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The ultrasonic technique has been demonstrated to be a promising method for the disposal of hazardous oily sludge.However,the separation of oil from the surfaces of the solid particles is still difficult due to the strong in-teraction between the oil and solid particle.In this study,three types of surfactants were used to assist the ultra-sonic treatment of oily sludge.The oil component,surface composition,and structure of the solid particle were determined.The results showed that different surfactants had different oil removal abilities.In the three surfactant-assisted sonication systems,the oil removal rate increased during the starting reaction period and then decreased with longer sonication time.The results of four components analysis suggested that surfactant easy to be ionized in water posed a better removal effect on resins,while the amphiphilic surfactant preferred saturates,aromatics and asphaltenes.The morphology analysis indicated that particle size was shattered into smaller ones by the ultrasonic process,and the wettability of the solid surface also changed during this treatment.The characterization of the oil component and solid particle during surfactant-assisted ultrasonication treatment will help to better understand the separation of oil from oily sludge and improve the oil recovery efficiency from oily sludge.  相似文献   

Heavy‐metal contamination is one of the most important environmental problems faced in the world, particularly in developing countries. Metals such as silver and mercury from drinking water, food, and air sources can accumulate in living organisms and present significant health concerns. Meanwhile, the demand for these metals in many industries continues to increase. In the present study, thioether‐functionalized corn oil (TFCO) from a photoinitiated thiol‐ene synthesis was utilized to remove Ag+ and Hg2+ ions from an aqueous solution. An aqueous solution containing AgNO3 and Hg[NO3]2 was prepared and contacted directly with TFCO. After vortex mixing for 60 s, the experiment ran for 351 min with the aqueous phase being periodically sampled for the analysis of metal ions (M n+). Results showed that 88.9% of Ag+ and 99.6% of Hg2+ ions were removed from the aqueous phase by the TFCO. Mass balances indicated that the total M n+ concentration in the oil phase was 13.890 g kg?1 under the conditions studied. TFCO exhibited higher selectivity for removing Hg2+ than for Ag+ ions. Analysis of the adsorption kinetics showed that a pseudosecond‐order model may be used to determine the rate of Ag+ ion sorption by the oil phase. The presence of the Hg2+ ions interfered with the adsorption of Ag+ ions from the aqueous solution.  相似文献   

以亚甲基蓝指示剂法为基础,通过对样品的处理和一系列的对比试验,依次对碳纤维油剂中阳离子表面活性剂、阴离子表面活性剂、非离子表面活性剂进行鉴别,建立了一种鉴别碳纤维油剂类型的系统方法。鉴别结果表明,此方法适用于系统鉴别碳纤维油剂中阴离子、阳离子和非离子表面活性剂类型。  相似文献   

A simple method has been developed for modelling the recovery of bitumen from packed beds of oil sand by water or caustic solution displacement. Batches of reconstituted oil sand were prepared by intimately mixing predetermined amounts of sand, water, and bitumen, thereby permitting the composition of the oil sand to be controlled and varied within a wide range. Dilution of the bitumen with hexadecane facilitated the mixing process and allowed experiments to be performed at low temperatures while maintaining oil-water viscosity ratios comparable to those prevailing at the higher temperatures encountered during hot water or steam displacements in the field. The effects of a wide range of compositional and operational variables were studied using a two-level fractional factorial design technique and the findings are discussed. Of particular interest are the observations that the density and initial connate water saturation of the oil sand exert significantly more effect on bitumen recovery efficiency for the case of water displacement than for caustic solution displacement.  相似文献   

王卫  李文波 《上海化工》2000,25(7):29-33
针对我国汽、柴油的特点及存在的问题介绍了世界车用燃料的标准及发展趋势,讨论了提高油品质量的各项工艺技术,同时提出了对策及建议。  相似文献   

Development of gas turbines fueled with light cycle oil (LCO) and oil mixture of LCO and diesel light oil (LO) requires an understanding of the droplet burning and vaporization characteristics of those oils. The present study is devoted to comparing the burning characteristics of isolated fuel droplets composed of an LCO and an LO. The tests were conducted in an atmospheric hot-air chamber preset at 1173 K, and the examined LCO had a lower cetane number but higher volatility and aromatics content compared to LO. It was demonstrated that the burning of the LCO droplet was sootier, while that of the LO droplet was more disruptive. At the tested temperature, coke formation was indistinct for both the oils, whereas slightly higher ignition delay time was shown for the LO droplet. The microexplosive burning more or less complicated the time-series droplet size d, an explicit burning rate constant, however, was still definable according to the d2-law to show the overall regression speed of the droplet surface area d2 with burning time t. The rate constant exhibited little difference for smaller LCO and LO droplets but was greater for LO when the droplet was larger. The rate constant also gradually increased with increasing the initial droplet diameter d0, which caused the relative size d/d0 to be unified (normalized) into a single curve by a burning time t/d0n (1.0<n<2.0). Analysis revealed that this unification resulted from the respective overlaps of the unsteady and quasi-steady burning phases for differently sized droplets. Further, it was clarified that the unification and analysis are generally valid to isolated liquid fuel droplet burning in hot ambiences.  相似文献   

