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应力振幅对CuAlMn记忆合金阻尼特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用跟踪滤波技术,采用悬臂梁弯曲共振装置测试了表面应力振幅4.05∽40.5MPa范围内CuAIMn形状记忆合金对一阶和二阶共振的衰减能力,研究了表面应力振幅对新型CuAIMn系形状记忆合金阻尼性能的影响。研究结果表明,CuAIMn形状记忆合金无论在母相态,两相区还是马氏体态都具有较高的阻尼性能(Q^-1max=0.12)。阻尼性能总体上表现为随表面应力振幅增加而下降,在临界应力以下,母相态合金的阻尼性能下降速度明显快于马氏体态合金,超过临界应力以后,阻尼性能下降趋于平缓而且与组织相关性很小。  相似文献   

CuAlMn形状记忆合金微观组织对阻尼性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑成琪  程晓农 《铸造》2004,53(12):984-987
研究了一系列典型CuAlMn系形状记忆合金的室温组织和阻尼特性.表面应力振幅4.05MPa时,马氏体态和母相态的室温阻尼性能相当(Q-1≈0.1).当应力振幅由4.05MPa增加到40.5MPa时,无论是在马氏体态还是母相态,CuAlMn形状记忆合金的阻尼性能都随应力振幅增加而下降,但母相态阻尼性能下降速度更快.研究结果说明常温下应力振幅对阻尼性能的影响不同于升降温过程.  相似文献   

本文对CuAlMn系阻尼合金近几年的研究现状做了概括和描述,以便人们更好地认识及开发利用该合金。文中系统地介绍了该合金的相图、结构,详细探讨了相变点、阻尼性能的影响因素,对晶粒粗大问题也做了分析。并指出了CuAlMn系阻尼合金的应用及发展前景。  相似文献   

采用金相观察、X射线衍射、显微硬度测试等方法研究了CuAlMn形状记忆合金的电阻点焊焊接接头的显微组织、记忆恢复率等性能.试验结果表明:焊后的CuAlMn形状记忆合金焊缝以柱状晶为主,与母材相比,物相和显微硬度只有微小的变化;采用电阻点焊方法焊接CuAlMn形状记忆合金,焊后的形状记忆恢复率达到了母材的80%以上.  相似文献   

高阻尼合金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

采用真空烧结的方法制备了SiC含量分别为0%、3%和5%的土木工程用SiC/NiTi复合材料,并对三种复合材料的物相组成、显微组织和阻尼性能进行了研究。结果表明,随着复合材料中SiC含量的增加,土木工程用SiC/NiTi复合材料的密度和孔隙率都表现为逐渐降低,第二相的种类和含量逐渐增加;土木工程用SiC/NiTi复合材料的内耗值会随着SiC含量的增加而逐渐降低。  相似文献   

用X射线衍射、DSC及DMA等方法研究了富Ni的NiTi记忆合金在600℃加热后经不同冷却方式处理后的组织结构及阻尼性能。结果表明,在600℃加热后缓冷的组织中有大量的马氏体型转变产物M与R相,材料的阻尼水平较高,且在对应M→R相变温度区出现明显低频阻尼峰。  相似文献   

铜阻尼合金的研究和发展现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对CuAlMn系阻尼合金近几年的研究现状作了概括和描述,系统地介绍了该合金的相图、结构,详细探讨了相变点、阻尼性能的影响因素,对晶粒粗大问题也做了分析。并指出了CuAlMn系阻尼合金的应用及发展前景。  相似文献   

用热型连铸法制备了柱状晶CuAIMn合金丝,经800℃固溶处理,不同温度退火后做冷轧试验,研究其在单一β相下的冷加工性能。冷轧结果表明,250℃退火的冷加工性能最优,而400℃退火由于发生贝氏体转变,冷加工性能急剧下降。细化晶粒可较大地提高冷加工性能。拉伸结果表明合金退火后有较好的超弹性,伸长率与冷加工性能的变化一致。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONCu basedshapememoryalloys (SMAs)arecom merciallyattractivesystemsforapplicationsbecauseoftheirlowercost.Uptonow ,Cu ZnandCu AlbasedSMAshavebeenwidelystudied .However,theseCu basedalloys,especiallythealloysofCu Al NisystemandtheoneswithhighAlcont…  相似文献   

