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2004/2005棉季,原棉的价格达到了相当低的水平,因此有人预计本季的棉花价格还会明显地下降,然而这并没有发生.  相似文献   

由于具有新产能的工厂不断崛起以及产能在全球范围内的不断渗透,非织造行业2005年持续增长.瑞士苏拉纺织集团预计,与2004年相比增长6.8%,产量约610万t.该数据比非织造布协会提供的数据要高出130万t,其中中国的产量高出了40万t,其他非纺织的应用(特别是用于填充的短纤维)高出了90万t.非织造行业的各种市场已经或将面临着不同的发展与前景.  相似文献   

2003年,全球非织造材料增长了7%,达到450万t,其中用即弃非织造布获得了进一步的认可,占总量的55.5%。卫生材料作为主要的用即弃产品占市场份额的47%;紧随其后的是揩布(21%)和医用非织造材料(12%)。在耐久材料市场中,土工布、屋顶材料、家装材料和车用材料是最重要的消费部分。  相似文献   

尽管阿根廷葡萄酒生产还远不如澳大利亚、法国、美国及邻国智利,但在近十年内有$15亿的资金投入了葡萄酒厂,以提高本国葡萄酒的质量和品牌形象,提升阿根廷葡萄酒的国际地位。  相似文献   

葡萄酒行业投资特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对国内葡萄酒行业状况的分析,解读葡萄酒行业投资特性。  相似文献   

杨和财  马栋 《中国酿造》2007,(10):74-75
近几年我国葡萄酒行业快速发展,但伴随而来的葡萄酒商标侵权也越演越烈。从2003年的2起王朝葡萄酒商标侵权案,到2004年轰动整个葡萄酒行业的张裕解百纳商标注册之争,再到2005年的中粮长城亿元商标侵权索赔案,都证明了葡萄酒行业商标侵权现象突出。严重的葡萄酒商标侵权现状,给葡萄酒企业乃至整个葡萄酒行业都造成了巨大的阴影。如何有效打击和防  相似文献   

李保国 《中国酒》2007,(7):78-81
山东省是我国近代葡萄酒工业的发祥地.早在1892年爱国华侨张弼士先生就在烟台创建了张裕葡萄酒公司。进入21世纪.葡萄酒产业是成长最好、发展最快的行业之一.葡萄酒产业已成为国内新的投资热点。特别是近几年来.我省葡萄酒产业得到了长足的发展.区域优势进一步加强。[第一段]  相似文献   

全球纺织加工行业(含服装业)2007年制造水平增长8%,达11500亿美元(图1~图3)。2007年全球纺织纤维用量增长7%,达8400万t,其中化学纤维占55%,棉纤维占34%,其他植物纤维占8%,羊毛占2%。1997~2007年间,纤维用量每年以4%的速度增长,除羊毛以外,其他纤维都呈增长态势。化学纤维年增长率为5%,  相似文献   

高美书 《中国酒》1999,(4):50-51
葡萄酒生产可以有利带动坡地、砂砾地等不宜种植粮食的土地资源来种植葡萄。发展葡萄酒可获得很好的社会效益、环保效益和经济效益。因此,在我国酿酒政策中一直鼓励葡萄酒的发展。但是由于多种原因,葡萄酒的发展经过几起几落。至令年产量徘徊在20万吨左右,不足饮料酒总产量的1%,属于一个小酒种,但这两年产量增幅比较大。1997年在饮料酒中属发展速度较快的酒种,除啤酒外,就是葡萄酒,其增幅分别为12.31%和8.93%。  相似文献   

葡萄酒行业新的巨人不断诞生,就在星座品牌公司斥资13亿美元收购了麻烦不断的罗伯特.蒙大维酿酒公司不久,Diageo——世界上最大的烈酒供应商,同意收购Chalone集团——一个小型的高档葡萄酒生产企业,交易额大约2.6亿美元。  相似文献   

自1980年起世界葡萄酒消费量总体来讲一直呈现下降趋势。据世界最大的酒类展览公司Vinexpo研究,到2005年,全球葡萄酒将剩余1000万t。世界主流葡萄酒生产国在面临大量的葡萄酒剩余的同时,必将寻求销售的突破点。中国葡萄酒市场近几年一直在以超过10%的速度增长,巨大的市场潜力无  相似文献   

1H NMR spectroscopic analysis coupled with multivariate statistical data was used to characterize wines vinified from four grape varieties: Muscat Bailey A (Vitis labrusca), Campbell Early (V. labrusca B.), Kyoho (V. labrusca L.) and Meoru (Vitis coignetiae). Pattern recognition methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal projection to latent structure discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), showed clear differentiation between wines made from these grape varieties. Metabolites responsible for the differentiation were identified as 2,3-butanediol, glycerol, malate, citrate, tartrate, succinate, lactate, proline, alanine, choline and trigonelline. The PCA score plot of quantitative analysis of targeted profiling data also showed clear separation between the wines. The highest levels of glycerol, 2,3-butanediol, succinate and alcohol were found in Kyoho wines, suggesting higher sugar content in the Kyoho grape berry compared to other grape varieties. Higher contents of citrate and trigonelline in Muscat Bailey A wines, alanine in Campbell Early wines and proline, malate and choline in Meoru wines demonstrated that the metabolites of the wines vary with the grape variety. This study provides insight into the relationship between grape variety and its wine through global and targeted analysis of 1H NMR spectral data.  相似文献   

