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采用连续送丝的管约束电爆喷涂方法,进行钼丝的电爆喷涂实验,分析不同初始充电电压和喷涂距离所得涂层的结合强度,以及涂层表面形貌和截面特征。结果表明:在一定的喷涂距离范围内,可获得完全由液态金属撞击基体表面形成的液态喷涂层。根据VDI3198检测标准,液态喷涂层的结合强度属于HF-1~HF-3级。随着喷涂距离的增加,喷涂材料中掺杂的固相颗粒增多,所得涂层的结合强度变小。初始充电电压升高,获得液态喷涂层的最大喷涂距离减小。 相似文献
电爆过程中能量密度与爆炸产物变化的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
电爆应用于材料喷涂有独特优势.电爆过程中爆炸产物的特性及其演变直接影响涂层质量.利用高压电场中金属丝段电爆方法,通过改变初始充电电压和金属丝的直径,调节沉积在金属丝上的能量密度,进行系列电爆试验;同时,利用探针收集电爆过程中的产物并进行显微分析.结果表明,金属丝电爆最初产物中含有液相和气相,随着膨胀距离的增大转变为固相.当基体处在爆炸产物未凝固的膨胀距离内,可得到液相喷涂层或气相喷涂层.提高能量密度可以提高产物中气相的膨胀距离,同时减少产物中液相成分所占比例.当能量密度大于125 J/mm3,爆炸产物中液相成分可达5%,气相膨胀距离约为9.5 mm. 相似文献
采用等离子喷涂方法,在不同喷涂距离、主气流量和喷涂功率下制备硅灰石涂层.使用扫描电镜观察了涂层的微观形貌,研究了喷涂工艺参数对涂层结构的影响.结果表明,在较大主气流量下,随着喷涂距离增加,涂层粒子扁平化程度降低,涂层内孔隙逐渐增多;在较小主气流量下,涂层粒子扁平化程度随喷涂距离增加呈现先增加后减小的趋势.主气流量增加,涂层致密,粒子扁平充分.喷涂功率增加,粒子熔化好,涂层致密;但随喷涂功率进一步增加,涂层中出现较多的圆形孔隙.喷涂工艺参数对涂层结构的影响主要通过影响熔融粒子的温度和速度所致. 相似文献
采用对喷涂粒子进行槽内约束的电爆喷涂方法,研究了喷涂粒子在垂直槽中的约束调控机制及其沉积行为。结果表明:约束深度达20mm时,即喷涂距离为丝径的100倍时,仍可获得连续、均匀的涂层。约束宽度从6mm减小至2 mm,涂层表面呈现出由粗糙的\"丘壑状\"形貌向均匀的\"薄饼状\"形貌逐渐过渡的演变趋势,且涂层厚度显著提高;能量密度从57 J/mm~3提高至152 J/mm~3,同样可提高涂层厚度并改善涂层均匀性。对喷涂粒子进行收集,发现减小约束宽度和提高能量密度均可有效细化喷涂粒子并使喷涂粒子粒径分布更加均匀。分析认为,由焦耳加热导致的\"热膨胀效应\"和击穿电弧伴生的\"压力效应\"共同决定电爆冲击波和喷涂粒子的形成,并随能量密度和约束参数的变化,对喷涂粒子表现出不同的约束调控作用,使其沉积行为产生显著差异。 相似文献
利用电热线爆定向喷涂方法在45钢基体上制备了stellite/WC复合涂层,运用扫描电镜及能谱分析对复合涂层的形貌、微观结构以及涂层的基体结合机理进行了分析,利用纳米硬度计测量了复合涂层的硬度和弹性模量.结果表明:涂层致密,无层状结构出现;喷涂过程中涂层颗粒在基体上的快速凝固使得涂层晶粒细小均匀,晶粒为200~500 nm;涂层与基体界面发生了元素扩散现象,为扩散-冶金结合;涂层硬度的最大值为18.6 GPa,模量的最大值为310 GPa,硬度和模量沿横截面都呈现先增加而后减小的变化趋势. 相似文献
Influence of current injection ways on efficiency and size of powders in preparation of nano-powders with electrical explosion
Wire electrical explosion may result in the existence of micro-sized large particles in powders while current injection ways may influence the size and content of micro-sized large particles. Therefore, two kinds of electrical explosion devices with different electrodes by gas discharge were designed in this paper. The pole-board electrodes and the cone electrodes were used respectively for studying copper wire electrical explosion process. The current and voltage data were measured with the Rogowski coil and high voltage probe. The results show that the pulverizing process of electrical explosion is more efficient when the wire electrode current density injected into the cone electrodes is approximately twice as much as the pole-board electrodes. The content of micro-sized large particles is the least among the products of the electrical explosion, when the total deposition energy of the wire prior to vaporization stage is 2. 5 times larger than that of the theoretical value of the completed vaporization. 相似文献
A. Arcondéguy G. Montavon B. Pateyron A. Grimaud 《Surface & coatings technology》2008,202(18):4444-4448
Thanks to their design characteristics (i.e., colors, brightness, opacity, etc.) and/or physical properties (i.e., durability, low thermal conductivity, tightness, etc.), glazes find numerous applications, from art ornamenting to protection against corrosion. Glazing consists in coating a substrate by fusing various mineral substances over it. This is a low cost process and hence can be applied on large surfaces. Conventional glazing process needs a relatively high temperature treatment (i.e., up to 1400 °C) that heat-sensitive substrates do not sustain.Thermal spraying may be a good solution to prevent the substrate from thermal degradation. Flame spraying was considered as the spray technique due to its low operating cost and the possibility to adapt the glaze transition temperature to the operating parameters.When spraying glazes, the coating formation mechanism is different from the one encountered with crystallized ceramic materials. Indeed, the high surface tension of those feedstock prevents the particles from being totally spread (i.e., “dewetting” phenomena). Here, the coating results from the coalescence of impinging particles to form a monolayer.The effects of glaze morphology on coatings were studied in this paper. Chemical analysis also permitted to determine the influence of spray parameters on glaze compositions, that can affect glazes thermal properties and hence modify coating structures. At last, the effects of operating parameters on coating architecture were analyzed by experimental design. 相似文献
本文进行了采用复合电镀法制备电镀金刚石锯丝试验,重点分析了上砂与镀层加厚阶段采用不同的阴极电流密度与时间,对锯丝复合镀层外观质量、锯丝表面金刚石磨粒含量和磨粒埋入深度的影响.研究结果表明,当锯丝表面固结粒度为20 μm的金刚石磨粒时,上砂与镀层加厚阶段均可采用2.0A/dm2的阴极电流密度,对应的最佳电镀时间分别为7 ... 相似文献
电弧喷涂工艺参数对Zn-Al合金涂层性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用高速电弧喷涂技术在16MnR钢表面制备Zn-Al合金涂层,利用正交试验研究了喷涂工艺参数对涂层结合强度、孔隙率和显微硬度的影响。结果表明,在研究范围内,影响涂层结合强度的最显著因素为喷涂气压,影响涂层孔隙率的最显著因素为喷涂电压,影响涂层显微硬度的最显著因素为喷涂距离。优化的工艺参数为喷涂电压30 V、喷涂电流180 A、喷涂距离150 mm、喷涂气压0.7 MPa时,Zn-Al合金涂层组织呈现出典型的网络框架结构,其结合强度为32.5 MPa,孔隙率为2.1%,显微硬度为49.45HV0.05,具有较好综合性能。 相似文献