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介绍了氯乙烯合成工段碱洗塔洗塔工艺流程,并针对存在的问题对其进行了优化升级,使碱洗塔自控洗塔、配碱,提高了系统的自动化控制水平,节约了水资源,也降低了废水处理系统的负荷,最大限度地提高了碱液的利用率,提高了工作效率,增加了经济效益,  相似文献   

介绍了焦炉生产中的改进措施,通过改进装煤方式,减少了装煤冒烟;配制新型填料,增强了炉体维护;改进了1M管的冲洗方式;改进炉顶水箱槽的高度;降低上升管底座的高度,杜绝连接处冒烟;改进装煤孔底座。通过采取这些改进措施,大大降低了生产成本,改善了职工的操作环境,降低了职工的劳动强度,提高了职工的工作效率,有效地保障了生产的平稳顺行。  相似文献   

带式过滤机在多品种氢氧化铝生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了带式真空过滤机的工作原理及其在多品种氢氧化铝生产方面的应用情况,并对带式真空过滤机使用过程中存在的问题进行了改造。改造之后,提高了洗涤过滤效率,降低了滤饼水分,降低了能耗,提高了产量,确保了产品质量,取得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

高庄煤矿供热系统的改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高庄煤矿针对原锅炉供热系统存在的问题进行了改造,拆除原锅炉,采用邻矿电厂的富余蒸气作热源,安装热交换器组。改造后保证了供热质量,节约了能源、资源,提高了矿区环境质量,降低了运行维护费用,节省了人力资源,减少了占地面积,节约了各项检查检测费用。  相似文献   

<正>2010年1月16日—17日,公司召开了2010年度工作会议。会议认真回顾总结了2009年的主要工作,分析了当前的形势和机遇,部署了2010年的工作任务。会上,公司董事长蒋明作了重要讲话,总经理毛绍融作了行政工作报告,党委副书记陈百河作了党委工作报告,副总  相似文献   

住院费用明细的实施,让患者真正明白了医疗费用的每一笔开支,增加了医院的透明度,密切了医患关系,维护了医患双方的利益,赢得了患者及家属的信任,减少了医疗纠纷,树立了医院良好的社会形象。  相似文献   

据庄信万丰公司最近出版的《PLATINUM 2009》报道,2008年,全球铂金市场出现了11.7t的短缺,铂金的供应量下降了9.5%,达到了185.7t。汽车尾气净化催化剂行业对铂金的需求下降了8.2%,达到了118.3t。除去回收料,全球首饰行业对铂金原材料的需求下降了6.2%,达到了42.5t。  相似文献   

韩永奇 《山东陶瓷》2012,35(5):37-39
前些天在杂志上看到过一个故事,说的是中国人和犹太人的区别,一个犹太人建了一所加油站,生意很好,第二个犹太人来了,就在加油站旁边建了一座购物中心,生意同样很好,第三个犹太人来了,就在旁边又建了一座游乐场,生意照样很好,第四个犹太人来了,就开了一家4S店,生意也是好的不得了,第五个犹太人来了,他建的是公共卫生间,也赚到了钱。可是在我国呢,第一个人建了一个加油站,赚钱了,第二个人看到了,觉得有利可图,也建了一个加油站,结果第三个,第四个,  相似文献   

分析了三氯氢硅生产过程中水冷器堵塞严重的原因,介绍了湿法除尘技术在三氯氢硅行业中的研究和应用.湿法除尘技术的应用有效地解决了冷凝系统的堵塞问题,使得整个生产系统实现长期稳定运行,不仅提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本,解决了频繁拆洗水冷器造成的现场污染,改善了工作环境,降低了劳动强度,同时杜绝了安全隐患.  相似文献   

我国科学技术的不断发展,推动了我国GPS技术的不断进步,在我国多个领域获得了应用,实现了我国国民经济的快速、高效的增长。GPS在我国油田井位测量中的应用,大大提高了工作人员的工作效率,且保证了油田井位测量结果的准确性。本文先是对GPS全球定位系统进行了概述,又详细阐述了GPS技术在井位测量中的建立,后分析介绍了GPS全球定位系统的其它应用。  相似文献   

Four groups of inhibitor-like genes that encode proteins with diverse structures were identified from wheat. The majority of these genes were upregulated by avirulent Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), larvae during incompatible interactions, and were downregulated by virulent larvae during compatible interactions. The upregulation during incompatible interactions and downregulation during compatible interactions resulted in four- to 30-fold differences between the expression levels in resistant plants and those in susceptible plants. The increased expression of inhibitor-like genes during incompatible interactions suggested that these genes are part of defense mechanisms in wheat against Hessian fly attacks, whereas the downregulation during compatible interactions suggested that virulent larvae can suppress plant defenses. Both the upregulation of the inhibitor-like genes during incompatible interactions by avirulent larvae and the downregulation during compatible interactions by virulent larvae were through mechanisms that were independent of the wound response pathway.  相似文献   

