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陈荣圻 《印染》2008,34(4):49-50
5 实施REACH法规的负面影响 2003年,欧盟委员会在其对化学品生产商和进口商的测试和注册费进行评估后的报告中称,估计在11年内(2008年至2018年),由测试和注册产生的直接成本总计约23亿欧元.如果有1%~2%的物质停止生产,面临高额替代时,下游用户将增加成本5~13亿欧元.这是针对欧盟范围内的化工企业和下游用户而言的.  相似文献   

枫叶 《中国食品》2008,(7):56-57
贝先国,现年31岁,从厨近20年,湖南测阳人,先后在长沙、郑州、北京等地工作,高级烹调技师,他曾在郑州市烹饪比赛获得金奖,现任丽湖蒸菜厨师长.丽湖蒸菜于2005年12月5号开业,其中三好旗舰店坐落于沈阳的IT中心三好街,营业面积600平方米,食物以湘菜为主,并根据东北的口味进行了改良,从色香味上看都属精品.店面布置得很优雅,大厅明亮,半隔断的小包房也很温馨.  相似文献   

本刊讯 "5.12"四川汶川8.0级特大地震,给地处都江堰市,紧邻地震中心汶川映秀镇的四川工商职业技术学院造成了巨大损失.地震袭来.建筑物左右摇晃,天花板和墙壁装饰纷纷脱落,电脑、文件柜等办公设备纷纷倒塌,学生7号宿舍、素质拓展馆和活动中心的半面墙壁轰然塌下.  相似文献   

中国第一座酱文化博物馆开馆祭祖庆典暨2007中国首届酱文化(绍兴)国际高峰论坛于12月15日在浙江绍兴隆重举行.15日上午,在绍兴县平水镇的绍兴至味食品有限公司厂区内的中国酱文化博物馆门前,举行了盛大的开馆庆典及祭祀酱园鼻祖蔡邕仪式.开馆仪式结束后,有来自中、美、意、日、韩、新、泰七国和港台两地区的300多名专家、学者和企业家,又参加了于12月15日下午至17日,在浙江省绍兴隆重举行的"2007中国首届酱文化(绍兴)国际高峰论坛".  相似文献   

小米的化学成分及物理性质的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
系统地介绍了国内外对小米中各种化学成分及其营养保健功能的研究进展,包括碳水化合物、蛋白质和氨基酸、脂肪及脂肪酸、维生素、矿物质和微量元素、色素、肌醇、黄酮、多酚等的含量及营养保健功能.同时,对小米物理性质方面的研究进展也做了介绍.  相似文献   

中国(广东)国际印刷技术展览会作为北京国际印刷技术展览会的姊妹展,4月10日上午一开幕,立刻博得了满堂彩.为确保来参加展览的车辆及观众顺利进入现场,主办方得到了当地政府交管部门的支持,对展览馆附近一些道路进行了疏导,不相干的车辆及行人被有效疏散到别的地方.尽管首日上午阴雨绵绵,但丝毫没有影响到馆内汹涌的人流.  相似文献   

中国黄酒的科研现状及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡普信 《中国酿造》2008,(2):4-6,13
论述了中国黄酒近年的发展与行业整体科技水平的提升。酿造企业在设备上已,一泛实现了机械化与半机械化;工艺技术上在传统工艺的基础上应用了新工艺与新技术,提高了产品的质量安全水平;产品包装上出现了精美高雅的各式包装:产品品种上以新风格口感为导向,开发改变了单一的风格特征;在功能性研究上,除发现了γ-氨基丁酸外,还对黄酒中的功能性物质进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

张良晓 《今日印刷》2007,(11):72-73
近年来,"中国制造"已经势不可挡地崛起并成为助推全球经济发展的强大动力.上海光华同北人、中景、大族冠华等一批优秀的单张胶印机制造商一道,在"中国制造"的世界潮流中,或争相推出高性价比的替代进口产品,或积极参与国际贸易把单张胶印机导入海外市场.目前,我国已经拥有几十家胶印机制造商,拥有年产销万余台胶印机的能力,能够满足国内10万家印刷企业90%以上的胶印机市场数量型需求,能够把胶印机销售到全球几十个国家.在这样的背景下,提出培育中国胶印机名牌的课题,从时机和条件方面看,都具备了相当的基础.  相似文献   