针对目前含油污泥治理方面存在的问题,提出了一种炼厂含油污泥全回流简易蒸馏的新工艺。在实验确定的优化工艺条件下,可使原油回收率达到97 .4 % 。利用脱油后的泥渣生产用途十分广泛的建筑防水嵌缝油膏,为综合治理含油污泥找到了一条有效途径  相似文献   

柴油降凝剂的应用背景及发展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
谈兵  吕涯 《上海化工》1999,24(7):4-6
介绍了柴油降凝剂的应用背景及国内外研究与发展概况。  相似文献   

分析适合超稠油掺柴油输送方法的实际条件;在能量守恒的基础上推导出超稠油掺柴油集输过程中压力和温度的耦合方程,并以凤城油田超稠油物性参数做为数据参考,运用迭代法进行计算求解,得出超稠油掺柴油集输管道运行中,在不同混输流量下沿程各个节点的压力和温度。该计算模型能够较好的反应超稠油掺柴油集输过程中管线的水力及热力特性,为稠油掺柴油输送工艺提供了相关的理论基础。  相似文献   

国外植物油及其衍生物在车用燃料方面的应用进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了国外植物油及其衍生物用作柴油机燃料的发展概况。  相似文献   

崔世彬  陈婷婷 《辽宁化工》2011,40(10):1038-1040
炼油厂产生的含油污泥占含油污泥的比重很大,且其含油率较高,具有一定的回收利用价值。实验采用化学洗涤法在平平加-20和硅酸钠溶液为洗脱液的条件下对含油污泥进行处理并回收原油,确定硅酸钠在液固质量比为6︰1,反应温度为70℃,反应时间为20 min,质量分数为0.03%的条件下达到最佳洗脱液效果,残油率为5.3%。与之相比平平加-20的最佳处理效果虽然不比硅酸钠好,但是仍然具有一定的使用价值。  相似文献   

Performance of a diesel generator fuelled with palm oil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pure palm oil may be employed in diesel engines as an alternative fuel. Engine performance and emissions were influenced by basic differences between diesel fuel and palm oils such as mass based heating values, viscosity, density and molecular oxygen content. The high viscosity of palm oil resulted in poor atomisation, carbon deposits, clogging of fuel lines and starting difficulties in low temperatures. When heated at 100 °C palm oil presented lower viscosity, better combustion and less deposits. Tests were conducted in a naturally aspirated MWM 229 direct injection four-stroke 70 kW diesel-generator fueslled with 100% palm oil.  相似文献   

以塔河某稠油为样,在优化条件下进行降黏实验研究。试油40g,降黏剂WWS质量分数0.4%,碳酸钠质量分数0.2%,加水量20mL(矿化度5 000mg/L),实验温度65℃,搅拌下反应80min,稠油的黏度从65℃时的5 620mPa.s降至180mPa.s,降黏率达到96%以上,改善了稠油的流动性。  相似文献   

Flow properties of vegetable oil-diesel fuel blends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Z. Franco 《Fuel》2011,90(2):838-843
Straight vegetable oils provide cleaner burning and renewable alternatives to diesel fuel, but their inherently high viscosity compared to petroleum based diesel is undesirable for diesel engines. Lowering the viscosity can be simply achieved by either increasing the temperature of the oil or by blending it with diesel fuel, or both. In this work the rheological properties of diesel fuel and vegetable oil mixtures at different compositions were studied as a function of temperature to determine a viscosity-temperature-composition relationship for use in design and optimization of heating and fuel injection systems used in diesel engines. The vegetable oils used were corn, canola, olive, peanut, soybean and sunflower oils which are of commercial food grade. All the vegetable oils and their blends with No. 2 diesel fuel showed time-independent Newtonian behaviour within the test temperatures between 20 °C and 80 °C. Viscosities of the pure oils and diesel were satisfactorily correlated with temperature by means of the Arrhenius typed relationship. The Arrhenius blending rule was found applicable to describing the composition dependence of viscosity all vegetable oils-diesel blends at a fixed temperature. These relations were combined to develop a simple mixture viscosity model to predict the viscosity of the vegetable oil-diesel blends as functions of temperature and composition based on properties of the pure components.  相似文献   

