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In this paper, a new adaptive fuzzy backstepping control approach is developed for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown time-delay and unmeasured states. Using fuzzy logic systems to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions, a fuzzy state observer is designed for estimating the unmeasured states. On the basis of the state observer and applying the backstepping technique, an adaptive fuzzy observer control approach is developed. The main features of the proposed adaptive fuzzy control approach not only guarantees that all the signals of the closed-loop system are semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, but also contain less adaptation parameters to be updated on-line. Finally, simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

邓涛  姚宏  潘运亮 《计算机应用》2013,33(10):3000-3004
针对一类含非线性参数高次随机非线性系统的输出跟踪控制问题,基于自适应增加幂次积分方法,利用参数分离技术和动态面技术,给出了一种自适应光滑状态反馈控制器设计方法。利用Sigmoid函数设计参数自适应律,保证了其导数连续。将低通滤波器引入控制器设计过程,避免了“微分爆炸”现象。通过构造适当形式的控制Lyapunov函数进行稳定性分析,证明了系统输出能被依概率地调节至参考信号的邻域范围。仿真结果验证了所提控制器设计方案的有效性。  相似文献   

针对一类不确定非线性系统,基于backstepping方法提出了一种新的鲁棒自适应模糊控制器设计方案。该方案通过引入最优逼近误差的自适应补偿项和新的鲁棒项,削减建模误差和参数估计误差的影响,从而在稳定性分析中取消了要求逼近误差平方可积或逼近误差的上确界已知的条件。理论分析证明了闭环系统状态有界,跟踪误差收敛到零的较小邻域内。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper,the adaptive fuzzy tracking control is proposed for a class of multi-input and multioutput(MIMO)nonlinear systems in the presence of system uncertainties,unknown non-symmetric input saturation and external disturbances.Fuzzy logic systems(FLS)are used to approximate the system uncertainty of MIMO nonlinear systems.Then,the compound disturbance containing the approximation error and the timevarying external disturbance that cannot be directly measured are estimated via a disturbance observer.By appropriately choosing the gain matrix,the disturbance observer can approximate the compound disturbance well and the estimate error converges to a compact set.This control strategy is further extended to develop adaptive fuzzy tracking control for MIMO nonlinear systems by coping with practical issues in engineering applications,in particular unknown non-symmetric input saturation and control singularity.Within this setting,the disturbance observer technique is combined with the FLS approximation technique to compensate for the efects of unknown input saturation and control singularity.Lyapunov approach based analysis shows that semi-global uniform boundedness of the closed-loop signals is guaranteed under the proposed tracking control techniques.Numerical simulation results are presented to illustrate the efectiveness of the proposed tracking control schemes.  相似文献   


This paper considers the output-feedback fault-tolerant tracking control problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear switched systems with nonlinear faults and strict-feedback form, where the faults which are nonaffine occur on the actuator. As a kind of specialised function approximating tool, fuzzy logic systems (FLSs), are employed to approximate the unknown smooth nonlinear functions. A switched fuzzy observer is designed to address the problem of unmeasurable states, filtered signals are used to address algebraic loop problem and the average dwell time (ADT) method is further utilised to prove the stability of the resulting closed-loop systems under a type of slowly switching signals. Based on the backstepping recursive design technique and Lyapunov function method, an adaptive fuzzy output-feedback control scheme is developed. The developed control method can ensure all the signals are semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded (SGUUB) and the system output tracks the reference signal tightly even if unknown fault occurs. A simulation carried on an example demonstrates the validity of the obtained control scheme.  相似文献   

An adaptive dynamic surface control (DSC) approach using fuzzy approximation and nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) for uncertain nonlinear systems in the presence of input saturation, output constraint and unknown external disturbances is proposed in this paper. The issue of input saturation is addressed by introducing a lower bound assumption on the approximation function of saturation. The output constraint is handled by introducing an appropriate barried Lyapunov function. The nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) is employed to estimate the unknown unmatched disturbances. It is manifested that the ultimately bounded convergence of all the variables in the closed-loop system is guaranteed and the tracking error can be made farely small by tuning the design parameters. Finally, two simulation examples illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of adaptive fuzzy output tracking control for a class of nonlinear pure-feedback stochastic systems with unknown dead-zone. Fuzzy logic systems in Mamdani type are used to approximate the unknown nonlinearities, then a novel adaptive fuzzy tracking controller is designed by using backstepping technique. The control scheme is systematically derived without requiring any information on the boundedness of dead-zone parameters (slopes and break-points) and the repeated differentiation of the virtual control signals. The proposed adaptive fuzzy controller guarantees that all the signals in the closed-loop system are bounded in probability and the system output eventually converges to a small neighbourhood of the desired reference signal in the sense of mean quartic value. Simulation results further illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