张瑞  王春英  孙世超 《电镀与涂饰》2007,26(10):52-53,56
介绍了结构件涂装过程中的屏蔽措施:孔的抛丸使用锥形橡胶棒进行屏蔽,而喷漆过程可用废旧报纸进行屏蔽;带有螺纹孔或通孔的精加工平面抛丸时,可用钢板进行屏蔽;平面上喷漆屏蔽一般采用胶带和报纸;对于形状规则的平面,喷漆时采用磁性橡胶板屏蔽,效率更高;而磁性橡胶板具有磁性、弹性、电绝缘性以及密度小的特性,更适于钢铁零件抛丸过程的屏蔽。  相似文献   

The evolution of solid and gaseous impuritics from powders and their effects during the combustion synthesis (self-propagating high-temperature synthesis) of titanium carbide have been studied. First, the volatiles from the precursor powders, released during bakeout in a vacuum furnace, were measured by residual gas analysis. Second, both condensable and non-condensable materials emitted during the reaction of the Ti + C system were analyzed. The results indicate that the major noncondensing species in both cases were water vapor, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons. Significant amounts of oxygen and TiO2 were also enitted during the reaction, but were not observed during bakeout. These impurities are shown to affect not only the reaction process, but also the microstructure of the reaction product.  相似文献   

徐鹏  王瑶  谢春丽 《当代化工》2011,40(10):1013-1017
抚顺乙烯装置检修后开车过程中针对冷箱高温的情况,对丙烯制冷系统、乙烯制冷系统开车时各参数进行分析,结合丙烯制冷系统和乙烯制冷系统及甲烷-氢系统的复迭制冷关系,判断开车过程中冷箱温度过高的原因,通过采取相应措施使装置尽快恢复开车并开车成功.  相似文献   

Thermoplastic additives tend to promote the phase separation during the reaction of unsaturated polyester resins. Consequently, they reduce the amount of shrinkage during curing. Several thermoplastic additives which resulted in significant different microstructure of cured resins were investigated. The effects of microstr acture formation on the sol-gel transition, reaction kinetics, and gelation time were studied. The mechanism of microstructure formation and causes of macro-gelation were explained by the influence of thermoplastic additives on the particle formation rate and inter-particle reaction rate during curing.  相似文献   

碾磨力场作用下聚丙烯结构变化的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘才林  王琪 《塑料工业》2000,28(2):42-44
本文研究了磨盘碾磨过程中聚丙烯 (PP)的粉碎、降解、交联、氧化和晶型转化等结构变化 ,考察了不同液体介质及不同填料与PP共碾磨时对PP降解和粉碎的影响。  相似文献   

Three sub-bituminous and two bituminous coals from Western Canada were used to study the evolution of H2S, COS and SO2 during the pyrolysis and gasification processes in a fixed bed reactor. For all types of coals, most of H2S and SO2 were released during the devolatilization stage. COS was formed only during the gasification stage in the presence of CO2. The mineral matter of coal may have played a role during the gasification stage. Some observations made during this latter stage in CO2 and/or steam were interpreted in terms of the equilibrium effects.  相似文献   

张隆刚 《氯碱工业》2012,48(11):14-15,19
论述了伍迪公司BM2.7型独立单元复极离子膜电解槽运行中压力控制的重要性,并分析了此工艺中过载保护系统在停车排液过程中的缺陷。针对排液过程压力波动情况,提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

Fatty acid esters have been shown to reduce the drying time of grapes by interacting with the waxy surface of the grapes. Laboratory scale procedures were developed to determine the fate of esters during dehydration. Thompson seedless grapes were dipped in a water emulsion containing 2% fatty acid ester, 2% potassium carbonate and an emulsifier. Grapes were dried at ambient, 43 C and 71 C. Drying rates vs. fatty acid ester concentration on the grape surfaces were plotted. The fate of fatty acid esters during dehydration was determined by running the dryer exhaust through a cold trap and extracting the condensate. These studies showed that the large loss of esters during drying lowered the drying rate considerably. An additional dip during drying reduced the drying time significantly. The ester losses appeared to be caused by vapor distillation of the esters during drying.  相似文献   

Electron‐beam curing of thermoset resins used in fiber‐reinforced composites has been investigated. Two resins, a bisphenol‐A acrylate and methacrylate, were used as model systems. The temperature was monitored during cure to know the thermal history of the composite during cure. The thermo‐mechanical properties were measured on the cured samples. It could be seen that all these values were influenced by the nature (glass or carbon) and amount (0–50 wt.‐%) of fiber. A linear correlation was found between the maximum temperature during cure and the glass transition temperature. It was shown that it is possible to compensate for a lack of heat during cure in systems with too low exotherms. Some influence on the network homogeneity was also noticed when the thermal energy available during cure was too low.  相似文献   

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