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Exploring the routing strategies in next-generation satellite networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Employing an efficient routing algorithm in satellite networks is a critical issue, because satellite network resources are costly and must be managed in an optimal and effective manner. Because of the particular features of satellite networks, such as dynamic topology, non-homogeneous traffic distribution, limited power and processing capabilities, and high propagation delays, new routing approaches should be developed. In this article, we first examine these properties with particular emphasis on their effect on the routing objectives. Subsequently, we provide a survey of various routing protocols that aims to address the crucial issues stemming from these properties of satellite systems. We classify these protocols according to their objectives, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We also elaborate on relevant technical aspects.  相似文献   

A major problem for low Earth orbit (LEO) constellations with intersatellite links is the efficient routing of the data packets through such a highly dynamic network. In order to achieve a worldwide coverage even in remote areas and Internet access with a limited amount of gateway stations, intersatellite links are a promising approach. Since LEO constellations represent a distinct, highly dynamic routing environment, specific strategies are needed. To this end, a suitable geographical routing scheme is proposed and investigated in two Walker Star constellations. The proposed scheme targets reliable transmissions with low latency and high data rates. The approach is based on a geographical address identifier in Layer 2 of the communication stack. The globe is thus divided into geographical areas that determine this identifier in the MAC address of the terminals. As mobile terminals are considered, the MAC addressing scheme is flexible, whereas the IP addresses of the terminals remain static. This decoupling allows for flexibility in the choice of the address resolution scheme. Moreover, the geographical identifier in the MAC address enables fast routing table lookups and switching. The proposed routing scheme also takes possible overloads of the satellites due to traffic into account and applies a rerouting procedure. When a packet arrives in the geographical area of the destination terminal, a local rerouting scheme is applied if needed. The proposed approaches take handover events that possibly occur during a transmission into account. Furthermore, the scan angles of the satellites have been adapted to the constellations to provide full coverage and high elevation angles. So a robust and adaptable routing scheme is provided for a dynamic environment where satellites and terminals are constantly moving. The proposed definitions and procedures have been implemented in a system level simulator, which allows for comparisons with adjustable parameters in various scenarios. In this work, an Iridium‐like constellation and a megaconstellation are investigated and compared regarding the address resolution procedures, the average end‐to‐end transmission delay, and the dropping and rerouting rates. Additionally, the signaling overhead is compared with other approaches. The simulator and results of the simulations provide grounds for further research w.r.t. the routing in satellite constellations using intersatellite links.  相似文献   

Computing call-blocking probabilities in LEO satellite constellations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present an analytical model for computing call-blocking probabilities in a low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite network that carries voice calls. Both satellite-fixed and Earth-fixed constellations with interorbit links and handoffs are considered. We assume a single beam per satellite. Also, we assume that call arrivals are Poisson with a fixed arrival rate that is independent of the geographic area. The model is analyzed approximately by decomposing it into subsystems. Each subsystem is solved in isolation exactly using a Markov process and the individual results are combined together through an iterative method. Numerical results demonstrate that our method is accurate for a wide range of traffic patterns. We also derive an upper and lower bound for the link-blocking probabilities that can be computed efficiently. These bounds can be used for constellations of realistic size where each satellite has multiple beams.  相似文献   

低轨卫星星座网的切换研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
刘刚  苟定勇  吴诗其 《通信学报》2004,25(4):151-159
提出了一种适用于装备有星际链路的低轨卫星星座网的切换策略——最小跳数切换策略。该策略以端到端连接的跳数为基础,充分利用了低轨星座网的特点,将切换过程与路由有机地结合为一体,有效解决了不同卫星之间的切换问题。仿真结果表明,同已有的切换策略相比,该策略能够提供一定程度的QoS保障,获得较好的系统性能,如较低的传播延时和较小的切换频率,具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   

We address the problem of network pruning for extending the service life of satellites in LEO constellations. Satellites in LEO constellations can spend over 30 % of their time under the earth’s umbra, time during which they are powered by batteries. While the batteries are recharged by solar energy, the depth of discharge they reach during eclipse significantly affects their lifetime—and by extension, the service life of the satellites themselves. For batteries of the type that power Iridium satellites, a 15 % increase to the depth of discharge can practically cut their service lives in half. In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of two forms of network pruning schemes that reduce the energy consumption of LEO satellite network. First, we propose a new lightweight traffic-agnostic metric for quantifiying the quality of a frugal topology, the Adequacy Index (ADI). After showing that the problem of minimizing the power consumption of a LEO network subject to a given ADI threshold is NP-hard, we propose heuristcs to solve it. Second, we propose traffic-aware metric for quantifiying the quality of a frugal topology, the maximum link utilization (MLU). Also, with the problem being NP-hard subject to a given MLU threshold, we propose heuristics to solve it. We evaluate both forms using realistic LEO topologies and traffic matrices. Results show that traffic-agnostic pruning and traffic-aware pruning can increase the satellite service life by as much as 85 and 80 %, respectively. This is accomplished by trading off very little in terms of average path length and congestion.  相似文献   

