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为研究墙体构造措施和墙-框连接方式对砌体填充墙框架结构抗震性能的影响,设计制作了1榀空框架、2榀部分柔性连接和2榀全部柔性连接填充墙框架试件,然后在平面外单调静力加载试验的基础上进行了平面内水平低周往复荷载试验,最后结合试验结果对各试件的抗震性能进行综合分析和对比。试验和分析结果表明:墙-柱刚性连接的部分柔性连接方案对结构平面内及平面外水平承载力和初始刚度有利,但从变形能力和延性角度来看,墙-柱柔性连接更有利;全部柔性连接条件下,通过增强填充墙构造可以实现填充墙框架结构平面内及平面外综合抗震性能的改善,其中“井字梁”形式的填充墙构造方案综合抗震性能最优,且有利于降低平面外损伤对平面内抗震性能的影响。  相似文献   

为研究钢筋高强再生混凝土梁长期荷载下的变形性能,进行了6根足尺梁试件变形性能试验研究。梁截面尺寸为200mm×300mm,长3300mm,净跨3000mm;各梁配筋相同,纵筋配筋率1.13%,体积配箍率0.54%,纵筋净保护层厚度20mm;混凝土为再生粗骨料混凝土,细骨料为天然砂,再生粗骨料取代率分别为0%、33%、66%、100%,再生混凝土设计强度等级为C55~C60;针对两种不同持荷水平,进行了长期荷载试验。试验中得到了荷载、梁挠度、温度、湿度随时间的变化情况。分析了不同持荷水平、不同再生粗骨料取代率梁的挠度随时间变化的规律;拟合得到了挠度-时间关系曲线及其表达式。研究表明:低持荷水平下(加载弯矩与屈服弯矩比值为0.29)高强再生混凝土梁徐变挠度比天然骨料混凝土梁的略大,挠度增大系数比高持荷水平下(加载弯矩与屈服弯矩比值为0.46、0.47)的梁挠度增大系数略大;再生粗骨料混凝土梁长期荷载下挠度增大系数可按普通混凝土梁挠度增大系数的1.1倍采用;曲线拟合及分段线性拟合得到挠度计算值与实测值吻合较好。  相似文献   

针对砖砌体结构抗震性能差的问题,提出了采用竖向无粘结预应力筋对砖砌体结构进行加固的新型抗震加固技术。为研究加固效果,进行了一栋两层足尺砖砌体房屋模型模拟地震作用的拟动力试验与拟静力试验研究。试验测试了模型结构的动力特性和在不同方向、不同量级拟动力地震作用下的位移反应,研究了在拟静力试验工况下的破坏形态和受力性能。结果表明,加固前设防烈度不足8度的砖砌体结构,加固后在相当于9度大震(620伽)的拟动力作用下基本处于弹性状态,且结构两个方向的抗剪承载力与房屋总重量之比分别达到1.24和1.41,抗震承载力显著提高。加固后结构的荷载-位移滞回环饱满,骨架曲线下降段平缓,表现出良好的耗能和变形能力。水平荷载卸除后,预应力筋对于房屋有明显的复位作用,有助于实现大震不倒。   相似文献   

随着预制拼装桥墩的应用,出现拼接缝的构造和钢筋混凝土保护层厚度增加的现象,需修正原有的现浇混凝土结构裂缝宽度计算公式。研究基于2个足尺实心墩静力试验的结果,总结了预制拼装桥墩裂缝分布的特征,对裂缝的机理进行分析,提出适用于灌浆套筒预制拼装桥墩的裂缝宽度计算公式。试验结果表明,预制桥墩的首次开裂荷载是现浇桥墩的96%。墩底裂缝达到0.2 mm时,预制桥墩的开裂特征荷载是现浇桥墩的1.06倍。研究提出的灌浆套筒预制拼装桥墩压弯裂缝宽度计算公式符合套筒的开裂机理,具有针对性。  相似文献   

为评价HR-EPS(Hai Rong-Expanded Polystyrene)模块剪力墙结构的抗震性能,通过试验与数值模拟相结合的方法,对配筋率及轴压比不同的足尺HR-EPS模块剪力墙试件进行抗震性能研究.研究结果表明:墙体配筋率的提高,可以大幅增强足尺HR-EPS模块剪力墙的水平承载力;随着墙体配筋率的增加,墙体的...  相似文献   

在大跨度空间结构中,采用变高度变宽度加劲箱形截面形式的大跨度钢箱梁的力学行为非常复杂,除采用有限元计算分析之外,有必要对其承载性能进行试验研究,特别是足尺试验更能获取其整体承载能力和局部变形特性.为研究珠海国际会展中心二期屋面变截面加劲骨架式钢箱梁在设计荷载下的承载性能,首次提出一种合理简明且成本低廉的大跨度钢箱梁静载...  相似文献   

