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Abstract The interaction and subsequent interpretation of sensory feedback from different modalities are important determinants in the regulation of balance. The importance of sound in this respect is not, as yet, fully understood. The aim of the present study was to determine the interaction of specific auditory frequencies and vision on postural sway behaviour. The frequencies employed represent the geometrical mean of 23 of the 25 critical bandwidths of sound, each presented at two loudness levels (70 and 90 phones). Postural sway was recorded using a biomechanical measuring platform. As expected vision had a highly significant stabilizing effect on most sway parameters. The frequency of the sound, however, appeared to influence the regulation of anteroposterior sway, while increasing loudness tended to increase mediolateral sway. At some frequencies the sound appeared to compensate for the lack of visual feedback. The interaction of sound and vision, particularly in combinations that lead to increased sway behaviour, may have implications in the occurrence, and possible prevention, of industrial accidents. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to compare the test-retest reliability of a wide variety of center-of-pressure (CoP) based postural sway measures and their ability to detect the differences between the young and older groups (age comparison), between the older low- and high-fear of falling groups (fear of falling comparison), and between the older non-faller and faller groups (fall history comparison). Forty healthy females (twenty each in both young and older groups) performed three trials of bipedal quiet standing on a force platform, in which eighteen reported CoP based measures were computed from recorded CoP trajectory. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM) and %SEM were used to quantify their relative and absolute reliability. Fear of falling and retrospective falls of the older group were recorded using falls efficacy scale-international (FES-I) and the history of falls questionnaire respectively. Experimental results showed that eight measures (RMS distance, RMS distance-AP, mean velocity, mean velocity-AP, mean frequency, mean frequency-AP, phase plane parameter and fractal dimension) had acceptable levels of relative and absolute reliability. Three measures (RMS distance-AP, mean velocity, and phase plane parameter) were sensitive to detect age-group difference and fear of falling under both visual conditions, but no single measure was capable to detect differences between the non-faller and faller groups.Relevance to industryThe results of this research provide useful information on the selection of appropriate center-of-pressure (CoP) based postural sway measures to assess individual's balance ability for preventing the occupational falls. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of fatigue time and fatigue level on the increases in postural sway during quiet standing. Centre of pressure-based measures of postural sway were collected both before and after fatiguing participants using three different fatigue levels and two different fatigue times. Results showed increasing fatigue time increased sway velocity and sway area, and increasing fatigue level increased sway velocity. Fatigue time effects are important to consider when applying laboratory-based findings to the field given that the fatigue time can differ substantially between the two. Fatigue level effects imply a dose – response relationship between localized muscle fatigue and risk of falling that can have important implications in work/rest cycle scheduling for occupations at risk of injurious falls. 相似文献
Postural stability is critical for ensuring a safe workplace. Employees with poor stability are more prone to falls and injuries while at work. In this study, postural sway of participants in different obesity categories was evaluated while performing an assembly workstation task. The study included three workstations: those designed for the 5th, 50th and 95th percentile workers based on anthropometric data tables. Force plates were used to study the differences in postural sway in both the medial–lateral and anterior–posterior directions. The results revealed that the obese class 1 and obese class 2 groups’ anterior–posterior sway was significantly larger than that of the normal weight groups while performing assembly work tasks. Also, pace type (self-paced or time-paced) and workstation (5th, 50th and 95th percentile) significantly affected the postural sway. The postural sway was not affected by gender differences. Workstations should be designed to accommodate the increased postural sway of obese workers. 相似文献
An electromyographic (EMG) study of the lumbar paraspinal muscles during load carrying was undertaken in a group of 24 healthy subjects, 12 male and 12 female. Two different magnitude loads (10% and 20% of the subject's body weight) and four different carrying positions were compared with walking without an external load. Results indicated changes in back muscle activity showing a significant interaction between load magnitude and carrying position. Compared to walking without an external load, lumbar paraspinal EMG activity showed slight decreases when loads were carried in a backpack position or in the hand ipsilateral to the muscle. EMG activity contralateral to the hand carrying the load was significantly increased. Significant increases occurred when loads were carried anterior to the chest with the arms and a significant difference was found between male and female subjects for this carrying position. These findings have implications for the selection of carrying methods. 相似文献
