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The κ-ε two-equation model is used to simulate the fluid flow in the continuous casting tundish coupling with the effect of thermal buoyancy. The natural convection induced by the thermal buoyancy generates an upward flow pattern especially at the outlet zone, and has little effect on the fluid flow in the inlet zone. The maximum viscosity is 700 times larger than the laminar viscosity, which indicates the strong turbulent flow in the tundish. The maximum temperature difference in the whole tundish is 8.2 K. The temperature near the stopper rod and the short wall is obviously lower than that in the inlet zone. The existence of the stopper rod has a big effect on the fluid flow entering the SEN and the mold. All the characteristics of the tundish geometry should be considered to accurately simulate the fluid flow in the tundish. 相似文献
ZHANG Li-feng 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》2005,12(5):11-17
Following up the fluid flow simulation in a 60 t tundish, the trajectories of inclusions in the 60 t tundish without flow control are simulated by considering the force balance between the drag force and the inertial buoyancy force. The Stochastic model yields more accurate inclusion motion than the non-Stochastic model due to including the effect of the turbulent fluctuation. The average residence time of inclusions decreases with increasing size. The thermal buoyancy favors inclusions removal especially the small inclusions. Using solute transport like the dye injection in water model and copper addition in the real steel tundish cannot accurately study the motion of the inclusions. In the simulation, more than 68% inclusions bigger than 10μm are removed to the top, and less than 32% enters the mold. The thermal buoyancy has little effect on the fraction of inclusions moved to the top of the inlet zone, and it mainly favors the removal of inclusions smaller than 100μm to the top surface of the outlet zone. For inclusions bigger than 100μm, the effect of thermal buoyancy on their motion can be ignored compared to the inertial buoyancy effect. 相似文献
ZHANGLi-feng ZHIJian-jun MOUJi-ning CUIJian 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》2005,12(4):20-27
The κ-ε two-equation model is used to simulate the fluid flow in the continuous casting tundish coupling with the effect of thermal buoyancy. The natural convection induced by the thermal buoyancy generates an upward flow pattern especially at the outlet zone, and has little effect on the fluid flow in the inlet zone. The maximum viscosity is 700 times larger than the laminar viscosity, which indicates the strong turbulent flow in the tundish. The maximum temperature difference in the whole tundish is 8.2 K. The temperature near the stopper rod and the short wall is obviously lower than that in the inlet zone. The existence of the stopper rod has a big effect on the fluid flow entering the SEN and the mold. All the characteristics of the tundish geometry should be considered to accurately simulate the fluid flow in the tundish. 相似文献
ZHANG Li-feng 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》2005,(5)
1Introduction and Mathematical Formulations Understanding the behavior of nonmetallic in-clusions in the continuous casting process is i mpor-tant to cope with quality problems such as blistersinultra-lowcarbon coils andinclusion defects in heavyplates.In… 相似文献
Fluid flow and mixing of molten steel in a twinslabstrand continuous casting tundish were investigated using a mixing model under nonisothermal conditions. This model led to a set of ordinary differential equations that were solved with a RungeKutta algorithm. Steady state water modeling was carried out under nonisothermal conditions. Experimental data obtained from the water model were used to calibrate the mixing model. Owing to the presence of a mixed convection in the nonisothermal conditions, a channelizing flow would be created in the fluid inside the tundish. A mixing model was designed that was capable of predicting RTD (residence time distribution) curves for different cases in nonisothermal conditions. The relationship between RTD parameters and the Tu (tundish Richardson number) was obtained for various cases under nonisothermal conditions. The results show that the RTD parameters were completely different under isothermal and nonisothermal conditions. The comparison of the RTD curves between the isothermal and nonisothermal conditions presents that the extent of mixing in the tundish in nonisothermal conditions is lower than the mixing extent in isothermal conditions. 相似文献
Wang Tao Semenov Sergey Wang Engang Delannoy Yves Fautrelle Yves Budenkova Olga 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2019,50(6):3039-3054
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Modeling of equiaxed solidification is vital for understanding the solidification process of metallic alloys. In this work, an extended literature... 相似文献
Effect of Thermal Cycle on Microstructure and Fracture Morphology in HAZ of HQ130 Steel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
EffectofThermalCycleonMicrostructureandFractureMorphologyinHAZofHQ130SteelLiYajiang;ZouZengda;ChengZhunian;WeiXing;JiangQuanc... 相似文献
A mathematical model describing the flow field, heat transfer and the electromagnetic phenomenon in a DC electric arc furnace has been developed. First the governing equations in the arc plasma region are solved and the calculated results of heat transfer, current density and shear stresses on the anode surface are used as boundary conditions in a model of molten bath. Then a two dimensional time dependent model is used to describe the flow field and electromagnetic phenomenon in the molten bath. Moreover, the effect of bottom electrode diameter on the circulation of molten bath is studied. 相似文献
CHANG Li-min LIU Jian-hua 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》2006,13(1):36-39
Chromium wear resistant cast iron is widelyusedin engineering, mining and power industry forits high strength,hardness and wear resistance .Inproduction process , some wear-resistant parts ser-ving in alternative stress due to rapid heating andcooling rate ofteninduces thermal fatigue andresultsinfailure .The badthermal fatigue property of chro-mium wear resistant cast iron is due to eutectic car-bides which distribute as continuous net in matrix.Recent researches showthat hot deformation can … 相似文献
