request is viewed as a query over theimplicit set of possible results supported by a collection of documents, andwhere background knowledge is used to specify constraints on the desiredresults of this query process. Execution of a knowledge-discovery query isstructured so that these background-knowledge constraints can be exploitedin the search for possible results. Finally, rather than requiring a user tospecify an explicit query expression in the knowledge-discovery querylanguage, FACT presents the user with a simple-to-use graphical interface tothe query language, with the language providing a well-defined semantics forthe discovery actions performed by a user through the interface.  相似文献   

“Fuzzy Functions” are proposed to be determined by the least squares estimation (LSE) technique for the development of fuzzy system models. These functions, “Fuzzy Functions with LSE” are proposed as alternate representation and reasoning schemas to the fuzzy rule base approaches. These “Fuzzy Functions” can be more easily obtained and implemented by those who are not familiar with an in-depth knowledge of fuzzy theory. Working knowledge of a fuzzy clustering algorithm such as FCM or its variations would be sufficient to obtain membership values of input vectors. The membership values together with scalar input variables are then used by the LSE technique to determine “Fuzzy Functions” for each cluster identified by FCM. These functions are different from “Fuzzy Rule Base” approaches as well as “Fuzzy Regression” approaches. Various transformations of the membership values are included as new variables in addition to original selected scalar input variables; and at times, a logistic transformation of non-scalar original selected input variables may also be included as a new variable. A comparison of “Fuzzy Functions-LSE” with Ordinary Least Squares Estimation (OLSE)” approach show that “Fuzzy Function-LSE” provide better results in the order of 10% or better with respect to RMSE measure for both training and test cases of data sets.  相似文献   

Traditional information search in which queries are posed against a known and rigid schema over a structured database is shifting toward a Web scenario in which exposed schemas are vague or absent and data come from heterogeneous sources. In this framework, query answering cannot be precise and needs to be relaxed, with the goal of matching user requests with accessible data. In this paper, we propose a logical model and a class of abstract query languages as a foundation for querying relational data sets with vague schemas. Our approach relies on the availability of taxonomies, that is, simple classifications of terms arranged in a hierarchical structure. The model is a natural extension of the relational model in which data domains are organized in hierarchies, according to different levels of generalization between terms. We first propose a conservative extension of the relational algebra for this model in which special operators allow the specification of relaxed queries over vaguely structured information. We also study equivalence and rewriting properties of the algebra that can be used for query optimization. We then illustrate a logic-based query language that can provide a basis for expressing relaxed queries in a declarative way. We finally investigate the expressive power of the proposed query languages and the independence of the taxonomy in this context.  相似文献   

The intelligent Fril/SQL interrogator is an object‐oriented and knowledge‐based support query system, which is implemented by the set of logic objects linking one another. These logic objects integrate SQL query, support logic programming language—Fril and Fril query together by processing them in sequence in slots of each logic object. This approach therefore takes advantage of both object‐oriented system and a logic programming‐based system. Fuzzy logic data mining and a machine learning tool kit built in the intelligent interrogator can automatically provide a knowledge base or rules to assist a human to analyze huge data sets or create intelligent controllers. Alternatively, users can write or edit the knowledge base or rules according to their requirements, so that the intelligent interrogator is also a support logic programming environment where users can write and run various Fril programs through these logic objects. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 22: 279–302, 2007.  相似文献   

We describe an operational semantics for the hardware compilation language Handel-C [7], which is a C-like language with channel communication and parallel constructs which compiles down to mainly synchronously clocked hardware. The work in this paper builds on previous work describing the semantics of the “prialt” construct within Handel-C [5] and a denotational semantics for part of the language [6]. We describe a key subset of the language and show how a design decision for the real language, namely that default guards in a prialt statement executed in “zero-time”, has consequences for the complexity of the operational semantics. We present the operational semantics, along with a revised and completed prialt semantics, indicating clearly the interface between them. We then describe a notion of observational equivalence and present an example illustrating how we handle the complexity of nested prialts in default guards.  相似文献   

Boolean query mapping across heterogeneous information sources   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Searching over heterogeneous information sources is difficult because of the nonuniform query languages. Our approach is to allow a user to compose Boolean queries in one rich front end language. For each user query and target source, we transform the user query into a subsuming query that can be supported by the source but that may return extra documents. The results are then processed by a filter query to yield the correct final result. We introduce the architecture and associated algorithms for generating the supported subsuming queries and filters. We show that generated subsuming queries return a minimal number of documents; we also discuss how minimal cost filters can be obtained. We have implemented prototype versions of these algorithms and demonstrated them on heterogeneous Boolean systems  相似文献   

By collecting statistics over runtime executions of a program we can answer complex queries, such as “what is the average number of packet retransmissions” in a communication protocol, or “how often does process P1 enter the critical section while process P2 waits” in a mutual exclusion algorithm. We present an extension to linear-time temporal logic that combines the temporal specification with the collection of statistical data. By translating formulas of this language to alternating automata we obtain a simple and efficient query evaluation algorithm. We illustrate our approach with examples and experimental results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop techniques to produce interoperable queries with object and relational databases. A user poses a local query in a local query language, against a local object or relational schema. We transparently produce appropriate queries with respect to a remote target object or relational schema, corresponding to some remote database which contains data relevant to the user's query. Mapping knowledge to resolve representational heterogeneities in local and remote schemas is expressed in a canonical representation, CRmapping, and is independent of the particular data model. A canonical representation CRquery is also used to resolve heterogeneities of query languages. A set of heterogeneous transformation algorithms define the appropriate transformations from the local queries to the remote queries. The use of canonical representations (CR) allows us to represent queries independent of the particular query language, and to resolve representational conflicts in a uniform manner, independent of models and query languages.  相似文献   