The damping capacity mainly comes from the motion of martensite boundaries, which is larger than that from different phase interfaces in TiNi-based shape memory alloys. The fine and disperse precipitation in the TiNi matrix will increase the damping capacity of the TiNiNbMo alloy in the martensitic state but little affect the damping capacity during the martensite transformation. The dispersed Nb-rich particles and the internal stress fields around them influence the change tendency of damping capacity with the increasing of strain amplitude.  相似文献   

Cellular CuAlMn shape memory alloys with open-cell or closed-cell structure have been manufactured successfully by sintering-evaporation process. This process consisted of mixing CuAlMn and NaCl powders, hot pressing and final high-temperature sintering to evaporate the filler material of NaCl powders. NaCl was eliminated completely during vacuum sintering, and strong metallurgical bonding in the cell walls was achieved. The pores’ structural parameter (pore size, shape, and direction) and porosity (25-70%) have been controlled effectively. The compressing deformation behavior and phase transformation behavior of the cellular CuAlMn shape memory alloy has been investigated. It was found that the maximum stress of the cellular CuAlMn shape memory alloys increased with the decrease in porosity, and the energy absorption per unit volume approached the maximum value of 35.81 MJ/m3 (the compression direction parallel to the cross-section) and 25.71 MJ/m3 (the compression direction perpendicular to the cross-section) as the porosity of the alloys was 60% and the pore size was between 355 and 800 μm.  相似文献   

本文采用光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜以及压缩力学试验机系统的研究了钒元素对(Ni56Mn25Ga19)100-xVx (x = 0, 1, 3) (at.%)高温形状记忆合金性能的影响。结果表明,由于钒取代方法的不同,我们所研究合金的组织结构和某些性能与已报到的Ni56Mn25Ga19-xVx合金差异较大。未掺杂钒元素时,试验合金由单相非调制四方结构马氏体构成,当钒含量为1at.%和3at.%时,合金由四方结构马氏体和竹叶状γ相构成。随着钒含量的增加,γ相的数量增多,但其尺寸和形状保持不变。钒掺杂改善合金的力学性能和形状记忆效应。 (Ni56Mn25Ga19)99V1合金变形10%后加热,可以得到6.7%的可逆应变。  相似文献   

The effect of environmental temperature on the damping capacity of Cu-7.66Al-9.52Mn (mass fraction, %) alloy was studied. The result shows that with increasing the environmental temperature, the logarithmic decrement increases firstly and reaches the maximal value of 0.118. The reason is that more phase interfaces and twinning boundaries can move at a higher temperature, leading to higher consumption of energy, in despite of the decreasing of the amount of martensite. When the environmental temperature is above Ms, with further increase in the environmental temperature, the logarithmic decrement decreases sharply mainly because there is little martensite remaining in the alloy.  相似文献   

Microstructure evolution in CoNiGa shape memory alloys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnetic shape memory CoNiGa alloys hold great promise as new smart materials due to the good ductility and a wide range of martensitic transformation (MT) temperatures as well as magnetic transition points. This paper reports the results of investigations on the equilibrium phase constitution and microstructure evolution in quenched or aged CoNiGa alloys using the optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods. The dendritic γ phase decreases as lowering of Ga content in studied two series of samples (Co50Ni50 − xGax, x = 0–50 and Co100 − 2yNiyGay, y = 15–35). Some γ′ precipitates with different morphologies were found in given alloys conducted with water quenching (WQ) at 800 °C or long-time ageing at 300 °C. After 800 °C quenching, the γ′ phase has a rod-like shape for the Co50Ni30Ga20 alloy but shows a Widmanstätten morphology as Ga increases to 25 at%, and trends to be block structure in further high Ga content alloy. In the case of 300 °C aged alloys, the γ′ particles prefer to nucleate in interior of γ phase or at the interface of β–γ. We also presented an illustrative vertical section phase diagram keeping 50 at% Co, and isothermal section phase diagram at 1150 and 800 °C of the CoNiGa system. Based on the schematic ternary phase diagram, the composition scope which potentially holds over the magnetic pure martensite phase structure at room temperature (RT) was pointed out. It is believed that this optimized range alloys would play an important role in the functional materials design for application.  相似文献   