Wastes generated by the wine industry (grape marc), mainly residues from white wine vinifications, are an important source of aroma and phenolic compounds. However, grape marcs are highly perishable and seasonal products, so they require an adequate conservation method. In this respect, freeze-drying, versus conventional drying methods, is a good alternative since this technique preserves the quality of the raw material. Specifically, freeze-drying hardly caused losses of characteristic grape variety volatiles, such as terpenes and C6 compounds, neither increases in the concentration of furan compounds. Furthermore, freeze-dried grape skins obtained from residues did not presented changes in the amounts of phenolic compounds with respect to the fresh skins. On the other hand, skin-contact treatment with Muscat freeze-dried skins enhanced the aroma of white wines made from Airén grapes, a variety considered neutral, without affecting negatively their color. Skin-contact treatment preserved the wine fruity notes, although the only wine that conserved floral notes in its flavor profile was that macerated with freeze-dried skins. Also, these wines were better rated by the assessors than those macerated with Muscat fresh skins.  相似文献   

Fusel oils from Australian grape wines (Vine sp. Vitis vinifera) have been found to consist substantially of ethanol, n-propanol, isobutanol (2-methyl-1-propanol), isoamyl alcohol (3-methyl-1-butanol) and active amyl alcohol (2-methyl-1-butanol). In addition there are present large numbers of aliphatic esters, believed to be of considerable importance to grape brandy and spirit flavour and quality. The quantities and occurrence of these esters have been found to follow a systematic pattern. The major esterified alcohols are related to the free alcohols present and the major esterified acids occur as a series of acids of even carbon number with a maximum concentration at the n-decanoic acid. These relationships provide a basis for calculating the approximate ester composition of fusel oil.  相似文献   

Botrytized wines (BW) are famous for their distinctive, complex aromas. To date, only a few studies have analysed the volatile compounds involved in their typical flavours. In this paper, GC–O was applied to BW and dry white wines (DW) made from the same grape varieties to characterize the main odorants responsible for their sensory differences. Surprisingly, only two odorous zones, with grapefruit or curry nuances, were apparently specific to BW. However, GC–AEDA revealed important differences in the FD values between BW and DW, making it possible to screen potent odorants of BW, such as 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol, homofuraneol®, furaneol®, sotolon, methional, and phenylacetaldehyde. GC–MS quantification of homofuraneol®, furaneol®, norfuraneol®, phenylacetaldehyde, and methional in 14 BW, mostly at levels above their perception thresholds, confirmed their contribution to the aroma of BW. Increased concentrations of some of these odorants in BW were shown to be associated with grape botrytization, partially through the desiccation process.  相似文献   

The primary focus of the European Union funded project entitled “Establishing a WINE Data Bank for analytical parameters for wines from Third Countries” (WINE-DB project, G6RD-CT-2001-00646-WINE-DB) was the discrimination of wine samples with respect to their geographical origin using only a few chemical parameters. Taking a step further, we have investigated the possibility of discriminating the wines in the data bank according to their harvesting seasons and grape varieties. Several chemometric methods were carefully selected and evaluated for this purpose. These were discriminant partial least squares, classification and regression trees, uninformative variable elimination discriminant partial least squares and neuro-fuzzy systems. With classification and regression trees, it was possible to identify a few chemical parameters including isotopic ratios (e.g. δ18O), biogenic amines and rare earth elements that discriminate between vintages and some grape varieties for wines produced in a particular country such as Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania or South Africa. These parameters can be used in evaluating the authenticity of wines.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin pattern of several red grape cultivars and wines made from them   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with in-line photodiode array detection was applied to separate anthocyanins from red grape skin extracts of several Spanish cultivars, before and after winemaking, and from finished red wines. Data show that, for every cultivar studied, the anthocyanin pattern of the three materials considered (fresh grape skins, crushed grape skins after winemaking, and finished red wines) is quite different. These results may be explained by taking into account the different chemical structures of each anthocyanin and the degradation reactions that should take place during winemaking. On the other hand, the HPLC fingerprint of every material (fresh grape skins, crushed grape skins after fermentation, and wines) is related to cultivar characteristics. Thus, HPLC determination of the anthocyanin pattern of wines may be used to predict the grape cultivar from which wine was made.  相似文献   

Objectives of this study were to make a Muscat Bailey A (MBA) wine from grapes raised in Yongdong, Korea using various manufacturing methods and to blend it with Gerbong and Campbell wines using optimization technique. Effects of fermentation temperatures and of American and French toasted oak chips were determined. The highest sensory score was achieved from without the bacteria at 11°C and with bacteria at 17°C, respectively. Higher preference value was obtained from the heavy toasted, and French oak chip. Three kinds of red wines made from 3 different varieties were mixed at the various ratio and optimized. As a result of numerical and graphical optimization, the ratio of 11.1 (Gerbong wine): 48.9 (Campbell wine): 40.0 (MBA wine) produced the best sensory score. This study was performed to improve the quality of MBA wine, and an optimum blending formulation for better quality wine was obtained.  相似文献   

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