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新型靶雷具有目标尺度和亮点模拟功能.本文首先简要介绍了靶雷的声学模拟特征,阐述了目标尺度和亮点模拟效果检测方法.采用多波束测量模拟目标的覆盖扇面角,通过计算获得目标的模拟尺度和回波亮点强度.提供了湖上部分测试结果,并对结果进行了分析.结果表明该型靶雷目标模拟效果逼真,模拟方法可行,检测手段合理. 相似文献
潜艇目标尺度模拟研究是水中目标特性研究的一个重要课题。本文结合潜艇目标回波特性及探(反)潜设备目标尺度识别方法,提出了潜艇目标尺度模拟特征模型,并建立硬件系统予以实现取得了满意的湖上试验结果。 相似文献
在水声对抗中,尺度目标模拟器需要不断提高对潜艇声学特性的模拟逼真度,而多普勒频移是潜艇声学回波的主要参数之一,是鱼雷识别真假目标的重要依据。从潜艇的多普勒频移计算方法入手,通过仿真计算,分析了一种依靠自然航速形成多普勒效应的单收多发模拟器所产生信号与真实潜艇反射回波信号的多普勒频移差异。结果表明,差异主要由单收多发模拟器接收位置与发射位置不能一一对应造成。模拟器产生信号的多普勒频移较真实潜艇目标信号的多普勒频移小,特别是在与潜艇长度相当的近距离多普勒频移偏差显著增大。在目标模拟器设计中减小所述差异,可以提高对潜艇多普勒声学特性的模拟逼真度。 相似文献
研究了目标反射亮点的数学模型及仿真系统的硬件结构,并将目标回波亮点模型进行了简化,使之能够用于工程实现。在此基础上对用于声制导鱼雷半实物仿真系统的目标模拟器进行了设计,在试验中能够实现预定的功能。 相似文献
提出基于回波叠加的数值仿真模型,用于目标回波信号的仿真;根据仿真条件,结合多普勒频移公式建立目标回波的理论模型,计算回波信号的频率参数;将目标回波的数值模型和理论模型进行比较,验证了数值模型的有效性,并由此获得高速小目标的回波特性,为进一步的目标回波检测奠定基础。 相似文献
光学动态靶标是用于对光电经纬仪进行室内检测的重要设备.为检验新型光学动态靶标模拟空间飞行目标的能力,衡量其检测性能,验证其结构优点,利用Matlab软件模拟靶场常用飞行轨迹,对多种形式空间飞行目标进行仿真计算.得出靶标在模拟空间目标过程中各种参数的变化曲线,包括角度变化曲线、速度变化曲线以及加速度变化曲线;同时利用已有数据,拟合靶标俯仰角度误差曲线.仿真结果显示,新型动态靶标的速度、加速度匹配灵活,模拟目标区域广阔,模拟目标形式多样,且更加接近真实目标,与传统靶标相比,具有明显的创新性和实用性,其性能能够满足光电经纬仪室内检测的需要.利用靶标俯仰角误差曲线进行实时误差补偿的方法,为进一步提高靶标精度提供理论参考. 相似文献
基于多波束系统的水下目标近程回波亮点声图像 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
模拟多波束系统,仿真得到了水下目标的二维回波亮点声图像。先采用小分置角双基地目标回波特性计算的近场板块元方法,计算得到水下目标的传递函数。再根据多波束系统的理论,建立了水下目标回波亮点二维声图像的基本框架,实现了水下目标回波亮点二维声图像仿真。最后得到了水下目标不同方位角情况下近程二维回波亮点的声图像。 相似文献
文章从工程应用角度讨论水下目标壳体镜反射亮点回波结构。在声呐频率范围内把水下目标壳体作为多层平板处理。应用声线方法和递推关系导出任意多层平板的反射系数。忽略耦合水层两边的多次反射后,得到一组适合于瞬态和亮点分析的反射系数近似公式。利用这组公式依次讨论了:(1)未敷设吸声覆盖层的单层壳体;(2)未敷设吸声覆盖层的双层壳体;(3)敷设吸声覆盖层的单层壳体;(4)敷设吸声覆盖层的双层壳体等4种情况的镜反射亮点回波结构。并给出了数值计算的算例。 相似文献
用激光在海洋中产生声波的方式机动性非常好,在海洋监测方面具有非常强的潜在应用前景.介绍了已经成功研制出的一套可以用于水下目标探测的激光声技术实验系统,详尽地介绍了用于水下目标探测的激光声系统原理、硬件设计以及软件设计.该系统不仅通过了实验室的试验,并且参加了海上试验,实验结果表明本系统的原理正确,性能良好,工作稳定可靠,能够检测到水中目标的回波,探测到水下目标.说明激光声技术用于水下目标探测是切实可行的,这套激光声探测系统的研制成功填补了国内的空白. 相似文献
Underwater optical image simulation is a valuable tool for oceanic science, especially for the characterization of image processing techniques such as color restoration. In this context, simulating images with a correct color rendering is crucial. This paper presents an extension of existing image simulation models to RGB imaging. The influence of the spectral discretization of the model parameters on the color rendering of the simulated images is studied. It is especially shown that, if only RGB data of the scene chosen for simulations are available, a spectral reconstruction step prior to the simulations improves the image color rendering. 相似文献
In this paper a new method of passive underwater TMA (target motion analysis) using data fusion is presented. The findings of this research are based on an understanding that there is a powerful sonar system that consists of many types of sonar but with one own-ship, and that different target parameter measurements can be obtained simultaneously. For the analysis 3 data measurements, passive bearing, elevation and multipath time-delay, are used, which are divided into two groups: a group with estimates of two preliminary target parameter obtained by dealing with each group measurement independently, and a group where correlated estimates are sent to a fusion center where the correlation between two data groups are considered so that the passive underwater TMA is realized. Simulation results show that curves of parameter estimation errors obtained by using the data fusion have fast convergence and the estimation accuracy is noticeably improved. The TMA algorithm presented is verified and is of practical significance because it is easy to be realized in one ship. 相似文献
We present a theoretical analysis on use of polarized light in the detection of a model target in a scattering and absorbing medium similar to seawater. Monte Carlo numerical simulations are used in the calculation of the effective Mueller matrix which describes the scattering process. A target in the shape of a disk is divided into three regions, each of which has the same albedo but different reduced Mueller matrices. Contrast between various parts of the target and background is analyzed in the images created by ordinary radiance, by various elements of the Mueller matrix, and by certain suitable combinations of these elements. It is shown that the application of polarized light has distinct advantages in target detection and characterization when compared with use of unpolarized light. 相似文献