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溴化锂吸收式制冷机的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵琳梅 《中国能源》1997,(4):32-34,49

随着经济建设的发展,及人民生活水平的提高,溽暑盛夏,人们很需要有一个舒适的温度和湿度的环境,空调设备的应用就日益增多,因而建筑的总能量消耗,及按人口或面积的能量消耗也随之逐年增长。初步调查空调制冷系统的能量消耗,在民用建筑中占总能量消耗的45%以上,有的达到65%,说明了空调制冷系统能量消耗是相当大的。如何做到既降低能耗,又为人民生活、工作创造一个舒适的环境,是需要认真关注的一项节能工作。空调技术中降温去湿是重要环节,制冷机是空调工程的核心没备,常用的设备有活塞式  相似文献   

溴化锂吸收式制冷机的节能途径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭辉平 《节能技术》2000,18(6):16-16,18
本文介绍了溴化锂吸收式制冷机的组成及影响能耗因素,提出了多种节能途径。  相似文献   

本文介绍双 效溴化锂制冷机组维修保养的经验。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出在我国能源消耗中,据1990年统计,工业耗能占68.9%,总耗能约为6.8亿吨标煤.工业余热资源量很大,回收利用工业余热是一项重要的节能及环境保护措施.但对于温度较低范围的等热回收则显得非常困难.如化学工业和石化工业中,温度在120℃左右的余热;在钢铁工业中低于150℃左右的余热.如何充分地回收  相似文献   

浅谈溴化锂吸收式制冷机在空气调节中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨桃元 《中国能源》1991,(2):41-42,11
<正> 一、概况纺织工业,特别是棉纺织厂、毛纺织厂为了提高产品质量,改善工人劳动条件及卫生条件,对车间温湿度都有一定的要求。例如毛纺织厂的纺纱车间,要求夏季温度低于32℃,湿度在68—75%范围内。为了达到上述工艺要求,一般都采用空调室——集中送风装置。为了降低送入车间的空气温度,就需要取得冷源。溴化锂吸收式制冷机是一种以热能为动力、以水为制冷剂、以溴化锂溶液为吸收剂,用来制取高于0℃的冷水(一般制取7℃或13℃的冷水)的节能制冷设备。  相似文献   

溴化锂吸收式制冷机的应用分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
魏兵 《节能技术》2002,20(3):30-32
概述了溴化锂吸收式制冷的原理,分析了溴化锂吸收式制冷机的综合效益及其一次能源利用率,以热电厂热电冷三联供系统为例分析了溴化锂吸收式制冷机的节能效益,并指出了溴化锂吸收式制冷机在工程应用中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

溴化锂吸收式制冷机动态特性仿真系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵莉  王美霞  王新光 《节能》2001,(3):10-21
设计并完成了溴化锂吸收式制冷机动态特性的测量试验,通过试验,对溴化锂吸收式制冷机的动态特性进行了分析,求出了被控对象的传递函数,建立了动态数学模型。在此基础上,设计了溴化锂吸收式制冷机动态特性的仿真系统。并对控制器的控制参数进行整定,得到了最佳控制结果。  相似文献   

从热工学角度探讨国产吸收式制冷机的发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文从热工学角度探讨了目前我国溴化锂吸收式制冷机整机热力循环及各热质交换设备性能、结构等方面存在的问题;在整机循环方面,指出实现各设备的合匹配、发展新的结构流程及增加新品种、新规格的机组为进一步的发展方向;在各设备性能、结构方面提出应加强吸收机理研究以及表面活化剂、高效强化管的应用研究。  相似文献   

Thermal storage, low power tariff at night, and low nocturnal temperature can be used in synergy to reduce the cooling costs of the solar-powered absorption chiller cooling systems. This study aims to reduce the required cooling capacity of an absorption chiller (ACH) powered by a solar parabolic trough collector (PTC) and a backup fuel boiler by integrating thermal storage tanks. The thermal performance of the system is simulated for a building that is cooled for 14 h/day. The system uses 1000 m2 PTC with 1020 kW ACH. Chilled water storage (CHWS) and cooling water storage (CWS) effects on the system performance for different operation hours per day of the ACH under Izmir (Turkey) and Phoenix (USA) weather conditions are analyzed. When the ACH operates 14 h/day as the load for both systems and both locations, the variations of the solar collector efficiency and the cooling load to heat input ratio remain less than 4% after the modifications. From the addition of CHWS to the reference system, a parametric study consisting of changing the ACH operation hours per day shows that the required cooling capacity of the ACH can be reduced to 34%. The capacity factor of the ACH is improved from its reference value of 41% up to 96%.  相似文献   

This work presents a procedure for calculating the COP and heat transfer rates, based on on-site experimental temperature measurements, of a lithium–bromide/water direct-fired double-effect absorption chiller in reverse parallel flow configuration, running on natural gas. The chiller was equipped with a set of thermocouples which allowed measuring its working temperature levels through all its operating stages. The chiller analysed in this work is the central cooling system of the air-conditioning installation of the Principe Felipe Science Museum, located at the Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences (Spain). This installation is capable of providing a cooling capacity of 4.5 millions of kcal/h (5.2 MW), by means of three direct-fired double-effect absorption chillers. From the experimental measurements a calculation procedure, based on energy and mass balances, has been developed, which allows estimating the specific powers by unit of mass flow rate through the evaporator. From these power values the instantaneous COP of the chiller could be obtained. Additionally, the paper analyzes different aspects that were not possible to be considered and details the actions taken in order to take them into account.  相似文献   

周秋珍 《节能》2005,(3):10-11,20
介绍了标准型直燃机的分类、原理及长庆至呼和浩特输气管道工程冷冻供热站的设计实例 ,重点论述了标准型直燃机在严寒地区使用的利弊  相似文献   

