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目的:了解非口腔医学生口腔卫生保健知识和行为习惯的现状,为探索适合大学生人群口腔卫生保健的健康教育模式及途径提供依据.方法:采用自行设计问卷,内容包括口腔卫生知识,卫生习惯和卫生行为3方面.共设26道选择题.调查对象 延安大学医学院非口腔专业(临床医学)08级(大三)医学生.采用整群抽样方法,随机选取200名医学生进行问卷调查,获有效问卷156份进行统计分析.结果:非口腔专业医学生口腔卫生保健10个知识平均知晓率为52.31%.口腔保健7个行为平均正确率为39.48%.9个口腔不良卫生习惯平均发生率16.81%.12.18%的医学生有早晚刷牙的习惯,71.16%采用正确的刷牙方式,42.95%有饭后漱口的习惯.26.28%的医学生通过学校教育获得口腔保健知识.结论:非口腔专业医学生的口腔保健知识较薄弱,行为较落后,口腔卫生保健有待加强,是今后高校健康教育工作中需要重点关注的问题.  相似文献   

Now that political change is on the way in South Africa, what should be the position of doctors who are invited to visit the country? Does the "academic boycott" still have relevance? Waterston and Zwi review the case for and against an academic boycott policy, using evidence collected during the recent visit by Physicians for Human Rights (UK) and the Johannes Wier Foundation. The health system in South Africa is still inequitable, and despite progress towards desegregation in hospitals there is little momentum towards universal provision of primary health care, especially in the rapidly growing townships around big cities. The authors consider that pressure on the government should be maintained by outside organisations but that support directed towards appropriate health care should be encouraged, particularly in public health and primary health care.  相似文献   

Attitudes of 85 undergraduates toward various mental health professional roles were evaluated using a semantic differential assessment instrument. Expressed attitudes were most positive toward those roles identified with physical medicine (i.e., physician and nurse) and least positive toward those professions traditionally identified with mental illness (i.e., psychiatrist and psychoanalyst). However, the public appears to be making increasing differentiations in attitudes expressed toward the various professional groups identified with the "psyche" prefix. For example, counseling psychologist was rated consistently as one of the most positive professional role categories, whereas psychoanalyst was rated consistently as one of the most negative role designations. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This paper presents results from research that explored the roles of bilingual professionals in community mental health services in the Sydney metropolitan area of New South Wales. There were two main objectives to the research: (i) to identify and describe the roles of bilingual professionals that are important in improving the quality of community mental health services for clients from non-English-speaking backgrounds (NESB); and (ii) to identify and describe the factors that facilitate and inhibit the conduct of these roles. METHOD: Data collection involved indepth interviews with bilingual professionals and team leaders in community mental health services and various other community health services; and various staff responsible for policy and service development with regard to cultural diversity. RESULTS: Bilingual mental health workers were found to have at least four critical roles. These were (i) direct clinical service provision to NESB clients; (ii) mental health promotion and community development; (iii) cultural consultancy; and (iv) service development. Respondents reported that the latter three roles were seriously underdeveloped compared to the clinical service provision role. CONCLUSIONS: It is critical that service managers implement strategies to make better use of the linguistic and cultural skills of bilingual professionals. In addition to their role in clinical service provision ways must be found to facilitate the community-focused, cultural consultancy and service development roles of bilingual professionals employed in mental health services.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding advocates say that breastfeeding is health promotion in its purest form. Its considerable health benefits to the infant and the mother are well documented. Recent research has identified breastfeeding as a key factor in the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and increased cognitive functioning. As a method of feeding, breastfeeding offers immediate economic advantages to the parents and long-term economic savings to society. One author reports that the exclusive breastfeeding of infants for four months could save the Province of Ontario at least $862,000 a year just by reducing the need for the treatment of otitis media. Another researcher calculated the cost of treating 150 bottle-fed babies hospitalized for gastroenteritis at $450,000 Canadian, while reminding us that "hospitalization for gastroenteritis is almost unknown for exclusively breast-fed infants." With all these known benefits, why is breastfeeding not more prevalent among Canadian mothers?  相似文献   

Research on childhood family environments of mental health professionals suggests that therapists are often raised in dysfunctional families and experience significant psychological distress in adult life. This study examined the prevalence of childhood trauma, family dysfunction, and current psychological distress among female mental health professionals (N?=?340) and compared it with the prevalence among women working in other professions (N?=?2,623). Psychotherapists reported higher rates of physical abuse, sexual molestation, parental alcoholism, psychiatric hospitalization of a parent, death of a family member, and greater family dysfunction in their families of origin than did other professionals. As adults, psychotherapists experienced less anxiety, depression, dissociation, sleep disturbance, and impairment in interpersonal relationships than did women in professions other than mental health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the last 25 years there has been a substantial caries decline among children and adolescents in many Western societies. Recent epidemiologic data show a reduced caries prevalence also in young adult cohorts, indicating that the caries reduction is maintained into adulthood.  相似文献   

A total of 423 health professionals, including physicians, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and nurses, attended a two-day program to increase awareness, recognition, and treatment of depression. In a preprogram opinion survey, nurses and social workers reported less perceived ability to recognize mood disorders compared with physicians and psychologists. In a group of 274 respondents who took a 20-item test of their knowledge about depression before and after attending the program, scores for all professions increased after the program and pretest differences in scores between professions decreased. The results suggest that training was successful in increasing knowledge about depression among a diverse group of health professionals.  相似文献   

85 male and 40 female psychologists (mean age 47.9 yrs) and psychiatrists (mean age 54.8 yrs) were administered the Attitudes Toward Women Scale and the short form of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory to assess the effects of sex, sex role attitudes, professional affiliation, and therapeutic orientation on sex-role attitudes and sex-role stereotyping. In general, Ss demonstrated relatively liberal sex role attitudes. However, more liberal attitudes were endorsed by psychologists than by psychiatrists and, within disciplines, by younger Ss and those with fewer years of experience. Regarding sex role stereotyping, Ss with less liberal sex role attitudes exhibited stereotyping to a significantly greater extent than did those with more liberal attitudes. Female Ss endorsed as great a double standard of mental health as did males. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Depression affects a significant proportion of the expanding elderly population in the UK. Reports of a poorer prognosis for older than for younger adult patients have been challenged by recent papers. METHOD: The casenotes of 56 adults (mean age 47.8 years) and 54 elderly (mean age 72.9 years) patients with primary depression were assessed one year after receiving hospital treatment. Outcome measures were compared with earlier reported findings and factors possibly influencing outcome were explored. RESULTS: The pattern of outcome in both age groups was broadly similar, thus: adults v. elderly: recovered 44.6% v. 44.4%; relapsed and recovered 23.2% v. 24%; residual symptoms 19.6% v. 13% and chronic depression 7.1% v. 5.5%. In the adults there were two natural deaths and one suicide. In the elderly there were two cases of dementia and five natural deaths, which was double the expected death rate. Predictors of poor outcome were melancholic depression in adults and longer duration of illness at intake and an increasing number of previous episodes of affective disorder in the elderly. CONCLUSION: The outcome of treated depressive illnesses appears similar in elderly and adult patients. Associated physical ill health did not adversely affect outcome in the elderly group.  相似文献   

Explores the structure and assumptions of mental health law to elucidate the proper role of mental health professionals when they provide information to the legal system. Most of the questions asked of professionals by law are argued to be primarily social, moral, and legal rather than scientific. It is claimed that in light of present knowledge, experts have less to offer to the law than is commonly supposed. They can, however, make a limited, reasonable contribution to legal decision making by providing scientific information that is not otherwise available to the law. (37 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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