Xuan Changji Persson Ewa Sjöqvist Sevastopolev Ruslan Nzotta Mselly 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B》2019,50(4):1957-1973
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - The fundamental physics of particles adsorbed at the liquid interfaces has numerous applications in a wide field. In the current study, the motion and... 相似文献
The slag-metal reaction experiments were carried out using a high-frequency induction furnace to confirm the effect of slag composition on the removal rate of inclusions in molten steel through the CaO-based slags. The apparent rate constant of oxygen removal (k O) was obtained as a function of slag composition. It increased with increasing basicity, and the content of MgO and CaF2, whereas it decreased by increasing the content of Al2O3 in the slag. The removal rate of inclusions was strongly affected not only by the driving force of the chemical dissolution but also by the viscosity of the slags and fluxes. 相似文献
Distribution and Accumulation of Neodymium and Its Effect on Secretion of Progesterone in Mice 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Rareearthelementshavebeenincreasinglyusedinagriculture ,animalhusbandryandfisheryinChinasinceREcanpromotegrowthofcropsandani mals[1,2 ] .However ,studieshaveshownthatoverex posureofREmayhavenegativeortoxiceffectsonor ganisms ,forexample ,inhibitingenzymeactivityandinterferinginmetabolism ,havinghighaffinitytoCa2 bindingsitesanddown regulatingabsorptionandfunc tionofCa2 ,blockingbloodclotting ,inducingpatho histologicallesionsofliver ,aswellasaffectinggo nadalfunction[3~6 ] .Furthermore ,… 相似文献
Effects of Mg on the chemical component and size distribution of Ti bearing inclusions favored grain refinement of the welding induced coarse grained heat affected zone (CGHAZ), with enhanced impact toughness in Ti killed steels, which were examined based on experimental observations and thermodynamic calculations. The results indicated that the chemical constituents of the inclusions gradually varied from the Ti O+Ti Mg O compound oxide to the Ti Mg O+MgO compound oxide and the single phase MgO, as the Mg content increased from 0002 3% to 0006%. A trace addition of Mg (approximately 0002%) led to the refinement of Ti bearing inclusions by creating the Ti Mg O compound oxide and provided favorable size distribution of the inclusions for acicular ferrite transformation with a high nucleation rate in the CGHAZ, and a high volume fraction of acicular ferrite was obtained in the CGHAZ with enhanced impact toughness. Otherwise, a high content of Mg (approximately 0006%) produced a single phase MgO, which was impotent to nucleate an acicular ferrite, and a microstructure comprised of a ferrite side plate and a grain boundary ferrite developed in the CGHAZ. The experimental results were confirmed by thermodynamic calculations. 相似文献
Effect of Rare Earth Elements on Thermal Fatigue Property of Low Chromium Semi-Steel 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The effect of rare earth elements on eutectic carbide‘s morphology of low chromium semi-steel in as-cast state and after heat treatment was investigated, and accordingly, the thermal fatigue property of this material was studied. The results show that RE can improve the eutectic carbide‘s morphology, inhibit the formation and propagation of thermal fatigue cracks, therefore, promote the thermal fatigue property, which is more noticeable in case of the RE modification in combination with heat treatment. The optimal thermal fatigue property can be obtained when treated with 0.2% RE modification as well as normalization at 950℃ for 3h. 相似文献
Zhang Zeyu Long Yi Ye Rongchang Chang Yongqin Wan Farong 《中国稀土学报(英文版)》2005,23(4):I0011-I0011
Effect of Inhibitors on Corrosion of Gadolinium in Water 相似文献
The gas flow from tuyere to raceway zone by blasting involves three distributional zones, such as dripping, cohesive, and lumpy zone. The gas flow distribution in lumpy zone directly affects the gas utilization ration and smooth operation in the blast furnace. However, the furnace closeness brings about great difficulty in the study of high temperature gas flow. The charging and blasting system affecting the gas flow and whether the top gas flow distribution could reflect its inner condition as well as the furnace state, such as hanging or scaffolding, which have become the main problems for the research on gas flow. Recently, several researches overseas studied gas flow distribution using the numerical simulation method; however, such a research was rare amongst the natives. In this study, the flow model of gas in cohesive and lumpy zone was established using the numerical simulation software and the gas flow distributions with uniform distribution of burden permeability, scaffolding of wall, and nonuniform charge level were analyzed. As a result, the effects of cohesive zone and lower parts on the gas flow are very limited and the charge level largely affects the distribution of top gas flow. Therefore, it was found that the distribution of top gas flow could hardly reflect the inner gas flow. The process is called “redistribution” effect, which means that the gas flow after passing through the raceway, dripping, and cohesive zone is distributed when it flows into the lumpy zone. 相似文献
The effects of B and Ce on the removal of inclusions, microstructures, and properties of Cu-Fe-P alloys were studied. Certain impurity elements and the microstructures, mechanical properties, and conductivity of four experimental alloys, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.05Ce, Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.02B, and Cu-0.22Fe-0.06P-0.05Ce-0. 02B ( %, mass fraction), were tested and analyzed. Results show that on one hand, B and Ce have a remarkable function of removing S, Pb, and Bi from copper alloys ; on the other hand, the recrystallization temperature of the Cu-Fe-P alloy is considerably increased by adding trace B and Ce, resulting in the combined strengthening effect of precipitation hardening and cold work hardening after cold working and aging, while the negative effect of B and Ce on conductivity is slight. Therefore, a good combination of high strength and conductivity is achieved. 相似文献
EffectofYttriumonMechanicalPropertiesandMicrostructureofCerametsLiuNins(刘宁)(DepartmentofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,AnhuiI... 相似文献