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陆地 《建筑学报》2022,(2):88-93
历史建筑的适应性利用与再利用实质上意味着根据新的需求对遗产进行改造,潜在地与尽可能完整、长久的遗产保护相悖.介绍美国为了克服这种概念缺陷,使有官方保护身份的历史建筑的适应性利用或再利用与遗产保护兼容,提出了康复性再生的概念并制定了《内政部长康复性再生标准》.提出西方国家的相关规定,尤其是这份《标准》,有助于我们深入理解...  相似文献   

延续·更新——近代建筑遗产修复再利用策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了近代建筑遗产面临的危机、矛盾及修复再利用中存在的问题。结合当前城市化发展的现状,提出了延续、更新的修复再利用策略,通过适应性再利用的模式达到延续近代建筑遗产生命力的目的。  相似文献   

遗产保护和气候变化正在从对立的角度共同作用于当今的建成环境。保护使得过去的状态在未来得以维持, 而气候变化带来的影响则相反。当前者试图延迟可能出现的进程时,后者则会在不知不觉中造成不可逆转的改变。 二者在价值观的冲突中必然会发生交汇。本文探讨了沿海遗产保护与海平面上升之间的冲突;在对于建筑遗产自 身以及对遗产保护概念的既有认知的基础上,就沿海建筑遗产所面临的困境,论证了对这些建筑物可能会采取的 具有先锋性的适应性措施以及再利用方式。本文着重讨论了被海平面上升所威胁的遗产更新的既有保护政策的必 要性,以及可视化技术在这一进程中所发挥的作用,以促使沿海遗产社区提前对此类政策做好准备。  相似文献   

建筑遗产作为一个民族的文化、历史的一种表达方式,如何在城市高速发展、生活极速变化的当下社会中保护延存一直是一个值得思考的问题。文章以建筑遗产保护的原真性概念为出发点,通过对建筑遗产保护方面重要指导性文件的分析及梳理,进行了关于建筑遗产原真性概念及原真性的层次思考,并探讨了以原真性程度为基础的不同侧重点的建筑遗产保护及再利用方式和影响选择保护及再利用方式的因素。旨在增加建筑遗产保护方式,对当下环境的适用性提供新思路。  相似文献   

钱晨  曾巧巧 《华中建筑》2023,(8):119-122
工业遗产见证了工业时代的文明,但随着城市结构与经济发展的转型使得大量的工业遗产逐渐没落。城市里便留下了大量遗弃的工业遗产,这些工业遗产见证了一个时代的发展,甚至代表了当时最先进的生产技术。因此工业遗产的适应性再利用就显得尤为重要。对城市现存的工业遗产活化再利用,从而实现功能上的更新与转型,能使得改造后的建筑适用于当下时代发展和生活的需要。该文通过对昆明钢铁厂旧址的适应性再利用的必要性进行分析;探讨适应性再利用的模式,从而来保护当地工业的历史、文化、气息。旨在通过对昆明钢铁厂旧址的更新改造的研究来探讨一条工业遗产适应性再利用的方式,以期获得场所的活力再生和为工业遗产的保护与转型探寻一条合适的道路。  相似文献   

作为现代运动的产物,现代建筑遗产是国家身份的象征,也是城市文化和记忆的组成部分。然而,作为中国现代化的无声见证,许多现代建筑遗产由于一些原因仍然缺乏保护。如今,现代建筑遗产问题因未受到重视而面临极大隐患。现代建筑遗产保护需要科学的保护方法,而其保护方法又应该建立在准则基础上。文章通过对中国现代建筑遗产保护重要性进行研究,阐明中国现代建筑遗产的基本概念和价值体系,回顾遗产管理制度和法律,对中国现代建筑遗产保护的研究案例进行评估,对中国现代建筑遗产保护的问题、困境和挑战,以及如何更好地解决这些问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

随着城市化的加速和社会经济的腾飞,城市建筑遗产却在城市更新的脚步中不断遗失,并面临断层的危机。我国建筑遗产保护任重而道远,该如何正确认识建筑遗产的价值,并平衡好城市跨越式发展与建筑遗产保护之间的种种矛盾,是值得我们思考的问题。  相似文献   

城市建筑遗产是一种独特的文化资源,对其进行保护和再利用具有重要意义,它作为一种城市发展的见证物,凝聚着市民对过往时光的回忆。结合创意文化产业的发展,这种建筑遗产特别的利用模式是建筑遗产再利用的重要表现形式之一。建筑遗产与创意文化产业的融合有利于城市建筑遗产的集中保护和管理,有利于文化创意产业集群的形成发展。通过对罍街文创小镇规划的剖析,探讨建筑遗产再利用背景下创意文化产业的发展策略与规划方法等问题,并提出创意文化产业发展相关思考与建议。  相似文献   

