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商务部近日公布对进口美国白羽肉鸡产品采取反倾销反补贴措施的再调查裁定公告,认定进口美国的这类产品存在倾销和补贴,并决定调整美国公司的“双反”税率。  相似文献   

2010年3月2日,美国商务部作出两项初步裁定,分别对产自中国的部分铜版纸和磷酸钾盐征收反补贴关税。  相似文献   

本刊讯 《中华纸业》2015,(13):10-10
本刊讯 2015年6月23日,美国商务部公布对华非涂布纸(uncoated paper)反补贴调查的初裁结果,内容显示为:亚太森博(广东)纸业有限公司(Asia Symbol(Guangdong)Omya Minerals Co.,Ltd)、亚太森博(山东)浆纸有限公司(Asia Symbol(Shandong)Pulp & Paper Co.,Ltd)和Greenpoint贸易公司(Greenpoint Global Trading Co.,Ltd),这三家企业的初裁税率为5.82%。  相似文献   

商务部消息 6月16日,商务部发布2006年第45号公告,公布了对原产于美国和欧盟的进口耐磨纸(以下简称被调查产品)反倾销调查的初裁决定,公告决定对该被调查产品采取临时反倾销措施。该被调查产品归在《中华人民共和国进出口税则》税则号:48064000。自2006年6月16日起,进口经营者在进口原产于美国和欧盟的耐磨纸时,应依据初裁公告中确定的各公司征收保证金比率向中华人民共和国海关提供相应的保证金。  相似文献   

2006年12月12日,商务部发布2006年第93号公告,公布了原产于美国和欧盟的进口耐磨纸反倾销调查的终裁决定。商务部最终裁定,原产于美国和欧盟的进口耐磨纸存在倾销.中国耐磨纸产业遭受了实质损害,同时倾销和实质损害之间存在因果关系.并决定自2006年12月13日起对该被调查产品征收反倾销税。  相似文献   

<正>美国商务部于2010年9月21日做出最终裁决,认定中国产铜版纸存在倾销和补贴行为。根据裁决,中国输美铜版纸将面临7.6%~135.83%不等的反倾销税,以及17.64%~178.03%不等的反  相似文献   

张坤 《造纸信息》2008,(11):38-38
2008年9月27日,美国商务部公布了对来自中国的低定量热敏纸反倾销、反补贴和来自德国的低定量热敏纸反倾销终裁结果:广东冠豪高新技术股份有限公司的补贴幅度为13.17%,另一家强制应诉的中国企业为0.57%,另外三家不应诉的中国企业补贴幅度为123.65%~137.25%,除此之外的其他中国企业补贴幅度为13.17%;冠豪高新的倾销幅度为19.77%,  相似文献   

许跃 《造纸信息》2010,(4):39-39
美国商务部3月2日作出初步裁定,对产自中国和印度尼西亚的部分铜版纸征收反补贴关税。这个决定可能对每年贸易额达2.73亿美元的中国和印度尼西亚对美铜版纸出口产生影响。  相似文献   

郝吴 《中华纸业》2005,26(11):79
本刊讯 9月30日,商务部发布2005个第60号公告,公布了对原产了美国、泰国、韩国和台湾地区进口的未漂白牛皮箱纸板反倾销调盘的终裁决定,并决定自2005年9月30日起,对原产于上述国家和地区的进口被调查产品征收7%~65.2%不等的反倾销税,期限为5年。  相似文献   

据有关报道,2008年3月26日,澳大利亚政府正式立案对原产于或出口自中国的卫生纸进行反倾销反补贴合并调查。这是澳大利亚对中国产品发起的首次反补贴调查。商务部新闻发言人王新培表示,在申请书缺乏足够的法律和事实证据支持、没有满足WTO成员规则和澳国内法规定的立案条件的情况下,澳方仍坚持立案调查,中国政府对此表示遗憾。  相似文献   

目的以从美国引进的薯条加工型品种或品系为实验对象,比较漂烫预油炸加工法和直接油炸加工法2种加工方法对其感官品质的影响。方法采用漂烫预油炸加工法和直接油炸加工法对其加工,采用感官评价的方法比较2种加工方法对薯条感官品质的影响。结果漂烫预油炸法与直接油炸法相比,在外观指标和总体评分上均有显著性差异(P0.05),而在其他指标均无显著性差异,且2种方法对外观、湿度、外壳和内部表现4个指标的影响趋势大致相同。结论漂烫预油炸方法与直接油炸方法相比,改进了外观色泽,但并未改变薯条的其他加工性状,在加工薯条品种筛选的过程中推荐使用该方法。  相似文献   

美国进口食品安全管理机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王冉  姚舜  王铁军  陈芳 《食品工业科技》2013,34(11):294-297
美国是世界上主要的食品贸易大国,建立了完善的、系统化和立体化的进口食品安全监控体系。本文从分管机构、协调机制、进口手续及违法处理等方面系统地对美国进口食品监管机制进行分析。这些分析对切实保护我国国民的健康和生命安全、保护国家贸易利益和国内市场、促进进出口食品贸易等具有重要借鉴意义。   相似文献   