全球标签市场现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘真 《今日印刷》2007,(11):63-63
到2011年,全球标签产量将达到500亿平方米,年增长率为7%总产值将达1000亿美元,年增长率为9%左右.受全球包装市场扩张的影响,特别是特殊饮料、个人护理产品和医药产品的异军突起,全球标签市场的发展前景也将更加广阔.此外,随着世界的不断发展,先进的物流和数据处理系统在发展中国家的普及、尖端技术的开发和渗透以及增值标签功能的日益完善也将为标签业的发展起到重要的推动作用.  相似文献   

正我对二战轮式车辆一直比较喜爱,而自己一直没有做过二战德军的卡车系列,在看了很多高手的卡车作品后自己也想开工一辆,我最终选择了制作一辆经典的欧宝3吨4×2卡车。欧宝卡车作为二战德军重要的轮式车辆,不仅产量很大而且根据不同的用途又衍生出了很多不同的型号,货厢版是最基本的欧宝3吨卡车,也是群众基础最好的一个版本,但正是因为做的人太多,对于我这种追求"个性"的人来说,做一个普通的货厢版无疑是缺乏吸引力的。为了让自己的欧宝卡车能别具一格,我查阅了一些欧  相似文献   

This study determined the distribution of drugs to different milk fractions according to their physicochemical properties. Hydrophilic drugs tend to concentrate in skim milk, whereas lipophilic drugs tend to concentrate in cream. The concentration of a drug in casein is related to its degree of binding to milk proteins. Thus, we aimed to determine whether withdrawal time in whole milk differs from that in cream, casein, and skim milk. Amoxicillin and tylosin were selected as prototype hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs, respectively. The study was conducted in vitro and in vivo to determine whether in vitro conditions reflect the distribution of drugs in the different milk fractions in vivo. The in vivo study was conducted using a crossover design on 6 healthy Holstein dairy cattle. First, amoxicillin (i.m., single dose, 14 mg/kg) was administered to cows. Following a 1-wk washout period, tylosin (i.m., single dose, 15 mg/kg) was administered. Concentrations of amoxicillin and tylosin in milk and milk fractions were measured using HPLC-UV. In the in vitro study, 0.04 to 400 μg/g of amoxicillin and 0.05 to 50 μg/g of tylosin were spiked to drug-free milk and the concentrations in milk and milk fractions were measured. In addition, the percentage of total protein in milk and milk fractions was determined. Amoxicillin accumulated more in skim milk than in cream and casein, both in vitro (92%) and in vivo (73%, skim milk-to-whole milk ratio). The distribution of tylosin in whole and skim milk was similar to that of amoxicillin in the in vitro study, in contrast to the accumulation of tylosin in cream seen in vivo. However, the accumulation ratio of tylosin in cream was lower than expected. By either method, tylosin was less concentrated in casein than in skim milk and cream. The percentage of total protein was similar in skim milk and whole milk and higher than in cream. Thus, amoxicillin accumulates less in cream and casein, suggesting that these fractions would pose a lower risk to the consumer. Tylosin was still present at the maximum residue limit (50 μg/kg) 24 h after injection in the casein fraction and 48 h after injection in the cream fraction.  相似文献   

Changes in the chemical composition of three popular Sudanese varieties of date (Jawa, Bentamoda and Mishrig Wad Laggai) during ripening are described and are related to changes in texture and in the activities of various degradative enzymes in the fruit. Total invertase levels were high throughout maturation of the three varieties. Although the proportion of soluble enzyme increased during ripening solubilisation did not appear to influence the relative amounts of sucrose and reducing sugars in the ripening fruit. Both cellulase and polygalacturonase were absent or at low levels in the green fruit but displayed large increases in activity during ripening. This enhancement was reflected in a reduction in fruit firmness although little change in cellulose or pectin levels was apparent analytically until the final stage of ripening. Despite a considerable rise in pectinesterase activity during ripening no significant trend could be discerned in the degree of esterification of pectin suggesting that the enzyme is of minor importance in softening of these fruit.  相似文献   

调查了恩施州植烟土壤及烟叶硒含量状况。结果表明:(1)恩施州植烟土壤硒含量平均为0.661 mg/kg,从土壤总硒水平来看,恩施土壤属于富硒土壤。烟叶硒含量平均为0.216 mg/kg,并表现为B2F>C3F>X2F,高于我国其他烟区。(2)恩施土壤硒的垂直地理分布特性明显,即随海拔高度的升高而极显著地增加;土壤硒含量与土壤中有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾等大量元素具有极显著正相关,而与pH的相关性没有达到显著水平。当土壤等级为足硒和富硒土壤时,土壤中主要养分含量处于烟叶生长所需的适宜范围内。(3)在相对较高的硒含量土壤中,烟叶对硒的吸收累积强于低硒土壤。8个植烟县(市)土壤和烟叶硒含量的相关性均为正相关。  相似文献   