This paper describes several extensions to the .NET Common Intermediary Language (CIL), each of which is designed to enable easier implementation of typed high-level programming languages on the .NET platform, and to promote closer integration and interoperability between these languages. In particular we aim for easier interoperability between components whose interfaces are expressed using function types, discriminated unions and parametric polymorphism, regardless of the languages in which these components are implemented. We show that it is possible to add these constructs to an existing, “real world” intermediary language and that this allows corresponding subsets of constructs to be compiled uniformly, which in turn will allow programmers to use these constructs seamlessly between different languages. In this paper we discuss the motivations for our extensions, which are together called Extended IL (ILX), and describe them via examples. In this setting, many of the traditional responsibilities of the backend of a compiler must be moved to ILX and the execution environment, in particular those related to representation choices and low-level optimizations. We have modified a Haskell compiler to generate this language, and have implemented an assembler that translates the extensions to regular or polymorphic CIL code.I am very grateful to Nick Benton, Cedric Fournet, Andrew Kennedy, Andy Gordon, Simon Peyton Jones, Claudio Russo, Reuben Thomas, Andrew Tolmach and the anonymous referees for their help and advice with this work.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of OCPL (object conceptual prototyping language), an object–knowledge representation language. The language is based on CPL, conceptual prototyping language, developed at the Free University of Amsterdam. CPL has been extended to allow for the explicit representation of object-oriented constructs. These constructs include facilities for application system definition, generation and usage. A restricted use of the constraint model of CPL allows for systematic representation of events from which appropriate user interfaces can be generated. The paper describes OCPL and its relationship to CPL and related work. It also illustrates how the constraint model can be used to represent dynamics and provide intelligent user support.  相似文献   

Movie forecast Guru: A Web-based DSS for Hollywood managers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Herein we describe a Web-based DSS to help Hollywood managers make better decisions on important movie characteristics, such as, genre, super stars, technical effects, release time, etc. These parameters are used to build prediction models to classify a movie in one of nine success categories, from a “flop” to a “blockbuster”. The system employs a number of traditional and non-traditional prediction models as distributed independent experts, implemented as Web services. The paper describes the purpose and the architecture of the system, the development environment, the user assessment results, and the lessons learned as they relate to Web-based DSS development.  相似文献   

Dongmei  Ramiro  Luigi   《Computer Communications》2006,29(18):3766-3779
This paper discusses issues of personalization of presence services in the context of Internet Telephony. Such services take into consideration the willingness and ability of a user to communicate in a network, as well as possibly other factors such as time, address, etc. Via a three-layer service architecture for communications in the session initiation protocol (SIP) standard, presence system basic services and personalized services (personal policies) are clearly separated and discussed. To enrich presence related services, presence information is illustratively extended from the well known “online” and “offline” indicators to a much broader meaning that includes “location”, “lineStatus”, “role”, “availability”, etc. Based on this, the call processing language (CPL) is extended in order to describe presence related personalized services for both call processing systems and presence systems using information such as a person’s presence status, time, address, language, or any of their combinations. A web-based system is designed and implemented to simulate these advanced services. In the implementation, personal policies are programmed by end users via a graphic user interface (GUI) and are automatically translated into extended CPL. The simulation system clearly displays when, where and what CPL policies should be used for the provision of personalized presence services and call processing services. Policy conflicts are also addressed by setting policy priorities in the system.  相似文献   

In this installation of architectural perspectives, we describe an extension of a menu-based natural language interface (MBNLI) to support geospatial queries. Our extension makes it easier for application analysts and even inexperienced users to phrase complex queries without knowing the relational database query language SQL, database schemas (table structures), spatial operators, or spatial indexes.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issues involved in designing a query language for the Semantic Web and presents the OWL query language (OWL-QL) as a candidate standard language and protocol for query–answering dialogues among Semantic Web computational agents using knowledge represented in the W3Cs ontology web language (OWL). OWL-QL is a formal language and precisely specifies the semantic relationships among a query, a query answer, and the knowledge base(s) used to produce the answer. Unlike standard database and Web query languages, OWL-QL supports query–answering dialogues in which the answering agent may use automated reasoning methods to derive answers to queries, as well as dialogues in which the knowledge to be used in answering a query may be in multiple knowledge bases on the Semantic Web, and/or where those knowledge bases are not specified by the querying agent. In this setting, the set of answers to a query may be of unpredictable size and may require an unpredictable amount of time to compute.  相似文献   

We describe a method of syntax extension for programming languages which involves using an augmented BNF notation to add new syntactic constructs to the language, and where the meaning of the constructs is usually given by ordinary user subroutines to be executed at run time. This requires fewer special constructs in the language, and also makes it simpler to specify the extensions because the programmer does not have to worry about compile time vs. run time distinctions. The extended BNF may also be used to give specialized syntax to particular data structures.This research was supported under NSF Grant GJ 34342X.  相似文献   

Commonly, for retrieving the desired information from an information source (knowledge base or information base), the user has to use the query language that is provided by the system. This is a big barrier for many ordinary users and the resulting interaction style is rather inflexible. In this paper we give the theoretical foundations of an interaction scheme that allows users to retrieve the objects of interest without having to be familiar with the conceptual schema of the source or with the supported query language. Specifically, we describe an interaction manager that provides a quite flexible interaction scheme by unifying several well-known interaction schemes. Furthermore, we show how this scheme can be applied to taxonomy-based sources by providing all needed algorithms and reporting their computational complexity.  相似文献   

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