Stilts are elevated tools that are frequently used by construction workers to raise workers 18-40 inches above the ground. The objective of this laboratory study was to evaluate the potential loss of postural stability associated with the use of stilts in various foot placements. Twenty construction workers with at least 1 year of experience in the use of stilts participated in this study. One Kistler™ force platform was used to collect kinetic data. Participants were tested under six-foot-placement conditions. These 6 experimental conditions were statically tested under all combinations of 3 levels of elevation: 0″ (no stilts), 24″ stilt height and 40″ stilt height. SAS mixed procedure was used to evaluate the effect of different experimental conditions. The results of the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and repeated measures of univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) demonstrated that stilt height, foot-placement direction, and foot-placement width all had significant effects on the whole-body postural stability. This study found that the higher the stilts were elevated, the greater the postural instability. A stance position with one foot placed forward of the other foot produced greater postural instability than a position with the feet parallel and directly beneath the body. This study found that placement of the feet parallel and directly beneath the body, with the feet positioned a half shoulder width apart, caused a greater amount of postural sway and instability than one and one-and-half shoulder width. This study also found that construction workers using the stilts could perceive the likely postural instability due to the change in foot placements. 相似文献
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of load, load position, and walking speed on the energy cost of walking per unit distance (Cw: ml/kg/m). METHODS: Eight young male subjects walked on a treadmill at various speeds with and without load in the hands, on the back, and on the legs. The Cw values were determined from the ratio of 2-min steady-state oxygen consumption (Vo2) above resting value (net Vo2) to the walking speed (v): Cw = net Vo2/v. RESULTS: An energy-saving phenomenon was observed when the load was carried on the back at slower speeds. This phenomenon diminished at faster speeds, particularly when walking faster than 90 m/min. It was also observed when the load was carried in the hands at slower speeds. CONCLUSIONS: These findings partly supported our hypothesis that an energy-saving phenomenon would be observed due to an interaction between rotative torque around the center of body mass and excessive burden on the lower muscles as a function of speed. 相似文献
Investigation of driving performance, vection, postural sway, and simulator sickness in a fixed-based driving simulator 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper reports the results of a pilot study conducted to determine whether there is a relationship between simulator sickness and measures of driver inputs, vection, and postural sway, in a fixed base driving simulator. Seven males and four females performed a series of alternating left and right turns (20 each), with straigth-aways inbetween. The task was designed to promote experiences of circular and linear vection, and associated sway. It was hypothesized that greater driver inputs (i.e., steering wheel and braking activity; deviation from the centerline) would correlate: with reports of vection and measures of postural sway. Ten of the eleven subjects reported moderate sickness, which precluded any statistical comparisons between “sick” and “not sick” however, there was a significant tendency for persons who reported vection to also report sickness. There were no gender differences in reported incidence of vection or sickness, however, males tended to exhibit greater lateral velocity. The next phase of investigation will necessitate reducing the strength of the stimulus (i.e., require less turns) to increase variability of sickness scores amongst subjects and permit comparisons between “sick” and “not sick.” Measurement considerations include increasing the sensitivity of vection ratings, and examination of the timecourse for the development of postural sway. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of load position in an internal frame backpack on physiological and perceptual variables. Ten female participants walked on a level treadmill for 10?min carrying 25% of their body weight in a high, central, or low position. The variables measured included oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate (HR), respiratory exchange ratio (R), respiratory rate (RR), minute ventilation (VE), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). VO2, VE, and RPE were significantly lower in the high position (18.6?±?2.3?ml/kg/min, 31.7?±?5.0?l/min, 2.8?±?0.8, respectively) compared to the low position (22.2?±?3.0?ml/kg/min, 38.6?±?7.5?l/min, 3.7?±?1.0, respectively). HR, R, and RR did not change significantly as the load was moved from the high (129.8?±?16.8, 0.89?±?0.06, 30.3?±?4.2, respectively) to the low position (136.0?±?25.3, 0.92?±?0.04, 33.8?±?5.2, respectively). The results of this study suggest that load placement is an important factor in the physiological and perceptual responses to load carriage, and that packing heavy items high in the backpack may be the most energy efficient method of carrying a load on the back. 相似文献
The effect of load distribution within military load carriage systems on the kinetics of human gait 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Military personnel carry their equipment in load carriage systems (LCS) which consists of webbing and a Bergen (aka backpack). In scientific terms it is most efficient to carry load as close to the body's centre of mass (CoM) as possible, this has been shown extensively with physiological studies. However, less is known regarding the kinetic effects of load distribution. Twelve experienced load carriers carried four different loads (8, 16, 24 and 32 kg) in three LCS (backpack, standard and AirMesh). The three LCS represented a gradual shift to a more even load distribution around the CoM. Results from the study suggest that shifting the CoM posteriorly by carrying load solely in a backpack significantly reduced the force produced at toe-off, whilst also decreasing stance time at the heavier loads. Conversely, distributing load evenly on the trunk significantly decreased the maximum braking force by 10%. No other interactions between LCS and kinetic parameters were observed. Despite this important findings were established, in particular the effect of heavy load carriage on maximum braking force. Although the total load carried is the major cause of changes to gait patterns, the scientific testing of, and development of, future LCS can modify these risks. 相似文献