本文通过9榀混凝土框架一加气混凝土砌体填充墙平面内和平面外抗震性能的试验研究和理论分析,探讨了新型实用又切合加气混凝土砌块自身特点的连接方式。研究结果表明采用柔性连接节点即能够满足墙体与框架连接的整体性要求、又使得混凝土框架一加气混凝土砌体填充墙具有较好的抗震性能。  相似文献   

钢筋-沥青隔震墩砌体结构足尺模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对广大农村低矮房屋抗震能力普遍不足的现状,根据基础隔震理论,在钢筋 沥青复合隔震层的基础上,提出了钢筋 沥青隔震墩。并以单层单开间砌体结构房屋为研究对象,进行了足尺模型拟动力试验。通过隔震墩上、下楼板布置的拾振器测得上下部加速度幅值,用其比值衡量减震效果。研究结果表明:在各种振动波输入下,隔震墩吸收了大部分的能量,隔震墩上部楼板加速度反应可以衰减到隔震墩下部楼板加速度反应的50%以下,具有较好的减震效果;随着振动频率的增大,水平两个方向加速度衰减系数也相应减小;而随着控制位移的加大,加速度衰减系数相应增大;从输入加速度大小方面分析则随加速度峰值的增大,加速度衰减系数有减小的趋势。  相似文献   

水平荷载作用下足尺半刚性连接组合梁框架试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究半刚性连接组合梁钢框架在水平荷载作用下的特性,进行水平荷载作用下足尺的空间两层两跨半刚性连接组合梁框架的试验研究。半刚性连接组合梁框架由热轧H型钢柱和焊接H钢梁及压型钢板混凝土组合梁组成,连接为平端板连接半刚性节点。试验主要进行相应测点的应变、转角及位移测量,框架整体性能及半刚性连接节点性能的分析。试验结果显示半刚性连接组合梁框架具有较强的抵抗水平荷载的能力;平端板连接组合节点为半刚性连接、部分强度节点,具有较高的强度、刚度和较好的延性。将试验结果与简化计算方法的预测结果进行比较,结果显示框架的总体位移、极限承载能力、节点转动能力及强度的试验值与简化方法的预测值能较好的吻合。  相似文献   

鲁亮  孙越峰  柳献  王秀志  王维朋 《结构工程师》2012,28(6):134-139,180
为研究地铁隧道衬砌在侧向荷载作用下的极限承载力和变形能力,上海申通地铁集团有限公司和同济大学近期完成了基于地铁隧道变形治理的衬砌整环极限承载能力试验研究。介绍了地铁衬砌结构整环试验的研究内容,包括加载装置、荷载设计、测试内容以及部分试验结果等。  相似文献   

杨巍 《山西建筑》2007,33(36):138-139
分析了填充墙砌体裂缝的原因,详细地介绍了裂缝的防控措施,提出了裂缝的治理措施,以解决加气混凝土砌块填充墙体开裂的问题,从而提高建筑物的质量,延长建筑物的使用寿命。  相似文献   

The assessment of the dynamic or seismic performance of complex structures often requires the integration in the time domain of the structural equation of motion in the frame of a nonlinear analysis. Although sophisticated methods have been developed for the nonlinear analysis of masonry wall structures, including the macro- and micro-modeling approaches, these require large computational effort still limiting the extent and complexity of the structures analyzed. This paper presents an alternative method based on the Generalized Matrix Formulation for masonry skeletal structures and load bearing wall systems, which has been proved as an efficient formulation for the analysis of the strength capacity of these kinds of structures (Roca et al. (2005) [17]). The basic formulation has been complemented with a uniaxial cyclic constitutive model for masonry and a time integration scheme. The ability of the resulting approach to predict the nonlinear dynamic response of masonry structures is shown through its application to the time domain analysis of an experimental scale masonry building with available experimental results on its dynamic response.  相似文献   

框架结构混凝土砌块填充墙裂缝成因及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马伟 《山西建筑》2007,33(34):135-136
从温度变化、含水量变化、施工质量、施工材料质量几方面分析了框架结构混凝土砌块填充墙形成裂缝的原因,并提出了相应的防治方法,以提高填充墙的抗裂能力,从而保证了结构的整体性。  相似文献   

This paper provides insight into the seismic behavior of a full-scale precast reinforced concrete wall under in-plane cyclic loading combined with out-of-plane loading replicated by sand backfill to simulate the actual condition of basement walls. The tested wall exhibited flexural cracks, owing to the high aspect ratio and considerable out-of-plane movement due to lateral pressure from the backfill. The wall performed satisfactorily by exhibiting competent seismic parameters and deformation characteristics governed by its ductile response in the nonlinear phase during the test with smaller residual drift. Numerical analysis was conducted to validate experimental findings, which complied with each other. The numerical model was used to conduct parametric studies to study the effect of backfill density and aspect ratio on seismic response of the proposed precast wall system. The in-plane capacity of walls reduced, while deformation characteristics were unaffected by the increase in backfill density. An increase in aspect ratio leads to a reduction in in-plane capacity and an increase in drift. Curves between the ratio of in-plane yield capacity and design shear load of walls are proposed for the backfill density, which may be adopted to determine the in-plane yield capacity of the basement walls based on their design shear.  相似文献   