This special issue of the journal on ‘constellations’ comes at a critical time in their development as a second wave of such non‐geostationary satellite orbit (NGSO) systems is being planned and deployed. These mega‐constellations as they have become known are, with a few exceptions, very much larger than those in the first wave and are focused on broadband and 5G applications rather than speech and narrow band data as those deployed in the first wave during the 1990s. However, as we explain in this editorial, there are many similarities in the design and business plans to the first wave and, perhaps, many similar lessons to be learned.  相似文献   

Combined handover algorithm for dynamic satellite constellations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A combined handover algorithm is proposed for a dynamic mobile satellite system. Handover decisions are based on user terminal (UT) position and signal strength measurement. The handover performances considered are handover position and call termination probability  相似文献   

The paper addresses the need of controling the access of terminals with guaranteed ressources on the high dynamic systems offered by LEO satellite constellations. A call-access-control scheme that guarantees the reservation of permanent resources of satellite constellations in $O(\sqrt(n)\hbox{log}(n))The paper addresses the need of controling the access of terminals with guaranteed ressources on the high dynamic systems offered by LEO satellite constellations. A call-access-control scheme that guarantees the reservation of permanent resources of satellite constellations in time, where n is the number of user present in the system, is described. A tradeoff between computational time of call-access-control and optimization of the use of the spectrum is identified. Some experimental results are presented.
Jér?me GaltierEmail:

田斌  梁俊  余江明 《信息技术》2010,(3):6-8,13
卫星网络不仅能提供全球无缝覆盖,具有连续的高带宽性能,而且还支持灵活、可扩展的网络配置.文中阐述了LEO卫星网络在空间通信中的重要地位及路由算法应当具有的通用、简洁和可靠等特点.从各方面综述了多种路由算法,并对其进行详细的分析和比较,最后指明进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

卫星网络安全路由研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李喆  刘军 《通信学报》2006,27(8):113-118
依据卫星网络特点,对卫星网络安全的关键技术进行深入的研究,提出一种安全路由协议,该协议采用静态配置与动态调整相结合的策略,在网络拓扑变化时自动对路由进行调整,并为协议增加了基于信誉度的安全机制,使之能够检测到网络中节点的恶意行为并迅速做出反应,实现对网络内部及外部攻击的防范。  相似文献   

CCSDS链路层协议TC的重传功能可以减少误码丢包而导致TCP窗口缩减、吞吐量降低的情况,但是链路层对丢失的数据反复重传易引起数据包端到端传输时延的剧烈变化,可能导致TCP数据包失序和重传定时器发生超时,引起传输层和链路层重复重传的情况.该文通过链路层与传输层的差错控制信息交互,传输层将TCP数据的序列号通告链路层,链...  相似文献   

This paper discusses networking issues associated with the provision of L/S-band personal satellite communications. Both the UMTS and IMT-2000 third generation mobile communication concepts have identified the need for a satellite component as part of their overall structure. The work is mostly based on the ESA-developed medium altitude global satellite system (MAGSS-14).1 It is, therefore, mainly relevant to MEO (medium earth orbit) constellations but most ideas can also be extended to LEO (low earth orbit) constellations. After examining user and service requirements the specific networking issues associated with personal satellite communications are reviewed. A network architecture is then proposed which takes these restrictions into account. Based on this network architecture, network signalling requirements, more specifically those relevant to network common control channels, are estimated.  相似文献   

张伟  王绍棣 《信息技术》2004,28(7):4-7,55
摘要:TCP连接中的慢启动在卫星网的环境下对TCP性能有着非常重要的影响,讨论了动的相关的因素以及针对卫星网的特点做出的改进。在文章的最后,分析了一个实际操作系统中TCP/IP协议的滑动窗口实现。  相似文献   