The orientation of fibers is known to play a very important role in determining the quality of the carded and drawn slivers as well as the quality of the ultimate yarns produced from those slivers. Also, the orientation of fibers is considered to be a very useful parameter for evaluating the effectiveness of the carding and drawing processes in aligning the fibers. In addition, the orientation of fibers is known to determine the length utilization of the fibers in the slivers. This article reports on the influence of carding and drawing processes on the orientation of fibers in the carded and drawn slivers. A series of carded and drawn slivers were prepared by using polyester staple fibers and making various changes in the carding and drawing processes and the orientation of fibers in the slivers was evaluated based on Lindsley’s methodology in conjunction with a mathematical model of fiber orientation in slivers. It was observed that the increase in cylinder speed and the decrease in doffer speed resulted in more anisotropic fiber orientation distribution in the carded slivers and the degree of anisotropy was found to be more in the forward direction as compared to the backward direction of the carded slivers. The higher draft and doubling in the drawframe resulted in higher anisotropy in the orientation of fibers in the drawn slivers and the drawn slivers displayed more anisotropy in the backward direction as compared to the forward direction. The higher delivery speed of the drawframe resulted in higher anisotropy in fiber orientation in the drawn slivers and the drawn slivers exhibited more anisotropy in the backward direction as compared to the forward direction. The results of fiber orientation in the carded and drawn slivers obtained by using the mathematical model were compared to the fiber orientation parameters suggested by earlier researchers and a satisfactory correlation between them was observed.  相似文献   

气候变化背景下鄂西烟草种植气象风险评价与区划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定湖北西部植烟区的气象灾害风险程度,根据灾害学系统理论,从致灾因子、孕灾环境、承灾体和防灾减灾能力4个子系统出发,综合考虑气候条件、地理地形、社会经济状况等多个因素,利用GIS平台对鄂西烟草种植气象灾害风险进行评价与区划。结果表明,鄂西北地区气象灾害危险性东高西低,南北向无明显规律,而鄂西南地区是南高北低;鄂西南巴东和恩施烟草易损性较小,而鄂西北的枣阳和丹江口市易损性较大;鄂西南北部地区的气象风险低于南部地区,而鄂西北南部地区气象风险较小,东部气象风险最大;神农架局部地区和鹤峰、丹江口市东部等地的气象风险最严重。总体而言,鄂西地区适宜种植烟草,尽管存在风险,但是大部分地区风险等级在中等及中等以下,这对指导当地合理规划烟草种植和生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Vascular changes play an important role in the pathogenesis of claw horn disruption lesions in cattle. The aim of the study was to measure arterial blood flow in the hind limbs of German Holstein cows with claw horn disruption lesions. A 10-MHz linear transducer was used to assess blood flow in the interdigital artery in the dorsal pastern region in the hind limbs of 11 non-lame and 33 lame German Holstein cows in which lameness was scored clinically. Qualitative and quantitative blood flow parameters were compared in affected limbs and unaffected contralateral hind limbs in lame cows and in the hind limbs of lame cows and non-lame cows. A pulsed-wave Doppler signal suitable for analysis was obtained in 78 of 88 limbs (33 affected and contralateral limbs, 22 limbs of control cows). Blood flow curve types 1 and 2 were predominant in the hind limbs of lame cows. Vessel diameter, end-diastolic velocity, and blood flow rate were significantly greater in lame cows than in non-lame cows and were numerically greater in moderately lame cows than in mildly lame cows. The differences in the qualitative and quantitative parameters between lame and non-lame cows were most likely caused by inflammation of the pododerm. The role of weight distribution between the paired hind limbs and the existence of claw horn disruption appeared to have an effect on the differences in local circulation in the affected and unaffected contralateral hind limbs in lame cows.  相似文献   

对不同生态区沙姆逊香料烟化学成分和感官质量进行了分析,以期为筛选适宜产区和工业合理应用提供依据。结果表明,不同生态区沙姆逊香料烟化学成分差异明显,云南和四川沙姆逊香料烟总糖和还原糖含量显著高于浙江和土耳其,烟碱含量显著低于浙江和土耳其,而且四川与云南沙姆逊香料烟糖和烟碱含量差异也达到显著水平;云南沙姆逊烟叶具有较高含量的苹果酸和柠檬酸,浙江沙姆逊具有较高的草酸含量;土耳其AB 级香料烟草酸含量明显高于国内香料烟,非挥发性有机酸总量生态区间和品种间差异较大。烟叶感官质量浙江沙姆逊最好,云南次之,四川最低;国内沙姆逊香料烟中、上部烟叶感官质量总体低于土耳其AB 级烟叶。  相似文献   

