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基于Agent的Jabber即时消息系统研究及其实现   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Jabber是一种开放的可扩展即时消息服务(IM)协议。应用Agent风格软件体系结构设计Jabber协议机,通过服务器端Agent构件仿真异构IM客户端,实现异构即时消息传递系统集成,为用户提供透明的跨平台即时消息对等通信服务,给出了基于Web服务模型的Jabber实现。整合到企业信息平台应用系统中的实践表明,Agent软件体系结构Jabber即时消息系统设计先进,具有强大的跨平台功能和实用性。  相似文献   

即时通讯是一种基于互联网的网络应用,目前很多即时通讯系统,如MSN,QQ等,但由于使用了不同的协议,各个系统之间不能互联。可扩展消息与存在协议(XMPP)是即时通讯系统通信协议的标准,该文提出一种基于XMPP协议的即时通讯系统方案,并基于Android平台设计实现了即时通讯客户端,有效的解决了即时通讯系统中通信不畅的问题,并为其他类型智能平台间的即时通信提出一种可参考的解决方案。  相似文献   

樊燕红  谭香 《电子技术应用》2007,33(10):123-124
XMPP最终要实现不同即时通信系统间的互通。主要介绍对XMPP与其他IM互连互通的网关原理及其应用进行的研究讨论,并以jabber系统与MSN Messenger进行互发信息作为实例进行详细阐述。  相似文献   

B/S模式下基于Jabber的IM系统的构建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的即时通信系统大都使用C/S模式,用户需要下载并安装客户端后才可以使用。随着Web技术的发展,人们越来越习惯于使用基于B/S模式的应用来进行工作,而即时通信作为一种方兴未艾的互联网通信服务,如果也能够工作于B/S模式下,必将给人们带来更大的方便。描述了一种B/S模式下的基于Jabber的IM系统的构建方法。通过采用BOSH技术,结合实际校园项目构建了B/S模式下基于Jabber的IM系统。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网和智能终端的发展与普及, IM(Instant messaging即时通讯)再次成为一个炙手可热的领域。由于移动终端设备在低功耗、低带宽等方面的限制,对即时通讯协议提出了更高的要求。 MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,消息队列遥测传输)作为一种轻量级基于发布/订阅模式的消息传输协议,是移动终端应用的理想选择。介绍了MQTT的基本内容和特点,并与其他即时通讯协议SIMPLE协议和XMPP协议进行了对比,从而提出一种基于MQTT协议的移动终端即时通讯解决方案。在Mosquitto开源项目的基础上,设计并实现了一款基于MQTT协议的移动即时通讯客户端,实现了即时通信、状态呈现和群组等功能。  相似文献   

Jabber是一种针对即时消息和现场服务的开放协议,可以和多种即时通信对接。Red5是一个采用Java开发开源的Flash流媒体服务器,具有强大的多媒体功能。本文正是结合两者的优点,提出了一种即时、高效的视频通信解决方案。  相似文献   

万众 《软件》2013,(12):213-217
现今有许多热门的即时通信相关的协议和技术,其中最受关注的有WebSocket协议和XMPP(The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol,中文:可扩展通讯和表示协议)协议。探讨了二者从通信协议到各自使用的服务器的联系和区别。WebSocket服务端的实现有Tornado,Jetty,Node.js等,其中Node.js以其异步非阻塞的特性引起了许多研究人员的关注。首先重点研究了其性能和优缺点,并且开发了一个简单的例子,进行测试。XMPP协议因为其标准化,是许多业内人士认为的即时通信协议发展的最终方向。客户端具有非常高的灵活性,从应用性上面来说非常强大。而Openifre是一个很好的开源的基于XMPP协议的服务器端的实现。最后提出了一些开放性的问题,给该话题的后续研究提供了一些好的方向。  相似文献   

企业即时通信软件的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对企业员工之间以及企业与客户之间即时通信使用软件平台不同而带来的障碍,通过对现有XMPP扩展协议Jingle的即时通开源库libjingle的分析,并结合Google Talk即时通的开发技术,在即时通软件客户端加入企业硬件产品远程认证模块和远程故障诊断模块,实现了用户和企业间的文字与音频即时通信和个性化即时通信。  相似文献   

It is important to know the presence of other concurrently online users before real-time communication can be established with them. While many instant messaging (IM) systems are available, there is no standard protocol for online presence notification due to the proprietary nature of such systems. These systems generally have many security weaknesses such as anonymous messaging, message spoofing, account hijacking and authorization overriding because they depend heavily on client-side operations. This paper proposes an open protocol for online presence notification that also provides negotiation support for real-time communication services. The open nature of the protocol promotes interoperability, but demands higher levels of security than proprietary ones. The separation of instant messaging from online presence notification also distinguishes this open protocol from others. Furthermore, a relatively secure presence notification system based on the proposed protocol has been implemented with its performance evaluated.  相似文献   

针对客户服务中心信息交换的复杂需求,设计了一个客户服务中心通用信息交换系统.系统以基于XML技术的源代码开放的即时消息Jabber框架和XMPP协议为核心,采用分层和模块化的设计思想,在企业级层面上以统一的架构实现了信息交换和数据共享功能,屏蔽了企业相关应用系统的变化对客户服务中心应用的影响.系统具有较好的通用性、开放性、经济性、安全性和可扩展性,为从企业层面解决信息交换问题提出了一种新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