Handover is one of the key subjects in maintaining the quality of service offered by non‐geostationary constellation systems. As the satellite coverage moves according to the satellite motion, the continuity of a call must be maintained from one satellite to another. In case the handover fails, the call is dropped, resulting in a quality of service degradation. This paper proposes several handover procedures that guarantee a successful handover in non‐geostationary satellite constellations requiring mutual visibility. Reservations at next satellite must be done in advance in order to avoid call drops. Several handover performance metrics (such as call blocking probability, call dropping probability and handover rate) are presented for each procedure as a function of traffic load variation. Comparisons of handover performance metrics between these procedures are presented as well. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The integration of satellite and terrestrial networks is a promising solution for extending broadband coverage to areas not connected to a terrestrial infrastructure, as also demonstrated by recent commercial and standardisation endeavours. However, the large delays and Doppler shifts over the satellite channel pose severe technical challenges to traditional terrestrial systems, as long‐term evolution (LTE) or 5G. In this paper, 2 architectures are proposed for a low Earth orbit mega‐constellation realising a satellite‐enabled LTE system, in which the on‐ground LTE entity is either an eNB (Sat‐eNB) or a relay node (Sat‐RN). The impact of satellite channel impairments as large delays and Doppler shifts on LTE PHY/MAC procedures is discussed and assessed. The proposed analysis shows that, while carrier spacings, random access and RN attach procedures do not pose specific issues and hybrid automatic repeat request requires substantial modifications. Moreover, advanced handover procedures will be also required due to the satellites' movement.  相似文献   

Multiservice on-demand routing in LEO satellite networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, a distributed on-demand routing protocol for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems, named multiservice on-demand routing (MOR), is proposed and evaluated. The proposed protocol adjusts the routing procedure to the QoS requirements of different traffic classes. The performance of the MOR protocol is compared to the unique proposal for traffic class dependent routing in the literature and the good characteristics of the proposed scheme are corroborated by ample simulation experiments, where significant gains in performance are witnessed.  相似文献   

On-board satellite "split TCP" proxy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several satellite systems currently in operation or under development claim to support broadband Internet applications. In these scenarios, transmission control protocol (TCP) plays a critical role. Unfortunately, when used with satellite links, TCP suffers from a number of well-known performance problems, especially for higher data rates and high altitude satellites with longer delays. In response to these difficulties, the satellite and Internet research communities have developed a large gamut of solutions ranging from architectural modifications to changes in the TCP protocol. Among these, one approach requiring minimal modifications involves splitting the TCP connection in two or more segments with one segment connecting terrestrial nodes across the satellite network. In this paper, we consider an evolution of this idea: placing a TCP proxy on board the satellite that further subdivides the end-to-end connection into separate TCP connections between ground and space. We focus upon the efficient use of buffer resources on board the satellite, while at the same time enhancing TCP performance. We evaluate two TCP protocol versions, TCP NewReno and TCP Westwood. We consider various geosynchronous earth orbit satellite scenarios, with and without the split proxy, and with different channel error conditions (random errors, shadowing, etc.). Using simulation, we show that an on-board proxy provides a number of distinct advantages and can enhance throughput up to threefold for both TCP New Reno and TCP Westwood, in some scenarios, with relatively modest on-board buffering requirements. The main contributions of this paper are: the on-board split proxy concept, the buffer management strategy, the use of a realistic "urban shadowing" model in the evaluation, and the extensive comparison of the recently announced TCP Westwood with the traditional TCP New Reno.  相似文献   

Achieving high data rates using TCP/IP over satellite networks can be difficult. This article explains some of the reasons TCP/IP has difficulty with satellite links. We present solutions to some problems, and describe the state of the research on some the unsolved problems  相似文献   

TCP/IP enhancements for satellite networks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
With the emerging market for high-mobility remote access broadband services, satellite networks are becoming increasingly popular. Although the ubiquitous TCP/IP protocol is widely used to provide reliable data delivery in terrestrial networks, it faces many challenges in satellite environments. These stem from the inherent features of satellite channels, such as large delays, increased error rates, and bandwidth asymmetry. To address these concerns, a variety of solutions have been proposed. These include direct TCP enhancements to better tune the TCP/IP stack and additional selective acknowledgment mechanisms. Other proposals use advanced interworking to reduce sensitivity to various channel features. Examples include multiple TCP sessions, link-layer interworking, and ACK control schemes. Improving onboard satellite features (buffer management, flow control) can also provide benefits for TCP/IP transport. The objective of this article is to present the various solutions and discuss their possible trade-offs. Overall, there exists a rich set of alternatives to meet the challenges in this important arena  相似文献   

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