西欧产业建筑遗产适应性再利用的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈卓  张炳秀 《工业建筑》2008,38(1):50-53
在回顾产业建筑遗产适应性再利用发展历程的基础上,对产业建筑遗产适应性再利用的产生动因和重要意义进行阐述,总结出产业建筑遗产适应性再利用的基本设计原则和方法。通过对温特图尔、维也纳等西欧城市产业建筑遗产的改造和适应性再利用案例的分析,对近年来西欧国家产业建筑遗产的保护和更新改造的特点、趋势和经验进行探讨,分析比较中国与西欧国家在该设计领域存在的差距,从而学习吸取西欧国家先进的方法和经验。  相似文献   

随着城市化的发展和产业的转型,传统工业已经不适应新生产的要求,大量工业遗存厂区面临着倒闭、搬迁、拆除的危机。如何保护这些遗产景观并高效利用这些遗产资源,为城市建设保留城市文化记忆,是我们目前需要深入研究的一个问题。文章以郑州第二砂轮厂遗留下来的遗产景观为对象,从建筑、景观层面做详细的调查分析,并根据调查分析提出保护与利用的建议,从而实现遗产景观的活化再利用。  相似文献   

In recent years, a growing number of churches no longer used by religious groups have been converted to loft housing. Church lofts offer consumers heritage architecture and unique aesthetics, elements that distinguish these spaces in the housing market. In order to sell converted churches as viable homes, however, developers and their marketing teams deploy a variety of marketing strategies. Through an analysis of advertising media in Toronto, Ontario, in this paper, I show how former churches are repackaged and promoted with a heritage identity that fits a normative ideal of upscale loft living. In particular, I analyse three central marketing themes: the reinvention of a church to a house and home, the production of identity through place names and the representation of church lofts in the urban landscape. Woven together, these themes rewrite a building’s religious past and legitimize an emerging housing market that makes use of built religious heritage.  相似文献   

改造性再利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在澳大利的遗产保护中,为文物建筑建筑改造再利用的方式越来越受到重视。人们在制定保护规划的基础上,通过改造性再利用使建筑遗产的重要性得以最大限度的保存和再现,并不断为社会提供效益,弗里曼特尔监狱即是这种方式的成功范例。  相似文献   

The operational phase of a building project has increasingly gained importance with their energy performance becoming valuable and determining their operational excellence. In most heritage building projects (HBPs), the operational energy use aspects areless considered, and a systematic way of analyzing their energy performance following project delivery is often lacking. The aim of this study is to evaluate the operational performance of refurbishment and reuse of UK listed church projects. The objective is to assess the operational energyuse with a view to optimizing their sustainable performance. The methodology includes eight selected case study buildings refurbished and converted for multipurpose use. The case study approach provided qualitative insights into how the study contributes to a more structured requirements for energy management in HBPs with specific attention to energy-efficient building operations. The findings show the need to focus on fundamental areas of operational management (i.e.by developing and implementing more focused policy on operational energy performance of heritage buildings) to minimize the energy required to operate them. The challenges of implementing changes in operational energy performance improvement of heritage buildings are addressed in the form of recommendations that could lead to real results. The study concludes that leveraging these areas requires commitment from all heritage building stakeholders because they all have substantial roles in harmonizing the requirement for the project's sustainability and not just the building operators. Meanwhile, baseline project planning, periodic updating, monitoring, and managing the energy use pattern are suggested as measures that could greatly facilitate better energy performance to optimizing their sustainable reuse compared with the traditional approach of trying to improve their thermal performance.  相似文献   

长春天主教堂有百余年的历史,其纪念意义和历史意义已经使其成为城市的地标性建筑。在城市高速发展的今天,如何进行宗教文物建筑的保护和再利用,以及文物建筑保护与城市发展相协调的问题越来越受到人们的关注。本文以快速发展的城市化进程中的文物建筑中的宗教建筑保护为切入点,以长春天主教堂的保护和再利用为研究对象,通过对文物建筑的信息数据的采集和整理,以及对保护内容的分析整合,探讨文物建筑中宗教建筑在城市发展中的保护原则和策略。  相似文献   