The gelation of myosin has a very important role in meat products. We have already shown that myosin in low ionic strength solution containing l ‐histidine forms a transparent gel after heating. To clarify the mechanism of this unique gelation, we investigated the changes in the nature of myosin subfragments during heating in solutions with low and high ionic strengths with and without l ‐histidine. The hydrophobicity of myosin and heavy meromyosin (HMM) in low ionic strength solution containing l ‐histidine was lower than in high ionic strength solution. The SH contents of myosin and HMM in low ionic strength solution containing l ‐histidine did not change during the heating process, whereas in high ionic strength solution they decreased slightly. The heat‐induced globular masses of HMM in low ionic strength solution containing l ‐histidine were smaller than those in high ionic strength solution. These findings suggested that the polymerization of HMM molecules by heating was suppressed in low ionic strength solution containing l ‐histidine, resulting in formation of the unique gel.  相似文献   

Effects of duration of grain feeding on the concentration of endotoxic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in digesta throughout the digestive tract and on acute phase proteins and LPS in peripheral blood were determined in Holstein yearling calves. Twenty-five Holstein yearling steer calves received either a forage-based diet containing 92% hay and 8% of a mineral and vitamin pellet on a dry matter basis (CON) or a moderate-grain diet, obtained by replacing 41.5% of the hay in the forage-based diet with barley grain, for 3 (MG3), 7 (MG7), 14 (MG14), or 21 d (MG21) before slaughter. Immediately before slaughter, blood samples were collected from the jugular vein. Immediately after slaughter, digesta samples were collected from the rumen, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, and rectum. Rumen liquid digesta, digesta from the intestines, and peripheral blood plasma were analyzed for LPS. Peripheral blood plasma and serum were analyzed for the acute phase proteins amyloid A, haptoglobin, and LPS-binding protein. Feeding the grain diet increased the LPS concentration in rumen fluid linearly from 15,488 endotoxin units (EU)/mL for CON to 70,146 EU/mL for MG7. Concentrations of LPS in rumen fluid in MG14 and MG21 were 61,944 and 56,234 EU/mL, respectively, and did not differ. The LPS concentrations in jejunal digesta were much lower than that in digesta elsewhere in the digestive tract, which suggests that ruminal LPS is broken down in the abomasum or proximal jejunum. The concentration of digesta LPS in the ileum was higher than that of digesta elsewhere in the intestines and similar to that in rumen fluid. The duration of grain feeding increased the LPS concentration in digesta in the ileum and cecum and tended to increase that in the colon cubically. Concentrations of LPS in this part of the digestive tract were highest in the MG3 and MG21 groups. The highest concentrations of LPS in digesta in the cecum, colon, and rectum were 3.7, 3.8, and 5.6 times higher than that in CON, respectively. Grain feeding and the increase in LPS in digesta were not accompanied by an acute phase response or a detectable concentration of LPS in peripheral blood. The absence of LPS in peripheral blood and the lack of increase in acute phase proteins indicated that the grain feeding protocol used in the current study and the accompanying changes in LPS concentrations of the digesta did not result in systemic inflammation.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentration of Na in the shoot dry matter and in the petiole sap of individual leaves of lettuce were measured in order to determine the extent to which Na was able to replace K within the plants during K deficiency. The results were used to estimate changes in the distribution of the total ionic concentration between leaves and to make deductions about likely variations in osmotic potential within the shoots and their effect on plant growth. Measurements of Na concentration revealed both a pronounced delay in the uptake of additional amounts of Na and in its translocation within the K-deficient plants. Sodium concentrations increased most rapidly in the young expanding leaves during the onset of K deficiency but the changes in its concentration were ultimately larger in the middle to older ones. Elevated Na concentrations in the younger leaves of K-deficient plants also declined more rapidly than those in any of the other leaves following reintroduction of the K supply. Although the pattern of these changes broadly mirrored the corresponding changes in K concentration within the shoots there were significant reductions in the combined K+Na concentrations during the onset and development of K deficiency. The deficit in K+Na was initially greatest in the young leaves but subsequently disappeared more quickly when either the uptake of Na was increased or the K supply was resumed. Since the combined concentrations of K+Na were directly related to the changes in total ionic concentrations within the shoots, the results suggest that during K deficiency, plants adopt a strategy which reduces the effects of a decline in ionic strength at the most actively growing sites in order to minimise the damage to normal growth processes from changes in the internal osmotic pressure.  相似文献   

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