The effects of the duration of direct amidation of fatty acids (FA) with diethanolamine on the composition of the products obtained, their surface-active properties, and ability to stabilize water-in-oil emulsions are studied using the example of tall oil distillate. A certain range of synthesis time that corresponds to the maximum content of diethanolamides in the reaction products, and, as a consequence, the highest surface-active and emulsifying properties of the products is shown to exist. An increase in the synthesis duration time leads to a deterioration of these properties due to accumulation of the products of secondary reactions. A new mechanism of the amidation process that includes secondary transformations of diethanolamine and its condensation products with FA into 1,4-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine derivatives is proposed. The structures of by-products are confirmed using high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS), infrared (IR), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy methods. It is concluded that the acid value of the product as well as the amount of water released during the synthesis cannot serve as a reliable criterion for completion of the process.  相似文献   

Efforts are under way to reduce diesel engine emissions (DEE) and their content of carcinogenic and mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Previously, we observed reduced PAH emissions and DEE mutagenicity caused by reformulated or newly developed fuels. The use of rapeseed oil as diesel engine fuel is growing in German transportation businesses and agriculture. We now compared the mutagenic effects of DEE from rapeseed oil (RSO), rapeseed methyl ester (RME, biodiesel), natural gas-derived synthetic fuel (gas-to-liquid, GTL), and a reference petrodiesel fuel (DF) generated by a heavy-duty truck diesel engine using the European Stationary Cycle. Mutagenicity of the particle extracts and the condensates was tested using the Salmonella typhimurium mammalian microsome assay with strains TA98 and TA100. The RSO particle extracts increased the mutagenic effects by factors of 9.7 up to 17 in strain TA98 and of 5.4 up to 6.4 in strain TA100 compared with the reference DF. The RSO condensates caused up to three times stronger mutagenicity than the reference fuel. RME extracts had a moderate but significantly higher mutagenic response in assays of TA98 with metabolic activation and TA100 without metabolic activation. GTL samples did not differ significantly from DF. Regulated emissions (hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter) remained below the limits except for an increase in NOx exhaust emissions of up to 15% from the tested biofuels.  相似文献   

国民日益增长的环境保护意识使柴油产品的质量不断提升。阐述了国内外优异的柴油加氢催化剂及工艺技术,使含硫柴油经加氢处理后质量进一步升级。严格控制柴油的硫含量,降低生产成本,提高十六烷值。本着优化、创新的原则,重点研究PHF-101工艺技术,来适应市场经济快速发展的要求。  相似文献   

柴油脱氮精制技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柴油中氮化物的存在对油品安定性的影响极为严重,对油品的颜色和胶质的生成影响也很大,是成胶的主要因素之一。而且有机氮化物在燃烧过程中会造成空气污染,形成酸雨。如何脱除柴油中的氮化物,提高柴油的安定性,满足对柴油产品质量的更高要求,是目前研究的重点。柴油脱氮精制技术可分为加氢脱氮和非加氢脱氮两大类,作者综述了各种柴油脱氮精制技术的原理、优缺点以及最新的研究进展。  相似文献   

柴油中氮化物的存在对油品安定性的影响极为严重,对油品的颜色和胶质的生成影响也很大,是成胶的主要因素之一。有机氮化物在燃烧中会造成空气污染,形成酸雨。如何脱除柴油中的氮化物,提高柴油的安定性,满足对柴油产品质量的更高要求是目前研究的重点。作者综述了各种柴油脱氮精制技术的原理、优缺点。  相似文献   

微波辐射柴油脱硫实验研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
采用微波辅助氧化反应的方法对辽河常二线柴油配制油样进行了脱硫实验,过氧化氢作氧化剂,可以把柴油中的含硫化合物有选择性地氧化成相应的具有很强极性的砜,根据相似相溶原理,这些砜因溶于剂相而从柴油中除去,从而降低了硫含量。实验过程中分别考察了氧化荆用量、剂油比、反应体系压力、氧化时间、微波功率等对柴油硫含量的影响。确定了实验室适宜的操作条件:剂油体积比为0.25:1,微波辐射压力为0.05MPa,微波功率为375w,辐射时间为6min,柴油的脱硫率为60%.而在无微波辐射的条件下,脱硫率仅为12%。  相似文献   

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