针对一类带有未知外部扰动的不确定非线性系统,建立自适应模糊滑模控制器。基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,设计系统可调参数的自适应规则,控制器的设计过程中无需知道系统的具体模型及未知非线性函数的先验知识。数值仿真的结果也验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper,a new fuzzy adaptive control approach is developed for a class of SISO uncertain pure-feedback nonlinear systems with immeasurable states.Fuzzy logic systems are utilized to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions;and the filtered signals are introduced to circumvent algebraic loop systems encountered in the implementation of the controller,and a fuzzy state adaptive observer is designed to estimate the immeasurable states.By combining the adaptive backstepping technique,an adaptive fuzzy output feedback control scheme is developed.It is proven that the proposed control approach can guarantee that all the signals of the resulting closed-loop system are semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded(SGUUB),and the observer and tracking errors converge to a small neighborhood of the origin by appropriate choice of the design parameters.Simulation studies are included to illustrate the efectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A robust control for uncertain nonlinear systems based on T-S fuzzy model is discussed in this paper. First, a T-S fuzzy system is adopted to model the uncertain nonlinear systems. Then, for the system with input variables adopting standard fuzzy partitions, the efficient maximal overlapped-rules group (EMORG) is presented, and a new sufficient condition to check the stability of T-S fuzzy system with uncertainty is derived, which is expressed in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities. The derived stability condition, which only requires a local common positive definite matrix in each EMORG, can reduce the conservatism and difficulty in existing stability conditions. Finally, a simulation example shows the proposed approach is effective.  相似文献   

Sliding mode-like fuzzy logic control (SMFC) algorithm for nonlinear systems is presented in this paper. Firstly dead zone parameters of sliding mode control (SMC) are selftuned by proper adaptive laws and then combined into fuzzy logic system (FLS) to compose the opportune fuzzy logic control (FLC), which is equivalent to the predesigned SMC controller with self-tuning parameters. Robustness and invariance to the uncertainties of the closed-loop systems are improved and chattering of the SMC is eliminated. Finally simulation results of numerical examples show that the proposed control algorithm is efficient and feasible.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the adaptive fuzzy decentralised fault-tolerant control (FTC) problem for a class of nonlinear large-scale systems in strict-feedback form. The systems under study contain the unknown nonlinearities, unmodelled dynamics, actuator faults and without the direct measurements of state variables. With the help of fuzzy logic systems identifying the unknown functions and a fuzzy adaptive observer is designed to estimate the unmeasured states. By using the backstepping design technique and the dynamic surface control approach and combining with the changing supply function technique, a fuzzy adaptive FTC scheme is developed. The main features of the proposed control approach are that it can guarantee the closed-loop system to be input–to-state practically stable, and also has the robustness to the unmodelled dynamics. Moreover, it can overcome the so-called problem of ‘explosion of complexity’ existing in the previous literature. Finally, simulation studies are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

An adaptive fuzzy decentralized backstepping output-feedback control approach is proposed for a class of nonlinear large-scale systems with completely unknown functions,the interconnections mismatched in control inputs,and without the measurements of the states.Fuzzy logic systems are employed to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions,and an adaptive high-gain observer is developed to estimate the unmeasured states.Using the designed high-gain observer,and combining the fuzzy adaptive control theory with backstepping approach,an adaptive fuzzy decentralized backstepping output-feedback control scheme is developed.It is proved that the proposed control approach can guarantee that all the signals of the closed-loop system are semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded(SUUB),and that the observer errors and the tracking errors converge to a small neighborhood of the origin by appropriate choice of the design parameters.Finally,a simulation example is provided to show the eectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an adaptive neural network control method for a class of perturbed strict-feedback nonlinear systems with unknown time delays. Radial basis function neural networks are used to approximate unknown intermediate control signals. By constructing appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, the unknown time delay terms have been compensated. Dynamic surface control technique is used to overcome the problem of "explosion of complexity" in backstepping design procedure. In addition, the semiglobal uniform ultimate boundedness of all the signals in the closed-loop system is proved. A main advantage of the proposed controller is that both problems of "curse of dimensionality" and "explosion of complexity" are avoided simultaneously. Finally, simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