城市产业类建筑遗产改造性再利用模式的生成语境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐震  顾大治 《工业建筑》2011,41(6):47-49,53
改造性再利用已成为产业类建筑遗产保护的主要模式,通过探析该模式形成的深层背景,为其他类型建筑遗产的保护提供借鉴.城市土地再开发提出了产业地段更新的现实需求;工业建筑从“构筑物”到“遗产”的历史变迁,从保护历史见证的立场上提出了改造性再利用的可能性、可持续发展观和节能减排的环境要求,促使改造性再利用模式被优先选择;而产业...  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(4):496-521

US cities with shrinking populations have faced tremendous challenges in conserving their built heritage. Often, conservation work involves adaptively reusing existing buildings. Most reuse activity is fuelled by the developer and market-driven rehabilitation of historic properties through tax credits and other incentives. Places of worship like churches, however, are difficult to rehabilitate, and cities lose this urban heritage after years of vacancy and neglect, and eventual demolition. In many shrinking cities, particularly those now welcoming new immigrants and refugees, serendipitous conservation of vacant churches through faith-to-faith conversion can be an asset to local planners and preservationists in their fight to save urban heritage from demolition. This paper examines two former Roman Catholic Churches in the City of Buffalo: one converted into an Islamic mosque, and another into a Buddhist temple, to argue that faith-to-faith conversions can be a viable tool for other US cities experiencing similar threats to their urban heritage.  相似文献   

The City of Perth in Western Australia is a relatively modern city and was founded in 1829. A considerable amount of its built stock will become redundant in the near future. An issue that will face many building owners, designers, property developers and planners will be to adapt or demolish existing buildings to meet changing economic and social needs and issues related to sustainability. The rhetoric associated with the benefits of adaptive reuse has been widely espoused. It would appear in reality; however, that owners and practitioners are only embracing this sustainability strategy in a piecemeal manner within Perth. This paper examines owners’ and practitioners’ views and experiences associated with adaptive reuse. In conjunction with the normative literature and the research findings, a building viability process model is presented that can be used by owners, occupiers and planners to determine the strategy needed to meet changing commercial and regulatory demands being required of buildings.  相似文献   

三线建设遗留的建筑与一般的工业建筑遗产相比,既有相同之处也有其特殊性.探讨我国三线建设中的军事工业建筑合理再利用,应当在了解建筑遗留的概况和当今工业遗产保护现状的基础上,将当下国内外工业建筑的再利用策略与三线建设地区的具体情况结合起来制定相应的策略.  相似文献   

吴美萍 《建筑师》2020,(5):6-15
本文介绍了西方关于建筑再利用的理论研究和教学概况,以期为国内更好地理解建筑再利用问题以及将来 开展相关研究、教学和项目实践提供些许参考。本文第一部分介绍了建筑再利用的理论研究,从建筑学领域和遗 产保护领域这两个方面分开阐述,建筑学领域关于建筑再利用的理论研究主要分为类型学、技术派、建筑策略和 室内设计等方向,遗产保护领域关于建筑再利用的专门讨论是近几年才开始的,主要包括适应性再利用、可持续 再利用和共同演变式再利用等方向。第二部分介绍了建筑再利用的教学情况,首先以米兰理工大学为例介绍了建 筑学科下关于建筑再利用的专业课程教学,接着以美国罗德岛设计学院和比利时哈瑟尔特大学等高校为代表介绍 了关于建筑适应性再利用的专业硕士培训项目,最后介绍了欧盟关于现代主义建筑再利用以及其他高校关于建筑 再利用的硕士培训项目。  相似文献   

Conservationists and government authorities acknowledge that adaptive reuse of historic buildings contributes to urban sustainability. Traditional Chinese shophouses are a major historic building typology found in the old districts of Asian cities. In Hong Kong, the few remaining shophouses are generally deteriorating and are increasingly under threat of demolition for urban renewal. However, adaptive reuse of these buildings has created many social concerns. In light of these concerns, evaluating adaptive reuse potential needs to incorporate a much broader sustainability framework than simply physical building conditions. This study examines the extent to which obsolescence, heritage value and redevelopment pressures have affected the adaptive reuse of shophouse intervention in government-led urban renewal projects. Interestingly, the results based on adaptive reuse potential find no consistent relationships among the adaptive reuse actions of eight cases in urban renewal districts of Hong Kong. Instead, the question of revitalizing shophouses is determined by whether they are within an urban renewal redevelopment plan. This study further explores the broader urban sustainability framework reflected in eight case studies of shophouse revitalization in three renewal districts. It includes a qualitative synthesis of the social, environmental, economic, and political considerations contributing to the adaptive reuse of shophouses in urban renewal.  相似文献   

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