比较研究了Cu-11.8%Al-3.7%Ni-1%Mn和Cu-11%A1—5.6%Mn形状记忆合金(SMAS)的形状记忆、腐蚀性能。采用光学显微镜(0M)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、动电位极化、弯曲和拉伸试验,研究了晶粒细化对这些性能的影响。在800。C退火时,在首先的15S内静态再结晶和动态晶粒长达显示出一个快速的再结晶过程,随后才是晶粒生长。退火15S后得到的Cu—A1—Ni-Mn和Cu-Al—Mn合金的最小晶粒尺寸分别为90gm和260pm。拉伸试验表明2种合金呈现典型的三阶段曲线,由此可以看出,晶粒细化后合金具有高的断裂应力和应变。显微组织表明,Cu—Al-Ni—Mn合金中存在锯齿状的所马氏体形态,通过差示扫描量热法也证实了所和rf共存于Cu—A1-Mn合金中。评估了形变热处理前、后及800℃退火15min,随后进行水淬的合金的形状记忆性能。另外,采用动电位极化法分析了晶粒细化后合金的腐蚀行为。结果表明,铜溶解过程中主要为阳极反应,Cu—Al—Ni—Mn合金比Cu—A1-Mn合金具有更好的耐腐蚀性。  相似文献   

形状记忆合金非常规加工综述(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形状记忆合金(SMAs)由于具有多种特殊性能,如伪弹性、形状记忆效应、生物相容性、高的比强度、高耐蚀性、高耐磨性、良好的抗疲劳性能,成为不断发展的先进材料。因此,形状记忆合金被广泛应用于航空航天、医疗和汽车等方面。然而,由于严重的加工硬化和伪弹性,形状记忆合金的传统加工会造成严重的刀具磨损、费时以及低维畸变。这些材料可以使用非传统的方法,如激光加工、水射流加工(WJM)和电化学加工(ECM)进行机械加工,但这些方法受限于该材料的复杂性和力学性能。而电火花加工(EDM)和线切割(WEDM)能够很好的加工具有复杂形状和精密尺寸的形状记忆合金。介绍大量关于使用电火花和线切割加工形状记忆合金的研究,分析不同研究的差异,并展望未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

使用Muggianu模型计算Cu?Al?Zn三元形状记忆合金的热力学性能,通过实验研究其显微组织、硬度和导电性。使用Thermo-Calc软件计算293 K等温截面图,采用X射线衍射、光学显微镜、扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线能谱分析(EDX)、硬度和导电性测试对其性能进行表征。热力学计算结果表明:在所有研究合金中,Cu 与Al和Zn具有优良的混溶性。样品的显微结构分析表明其结构由大的多边形晶粒组成。  相似文献   

This paper investigated high-damping Cu-Al-Be-B cast alloys using metallographic analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electrical resistance measurements for transformation temperatures. The results showed that beryllium can stabilize β phase, resulting in a thermo-elastic martensite microstructure leading to high-damping capacity in cast Cu-Al-BeB alloys. Trace additions of boron to Cu-Al-Be alloys can significantly refine the grains, providing high strength and ductility to the alloys. A factorial design of experiment method was used to optimize the composition and properties of cast Cu-Al-BeB alloys. The optimal microstructure for thermo-elastic martensite can be obtained by adjusting the amounts of aluminum and beryllium to eutectoid or pseudo-eutectoid compositions. An optimized cast Cu-Al-Be-B alloy was developed to provide excellent mechanical properties, tensile strength σb = 767 MPa, elongation δ = 7.62 %, and damping capacity S. D.C =18.70%.  相似文献   

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