A fuzzy PID controller for nonlinear and uncertain systems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 In order to control systems that contain nonlinearities or uncertainties, control strategies must deal with the effects of these. Since most control methods based on mathematical models have been mainly focused on stability robustness against nonlinearities or uncertainties, they are limited in their ability to improve the transient responses. In this paper, a nonlinear fuzzy PID control method is suggested, which can stably improve the transient responses of systems disturbed by nonlinearities or unknown mathematical characteristics. Although the derivation of the control law is based on the design procedure for general fuzzy logic controllers, the resultant control algorithm has analytical form with time varying PID gains rather than linguistic form. This means the implementation of the proposed method can be easily and effectively applied to real-time control situations. Control simulations are carried out to evaluate the transient performance of the suggested method through example systems, by comparing its responses with those of the nonlinear fuzzy PI control method developed in [9].  相似文献   

Adaptive fuzzy control for a class of uncertain nonaffine nonlinear systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An adaptive fuzzy control approach is proposed for a class of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems with completely unknown nonaffine functions. The MIMO systems are composed of n subsystems and each of subsystems is in the nested lower triangular form. It is difficult and complicated to control this class of systems due to the existence of unknown nonaffine functions and the couplings among the nested subsystems. This difficulty is overcome by introducing some special type Lyapunov functions and taking advantage of the mean-value theorem, the backstepping design method and the approximation property of the fuzzy systems. The proposed control approach can guarantee that all the signals in the closed-loop system are bounded. A simulation experiment is utilized to verify the feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Based on the variable structure control (VSC) theory, we develop an adaptive fuzzy control system design method for uncertain Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models with norm-bounded uncertainties. We relax the restrictive assumptions that each nominal local system model shares the same input channel and the norm bound of the uncertainty is known, which are usually invoked in the traditional VSC-based fuzzy control design methods. As the local controller we use a VSC law with a switching feedback control term and an adaptation law to account for the norm-bounded uncertainties. In terms of LMIs, we derive a sufficient condition for the existence of linear sliding surfaces guaranteeing the asymptotic stability. We present an LMI characterization of such sliding surfaces. We also give an LMI-based design algorithm, together with a numerical design example.  相似文献   

A class of unknown nonlinear systems subject to uncertain actuator faults and external disturbances will be studied in this paper with the help of fuzzy approximation theory. Using backstepping technique, a novel adaptive fuzzy control approach is proposed to accommodate the uncertain actuator faults during operation and deal with the external disturbances though the systems cannot be linearized by feedback. The considered faults are modeled as both loss of effectiveness and lock-in-place (stuck at some unknown place). It is proved that the proposed control scheme can guarantee all signals of the closed-loop system to be semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded and the tracking error between the system output and the reference signal converge to a small neighborhood of zero, though the nonlinear functions of the controlled system as well as the actuator faults and the external disturbances are all unknown. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the control approach.  相似文献   

A direct adaptive fuzzy control algorithm is developed for a class of uncertain SISO nonlinear systems. In this algorithm, it doesn’t require to assume that the system states are measurable. Therefore, it is needed to design an observer to estimate the system states. Compared with the numerous alternative approaches with respect to the observer design, the main advantage of the developed algorithm is that on-line computation burden is alleviated. It is proven that the developed algorithm can guarantee that all the signals in the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded and the tracking error converges to a small neighborhood around zero. The simulation examples validate the feasibility of the developed algorithm. Recommended by Editorial Board member Zhong Li under the direction of Editor Young-Hoon Joo. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 60674056, 60874056, and the Foundation of Educational Department of Liaoning Province (2008312). Yan-Jun Liu received the B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Shenyang University of Technology in 2001. He received the M.S. degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering from Shenyang University of Technology in 2004 and the Ph.D. degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, China, in 2007. His research interests include fuzzy control theory, nonlinear control and adaptive control. Shao-Cheng Tong received the B.S. degree in Department of Mathematics from Jinzhou Normal College, China, in 1982. He received the M.S. degree in Department of Mathematics from Dalian Marine University in 1988 and the Ph.D. degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering from Northeastern University, China, in 1997. His research interests include fuzzy control theory, nonlinear control, adaptive control, and system identification etc. Wei Wang received the B.S. degree in Department of Automation from Northeastern University, China, in 1982. He received the M. S. degree in Department of Automation from Northeastern University in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in Department of Automation from Northeastern University, China, in 1988. His research interests include adaptive predictive control, intelligent control, and production scheduling method etc. Yong-Ming Li received the B.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Liaoning University of Technology in 2004. He received the M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Liaoning University of Technology in 2007. His research interests include fuzzy control theory, nonlinear control and adaptive control.  相似文献   

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