The Ministry of Commerce of People's Republic of China issued Announcement No.54 of year 2009 on August 4, which gave final review decision to anti-dumping measures applicable to the coated paper imported from Japan and South Korea. From  相似文献   


印度媒体报道,继下调铁矿石运费之后,印度铁道部门可能会削减钢材运输费率,协助政府控制通货膨胀。  相似文献   

Food-grade PVC film containing 28.3% dioctyladipate (DOA) plasticizer was used to wrap chicken meat samples, with and without skin, contained in a polystyrene tray. Samples were then irradiated with γ-radiation [60Co] at doses equal to 4 kGy and 9 kGy corresponding to “cold pasteurization”. Irradiation was carried out at 8–10 °C and samples were subsequently stored at 4–5 °C. Contaminated chicken meat samples were analysed for DOA at intervals between 7 h and 240 h of contact, using an indirect GC method. Identical non-irradiated (control) samples were also analysed for their DOA content. Results showed no statistically significant differences in migrated amounts of DOA between irradiated and non-irradiated samples. Neither were differences observed between samples irradiated at 4 kGy and 9 kGy. This was supported by identical IR spectra recorded for irradiated and non-irradiated samples and leads to the conclusion that, at such intermediate radiation doses (?kGy), the migration characteristics of PVC film are not affected. DOA migration was found to be time dependent, approaching equilibrium after approximately 170 h for the chicken flesh plus skin samples and 120 h for the chicken flesh samples. The amount of DOA migrated into chicken flesh plus skin samples was significantly greater (3.2–22.3 mg/dm2) than that for chicken flesh samples (0.9–8.9 mg/dm2). After 240 h of sample/ film contact under refrigeration, loss of DOA was approximately 35.6% for chicken flesh plus skin samples and 14.3% for chicken flesh samples. Sample spoilage, as demonstrated by off-odour development, occurred after approximately 120 h of refrigerated storage. Diffusion coefficients for DOA were calculated and were found to be lower for chicken flesh (1×10?13) than for flesh plus skin (4.4×10?13) samples.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic method has been developed for the analysis of saponins in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). The method, which involves separation and quantitation of the trimethylsilylated sapogenols, has been applied to the analysis of the UK-grown crop obtained by selection from lowland Chilean ecotypes. Total saponin contents of 1·03 and 1·19% were found for material grown in 1987 and 1988. The major aglycone in the quinoa saponin mixture was identified as phytolaccagenic acid (>40% total), with hederagenin (~25%) and oleanolic acid (30%) aglycones also being present. The effects of washing and abrasion on total and individual saponin content were investigated; the data obtained suggest differential cellular locations of the individual saponins. The processing of quinoa led to changes in sensory characteristics; removal of saponins was associated with reductions in bitterness and astringency. Microscopic analysis revealed considerable differences in washed and abraded samples, both before and after cooking; in particular the abraded samples showed a greater degree of cellular disruption.  相似文献   

Here the results of analyses of milk of Friesian cows imported into the University Teaching and Research Farm from Western Germany are reported. Twenty-five of the cows were milked from the first day after parturition for a lactation of 305 days (average yield 3000 ± 88kg). The colostrum contained higher percentages of total solids (TS), crude protein (CP), fats and ash but lower lactose than the mature milk. Concentration of major minerals in the colostrum were higher than the corresponding values in the mature milk. The composition of the colostrum approached normal values on the seventh day after parturition. Contents of TS, CP, lactose and fats in milk were highest in the first month of lactation and then decreased with advance in lactation. The trends were highly significant (P<0.01). On the other hand, the concentration of the minerals increased except for potassium which decreased with advance in lactation with the trends being highly significant (P < 0.01). The values obtained for the gross composition of milk (except total ash) were higher than those reported for the Friesian cow's milk in temperate countries.  相似文献   

Samples of dried figs and fig pastes from Turkey supplied voluntarily by UK importers and retailers during the period November 1988 to January 1989 showed both a high incidence and high levels of contamination with aflatoxins. In the samples tested, 24% had total aflatoxin concentrations above 10 micrograms/kg, with the highest level being 165 micrograms/kg. More rigorous monitoring of the 1989 fig harvest was undertaken on bulk consignments for all figs from Turkey entering the UK. For whole dried figs 20 kg samples were taken (as 20 sub-samples), and for fig paste 5 kg samples were taken (again as 20 sub-samples). Figs were minced, blended with water and mixed prior to sub-sampling for analysis. Analysis was by immunoaffinity column clean-up with HPLC determination of aflatoxins with fluorescence detection. Examination showed that 11% of 112 consignments of fig paste and 9% of 93 consignments of whole dried figs were contaminated with total alfatoxin concentrations above 10 micrograms/kg, with the highest level of contamination being 40 micrograms/kg. As a result of this surveillance programme 14 consignments of figs were refused entry into the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

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