In Eastern Canada, most of moment resisting reinforced concrete frames with unreinforced masonry infill (MI-MRF) buildings were constructed between 1915 and 1960. These pre-code structures, in terms of seismic requirements, are considered vulnerable to earthquake due to insufficient ductility and resistance. The goal of this study is to provide a quantitative assessment of their seismic performance using fragility functions. Fragility functions represent the probability of damage that corresponds to a specific seismic intensity measure (e.g. peak ground acceleration at the site). Based on a structural characterisation study on existing buildings in Québec region, a case study three storey–three bay MI-MRF was selected as representative for mid-rise buildings. Pushover analyses were conducted on a nonlinear model of the infill frame to obtain the corresponding lateral load-deformation capacity curve. The nonlinear behaviour of the reinforced concrete beams and columns was modelled with concentrated plastic hinges at members’ ends and a modified strut-and-tie model was used for the infill to account for multiple failure modes. A simplified probabilistic nonlinear static procedure was applied to obtain the seismic demand model at increasing levels of seismic intensity. Fragility functions were then developed using an experiment-based damage model that correlate the extent of damage to the displacement demand. Damage assessment using the developed functions was conducted for an earthquake scenario compatible with the design-level seismic hazard in Quebec City with a 2% and 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. The developed functions and methodology are particularly useful in probability-based seismic loss assessment and in planning mitigation solutions.  相似文献   

It is remarkable, the recent advances concerning the development of numerical modeling frameworks to simulate the infill panels’ seismic behavior. However, there is a lack of experimental data of their mechanical properties, which are of full importance to calibrate the numerical models. The primary objective of this paper is to present an extensive experimental campaign of mechanical characterization tests of infill masonry walls made with three different types of masonry units: lightweight vertical hollow concrete blocks and hollow clay bricks. Four different types of experimental tests were carried out, namely: compression strength tests, diagonal tensile strength tests, and flexural strength tests parallel and perpendicular to the horizontal bed joints. A total amount of 80 tests were carried out and are reported in the present paper. The second objective of this study was to compare the mechanical properties of as-built and existing infill walls. The results presented and discussed herein, will be in terms of strain-stress curves and damages observed within the tests. It was observed a fragile behavior in the panels made with hollow clay horizontal bricks, without propagation of cracks. The plaster increased the flexural strength by 57%.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the numerical assessment of the influence of parameters such as pre-compression level, aspect ratio, vertical and horizontal reinforcement ratios and boundary conditions on the lateral strength of masonry walls under in-plane loading. The numerical study is performed through the software DIANA® based on the Finite Element Method. The validation of the numerical model is carried out from a database of available experimental results on masonry walls tested under cyclic lateral loading. Numerical results revealed that boundary conditions play a central role on the lateral behavior of masonry walls under in-plane loading and determine the influence of level of pre-compression as well as the reinforcement ratio on the wall strength. The lateral capacity of walls decreases with the increase of aspect ratio and with the decrease of pre-compression. Vertical steel bars appear to have almost no influence in the shear strength of masonry walls and horizontal reinforcement only increases the lateral strength of masonry walls if the shear response of the walls is determinant for failure, which is directly related to the boundary conditions.  相似文献   

循环荷载作用下岩石损伤变形与能量特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对不同围压作用下的岩石损伤变形与能量特征,开展了循环加卸载试验研究。基于原有损伤变量原理,进行修正,探讨了岩石在不同的偏应力量级下,每次循环的耗散能、损伤变量、塑性变形等与循环次数、应力之间的相互关系;进而,得到了岩石损伤破坏过程中能量的转化规律,从能量损耗的角度定量分析了岩石疲劳破坏的门槛值。试验研究结果表明:①应力水平越高、损伤变量与塑性变形越大,一次循环的能耗值越大,滞回圈的面积也就越大;②在门槛值前后,耗散能、损伤变量与塑性应变随着循环次数的增加变化趋势明显不同,并且在破坏前也呈疏00097;密00097;疏的发展过程;③不同的围压下,岩石疲劳破坏时所处的损伤状态不同,但破坏前循环一次的能耗值与损伤变量近似成线性关系,进而基于循环能耗值与损伤变量建立了能量破坏方程。  相似文献   

循环荷载作用下软黏土变形特性研究   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
通过对饱和软黏土进行一系列应力控制的循环三轴试验 ,结合各向同性弹塑性边界面模型数值模拟 ,得出了软黏土在不排水条件下受循环荷载作用时的累积残余变形规律。  相似文献   

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