近年来,宽带接入技术正以十分惊人的速度发展.与此同时,移动互联网技术也日益成熟,即时消息业务已成为移动互联时代的应用热点.在互联网中XMPP和SIMPLE被广泛使用,但其并不能很好的适用于移动互联网.采用发布/订阅模型的MQTT协议是一种轻量级的消息传输协议,具有低功耗、节省流量和可扩展性强的优点.本文首先分析了XMPP和SIMPLE协议的不足之处,研究了MQTT协议的消息格式以及协议的使用方式,之后对即时消息业务进行了设计和实现.并在功能和性能上进行了相关的测试和分析.  相似文献   

While Desktop Grid Computing has become a promising alternative to classical Grids for certain kinds of applications, it has not yet reached the same level of standardization. In this article, we present Orbweb, a network substrate for Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid Computing based on the open industrial-strength eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). We discuss, how XMPP can be leveraged to tackle domain-specific challenges, including high scalability, support for volatility, NAT/Firewall traversal, and protocol efficiency. Where XMPP fails to meet these requirements, we contribute pertinent extensions. In particular, we boost the scalability of XMPP by taking load of the XMPP servers through dynamically negotiated direct Peer-to-Peer communication channels between XMPP peers. We pave the way for scalable group membership management by substituting the existing XMPP Multi-User Chat protocol for one that does not suffer from limitations imposed by an »everyone knows everyone« visibility model and allows for deploying custom virtual topologies that best match the interaction patterns of a given application. As efficient multicasting is an essential prerequisite for many distributed algorithms, we adapt the well-known Bimodal Multicast protocol to work in a highly volatile Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid Computing environment. Finally, we show how to improve the protocol efficiency of XMPP by leveraging a standardized binary encoding of the XML Information Set for XMPP packet transmission. To substantiate the applicability of our approach and the effectiveness of our extensions, we describe how some important higher-level services used in Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid Computing can be implemented on top of Orbweb and provide a detailed experimental analysis with up to 10K nodes.  相似文献   

Presence technology has long been an integral part of instant messaging. The technology lets users determine if their contacts are online, signed onto their IM applications, and ready to receive messages. This makes IM different from traditional forms of communication, in which users send out messages or calls without knowing whether the recipient is present to receive them. Now, presence technology is starting to appear in numerous programs other than IM. For example, Microsoft is adding presence to Word, Excel, and other applications. In addition, IBM is adding presence capabilities to Lotus Notes 6.5. Thus, for example, when the scheduled starting time for a user's meeting arrives, the system could show people that the user is unavailable.  相似文献   

基于J2ME平台的IPv6 Jabber系统实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于无线网络的即时通信系统进行了分析,针对现有无线即时通信系统的缺陷,提出了一种基于J2ME技术使用Jabber/XMPP的无线即时通信系统解决方案:对方案的架构、设计、实现中的难点进行了讨论,并给出了具体解决办法。  相似文献   

针对现在XMPP(Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)即时通信所存在的服务手段单一问题,通过对XMPP协议分析,应用XMPP服务器的模块化结构,给出了一种结合现有短信协议来达到定制各种短信业务的新设计,并对系统实现方法进行阐述。  相似文献   

基于以XMPP协议的Jabber技术发展最快,是研究最多的即时通信技术之一,为了保证实时通信质量,应用NAT穿透技术,通过客户端与客户端的实时通信过程,有效地保证了通信的实时性。最后介绍实时通信软件的服务器端和客户端的架构设计。  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,远程控制技术得到越来越广泛的应用。针对目前实际应用中远程控制存在的可达性不可靠、不够安全以及不易扩展等问题,对XMPP协议系统架构、消息格式、安全机制以及扩展性进行研究,通过扩展XMPP协议,设计了一种采用基于XMPP扩展协议的即时通信客户端作为控制端,通过"客户端-服务器"到"服务器-客户端"的模式架构进行通信的远程控制系统。通过系统仿真,验证了系统的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

即时消息传递(IM——Instant messaging)是Internet上日渐普及的一种通信方法。当前有许多被使用的IM协议,但它们之间的互通性比较差。为了推动IM的进一步发展,提出了一个针对企业级应用的即时消息交换系统模型,介绍了模型所用的通信协议,并详细讨论了消息服务器的设计和在Windows平台上的具体实现。通过理论分析和实际应用,证明了所做的研究是可行的。  相似文献   

Millions of adults currently use instant messaging (IM) in the workplace, and yet there is very little research examining how use and perceptions of this new medium affect intra-organizational communication. While one of the characteristics of instant messaging is the ability to exchange real-time communication, what truly distinguishes instant messaging from other widely adopted forms of mediated communication is the integration of presence technology, which allows parties to detect if others are online and available to communicate. In this paper, we propose a theory of productivity benefits of presence-aware communication technology, building upon past research. Based on this model, we use a quasi-experimental longitudinal research design to test how providing instant messaging to selected workgroups at a Fortune 500 company impacts employees' attitudes and work behavior.

Results suggest that IM use had a positive effect on improving productivity with participants citing reductions in voice mail and phone tag, improvements to how easy it was to see if colleagues were online and available to communicate as well as increased productivity served by back-channel communications conducted via IM. Results and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

本文分析了XMPP协议,以及基于XMPP协议的IM系统。在此基础上,对IM系统进行扩展,实现与其它通讯工具的互通,以及在企业信息化系统中的应用。这将打破现行企业信息化系统的复杂、庞大、推广困难的局面,给我们推行多年的企业信息化建设注入强心剂。  相似文献   

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