Many Korean workers are exposed to repetitive manual tasks or prolonged poor working postures that are closely related to back pain or symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Workers engage in tasks that require not only handling of heavy materials, but also assuming prolonged or repetitive non-neutral work postures. Poor work postures that have been frequently observed in the workplaces of shipbuilding shops, manufacturing plants, automobile assembly lines and farms often require prolonged squatting, repetitive arm raising and wrist flexion and simultaneous trunk flexion and lateral bending. In most manufacturing industries, workers have to assume improper work postures repetitively, several hundreds of times per day depending on daily production rate. A series of psychophysical laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the postural load at various joints. A postural load assessment system was then developed based on a macro-postural classification scheme. The classification scheme was constructed based on perceived discomfort for various joint motions as well as previous research outcomes. On the basis of the perceived discomfort, postural stress levels for the postures at individual joints were also defined by a ratio scale to the standing neutral posture. Laboratory experiments simulating automobile assembly tasks were carried out to investigate the relationship between body-joint and whole-body discomfort. Results showed a linear relationship between the two types of discomfort, with the shoulder and low back postures being the dominant factor in determining the whole body postural stresses. The proposed method was implemented into a computer software program in order to automate the procedure of analysing postural load and to enhance usability and practical applicability. 相似文献
The study investigated the effects of using a lower body prototype exoskeleton (EXO) on static limits of stability and postural sway. Measurements were taken with participants, 10 US Army enlisted men, standing on a force platform. The men were tested with and without the EXO (15 kg) while carrying military loads of 20, 40 and 55 kg. Body lean to the left and right was significantly less and postural sway excursions and maximal range of movement were significantly reduced when the EXO was used. Hurst values indicated that body sway was less random over short-term time intervals and more random over long-term intervals with the EXO than without it. Feedback to the user's balance control mechanisms most likely was changed with the EXO. The reduced sway and relatively small changes in sway with increasing load weights suggest that the EXO structure may have functioned to provide a bracing effect on the body. 相似文献
The study investigated the effects of using a lower body prototype exoskeleton (EXO) on static limits of stability and postural sway. Measurements were taken with participants, 10 US Army enlisted men, standing on a force platform. The men were tested with and without the EXO (15 kg) while carrying military loads of 20, 40 and 55 kg. Body lean to the left and right was significantly less and postural sway excursions and maximal range of movement were significantly reduced when the EXO was used. Hurst values indicated that body sway was less random over short-term time intervals and more random over long-term intervals with the EXO than without it. Feedback to the user's balance control mechanisms most likely was changed with the EXO. The reduced sway and relatively small changes in sway with increasing load weights suggest that the EXO structure may have functioned to provide a bracing effect on the body. 相似文献
Back injury caused by sudden loading is a significant risk among workers that perform manual handling tasks. The present study investigated the effects of load handling position on trunk biomechanics (flexion angle, L5/S1 joint moment and compression force) during sudden loading. Eleven subjects were exposed to a 6.8 kg sudden loading while standing upright, facing forward and holding load at three different vertical heights in the sagittal plane or 45° left to the sagittal plane (created by arm rotation). Results showed that the increase of load holding height significantly elevated the peak L5/S1 joint compression force and reduced the magnitude of trunk flexion. Further, experiencing sudden loading from an asymmetric direction resulted in significantly smaller peak L5/S1 joint compression force, trunk flexion angle and L5/S1 joint moment than a symmetric posture. These findings suggest that handling loads in a lower position could work as a protective strategy during sudden loading. 相似文献
In this article, a meta-heuristic technique based on a backtracking search algorithm (BSA) is employed to produce solutions to ascertain distributed generators (DGs). The objective is established to reduce power loss and improve network voltage profile in radial distribution networks by determining optimal locations and sizes of the DGs. Power loss indices and bus voltages are engaged to explore the initial placement of DG installations. The study cares with the DG type injects active and reactive power. The proposed methodology takes into consideration four load models, and their impacts are addressed. The proposed BSA-based methodology is verified on two different test networks with different load models and the simulation results are compared to those reported in the recent literature. The study finds that the constant power load model among various load models is sufficed and viable to allocate DGs for network loss and voltage studies. The simulation results reveal the efficacy and robustness of the BSA in finding the optimal solution of DGs allocation. 相似文献