Solar energy is accessible throughout the year in tropical regions. The latest development of absorption chillers has demonstrated that these systems are suitable for effective use of solar energy. The utilisation of solar energy for heat-driven cooling systems has significant advantages. Without a doubt, solar energy represents a clean energy source that is available without any additional fuel cost, and that can be proportionally accessible when the cooling load increases during the middle hours of the day. This study focuses on a single-double-effect absorption chiller machine that was installed in Indonesia. The system is driven by a dual-heat source that combines gas and solar energy. This system is characterised by simulating its performance in various conditions in terms of the cooling water (28–34 °C) and the hot water (75–90 °C) inlet temperatures. The reference operating condition of this system is 239 kW of cooling capacity. The mathematical model is validated and shows a good agreement with experimental data. In the operative range considered, simulation results yield a coefficient of performance between 1.4 and 3.3, and a gas reduction ratio from 7 to 58% when compared to a double-effect absorption chiller driven by gas. Based on the simulation results, this system is expected to have a good potential for widespread use in tropical Asia regions.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a diesel engine-based trigeneration system using a thermal storage for applications with simultaneous heating, cooling and power demand and where grid electricity is not available. A thermodynamic analysis is presented for the proposed trigeneration systems considering an 815?kWe diesel generator (DG) as a prime mover. Two configurations are considered. One configuration includes absorption chiller with an auxiliary hot water heater, while the other has a compression chiller in addition to the absorption chiller and water heater. Methodology of integrating a compression chiller is also presented. An analysis of both these options on primary energy savings basis for the considered DG shows that integrating a thermal storage and compression chiller enhances trigeneration performance. Without the compression chiller, the trigeneration system efficiency improves from 46% to 52% while with compression chiller integration, the improvement is much more from 46% to 72% when the power load decreases from 100% to 25%.  相似文献   

Distributed generation is becoming an attractive option for industrial and commercial scale customers. The main advantage of this on‐site power generation is that it offers a more efficient, reliable and cost‐effective power supply. In addition, waste heat can be used for local heating or cooling. This is known as cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP). In the present work, a hybrid‐CHP system for a 230 kWe demand building is proposed and analyzed. The system considers the coupling of:
  • A Solid Oxide Fuel Cell stack with an output of 200 kWe
  • A Microturbine with an output of 30 kWe
  • A single effect Absorption cooling system providing 55 kWt for air conditioning using water chillers
This plant would use natural gas as the primary fuel. The SOFC module is fed with the gas fuel and the whole stack generates the main power while acting as a combustor. The product gases exit the anode at a temperature of 900°C and are directly injected to the Micro Gas Turbine unit to produce additional power. Finally, the waste heat available at the turbine's exhaust fires a single effect Absorption Water‐Chiller to provide cooling for air conditioning in the building. This proposed system would generate up to 230 kWe and 55 kWt with high thermal efficiencies of around 70–75%. Currently, Hybrid SOFC/GT and Microturbine/CHP systems are being considered or tested at several facilities. However, a combination of both, which would yield to trigeneration, has not been considered yet. Here we present a conceptual model based on specific proposals and investigations done by other researchers. A theoretical analysis on the proposed model is conducted to evaluate the potential and possibilities of such Hybrid CHP system and further discussions based on the economical considerations is also presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gas turbine (GT) output power is affected by temperature, gas turbine inlet air‐cooling systems are used to solve this. In the present work, the effect of using absorption chiller in GT power plants for two regions in Iran, namely Tabas with hot–dry and Bushehr with hot–humid climate conditions is conducted. Therefore, output power, first and second law efficiencies, environmental and electrical costs for GT power plant with inlet air cooler are calculated for two mentioned regions, respectively. Results show that using this system in hot months of a year is economical. In addition, using absorption chiller leads to increasing the output power 11.5 and 10.3%, for Tabas and Bushehr cities, respectively. Moreover, by using this method the second law efficiency is increased to 22.9 and 29.4% for Tabas and Bushehr cities, respectively. In addition, the cost of electricity production for Tabas and Bushehr cities decreases to about 5.04 and 2.97%, respectively. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, the trigeneration system, consisting of a proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC–H+) and a single-stage LiBr absorption chiller, was proposed. The SOFC–H+ and single-stage LiBr absorption chiller models were developed through Aspen Plus V10. From the sensitivity analysis, the results show that increases in temperature and fuel utilization can improve the performance of the SOFC–H+. Conversely, the air to fuel (A/F) molar ratio and pressure negatively affect the electrical efficiency and overall system efficiency. In the case of the absorption chiller, the coefficient of performance was increased and made stable according to a constant value when the generator temperature was increased from 90 to 100 °C. When the optimization was performed, it was found that the SOFC–H+ should be operated at 700 °C and 10 bar with fuel utilization of 0.8 and A/F molar ratio of 2 to achieve a maximum overall efficiency of 93.34%. For the energy and exergy analysis, a combined heat and power SOFC–H+ was found to have the highest energy and exergy efficiencies, followed by the trigeneration process. This indicates that the integration of the SOFC–H+ and LiBr absorption chiller is possible to efficiently produce electricity, heating and cooling.  相似文献   

用于太阳能空调的板型溴化锂吸收式制冷机   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
溴化锂吸收式制冷循环用于太阳能空调需要解决的主要问题是循环系统要适合集热器所能提供的热水温度范围,和提高溴冷机本身性能并降低其制造成本。板型(包括板壳式、板式、板翅式)换热器用于溴冷机具有效率高、结构紧凑、轻巧和成本较低等优点,已被本课题组研制的1台3kW板型单效溴冷机实验样机所证实。  相似文献   

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