Load carriage has been associated with a risk of upper and lower limb musculoskeletal disorders with women suffering significantly higher injury rates than their male counterparts. Despite this injury risk, there are limited evidence-based guidelines for recreational hikers, particularly female recreational hikers, regarding safe backpack loads. The purpose of the present study was to determine how variations in load mass affected the heart rate, posture and subjective responses of women during prolonged walking to provide evidence for a load mass limit for female recreational hikers. Heart rate (HR), posture and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and discomfort were collected for 15 female experienced recreational hikers (22.3 ± 3.9 years) while they hiked for 8 km at a self-selected pace under four different load conditions (0%, 20%, 30% and 40% of body weight (BW)). Although HR was not significantly affected by load mass or walking distance, increasing load mass and distance significantly affected posture, RPE and discomfort of the upper body. Carrying a 20% BW load induced significant changes in trunk posture, RPE and reported shoulder discomfort compared to the unloaded condition. The 20% BW load also resulted in a mean RPE rating of ‘fairly light’, which increased to ‘hard’ when carrying a 40% BW load. As load carriage distance increased participants reported significantly increased shoulder, neck and upper back discomfort. Based on the changes to posture, self-reported exertion and discomfort when carrying loads of 20%, 30% and 40% BW over 8 km, it was concluded that a backpack load limit of 30% BW should be recommended for female recreational hikers during prolonged walking. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of fatigue time and fatigue level on the increases in postural sway during quiet standing. Centre of pressure-based measures of postural sway were collected both before and after fatiguing participants using three different fatigue levels and two different fatigue times. Results showed increasing fatigue time increased sway velocity and sway area, and increasing fatigue level increased sway velocity. Fatigue time effects are important to consider when applying laboratory-based findings to the field given that the fatigue time can differ substantially between the two. Fatigue level effects imply a dose - response relationship between localized muscle fatigue and risk of falling that can have important implications in work/rest cycle scheduling for occupations at risk of injurious falls. 相似文献
《International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics》2014,44(6):874-881
The purpose of this study was to examine habituation and task on adaptation of postural responses to simulated wave-induced ship motions. Twenty-four participants (12 male and 12 female) performed four different tasks while being exposed to five platform motion profiles during two testing periods. The four tasks performed were: standing feet parallel stance, standing with feet in an in-step stance, holding of a 10 kg load, sagittal lifting/lowering of a 10 kg load. Motion induced correction (MIC) occurrence, corresponding platform motion parameters, and total time spent performing MICs were compared between trials and tasks. It was found that the number of MIC events and total time spent performing MICs differed significantly between trials, with the first trial for participants having more MIC events and more time spent performing postural corrections. The number of MIC events was reduced and total postural correction times were significantly quicker on the second day of testing. Results revealed significant differences in pitch and roll velocities between in-step and parallel standing and significant differences in pitch and roll accelerations between both standing tasks and MMH tasks (p < 0.05). These results suggest that MIC initiation is significantly affected by previous exposure, habituation to comparable platform motions, and task. Differences between tasks suggest that perturbation characteristics of MIC occurrence are potentially affected by shape of the base of support and additional load. These results could help explain difficulties in previous attempts to predict MIC occurrences purely upon platform motion characteristics.Relevance to industryThe results of this research suggest that when working in moving environments adaptation to motions may occur much faster than expected. Further adaptation may also occur after leaving the moving environment. These factors must be considered when evaluating offshore occupations. 相似文献
Effects of carried weight on random motion and traditional measures of postural sway 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Schiffman JM Bensel CK Hasselquist L Gregorczyk KN Piscitelle L 《Applied ergonomics》2006,37(5):607-614
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of load weight carried by soldiers upon postural sway. Fourteen US Army enlisted men participated. Postural sway and muscle activity were measured while participants stood on a force plate. The load weight conditions, comprised of Army clothing and load-carriage equipment were 6, 16, and 40 kg. With an increase in load weight, stabilogram-diffusion analysis revealed that random movement of postural sway decreased. Also, with an increase in load weight, center of pressure excursions increased linearly but muscle activity changed minimally. In short, increasing load weight challenged the load carriers' stability, reduced the randomness of postural sway and required the load carriers to exert greater control of the load in order to maintain balance. 相似文献
Very little is known about the magnitudes and sources of errors associated with the visual estimation of postural classification displayed on TV screens. This study was conducted to address this issue. Sixty-three subjects participated in the experiments. The findings indicate that: (1) subjects found it difficult to evaluate upper extremity postures (particularly the elbow and the wrist), while the postures around the lower back were the easiest to evaluate; (2) the lower extremity positions affected the ability of the subjects to accurately classify postures around the wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, and lower back, with the estimates being > 70% for sitting and > 60% for standing (except for the elbow); and (3) in general, flexion and extension are easier to evaluate than neutral and non-neutral postures. 相似文献